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Answer the following questions:

1. What did the Universe consist of in the beginning?

- There were a lot of atoms floating around in space; 75% of them were hydrogen atoms with one
proton, 25% were helium atoms with two protons, and the rest were beryllium and lithium
atoms with two protons. Beryllium received three protons, lithium received four protons, while
boron received none.

2. What three things had to be present for the stars to be able to form? The goldilocks condition. 
- The same temperature, not too hot or too cold; the same size, not too big or too little; and the
same distance between them. To get the star's goldilocks look, all of these elements must be
The goldilocks conditions required a large amount of matter, gravitational force, and minor
changes in the distribution of that matter.

3. What is the goldilocks principle?

- The Goldilocks Principle refers to the range of distances a planet's orbit may be from its star
while maintaining surface temperatures that are just ideal for liquid water. The Goldilocks Zone
is the name given to this spectrum.

4. Briefly describe how a star is born. 

- When light element atoms are crushed under enough pressure for their nuclei to fuse, a star is
formed. All stars are the consequence of a balance of forces: gravity compresses interstellar gas
atoms until fusion reactions begin. And as the fusion processes start, they force pressure
outward. The star will stay stable as long as the inward force of gravity and the outward force
created by the fusion processes are equal.

5. When were the first stars formed?

- 100 million years ago

6. What is a galaxy? What is the name of our galaxy?

- A galaxy is a large cluster of gas, dust, and billions of stars, each with its own solar system. A
galaxy is held together by gravity. A supermassive blackhole exists in the heart of our galaxy, the
Milky Way.
7. What is a cluster? 
- A cluster is a formation made up of hundreds to thousands of galaxies that are connected by
gravity and have similar masses.

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