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Module 5 Unit (5b)

1- Underline the correct answers between brackets:

1) If we ( heat – heats –will heat ) metals, they expand.
2) If you (threw – throws – throw ) a stone, you'll break the window.
3) If I (miss – missed –'ll miss ) the bus this afternoon, I'll get a taxi
4) If you are hot. I (buy –'ll buy – buying ) you a cool drink.
5) If the weather is fine next Friday, we (will go – went – go ) camping.
6) If I were you, I (will accept – would accept – accept) the offer.
7) I (will – would – can't) buy that vase If I had enough money.
8) If you (do – does – did) your best, you would get high marks.
9) If I (find – found –had found) her address, I would send her an
10) If I don’t see him this afternoon, I will (phone – phoned) him in the
11) If I were you, I (tell – will tell- would tell) my father.
12) If you (drop – dropt – dropped) it, it will break.
13) If it (has rained – rained -rains), we'll cancel the picnic.
14) If the children were older, they (will go - would go) to the party.
2- Rewrite the sentences by using the words in brackets
1) We don`t have a camera. We can't take pictures. (If)
If we had a camera, we would take pictures.
2) I'm tired. I can't help you. (If)
If I weren't tired, I would help you.
3) I don't have a mobile. I can't call the police. (If)
If I had a mobile, I would call the police.
4) Sleep early to get up early. (If)
If you sleep early, you will get up early.
5) She isn't a doctor. She can't help you. (If)
If she were a doctor, she would help you.
6) I don't have money. I can't buy food. (If)
If I had money, I would buy food.
7) Do exercises to be fit. (If)
If you do exercise, you will be fit.
8) I don’t have enough money to buy a new mobile. (If)
If I had enough money, I would buy a new mobile.
9) Unless you leave home now, you will miss the train. (If)
If you don't leave home now, you will miss the train.
10) He isn’t a good runner. He doesn’t train every day. (If)
If he trained every day, he would be a good runner.
11) You don’t ask me. I don’t tell you. (If)
If you asked me, I would tell you.
12) If they don't move now, they won't catch the bus. (Unless)
Unless they move now, they won't catch the bus.
13) Unless she does his homework, she will be punished. (If)
If she doesn't do her homework, she will be punished.
14) I don’t know how this machine works . I don’t use it. (If)
If I knew how this machine works, I would use it.
15) Do your best to win the match. (If)
If you do your best, you will win the match.
16) If he doesn't help his friends, his teacher will be angry. (Unless)
Unless he helps his friends, his teacher will be angry.
17) I am busy, I can't go to the party. (If)
If I weren't busy, I would go to the party.
18) Don't eat much food because you will be fat. (If)
If you eat much food, you will be fat.
Module 6
Choose the correct answer:-
1-The (good-better-best) student in the class is called Ali.
2- Rome is very (more expensive-expensive-the most expensive).
3- Planes are faster (very-than-the) trains.
4- Big cities are (the noisiest-noisy-noisier than) small cities.
5- China has (than-very- the) largest population in the world.
6- This is (the happiest- happier than -happy) day of my life.
7- I'm (faster-fast-fastest) than Majed.
8- This pasta is very (nicer-nice-nicest).
9- My bag is (heavier than- the heaviest-heavy) your bag.
10- Ehab has got the (worse than-bad-worst) mark in the exam.
11- London is the (most-more-less) expensive city in the UK.
12- This lesson is (most-vey-more) difficult than the last one.
13- I think this shop is (best-better-good) than that one.
14- The exam was (the easiest-easier-easy) than I expected
15- Who is the (rich- richer-richest) person in the world?
16- It's the (more boring- most boring-boring) movie I have watched.
17- Scotland is (the most beautiful-beautiful- more beautiful) than
18- Giraffes are (the tallest–taller than-tall) animals in the world.
19- New York is (more-most-much) crowded than Sydney.
20- August is (The hottest –hotter than- hot) month in the year.
Rewrite these sentences using the word(s)in brackets :
1- Your cat is fatter than my cat. (My cat)
My cat is thinner than your cat.
2- Tokyo is more crowded than New York . ( most )
Tokyo is the most crowded city in the world.
3- A plane is faster than a train . (slower)
A train is lower than A plain.
4- January is the coldest month in the year. (colder)
January is colder than any other month.
5- Ahmed is 60 kg. Ali is 50 kg ( than )
Ahmed is fatter than Ali.
6- Doaa is 150 cm. Walaa is 145 cm. ( than )
Doaa is taller than Walaa.
7- Science is more difficult than math. ( most)
Science is the most difficult subject.
8- The dolphin is the most intelligent sea animal. ( No sea animal)
No sea animal is more intelligent than the dolphin.
9- Ferrari is the most expensive car in the world. ( more )
Ferrari is more expensive than any other car.
10- Dina is better than any other student in the class. ( best )
Dina is the best student in the class.
11- Reading is not as interesting as watching films. ( more )
Watching films is more interesting than reading.
12- Eman is the most beautiful girl. ( than )
Eman is more beautiful than any other girl.
13- Water is cheaper than cola. ( Cola )
Cola is more expensive than water.
14- River Nile is longer than Mississippi River. (longest)
River Nile is the longest river in the world.
15- No other animal is faster than the cheetah. ( fastest )
The cheetah is the fastest animal.
16- Our house is taller than any other house in the street. (the)
Our house is the tallest house in the street.
17- A bike is slower than a motorbike. (A motorbike)
A motorbike is faster than a bike.
18- No other girl is better than Asmaa at English. (Asmaa)
Asmaa is the best girl at English.
19- No other whale is heavier than the blue whale. (The blue whale)
The blue whale is the heaviest whale in the world.
20- No other student is as clever as Mrwan. (cleverest)
Mrawan is the cleverest student .
Choose the correct answer:-
1-Hurghada is a very good (noisy – history – destination) for a relaxing

2- Traveling by plane is more (expensive –cheap –noisy), but it saves time.

3- I couldn't sleep well because it was (quiet – clean – noisy) outside.

4- The train was very (quiet – crowded – empty), and we had to stand.
5- Luxor is famous for its great (historic – history – boring) sites.

6-They were on a (destination – expected – sightseeing) trip to the

7- All (small – big – quiet) cities have traffic problems.
8- We light candles to see in the (dark – light – bright).
9-This programmer is (exciting – boring – interesting). Shall I turn over to

10- We watched an (boring – silly – exciting) film. We were all happy.

11- Libraries are (noisy - quiet – dirty) places.

12- The (clean – dirty –historic) clothes go in the washing machine.
13- We arrived late because of the heavy (traffic – land – seat).
14- (Quiet – Modern – Clean) technology has made our life more easy.
15- We paid a lot of money at the restaurant. It's so (modern – small –
16- Tourists like to visit (expensive –boring – historic) mountains.
17- Change you shirt. It's very (busy– dirty – noisy).
18- The streets are so (modern–boring – noisy) at daytime.
19- It took 6 hours to arrive our (closed – traffic – destination).
20- Other girls were (believe – jealous – incredible) of her new look.

Supply the messing parts in the following dialogue:

Mariam: …………………………………………………………………………………….?
Where do you spend the summer holiday
Mai: I spent the summer holiday in Alex.

Mariam: How did you go?

Mai: ………………………………………………………………………………………….
I went by car
Mariam: ………………………………………………………………………………………?
How long did you stay
Mai :I stayed there for a week.

Reading Comprehension
Read the following passage and answer the questions
The River Nile is the longest river on the Earth. It's over 6650
kilometers long. The Nile runs through Egypt, Ethiopia, Sudan, Rwanda,
Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania and Burundi. The source of the Nile starts in
Burundi in central Africa. The mouth of The River Nile ends in Egypt and
runs into the Mediterranean sea. The Ancient Egyptians lived and farmed
along the banks of the Nile. The River Nile was very important to life in
ancient Egypt. The most famous animal in the Nile is the Nile crocodile.
Answer the following questions:
1- How long is the River Nile?
2- Where dose the source of the Nile start?
1- The ………….. is the famous animal in the Nile.
a-Whale b- crocodile c- shark
2- The mouth of the Nile ends in …………….
a- Egypt b- Sudan c-Kenya
Re-arrange these following sentences:-
1- is – world – Mexico – the – the – and – biggest – city – noisiest – in.
Mexico is the biggest and noisiest city in the world
2- going – 'm – today – I – sightseeing.
I'm going sightseeing today .
3- incredible – 's – It – experience - an.
It's an incredible experience. .
4- much – do – see – There's – and – in- Mexico – so – to.
There's so much to see and do in Mexico. .
5-'s – crowded – It – in – London – more.
It's more crowded in London. .
Write a paragraph of six sentences about a trip to the farm,
using these guiding words:
(last weekend –uncle's farm-family- go- car-sunny-different-
animals and birds- -grass-ride-photos-nice time)


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