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Enzymes and Vitamins enzymes and conjugated

General Characteristics of Enzyme
1.) A simple enzyme is an
❑ An enzyme is a compound, enzyme composed only of protein
usually protein, that acts as a (amino acid chains).
catalyst for a bio-chemical
reaction. 2.) A conjugated enzyme is an
enzyme that has a nonprotein part in
❑ Each cell in the human body addition to a protein part.
contains thousands of different
enzymes because almost every ✓ An apoenzyme is the protein
reaction in a cell requires its part of a conjugated enzyme. A
own specific enzyme. Enzymes cofactor is the nonprotein part
cause cellular reactions to of a conjugated enzyme.
occur millions of times faster ✓ A holoenzyme is the
than corresponding biochemically active
uncatalyzed reactions. conjugated enzyme produced
❑ Enzymes are not consumed from an apoenzyme and a
during the reaction but merely cofactor. Apoenzyme + cofactor
help the reaction occur more = holoenzyme
rapidly. The word enzyme Why do apoenzymes need cofactors?
comes from the Greek words
en which means ‘in’ and zyme  Cofactors provide additional
which means ‘yeast’ chemically reactive functional
groups besides those present
in the amino acid side chains of
❑ Most enzymes are globular apoenzymes.
proteins. It was thought that all  It is generally either a small
enzymes are proteins in 1980’s organic molecule or an
A few enzymes are that are inorganic ion (usually a metal
now know are made up of ion).
ribonucleic acid (RNA).
Enzymes undergo all reactions  Coenzyme is a small organic
of proteins, including molecule that serves as a
denaturation. Slight cofactor in a conjugated
alterations in pH or enzyme. Typical inorganic ion
temperature can affect cofactors include Zn^2 +
enzyme activity drastically. The Mg^2+, Mn^2+, and Fe^2+. The
biochemist must exercise nonmetallic CI° ion
extreme caution in handling occasionally acts as a cofactor.
enzymes to avoid loss of their Dietary minerals are an
activity. important source of inorganic
ion cofactors.
Enzyme Structure

✓ Enzyme Structure can be

divided into two general
structural classes: simple
Nomenclature and Classification of Enzymes are grouped into six major
Enzyme classes on the basis of the types of
reactions they catalyze.
➢ Enzymes are most commonly
named by using a system that 1. An oxidoreductase is an
attempts to provide enzyme that catalyzes an oxidation–
information about the function reduction reaction. Because oxidation
(rather than the structure) of and reduction are not independent
the enzyme. Type of reaction processes but linked processes that
catalyzed and substrate must occur together, an
identity are focal points for the oxidoreductase requires a coenzyme
nomenclature. A substrate is that is oxidized or reduced as the
the reactant in an enzyme- substrate is reduced or oxidized.
catalyzed reaction. The Lactate dehydrogenase is an
substrate is the substance oxidoreductase that removes
upon which the enzyme hydrogen atoms from a molecule.

Three important aspects of the

enzyme-naming process are the

1. The suffix -ase identifies a

substance as an enzyme. Thus urease,
sucrase, and lipase are all enzyme
designations. The suffix -in is still
2. A transferase is an enzyme that
found in the names of some of the
catalyzes the transfer of a functional
first enzymes studied, many of which
group from one molecule to another.
are digestive enzymes. Such names
Two major subtypes of transferases
include trypsin, chymotrypsin, and
are transaminases and kinases. A
transaminase catalyzes the transfer of
2. The type of reaction catalyzed an amino group from one molecule to
by an enzyme is often noted with a another. Kinases, which play a major
prefix. An oxidase enzyme catalyzes role in metabolic energy-production
an oxidation reaction, and a hydrolase reactions catalyze the transfer of a
enzyme catalyzes a hydrolysis phosphate group from adenosine
reaction. triphosphate (ATP) to give adenosine
diphosphate (ADP) and a
3. The identity of the substrate is often phosphorylated product (a product
noted in addition to the type of containing an additional phosphate
reaction. Enzyme names of this type group).
include glucose oxidase, pyruvate
carboxylase, and succinate
dehydrogenase. Infrequently, the
substrate but not the reaction type is
given, as in the names urease and
3. A hydrolase is an enzyme that product in reactions where
catalyzes a hydrolysis reaction in isomerases are operative.
which the addition of a water
molecule to a bond causes the bond
to break. Hydrolysis reactions are
central to the process of digestion.
Carbohydrases effect the breaking of
glycosidic bonds in oligo and
polysaccharides, proteases effect the
breaking of peptide linkages in
proteins, and lipases effect the
6. A ligase is an enzyme that catalyzes
breaking of ester linkages in
the bonding together of two
molecules into one with the
participation of ATP. ATP involvement
is required because such reactions are
generally energetically unfavorable
and they require the simultaneous
input of energy obtained by a
hydrolysis reaction in which ATP is
4. A lyase is an enzyme that catalyzes converted to ADP.
the addition of a group to a double
bond or the removal of a group to
form a double bond in a manner that
does not involve hydrolysis or
oxidation. A dehydratase effects the
removal of the components of water
from a double bond and a hydratase
effects the addition of the
components of water to a double
Enzyme Active Site

❑ Studies show that only a small

portion of an enzyme molecule
called the active site
participates in the interaction
with a substrate or substrates
during a reaction. The active
site is the relatively small part of
an enzyme’s structure that is
actually involved in catalysis.
5. An isomerase is an enzyme that The active site in an enzyme is
catalyzes the isomerization a three-dimensional entity
(rearrangement of atoms) of a formed by groups that come
substrate in a reaction, converting it from different parts of the
into a molecule isomeric with itself. protein chain(s); these groups
There is only one reactant and one are brought together by the
folding and bending
(secondary and tertiary
structure of the protein. The
active site is usually a
“crevicelike” location in the

Enzyme–Substrate Complex The forces that draw the substrate

❑ Catalysts offer an alternative into the active site are many of the
pathway with lower activation same forces that maintain tertiary
energy through which a structure in the folding of peptide
reaction chains. Electrostatic interactions,
hydrogen bonds, and hydrophobic
can occur. In enzyme-controlled interactions all help attract and bind
reactions, this alternative pathway substrate molecules.
involves the formation of an enzyme–
substrate complex as an intermediate Enzyme Specificity
species in the reaction. An enzyme– Enzymes exhibit different levels of
substrate complex is the intermediate selectivity, or specificity, for
reaction species that is formed when substrates. The degree of enzyme
a substrate binds to the active site of specificity is determined by the
an enzyme. Within the enzyme– active site. Some active sites
substrate complex, the substrate accommodate only one particular
encounters more favorable reaction compound, whereas others can
conditions than if it were free. The accommodate a “family” of closely
result is faster formation of product. related compounds. Types of enzyme
Lock-and-Key Model specificity include

To account for the highly specific way 1. Absolute Specificity. Such

an enzyme recognizes a substrate specificity means an enzyme will
and binds it to the active site, catalyze a particular reaction for only
researchers have proposed several one substrate. This most restrictive of
models. The simplest of these models all specificities is not common. Urease
is the lock-and-key model. is an enzyme with absolute specificity.

Induced-Fit Model 2. Stereochemical Specificity. Such

specificity means an enzyme can
The lock-and-key model explains the distinguish between stereoisomers.
action of numerous enzymes. It is, Chirality is inherent in an active site,
however, too restrictive for the action because amino acids are chiral
of many other enzymes. Experimental compounds. L-Amino-acid oxidase
evidence indicates that many will catalyze reactions of L-amino
enzymes have flexibility in their acids but not of D-amino acids.
shapes. They are not rigid and static;
there is constant change in their 3. Group Specificity. Such specificity
shape. involves structurally similar
compounds that have same
functional groups. Carboxypeptidase
is group-specific; it cleaves amino
acids, one at a time, from the carboxyl
end of the peptide chain.

4. Linkage Specificity. Such

specificity involves a particular type of
bond, irrespective of the structural
features in the vicinity of the bond.
Phosphatases hydrolyze phosphate–
ester bonds in all types of phosphate
esters. Linkage specificity is the most
general of the specificities considered.

Factors that Affect Enzyme

 Enzyme activity is a measure of

the rate at which an enzyme
converts substrate to products Ph
in biochemical reaction. Four
✓ The pH of an enzyme’s
factors affect enzyme activity:
environment can affect its
temperature, pH, substrat
activity. This is not surprising
concentration, and enzyme
because the charge on acidic
and basic amino acids (Section
Temperature 20.2) located at the active site
depends on pH.
 Temperature is a measure of
the kinetic energy (energy of ✓ Optimum pH is the pH at
motion) of molecules. Higher which an enzyme exhibits
temperatures mean molecules maximum activity.
are moving faster and colliding Biochemical buffers help
more frequently. This concept maintain the optimum pH for
applies to collisions between an enzyme.
substrate molecules and
✓ Each enzyme has a
enzymes. As the temperature
characteristic optimum pH,
of an enzymatically catalyzed
which usually falls within the
reaction increases, so does the
physiological pH range of 7.0–
rate (velocity) of the reaction.
 The temperature that
✓ A variation from normal pH can
produces maximum activity for
also affect substrates, causing
an enzyme is known as the
either protonation or
optimum temperature for that
deprotonation of groups on the
enzyme. Optimum
substrate. The interaction
temperature is the
between the altered substrate
temperature at which an
and the enzyme active site may
enzyme exhibits maximum
be less efficient than normal—
or even impossible.
active site. At this point, the enzyme is
said to be under saturation

 The rate at which an enzyme

accepts substrate molecules
and releases product
molecules at substrate
saturation is given by its
turnover number. An enzyme’s
turn over number is the
number of substrate molecules
transformed per minute by one
molecule of enzyme under
optimum conditions of
temperature, pH, and
saturation. The table below
gives turnover numbers for
selected enzymes. Some
enzymes have a much faster
mode of operation than others.
Substrate Concentration

When the concentration of an

enzyme is kept constant and the
concentration of substrate is
increased, the enzyme activity pattern
shown in picture (Figure 21.8). This Enzyme Concentration
activity pattern is called a saturation
Because enzymes are not consumed
curve. Enzyme activity increases up to
in the reactions they catalyze, the cell
a certain substrate concentration and
usually keeps the number of enzymes
thereafter remains constant.
low compared with the number of
What limits enzymatic activity to a substrate molecules. This is efficient;
certain maximum value? the cell avoids paying the energy
costs of synthesizing and maintaining
As substrate concentration increases,
a large work force of enzyme
the point is eventually reached where
molecules. Thus, in general, the
enzyme capabilities are used to their
concentration of substrate in a
maximum extent. The rate remains
reaction is much higher than that of
constant from this point on (Figure
the enzyme.
21.8). Each substrate must occupy an
enzyme active site for a finite amount If the amount of substrate present is
of time, and the products must leave kept constant and the enzyme
the site before the cycle can be concentration is increased, the
repeated. When each enzyme reaction rate increases because more
molecule is working at full capacity, substrate molecules can be
the incoming substrate molecules accommodated in a given amount of
must “wait their turn” for an empty time. A plot of enzyme activity versus
enzyme concentration, at a constant that would inactive human enzymes
substrate concentration that is high as well as enzymes present in other
relative to enzyme concentration, is types of higher organisms.
shown in the picture (Figure 21.9). The
The development of commercially
greater the enzyme concentration,
useful enzymes using extremophile
the greater the reaction rate.
sources involves the following general

1. Samples containing the

extremophile are gathered
from the extreme environment
where it is found.

2. DNA material is extracted from

the extremophile and

3. Macroscopic amounts of the

DNA are produced using the
polymerase chain reaction.

4. The macroscopic amount of

DNA is analyzed to identify the
genes present that re involved
in extremozyme production.

5. Genetic engineering
techniques are used to insert
the extremozyme gene into
bacteria, which then produce
the extremozyme.
6. The process is then
An extremozyme is a microorganism commercialized.
that thrives in extreme environments,
Enzyme Inhibition
environments in which humans and
most other forms of life could not The rates of enzyme-catalyzed
survive. reactions can be decreased by a
group of substances called
It was not until the 1970s that the
existence of extremophiles was inhibitors. An enzyme inhibitor is a
recognized. Research during the substance that slows or stops the
1980s and 1990s resulted in the normal catalytic
identification of numerous diverse
function of an enzyme by binding to
types of extremophiles found in many
it. In this section, we consider three
different locations.
modes by which
The enzymes present in
inhibition takes place: reversible
extremophiles are called
competitive inhibition, reversible
extremozymes. An extremozymes is a
microbial enzyme active at conditions
noncompetitive inhibition, and ❑ Unlike the situation in
irreversible inhibition. competitive inhibition,
increasing the concentration of
A competitive enzyme inhibitor is a
substrate does not completely
molecule that sufficiently resembles
overcome the inhibitory effect
an enzyme substrate in shape and
in this case. However, lowering
charge distribution that it can
the concentration of a
compete with the substrate for
noncompetitive inhibitor
occupancy of the enzyme’s active site.
sufficiently does free up many
enzymes, which then return to
normal activity.

Irreversible Inhibition

❑ An irreversible enzyme
inhibitor is a molecule that
inactivates enzymes by
forming a strong covalent
bond to an amino acid side-
chain group at the enzyme’s
Figure 21.10 compares the binding of a active site. In general, such
normal substrate and that of a inhibitors do not have
competitive inhibitor at an enzyme’s structures similar to that of the
active site. Note that the portions of enzyme’s normal substrate.
these two molecules that bind to the
active site have the same shape but
that the two molecules differ in overall The inhibitor–active site bond is
shape. It is because of this overall sufficiently strong that addition of
difference in shape that the substrate excess substrate does not reverse
reacts at the active site but the the inhibition process. Thus the
inhibitor does not. enzyme is permanently
deactivated. The actions of
chemical warfare agents (nerve
Reversible Noncompetitive gases) and organophosphate
Inhibition insecticides are based on
❑ A noncompetitive enzyme irreversible inhibition.
inhibitor is a molecule that
decreases enzyme activity by
binding to a site on an enzyme
other than the active site. The
substrate can still occupy the
active site, but the presence of
the inhibitor causes a change
in the structure of the enzyme
sufficient to prevent the
catalytic groups at the active
site from properly effecting
their catalyzing action. The difference between a
reversible competitive inhibitor 2) Proteolytic enzymes and
and a reversible noncompetitive zymogens, and
3) Covalent modification

Allosteric Enzymes

An allosteric enzyme is an enzyme

with two or more protein chains
(quaternary structure) and two kinds
of binding sites (substrate and
regulator). Many, but not all, of the
enzymes responsible for regulating
cellular processes are allosteric
enzymes. Characteristics of allosteric
➢ Regulation or enzyme activity enzymes are as follows:
within a cell is necessity for
1.) All allosteric enzymes have
many reasons. Illustrative of
quaternary structure; that is, they are
this need are the following two
composed of two or more protein
situations, both of which
involve the concept of energy
conservation. 2.) All allosteric enzymes have two
kinds of binding sites: those for
1. A cell that continually produces
substrate and those for regulators.
large amounts of an enzyme
for which substrate 3.) Active and regulatory binding sites
concentration is always very are distinct from each other in both
low is wasting energy. The location and shape. Often the
production of enzyme needs to regulatory site is on one protein chain
be “turned off”. and the active site is on another.
2. A product of an enzyme- 4.) Binding of a molecule at the
catalyzed reaction that is regulatory site causes changes in the
present in plentiful (more than overall three- dimensional structure
needed) amounts in a cell, is a of the enzyme, including structural
waste of energy if the enzymes changes at the active site.
continues to catalyze the
Substances that bind at regulatory
reaction that produces the
sites of allosteric enzymes are called
product. The enzyme needs to
regulators. The binding of a positive
be “turned off”.
regulator increases enzyme activity;
➢ Many mechanism exist by the shape of the active site is changed
which enzymes within a cell such that it can more readily accept
can be “turned on” and “turned substrate. The binding of a negative
off”. In this section we consider, regulator (a noncompetitive inhibitor)
in general terms, three such decreases enzyme activity; changes
mechanisms: to the active site are such that
substrate is less readily accepted.
1) Feedback control associated
with allosteric enzymes,
Proteolytic Enzymes and Zymogens
Feedback Control
❑ A proteolytic enzyme is an
➢ Feedback control is a process enzyme that catalyzes the
in which activation or inhibition breaking of peptide bonds
of the first reaction in a reaction that maintain the primary
sequence is controlled by a structure of a protein.
product of the reaction Because they would other-
sequence. wise destroy the tissues that
produce them, proteolytic
To illustrate the feedback control
enzymes are generated in an
mechanism, let us consider a
inactive form and then later,
biochemical process within a cell that
when they are needed, are
occurs in several steps, each step
converted to their active form.
catalyzed by a different enzyme.
Most digestive and blood-
To illustrate the feedback control clotting enzymes are
mechanism, let us consider a proteolytic enzymes.
biochemical process
❑ The inactive forms of
within a cell that occurs in several proteolytic enzymes are called
steps, each step catalyzed by a zymogens. A zymogen is the
different enzyme. inactive precursor of a
proteolytic enzyme. (An
alternative, but less often used,
name for a zymogen is
Feedback control is not the only proenzyme.)
mechanism by which an allosteric
enzyme can be regulated; it is just
one of the more common ways.

Regulators of a particular allosteric

enzyme may be products of entirely
different pathways of reaction within
the cell, or they may even be
compounds produced outside the cell
(hormones). Activation of a zymogen requires an
enzyme-controlled reaction that
removes some part of the zymogen
structure. Such modification changes
the three-dimensional structure
(secondary and tertiary structure) of
the zymogen, which affects active site

Covalent Modification of Enzymes

✓ A third mechanism for

regulation of enzyme activity
within a cell, called covalent
modification, involves adding
or removing a group from an Prescription Drugs That Inhibit
enzyme through the forming Enzyme Activity
or breaking of a covalent bond.
ACE Inhibitors
Covalent modification is a
process in which enzyme The acronym ACE stands for
activity is altered by covalently angiotensin-converting enzyme.
modifying the structure of the Angiotensin is an octapeptide
enzyme through attachment hormone involved in blood pressure
of a chemical group to or regulation. It increases blood pressure
removal of a chemical group by narrowing blood vessels.
from a particular amino acid
within the enzyme’s structure. Sulfa Drugs

✓ The most commonly The 1932 discovery of the antibacterial

encountered type of covalent activity of the compound
modification involves the sulfanilamide by the German
processes by which a bacteriologist Gerhard Domagk
phosphate group is added to or (1895–1964) led to the characterization
removed from an enzyme. The of a whole family of sulfanilamide
source of the added phosphate derivatives collectively called sulfa
group is often an ATP molecule. drugs—the first “antibiotics” in the
The process of addition of the medical field.
phosphate group to the An antibiotic is a substance that kills
enzyme is called bacteria or inhibits their growth.
phosphorylation and the Antibiotics exert their action
removal of the phosphate selectively on bacteria and do not
group from the enzyme is affect the normal metabolism of the
called dephosphorylation. This host organism. Antibiotics usually
phosphorylation/dephosphoryl inhibit specific enzymes essential to
ation process is the off/on or the life processes of bacteria
on/off switch for the enzyme.
For some enzymes the active Penicillins
(“turned-on” form) is the ✓ Penicillin, one of the most
phosphorylated version of the widely used antibiotics, was
enzyme; however, for other accidentally discovered by
enzymes it is the Alexander Fleming in 1928
dephosphorylated version that while he was working with
is active. cultures of an infectious
✓ Glycogen phosphorylase, an staphylococcus bacterium. A
enzyme involved in the decade later, the scientists
breakdown of glycogen to Howard Flory and Ernst Chain
glucose is activated by the isolated penicillin in pure form
addition of a phosphate group. and proved its effectiveness as
Glycogen synthase, an enzyme an antibiotic.
involved in the synthesis of ✓ Penicillin’s unique action
glycogen is deactivated by depends on two aspects of
phosphorylation. enzyme deactivation that we
have discussed before: ➢ Enzymes can also be used in
structural similarity to the the treatment of diseases. A
enzyme’s natural substrate and recent advance in treating
irreversible inhibition. Penicillin heart attacks is the use of tissue
is highly specific in binding to plasminogen activator (TPA),
the active site of which activates the enzyme
transpeptidase. In this sense, it plasminogen. When so
acts as a very selective activated, this enzyme
competitive inhibitor. However, dissolves blood clots in the
unlike a normal competitive heart and often provides
inhibitor, once bound to the immediate relief.
active site, the b-lactam ring
➢ Another medical use for
opens as the highly reactive
enzymes is in clinical laboratory
amide bond forms a covalent
chemical analysis. For example,
bond to a critical serine residue
no simple direct test for the
required for normal catalytic
measurement of urea in the
action. The result is an
blood is available. However, if
irreversibly inhibited
the urea in the blood is
transpeptidase enzyme
converted to ammonia via the
enzyme urease, the ammonia
produced, which is easily
measured, becomes an
indicator of urea. This blood
urea nitrogen (BUN) test is a
common clinical laboratory
procedure. High urea levels in
the blood indicate kidney

Medical Uses of Enzymes
General Characteristics of Vitamins
➢ Enzymes can be used to
diagnose certain diseases. ❑ A vitamin is an organic
Although blood serum compound, essential in small
contains many enzymes, some amounts for the proper
enzymes are not normally functioning of the human
found in the blood but are body, that must be obtained
produced only inside cells of from dietary sources because
certain organs and tissues. The the body cannot synthesize it.
appearance of these enzymes ❑ Vitamins differ from the major
in the blood often indicates classes of foods (carbohydrates,
that there is tissue damage in lipids, and proteins) in the
an organ and that cellular amount required; for vitamins
contents are spilling out it is microgram or milligram
(leaking) into the bloodstream. quantities per day compared
with 50–200 grams per day for
the major food categories. To
illustrate the small amount of
vitamins needed by the human
body, consider the
recommended daily allowance
(RDA) of vitamin B12, which is
2.0 micrograms per day for an
adult. Just 1.0 gram of this
vitamin could theoretically
supply the daily needs of
500,000 people. A well-
balanced diet usually meets all There are 13 known vitamins, and
the body’s vitamin scientists believe that the discovery of
requirements. However, additional vitamins is unlikely. Despite
supplemental vitamins are searches for new vitamins, it has been
often required for women over 50 years since the last of the
during pregnancy and for known vitamins (B12) was discovered.
people recovering from certain Strong evidence that the vitamin
illnesses. One of the most family is complete comes from the
common myths associated fact that many people have lived for
with the nutritional aspects of years being fed, intravenously,
vitamins is that vitamins from solutions containing the known
natural sources are superior to vitamins and nutrients, and they have
synthetic vitamins. not developed any known vitamin
deficiency disease.
The spelling of the term vitamin was
originally vitamine, a word derived Water Soluble Vitamins: Vitamin C
from the Latin vita, meaning “life,”and
from the fact that these substances Vitamin C, which has the simplest
were all thought to contain the amine structure of the 13 vitamins, exists in
functional group. When this two active forms in the human body:
supposition was found to be false, the an oxidized form and a reduced form.
fi nal e was dropped from vitamine, Humans, monkeys, apes, and guinea
and the term vitamin came into use. pigs are among the relatively few
Some vitamins contain amine species that require
functional groups, but others do not.
dietary sources of vitamin C. Other
species synthesize vitamin C from

Vitamin C’s biosynthesis involves L-

gulonic acid, an acid derivative of the
L-gulose . L-Gulonic acid is changed
by the enzyme lactonase into a cyclic
ester (lactone, ring closure involves
carbons 1 and 4. An oxidase then
introduces a double bond into the 2. General Antioxidant- Besides
ring, producing L-ascorbic acid. being a specific antioxidant, eral
antioxidant functions for water-
soluble substances in the blood and
other body fluids.

3.Synthesis of Neurotransmitters-
Synthesis of the neurotransmitters
dopamine and norepinephrine from
the amino acid of tyrosine and the
The four —OH groups present in neurotransmitter serotonin from the
vitamin C’s reduced form are amino acid tryptophan depend on the
suggestive of its biosynthetic presence of Vitamin C
monosaccharide (polyhydroxy Water-Soluble Vitamins: The B
aldehyde) origins. Its chemical name, Vitamins
L-ascorbic acid, correctly indicates
that vitamin C is a weak acid. There are eight B vitamins. Our
Although no carboxyl group is discussion of them involves four
present, the carbon 3 hydroxyl group topics: nomenclature, function,
hydrogen atom exhibits acidic structural characteristics, and dietary
behavior as a result of its attachment sources. Much confusion exists about
to an unsaturated carbon atom. the B vitamins’ names. Many have
“number” names as well as “word”
In human beings, an intake of 100 mg/ names (often several). The preferred
day of vitamin C saturates all body names for the B vitamins (alternative
tissues with the compound. After names in parentheses) are:
tissue saturation, all additional
Vitamin C is rapidly metabolized and 1. Thiamin (vitamin B1)
excreted in the urine. The RDA for
2. Riboflavin (vitamin B2)
vitamin C varies from different
country to country. It is 30mg/day in 3. Niacin (nicotinic acid,
Great Britain, 60mg/day in the United nicotinamide, vitamin B3)
States and Canada, and 75mg/day in
4. Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine, pyridoxal,
Germany. A variety of fruits and
vegetables have relatively high
vitamin C content. 5. Folate (folic acid)
Important biochemical functions for 6. Vitamin B12 (cobalamin)
vitamin C in the human body include
the following: 7. Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5)

1.Collagen Synthesis- Vitamin C 8. Biotin

functions as a cosubstrate in the B vitamin structure is very diverse. The
formation of the structural protein only common thread among
collagen, which makes up much of structures is that all structures, except
the skin, ligaments, and tendons and that of pantothenic acid, involve
also serves as the matrix on which heterocyclic nitrogen ring systems.
bone and teeth are formed. The element sulfur is present in two
structures (thiamin and biotin), and
vitamin B12 contains a metal atom which contain nitrogen) with the
(cobalt). (Biotin does not contain a tin monosaccharide ribose attached to
atom, as the name might imply.) the middle ring.
Table 21.6 gives structural forms for
Riboflavin was once called the “yellow
the eight B vitamins. Note that for two
vitamin” because of its color. It’s name
B vitamins (niacin and vitamin B6),
come from its color (flavin means
more than one form of the vitamin
“yellow” in Latin) and its ribose
Thiamin (Vitamin B1)
Niacin (Vitamin B3)

❑ “Free” thiamin’s structure

consists of a central carbon
atom to which is attached a six- Niacin occurs in food in two different,
membered heterocylic amine but similar, forms: nicotinic acid and
and a five-membered nicotinamide
thiazole(sulfur-nitrogen) ring
system. The name thiamin The nicotinic acid form of niacin was
comes from “thio” which first described in 1973, long before the
means “sulfur” and “amine” concept of vitamins was known. It was
which refers to the numerous prepared by oxidizing nicotine using
amine groups present. nitric acid; hence the name nicotinic
acid. When the biological significance
❑ The coenzyme form of the of nicotinic acid was realized the
thiamin is called thiamin name niacin was coined to
pyrophosphate (TPP), a disassociate this vitamin from the
molecule in which a name nicotine and to avoid the
pyrophosphate group (two perception that niacin-rich foods
phosphates bonded to each contain nicotine or that cigarettes
other) has been attached to the contain vitamins.
side chain. The coenzyme TPP
is needed in step 4 of the citric Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B5)
acid cycle and also in the
conversion of pyruvate to
acetyl CoA.

Riboflavin (Vitamin B2)

The name pantothenic acid is based

on the Greek word “pantothen”,
which means “from everywhere.” This
vitamin is found in almost every plant
and animal tissue.
Riboflavin’s structure involves three Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine, Pyridoxal,
fused six-membered rings (two of Pyridoxamine)
Vitamin B6 is a collective term for
three related compounds: pyridoxine
(found in foods of plant origin) and
pyridoxal and pyridoxamine( found in
foods of animal origin).

Biotin( Vitamin B7)

The name cobalamin comes form the
fact that an atom of the metal cobalt
and numerous amine groups are
present in the structure of Vitamin
B12, which is by far the most complex
of all vitamin structures. Vitamin B12 is
unique in that it is the only vitamin
that contains a metal atom.

Biotin is unique among the B vitamins B Vitamin Summary

in that it can be obtained both from
The following table summarizes the
dietary intake and also via biotin-
B-vitamin coenzyme chemistry
producing bacteria (microbiota,
presented in this section. In general
hence the name biotin) present in the
terms, vitamin B- containing
human large intestine.
coenzymes serve as temporary
Folate( Vitamin B9) carriers of atoms or functional groups
in redox and group transfer reactions
associated with the metabolism of
ingested food in order to obtain
energy from the food.

Several forms of folate are found in

food. All of them have structures that
consist of three parts (1) a nitrogen-
containing double-ring system
(pteridine). (2) paraaminobenzoic acid
(PABA), and (3) one of more residues
of the amino acid glutamate.

Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin)

Fat- Soluble Vitamins 2. Regulating Cell Differentiation. Cell
differentiation is the process whereby
The four fat-soluble vitamins are
immature cells change in structure
designated using the letters A, D, E,
and function to become specialized
and K. Many of the functions of the
cells. For example, some immature
fat-soluble vitamins involve processes
bone marrow cells differentiate into
that occur in cell membranes. The
white blood cells and others into red
structures of the fat-soluble vitamins
blood cells. In the cellular
are more hydrocarbon-like, with
differentiation process, vitamin A (as
fewer functional groups than the
retinoic acid) binds to protein
water-soluble vitamins. Their
receptors; these vitamin A–protein
structures as a whole are nonpolar,
receptor complexes then bind to
which enhances their solubility in cell
regulatory regions of DNA molecules.
3. Maintenance of the Health of
Vitamin A Epithelial Tissues. Epithelial tissue
covers outer body surfaces as well as
Normal dietary intake provides a lining internal cavities and tubes. It
person with both preformed and includes skin and the linings of the
precursor forms (pro- vitamin forms) mouth, stomach, lungs, vagina, and
of vitamin A. Preformed vitamin A bladder. Lack of vitamin A (as retinoic
forms are called retinoids. The acid) causes such surfaces to become
retinoids include retinal, retinol, and drier and harder than normal. Vitamin
retinoic acid. A’s role here is related to cellular
differentiation involving mucus-
secreting cells.

4. Reproduction and Growth. In men,

Foods derived from animals,
vitamin A participates in sperm
including egg yolks and dairy
development. In women, normal fetal
products, provide compounds (retinyl
development during pregnancy
esters) that are easily hydrolyzed to
requires vitamin A. In both cases, it is
retinoids in the intestine.
the retinoic acid form of vitamin A
Vitamin A has four major functions that is needed. Again vitamin A’s role
in the body. is related to cellular differentiation
1. Vision. In the eye, vitamin A (as
retinal) combines with the protein Vitamin D
opsin to form the visual pigment
rhodopsin. Rhodopsin participates in
the conversion of light energy into
nerve impulses that are sent to the
brain. Although vitamin A’s
involvement in the process of vision is
its best-known function (“Eat your The two most important members of
carrots and you’ll see better”), only the vitamin D family of molecules are
0.1% of the body’s vitamin A is found in vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) and
the eyes. vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol). Vitamin
D3 is produced in the skin of humans
and animals by the action of sunlight (and air pollutants) is greatest. Both
(ultraviolet light) on its precursor red and white blood cells that pass
molecule, the cholesterol derivative 7- through the lungs, as well as the cells
dehydrocholesterol (a normal of the lung tissue itself, benefit from
metabolite of cholesterol found in the vitamin E’s protective effect.
Infants, particularly premature
❑ The principal function of infants, do not have a lot of vitamin E,
vitamin D is to maintain normal which is passed from the mother to
blood levels of calcium ion and the infant only in the last weeks of
phosphate ion so that bones pregnancy. Often, premature infants
can absorb these ions. Vitamin require oxygen supplementation for
D stimulates absorption of the purpose of controlling respiratory
these ions from the distress. In such situations, vitamin E
gastrointestinal tract and aids is administered to the infant along
in their retention by the with oxygen to give antioxidant
kidneys. protection.

❑ Vitamin D triggers the Vitamin K

deposition of calcium salts into
Like the other fat-soluble vitamins,
the organic matrix of bones by
vitamin K has more than one form.
activating the biosynthesis of
Structurally, all forms have a
calcium-binding proteins.
methylated naphthoquinone
Vitamin E structure to which a long side chain of
carbon atoms is attached. The various
There are four forms of vitamin E:
forms differ structurally in the length
alpha-, beta-, delta-, and gamma-
and degree of unsaturation of the side
tocopherol. These forms differ from
each other structurally in what
substituents (9CH3 or 9H) are present Vitamin K1, also called phylloquinone,
at two positions on an aromatic ring. has a side chain that is predominantly
saturated; only one carbon–carbon
double bond is present. It is a
substance found in plants. Vitamin K2
has several forms, called
menaquinones, with the various
The tocopherol form with the greatest forms differing in the length of the
biochemical activity is alpha- side chain. Menaquinone side chains
tocopherol, the vitamin E form in have several carbon–carbon double
which methyl groups are present at bonds, in contrast to the one carbon–
both the R and R positions on the carbon double bond present in
aromatic ring. Gamma-tocopherol is phylloquinone. Vitamin K2 is found in
the main form of vitamin E in vitamin- animals and humans and can be
E rich foods. synthesized by bacteria, including
those found in the human intestinal
A most important location in the
human body where vitamin E exerts
its antioxidant effect is the lungs,
where exposure of cells to oxygen

Typically, about half of the human

body’s vitamin K is synthesized by
intestinal bacteria and half comes
from the diet. Menaquinones are the
form of vitamin K found in vitamin K
supplements. Only leafy green
vegetables such as spinach and
cabbage are particularly rich in
vitamin K. Other vegetables such as
peas and tomatoes and animal
tissues, including liver, contain lesser

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