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1. What are the different branching strategies in Git?

2. What is hot fix branch. How to create hot fix branch?

3. Difference between git merge & rebase?

1. What are the different stages in jenkins file

2. What are the different plugins you have used?

3. What is multi branch pipeline. How do you create?

4. How do you take backup of jenkins server?

1. What modules have you used in Ansible?

2. Have you written ansible roles?

1. What is terraform state file, when does this gets created?

2. How do you manage state file? is it a good practise to have terraform state file
in the same place .tf file?
#Remote state

1. Write a docker file for nginx image?

2. Differnce between COPY & ADD?

3. Differnce between CMD & ENTRYPOINT? When should we use CMD & when to use

4. How to delete all unused docker images?

5. How to delete all docker images?

6. How to tag docker image?

1. What are the various objects used in k8 so far?

2. Four main componets used to write in a kubernetes manifest file?

3. I have a pod & create a service object. How service will identify the pod to
route the traffic?
#using label selector

4. Main components of Master node & worker nodes?

5. Why cant we hav workloads on master?

6. Can we untaint the master node?

7. What are taints & tolerations. Where do we apply them?

8. What is node affinity?

9. I have a deployment with 5 replicas, How do you scale from 5 to 10?

1. What exactly is a service mesh, what is the use case?

2. I have a cluster & have 2 pods, pod-A & pod-B & service-A & service-B. i dont
have istio & directly accessing service using ingress. How do you think
istio will make a differnce & how will my request gets forwarded to pod?

3. How will my virtual service gets associated with ingress?

1. Command to see all ports?

1. I have a text file & should read the file & count how many times rama is

2. How to replace rama with krishna in the above texte file?

1. What is Anthos?

2. I have one application running in VM, that application in VM needs to access

cloud storage?

3. different types of Service Accounts?

4. If an application runing in pod on-prem, then how it will access cloud storage?
#We can generate SA key & store it in a variable google_application_credentails,
then application can read it and access the cloud storage

5. when i create a vm, by default service account is created. so what sort of

permisson will be given to default service account?

6. I have given permission read access to storage object using IAM. Using ACL i
have disabled view access. SO still i have permission to view?

7. What is the main reason to use MIG, How do you create it?

8. Which type of GKE cluster used? What is the differnce between publilc & private
cluster? whcih one to recomend in production?

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