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Neuropsychologia 104 (2017) 31–47

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Review article

Alexithymia in multiple sclerosis: A systematic review of literature MARK

a,b a,b,c,⁎
Moussa A. Chalah , Samar S. Ayache
EA 4391, Excitabilité Nerveuse et Thérapeutique, Université Paris-Est-Créteil, France
Service de Physiologie – Explorations Fonctionnelles, Hôpital Henri Mondor, Assistance Publique – Hôpitaux de Paris, 94010 Créteil, France
Lebanese American University Medical Center, Rizk hospital (LAUMC-RH), Beirut, Lebanon


Keywords: Background: Alexithymia is a multidimensional personality construct characterized by difficulties identifying

Multiple sclerosis and describing one’s feelings, and externally oriented thinking. Although extensively reported in psychiatric
Alexithymia patients, little attention has been paid regarding its occurrence and its pathophysiology in the context of multiple
Toronto Alexithymia Scale-20 sclerosis (MS).
Bremond-Vorst Alexithymia Questionnaire
Methods: A research was conducted according to the PRISMA guidelines aiming to identify original research
articles in English and French languages about alexithymia in MS. Computerized databases (MEDLINE, PubMed,
Scopus) were consulted. The key terms used were the following: (‘multiple sclerosis’ OR ‘MS’) AND (‘alexithymia’
OR ‘alexithymic’ OR ‘emotion processing’ OR ‘emotion awareness’ OR ‘Toronto Alexithymia Scale’ OR ‘Bermond-
Vorst Alexithymia Questionnaire’) AND (‘imaging’ OR ‘neuroimaging’ OR ‘magnetic resonance imaging’ or
‘MRI’). References of the retrieved papers were scanned manually aiming to get additional sources.
Results: 14 papers matched the above criteria. The prevalence of alexithymia in MS ranges from 10% to 53%. It
seems to be associated with anxiety, depression, fatigue, and some social cognitive aspects. Its relationship with
clinical and classical cognitive variables was rarely assessed. Finally, only one study has addressed its patho-
physiology and has suggested an aberrant interhemispheric transfer.
Conclusion: Admitting the prevalence of alexithymia in MS and its potential negative impact on the quality of life
and interpersonal communication, screening for it is relevant for a better management. Its relationship with
clinical, emotional and cognitive confounders merits to be further evaluated. Large-scale studies, employing
neuroimaging techniques, are greatly needed in order to disentangle the neural underpinnings of this trait in MS.

1. Introduction Cox, 2001; Ayache et al., 2015; Van Schependom et al., 2015), only a
little attention has been paid to social cognition (Chalah and Ayache,
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic inflammatory and neurodegen- 2017b). The latter is an umbrella term that entails the individual’s
erative disease of the central nervous system (CNS) that usually appears ability to recognize emotional facial expressions (EFE), to perceive and
between 20 and 40 years of age. From a pathophysiological perspective, understand others’ thoughts and emotions (which is known as menta-
the disease is characterized by demyelination and axonal loss. lizing or theory of mind [ToM]), and subsequently to have a compas-
Depending on the location and extent of lesions, patients would ex- sionate response which characterizes empathy (Chalah and Ayache,
perience various symptoms such as motor weakness, sensory deficit, 2017b). Of equal importance to the individuals’ capacity to process
impaired balance, and urinary disturbance. Recent years have seen a other’s emotions, is their ability to perceive and comprehend their
growing interest in studying the emotional and cognitive deficits in MS proper emotions, the alteration of which is referred to as ‘alexithymia’.
population (Pelletier et al., 2000). The integrity of these cognitive and affective functions is crucial for
In fact, psychiatric comorbidities can affect up to 95% of MS pa- an appropriate social interaction (Cacioppo and Decety, 2011; Chalah
tients at some point during their life time (Chalah and Ayache, 2017a). and Ayache, 2017b), and is particularly important to cope with chronic
As for cognitive decline, it would occur in up to 65% of patients (Rao disabling diseases such as MS. Therefore, difficulties in understanding
et al., 1991a, 1991b; Benedict et al., 2006; Sanfilipo et al., 2006; Chalah one’s (alexithymia) and others’ emotions (social cognitive deficits) may
and Ayache, 2017b). Whereas most of the studies have investigated the have drastic impact on interpersonal communication (Bird and Cook,
domains of working memory, information processing speed, attention, 2013; Chalah and Ayache, 2017b). This might contribute to the fact
learning and executive function (Rao et al., 1991a, 1991b; Mohr and that MS patients frequently report altered social interaction, high rates

Corresponding author at: EA 4391, Excitabilité Nerveuse et Thérapeutique, Université Paris-Est-Créteil, France.
E-mail address: (S.S. Ayache).
Received 13 April 2017; Received in revised form 28 July 2017; Accepted 29 July 2017
Available online 29 July 2017
0028-3932/ © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M.A. Chalah, S.S. Ayache Neuropsychologia 104 (2017) 31–47

of unemployment and divorce, and high levels of social anxiety (Chalah (Bagby et al., 1994a; Taylor, 2000; Vorst and Bermond, 2001).
and Ayache, 2017a). Most importantly, alexithymia seems to be a risk It is important to mention that, several years prior to the term in-
factor for affective disorders (Conrad et al., 2009; Luminet, 2010). troduction by Sifneos, some features of alexithymia were described by
A better understanding of alexithymia and social cognition, espe- the Psychosomatic French School in the early sixties when referring to
cially in this population, seems crucial for an ideal medical manage- the ‘pensée opératoire’. The term employed by Marty and de M’Uzan
ment. We have previously addressed the social cognition deficits in MS refers to a cognitive style characterized by a preoccupation with the
studies (Chalah and Ayache, 2017b), and hence they are beyond the smallest details of an external event and lack of fantasy life (Marty and
scope of the present review. Also, regarding alexithymia treatment, a de M’Uzan, 1963).
limited number of studies are available and applied psychotherapies
(e.g. psychodynamic, cognitive behavioral, skilled-based therapies).
However, only few of them were controlled (Beresnevaite, 2000; 3.2. Classification of Alexithymia
Tulipani et al., 2010), and none included MS patients. For this reason,
they will not be discussed in this work. The purpose here is to analyze After Sifneos, Freyberger distinguished between primary alex-
the available data on alexithymia in MS. First, a definition of alex- ithymia which could arise from neurophysiological or neuroanatomical
ithymia is provided along with its classification and assessment mod- abnormalities, and secondary alexithymia which might be encountered
alities. This is followed by an overview of the studies which assessed in the context of psychiatric disorders (e.g. anxiety or depression) or be
alexithymia in MS. The possible underlying mechanisms of alexithymia the result of psychodynamic factors such as enormous employment of
in MS are addressed in the light of the available immune, anatomical, defense mechanisms (e.g. repression, regression or denial) (Freyberger,
physiological, and neurochemical findings. Finally, some re- 1977; Smith et al., 1992). Another way of classifying alexithymia would
commendations are provided for future studies aiming to increase our be by considering it either a stable ‘trait’ over time (Sifneos, 1973) or a
understanding of this trait. conditional ‘state’ that might arise as a defensive strategy in front of
stressful events (Parker et al., 1998).
2. Study selection In the context of alexithymia, growing evidence supports the pre-
sence of two dimensions: affective and cognitive. While the former
A research was conducted independently by both authors according refers to hampered levels of emotion experience, the latter represents
to PRISMA guidelines (Moher et al., 2009) in order to identify original deficits in cognitive processing of emotions (Bermond et al., 2007). In
research articles published till July 2017 in English and French lan- the light of their proposition, Bermond and colleagues hypothesized
guages about alexithymia in multiple sclerosis. Computerized databases that alexithymia may manifest in different subtypes (2007). Contrarily
(MEDLINE, PubMed, Scopus) were consulted. The key terms used were to ‘lexithymia’ or ‘non-alexithymia’ which refers to the absence of im-
as follows: (‘multiple sclerosis’ OR ‘MS’) AND (‘alexithymia’ OR ‘alex- pairment of either dimension, type I alexithymia represents deficits in
ithymic’ OR ‘emotion processing’ OR ‘Toronto Alexithymia Scale’ OR both dimensions, type II alexithymia denotes intact or even heightened
‘Bermond-Vorst Alexithymia Questionnaire’) AND (‘imaging’ OR ‘neu- emotionality but impaired cognitive dimension, and type III stands for
roimaging’ OR ‘magnetic resonance imaging’ or ‘MRI’). The references intact cognitive processing but altered levels of emotional experience
of the retrieved articles were also scanned manually in order to get (Bermond et al., 2007).
additional sources. Admitting the paucity of MS studies addressing
alexithymia, all of them were included regardless of the study design or
primary endpoints. Initially, 12 studies (10 in English and 2 in French 3.3. Alexithymia and emotion processing
Languages) were detected on the computerized databases. Two addi-
tional relevant citations were found among the papers’ references. One Emotion processing comprises three main steps. While the first two
was available online (Fernández-Jiménez et al., 2013) and the other steps are referred to as ‘emotion perception’ and designate (1) paying
was provided by the original authors (Montreuil and Lyon-Caen, 1993). attention to an emotional stimulus and identifying its emotional re-
Hence, a total of 14 studies were included in this review. A summary of levance and (2) generating an affective state; the third one deals with
the all these studies is provided in Table 1. ‘emotion regulation’ (Phillips et al., 2003). Emotion regulation re-
presents the strategies adapted to inhibit or modulate affective states
3. Definition and classification (Gross, 1998; Phillips et al., 2003). The most studied strategies are
‘suppression’ and ‘reappraisal’ which respectively refer to inhibiting the
3.1. Definition of alexithymia expressive behavior of emotion (e.g. hiding feelings) or decreasing the
initial emotional response in an attempt to restrain its influence (e.g.
‘Alexithymia’ derives from Greek language where ‘a’, ‘lexis’ and decreasing the negativity of a stimuli) (Gross, 1998). The available
‘thymos’ means the ‘absence’ of ‘words’ for ‘emotion’. The term was first literature suggests an aberrant emotion perception (the first two steps)
introduced by Sifneos in 1972 to describe the symptomatology of pa- behind the manifestation of alexithymia (Roedema and Simons, 1999;
tients with psychosomatic disorders who experience somatic symptoms Mueller et al., 2006; Swart et al., 2009; Grynberg et al., 2012; Bermond
in the absence of any identifiable organic etiology (Sifneos, 1973; et al., 2010; van der Velde et al., 2015). However, regarding emotion
Nemiah et al., 1976). Although sometimes referred to as ‘blunted regulation (the third step), its involvement in the occurrence of alex-
feeling’ (Goerlich-Dobre et al., 2014b), alexithymia is a multifaceted ithymia is still debatable with some studies being with (Taylor et al.,
construct that is not considered a disorder but rather a personality trait 1999; Taylor and Bagby, 2004; Swart et al., 2009; Walker et al., 2011;
according to the diagnostic and statistical manual for mental disorders Pollatos and Gramann, 2012; Venta et al., 2013; Wingbermühle et al.,
(5th ed.; DSM–5; American Psychiatric Association, 2013). Briefly, it 2012) or against this idea (van der Velde et al., 2015). In this context,
entails difficulties in experiencing and analyzing emotions. Its char- some authors have found that, compared to lexithymics, alexithymic
acteristics are: (a) difficulty in identifying feelings (DIF) and distin- individuals employ less efficient strategies like ‘suppression’ and rely
guishing between feelings and bodily sensations related to emotional less on more efficient strategies such as ‘reappraisal’ (Swart et al., 2009;
arousal, (b) difficulty in describing feelings to others (DDF), which Kessler et al., 2010; Wingenfeld et al., 2011; Stasiewicz et al., 2012).
might be reflected by ‘acting out’ or having a ‘circumstantial speech’, However, this association was not replicated in other studies (Geenen
(c) low inner emotional and fantasy life (LFL), (d) externally oriented et al., 2012; Weiss et al., 2012). The relationship between alexithymia
thinking (EOT) which is reality-based, concrete, literal and devoid of and emotion regulation in MS will be presented later in this work.
introspection (e) and tendency to avoid active conflict resolution

Table 1
Studies evaluating alexithymia in multiple sclerosis.

Authors (Years) Population Alexithymia measure Variables Prevalence Correlation and other analyses

Montreuil and Lyon- 60 MS BIQ (cutoff score N/A) Depression: N/A > 50.0% of patients presented – Inverse correlation between alexithymia
Caen (1993) Details N/A PVIPT Anxiety: N/A alexithymic features scores and reduced affect display (blunted
M.A. Chalah, S.S. Ayache

(French) No HCs Fatigue: N/A affect) which includes anhedonia.

Cognition: N/A – No correlation between alexithymia scores
and cognitive functions
– No correlation between alexithymia and
sociodemographic data or disease
Bodini et al. (2008) 58 RR MS TAS-20 Depression: BDI 13.8% alexithymic – Correlation between alexithymia scores
(Italian) (age: 34.8 ± 9.3; DD: 9.1 ± 5.5; EDSS (North-American cutoff Anxiety : N/A 27.6% borderline alexithymic and each of fatigue and depression
median: 1.5) score > 60 for alexithymia) Fatigue: FSS 58.6% non-alexithymic – Data on correlation between alexithymia
No HCs Cognition: N/A * Higher levels of fatigue and depression scores and demographic or disease
in alexithymic compared to non- characteristics are N/A
alexithymic patients – Alexithymia significantly contributes to the
severity of fatigue and depression
– DIF was a predictor for fatigue
– TAS total, DIF and FSS scores were
predictors for depression
Chahraoui et al. 46 RR/9 PP/6 SP MS TAS- 20 Depression: BDI 42.6% alexithymic – Correlation between alexithymia scores
(2008) (French) (age:41.1 ± 10.8; DD: 9.3 ± 7.5 years; (French cutoff score > 55 for Anxiety: STAI 32.8% borderline alexithymic and each of anxiety (DIF and DDF
EDSS: 2.9 ± 2.2) alexithymia) Fatigue: N/A 24.6% non-alexithymic subscales) and depression (DIF subscale).
No HCS Cognition: N/A * Alexithymic patients were younger, No correlation between EOT subscale and
more anxious and more depressed than any of mood scores.
non-alexithymic patients. No group – No correlations between alexithymia scores
difference on disease characteristics. and disease characteristics

Gay et al. (2010) 115 MS (type N/A) TAS- 20 Depression: Depression Self-Rating Scale 38.2% vs. 23.3% alexithymic using the – Correlation between alexithymia scores
(French) (age 47.2 ± 10.9; DD: 15.3 ± 10.1; (French and North-American Anxiety: STAI French and the North-American and each of depression, anxiety and self-
EDSS: 4.8 ± 2.5; DD: 15.3 ± 10.1) cut-off scores were Fatigue: VAS thresholds, respectively esteem (but not fatigue)
No HCs simultaneously used for Cognition: N/A – No correlation between alexithymia and
comparison) Others: EDSS score
– Data on correlation between alexithymia
– Self-Esteem Inventory scores and demographic or other disease
– Social Support Questionnaire characteristics are N/A
– Coping : CHIP
Fernández-Jiménez 172 RR/10 PP/39 SPMS TAS- 20 Depression: N/A 18.1% alexithymic – Data on correlation analysis between
et al. (2013) (age: 40.6 ± 9.7; DD: 8.5 ± 6.3; EDSS: (North-American cutoff Anxiety: N/A 20.4% borderline alexithymic alexithymia and other measures are N/A
(Spanish) 3.0 ± 1.8) score > 60 for alexithymia) Fatigue: N/A 61.5% non-alexithymic
No HCs Cognition: N/A
Prochnow et al. 5 RR/ 1 PP/ 29 SP MS TAS- 20 Depression: BDI 25.7% had high alexithymia – No correlations between alexithymia and
(2011) (age 48.2 ± 10.2; DD: 9.2 ± 8.4; (the 66th percentile for the Anxiety: N/A 37.1% had moderate alexithymia social cognition scores
(German) median EDSS: 6.0) identification of high Fatigue: N/A 37.1% had low alexithymia – Data on correlation between alexithymia
61 HCs alexithymics (Franz et al., Cognition: MMSE/FST * Compared to HCs, patients were older, scores and demographic or disease
2008) Others: more alexithymic, had higher depression characteristics are N/A
scores, worse cognitive performance, and – Data on correlation between alexithymia
– Facial emotion recognition: PCFAE and significant deficits in facial emotions and cognitive measures are N/A
Ekman-60-Faces Test recognition – Data on correlation between alexithymia
– Facial identity recognition: BFRT and depression are N/A
Chahraoui et al. At baseline (T1): TAS-20 Depression: BDI at T1: – Correlation between TAS−20 scores
(2014) (French) 50 RR/12 P MS (age:41.4 ± 10.9; DD: (North-American cutoff Anxiety: STAI 30.6% alexithymic (total, DIF, DDF but not EOT) and each of
10.9 ± 8.7; EDSS: 3.1 ± 2.2) score > 60 for alexithymia) Fatigue: N/A 30.6% borderline alexithymic anxiety and depression at T1 and T2
5 years later (T2): 30 RR/12 P MS Cognition: N/A 38.7% nonalexithymic – Correlation between EOT scores and the
(age:46.2 ± 11.3; DD: 16.5 ± 8.2; at T2: number of relapses at 5 years
EDSS: 3.8 ± 2.4) 29.5% alexithymic – No correlation between alexithymia scores
No HCs 31.8% borderline alexithymic and demographic or other disease
(continued on next page)
Neuropsychologia 104 (2017) 31–47
Table 1 (continued)

Authors (Years) Population Alexithymia measure Variables Prevalence Correlation and other analyses

38.6% non-alexithymic characteristics

At T2, alexithymia (total, DIF and DDF
subscales) and anxiety scores remained
M.A. Chalah, S.S. Ayache

constant. Conversely, EOT subscale and

depression scores decreased.
Cecchetto et al. 30 RR MS TAS-20 Depression: BDI 10.0% alexithymic – Correlation between alexithymia total
(2014) (age: 34.2 ± 6.2; DD: 9.1 ± 6.7; EDSS: (North-American cutoff Anxiety : N/A 13.3% borderline alexithymic scores and depression but not fatigue
(Italian) 2.0 ± 1.0) score > 60 for alexithymia) Fatigue: FSS 76.7% non-alexithymic* scores
30 HCs Cognition: BRB-N, TMT, phonemic verbal Compared to HCs, patients have deficits – No correlation between alexithymia scores
fluency, verbal and spatial span in recognizing all of facial emotions but and social cognitive measures
Others: not identity. – Data on correlation between alexithymia
No group differences in alexithymia or and demographic or disease characteristics
– Facial emotion recognition task: bodily emotional postures recognition are N/A
ERT derived from the Nim Set collection of – Multiple linear regression analysis:
facial expressions alexithymia could not account for social
– Facial identity recognition: BFRT cognitive deficits
– Bodily emotion recognition task: BEAST
Mosson et al. (2014) 13 RR/10 PP/14 SP MS BVAQ Form B Depression & Anxiety: HADS Prevalence N/A – Inverse correlation between cognitive
(French) (age: 50.2 ± 9.0; DD: N/A; EDSS≤4.0) (cut-off score not applicable Fatigue: FIS * Compared to patients with low levels of alexithymia scores and cognitive
No HCs since grouping was based on Cognition: N/A physical activity, those with high/ (particularly ID) and psychosocial fatigue
physical activity) Others: moderate levels did not differ on scores (social role with ANL, ID; social
alexithymia total or affective dimension relationships with all except ANL)
– Physical acitivity: Short version of the scores, but were significantly better in – Direct correlation between cognitive
International Activity Questionnaire analyzing emotions, and tended to have alexithymia scores and each of depression
– Coping: CHIP better cognitive dimension scores (except ANL) and anxiety (particularly ID)
– Inverse correlation between the affective

dimension of alexithymia (as well as EMO
subscale) and emotional regulation
– Correlations between alexithymia scores and
disease characteristics N/A
Gleichgerrcht et al. 38 RR MS TAS-20 Depression: N/A 31.6% alexithymic – Inverse correlation between alexithymia
(2015) (age: 42.3 ± 11.3; DD: 1.6 ± 8.7; (North-American cutoff Anxiety: N/A 26.3% borderline alexithymic and empathy scores.
North/South EDSS:1.7 ± 1.6) score > 60 for alexithymia) Fatigue: N/A 42.1% non-alexithymic – Direct correlation between alexithymia and
American 38 HCs Cognition: N/A * Compared to HCs, patients showed moral permissibility scores
Others: significantly higher scores on all aspects – No correlation between alexithymia and
of alexithymia and lower levels of disease characteristics (i.e. EDSS, DD or
– Empathy: Interpersonal Reactivity Index empathy, and altered moral judgment number of relapse)
– Moral judgement: dilemmas measuring * No group difference in demographic – Data on correlation between alexithymia
moral permissibility, moral relativity and data scores demographic data are N/A
emotional reactivity
Patil et al. (2016b) 38 RR MS TAS-20 Depression: N/A 31.6% alexithymic – No correlation between alexithymia scores
North/South (age: 42.3 ± 11.3; DD: 10.6 ± 8.7; (North-American cutoff Anxiety: N/A 26.3% borderline alexithymic and disease characteristics (i.e. EDSS, DD
American and EDSS: 1.7 ± 1.6) score > 60 for alexithymia) Fatigue: N/A 42.1% non alexithymic or number of relapse) or moral judgement
Italian 38 HCs Cognition: inclusion only if MMSE > 24 * Compared to HCs, patients had higher – Data on correlation between alexithymia
Others: rates of alexithymia, lower scores of and empathy scores or demographic data
some aspects of empathy, and altered are N/A.
– Empathy: Interpersonal Reactivity Index moral judgment
– Moral judgement task * No group difference in demographic
Gay et al. (2017) 107 RR/ 28 PP/ 54 SP MS BVAQ Form B Depression & Anxiety: HADS 53.0% alexithymic – No correlation between alexithymia scores
(French) (age: 47.2 ± 12.5; DD: 15.0 ± 9.3; (cutoff score for Fatigue: N/A Cognition: N/A * No significant differences between and each of anxiety, depression or disease
EDSS: 4.7 ± 2.4) alexithymia > 52) Others: depressed and non-depressed or between characteristics (i.e. EDSS).
No HCs Emotion: Emotional Processing Scale, Positive anxious and non-anxious patients in – Data on correlation between alexithymia
and Negative Emotionality Scale terms of alexithymia scores scores and socio-demographic
Coping: CHIP characteristics are N/A
(continued on next page)
Neuropsychologia 104 (2017) 31–47
Table 1 (continued)

Authors (Years) Population Alexithymia measure Variables Prevalence Correlation and other analyses

Dulau et al. (2017) 30 RR/ 15 PP/ 15 SP MS BVAQ Form B (cutoff score N/ Depression: BDI 12.0% alexithymic in the whole patient – No correlation between alexithymia scores
(French) (age 46.5 ± 10.6; DD: 14.4 ± 9.4; A) Anxiety: STAI group; 27.0% alexithymic PP MS (details and each of disease characteristics, mood
median EDSS: 4.0) Fatigue: N/A N/A) scores, or non-social cognitive scores
M.A. Chalah, S.S. Ayache

65 HCs Cognition: Cognitive alexithymia: 17.0–20.0% – Data on correlation between alexithymia

according to MS phenotypes and social cognitive domains or
– Episodic memory: French adapation of the Affective alexithymia: 7.0% demographic characteristics are N/A
Grober and Buschke Free, Cued Selective * Compared to HCs, the whole patient
Reminding Test and forward digit span group was significantly more depressed,
– Working memory: backward and forward scored significantly lower on the Reading
digit span and PASAT 3s the Mind in the Eyes Test (but not the
– IPS: digit symbol, CSCT, D2 Test, a letter other social cognitive tests), and did not
cancellation test (numbers of items differ on anxiety scores or demographic
analyzed), Stroop 45- colour denomination; data.
Stroop 45-reading
– Attention: D2 Test, a crossing test
measuring selective and sustained attention
and visual scanning speed (error
– Executive functions: verbal fluency, WCST,
and Stroop 45 inhibition score

– Theory of mind: The Faux Pas Test, the

Attribution of Intentions Test, and the
Reading the Mind in the Eyes Test
– Facial emotion recognition: The Faces Test

– Emotional awareness: LEAS
– Emotional fluency task of the PECS-B
Raimo et al. (2017) 29 RR/2 PP/2 SP MS TAS- 20( Depression: HDRS Prevalence N/A – Inverse correlation between alexithymia
(Italian) (age: 40.6 ± 11.5; DD: 98.8 ± 89.8; cutoff score not applicable) Anxiety: STAI * Compared to HCs (matched on and theory of mind scores (Reading the
EDSS: 2.4 ± 1.5) Fatigue: FSS demographic data), patients had higher Mind in the Eyes Test)
40 HCs Cognition: alexithymia and depression scores, worse – Data on correlations between alexithymia
– MMSE cognitive performance (IPS, visuospatial scores and each of demographic, clinical and
– BRB-N learning and memory), and significant cognitive data are N/A
Others: deficits in theory of mind

– Theory of mind: Reading the Mind in the

Eyes Test, modified version of the Emotion
Attribution Task, Theory of Mind Picture
Sequencing Task, and Advanced Test of
Theory of Mind
– Apathy: Apathy Evaluation Scale

ANL: Analyzing; BDI: Beck Depression Inventory; BEAST: Bodily Expressive Action Stimulus Test; BFRT: Benton Facial Recognition Test; BIQ: Beth Israel Questionnaire; BRB-N: The Brief Repeatable Battery of Neuropsychological Tests; BVAQ:
Bermond-Vorst Alexithymia Questionnaire; CHIP: Coping about Health Injuries and Problems questionnaire; CSCT: Computerized Speed Cognitive Test; DIF: Difficulty Identifying Feelings; DD: Disease duration; DDF: Difficulty Describing Feeling;
EMO: Emotionalizing; ERT: Emotion recognition task; EDSS: Expanded Disability Status Scale; EOT: Externally Oriented Thinking; FIS: Fatigue Impact Scale; FSS: Fatigue Severity Scale; FST: Faces Symbol Test; HADS: Hospital Anxiety and
Depression Scale; HCs: Healthy controls; HDRS: Hamilton Depression Rating Scale; ID: Identifying; IPS: Information processing speed; LEAS: Levels of Emotional Awareness Scale; MMSE: Mini Mental Status Exam; MS: Multiple sclerosis; N/A: Not
available; PASAT: Paced Auditory Serial Attention Test; PCFAE: Test of Perceptual Competence of Facial Affect Recognition; PECS-B: Bordeaux Social Cognition Evaluation Protocol; P: Progressive; PP: Primary Progressive; PVIPT: Parallel Visual
Information Processing Test; RR: Relapsing Remitting; SP: Secondary progressive; STAI: State-Trait Anxiety Inventory; TAS- 20: Toronto Alexithymia Scale; TMT: Trail Making Test; VAS: Visual Analogue Scale; WCST: The Wisconsin Card Sorting
Test. Age and disease duration are expressed in years. All quantitative variables are shown as mean ± SD unless indicated otherwise.
Neuropsychologia 104 (2017) 31–47
M.A. Chalah, S.S. Ayache Neuropsychologia 104 (2017) 31–47

4. Assessment tools for alexithymia arousal states (Identifying, [ID] which corresponds to DIF in TAS-20),
(2) the tendency to describe one’s emotions (Verbalizing [VER] which
The most primitive instruments to measure alexithymia included corresponds to DDF in TAS-20), (3) the interest in finding explanation
the Schalling Sifneos Personality Scale (SSPS) and the Minnesota for one’s emotional reaction (Analyzing [ANL] which corresponds to
Multiphasic Personality Inventory Alexithymia Scale (MMPI) (Kleiger EOT in TAS-20), (4) the extent of arousal by an emotional event
and Kinsman, 1980; Taylor et al., 1999) which were limited by their (Emotionalizing, [EMO]) and finally (5) the individual’s tendency to
lack of reliability and validation (Parker et al., 1991; Bertagne et al., have daydreams, fantasies or other imaginative thoughts (Fantasizing,
1992). Since then, the utility of different tools has been tested and [FANT]). As per the original authors, the affective (1–28: clearly non-
several are now available for the evaluation of alexithymia, including alexithymic, 29 – 41: modal, 42–80: alexithymic) and cognitive (1–42:
projective tests, observer-rated and self-reported questionnaires. For clearly non-alexithymic, 43–61: modal, 62–120: alexithymic) dimen-
the sake of this review, only the most common tools, particularly those sions are scored separately.
used in MS studies, will be revisited. The Beth Israel Questionnaire The originality of this new scale lies in the last two facets (EMO and
(BIQ) created by Sifneos is a 17-item forced choice questionnaire filled FANT) (Vorst and Bermond, 2001; Bermond et al., 2010). This might
out by the examiner (Sifneos, 1973) and consists of an initial period of provide a more global view on alexithymia by representing the two
unstructured dialogue followed by questions that assess alexithymia forgotten elements that were present in the initial definition of Taylor
(describing feelings and reporting fantasies) (Nemiah et al., 1976). and colleagues (Taylor et al., 2000). This was highlighted by the fact
Eight of these questions were found to be closely linked to alexithymia that total TAS-20 score correlates with the cognitive (ID, VER, ANL) but
and were therefore used to classify patients as alexithymics or not based not the affective (EMO, FANT) dimension of BVAQ (Zech et al., 1999;
on an arbitrary cutoff score of 6. The test was found to have sufficient Vorst and Bermond, 2001). However, some authors argue that BVAQ
psychometric properties (Smith et al., 1992). However, its validity was might not be superior to TAS-20 since the conceptualization of alex-
not derived from the ability to distinguish alexithymics from non- ithymia remains debatable. In other terms, they consider the additional
alexithymics, but was rather based on comparative studies which affective aspects as correlates of alexithymia rather than core facets of
documented higher scores in psychosomatic patients compared to it. For this reason, some authors only employ the 20-item BVAQ Form B
psychoneurotic patients or those with other psychiatric diagnoses admitting its convergent validity and the high correlation found be-
(Sifneos, 1973). Few years later, a revised version was introduced and tween its items and those of TAS-20 (Morera et al., 2005). The cut-off
aimed to enhance the psychometric properties of BIQ. It consists of 12 scores of the BVAQ Form B are derived from studies in healthy young
items (four new items added, nine were eliminated) that had 7-likert adults (lexithymia: 43–45, alexithymia: 50–53) (Loas et al., 2015), al-
type format contrarily to the dichotomous format adapted in the initial cohol abuse (alexithymia: 52) (Sauvage and Loas, 2006), eating dis-
version (Bagby et al., 1994b). Its initial evaluation yielded a satisfactory orders (lexithymia: 43, alexithymia: 53) (Deborde et al., 2008), and
interrater agreement and a significant correlation with the 20-item multiple sclerosis (alexithymia: 52) (Gay et al., 2017).
Toronto Alexithymia Scale (Bagby et al., 1994b). Such a correlation was
more significant than that obtained when using BIQ version. 5. The neuroanatomical underpinnings of alexithymia
The Toronto Alexithymia Scale is the most popular tool to measure
the symptom and is currently available in numerous languages (Taylor Ever since the description of alexithymia, a considerable amount of
et al., 1985). When it was first introduced by the Canadian team, it neuropsychological and imaging works has addressed its neural un-
consisted of 26 items that evaluate the four facets of alexithymia: DIF (7 derpinnings, but a prominent inconsistency and even a contradiction
items), DDF (5 items), EOT (8 items) and LFL (6 items). It is a self- exist among their findings. In MS, alexithymia might result from de-
reported measure that consists of a 5-choice scale (from ‘strongly agree’ myelinating lesions and neurodegenerative processes that usually ac-
to ‘strongly disagree’). Later in time, a revised version came out ac- cumulate throughout the disease course. In fact, such pathological
counting only for the first three components (DIF, DDF, and EOT), since changes have been reflected by structural and functional brain ab-
the fourth one was found to be of low coherence with the other three normalities on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and have been found
factors. This resulted in the 20-item Toronto Alexithymia scale (TAS- to be associated with cognitive, psychiatric and emotional disturbances
20) which was shown to have good predictive validity and internal commonly observed in MS population (Chalah et al., 2015; Chalah and
consistency (Bagby et al., 1994b; Loas et al., 2001; Culhane et al., Ayache, 2017a; Chalah and Ayache, 2017b). Remarkably, among the 14
2003). The North American and French cut-offs are respectively as papers that have dealt with alexithymia in MS, none has addressed the
follows: non-clinical alexithymic [scores ≤51 (American cut-off) neural underpinning of this trait by the means of imaging modalities.
vs. < 44 (French cut-off)], borderline alexithymic (scores of 52–60 vs. Therefore, this section will reappraise the underlying mechanisms in
44–55), or alexithymic (scores > 60 vs. > 55) (Bagby et al., 1994a; the light of the most accepted models that derive from studies per-
Loas et al., 1996a, 1996b). formed in healthy subjects and patients with neuropsychiatric com-
Some authors consider the first two constructs (DIF, DDF) and the plaints (other than MS).
third one (EOT) as the affective and cognitive dimensions respectively
(Zackheim, 2007; Grynberg et al., 2010; Moriguchi and Komaki, 2013). 5.1. Emotion processing networks and Alexithymia
However, a Dutch team argues that these TAS-20 subscales represent
only cognitive alexithymia and do not take into account the affective One of the compelling models considers alexithymia to arise from a
component, a fact that pushed them to put into place a scale which dysfunction in emotion processing networks. To start, emotion per-
contains two parallel sets of twenty items each (Form A comprising ception is an early step of emotion processing that involves a ventral
items 1–20, and Form B comprising items 21–40). This gave birth to the neural system made of amygdala, insula, anterior cingulate cortex
so-called 40-item ‘Bermond-Vorst Alexithymia Scale’ (BVAQ) which (ACC), prefrontal cortex (PFC) and striatum, amongst others (Phillips
was found to have good reliability and validity (Bermond and Vorst, et al., 2003; Bermond et al., 2006; Fusar-Poli et al., 2009; van der Velde
1994; Zech et al., 1999; Vorst and Bermond, 2001; Farges et al., 2004; et al., 2013; 2015). The amygdala and insula play an important role in
Morera et al., 2005). Similar to TAS-20, BVAQ items are of 5-point automatic emotion processing. Upon the presentation of an emotion-
Likert-type ranging from ‘this definitely applies to me’ to ‘this in no way ally-relevant stimulus, the amygdala is in charge of automatically di-
applies to me’. Most importantly, it is a 5-component contrast (vs. 3 recting the bottom-up attention of the occipital cortex towards the
components in TAS-20) which takes into consideration the cognitive stimulus via a feedback loop involving the fusiform gyrus (Phillips
and emotional components of alexithymia. Its five dimensions (8 items et al., 2003; Vuilleumier, 2005; Jacobs et al., 2012). In addition, the
each) are as the following: (1) the capacity to identify one’s emotional insula, as well as the precuneus, are key elements in the process of

M.A. Chalah, S.S. Ayache Neuropsychologia 104 (2017) 31–47

emotional insight which requires the transformation of an interoceptive et al., 1992, 1998; Mandal et al., 1999). Following the same logic, a CC
information (insula) into a subjective affective state (precuneus) dysfunction may result in an intact emotion experiencing but altered
(Critchley et al., 2004; Tsuchiya and Adolphs, 2007; Terasawa et al., cognitive emotion processing (Bermond, 1995; 1997), an idea that was
2013). Following attention capture, the retrieval of conceptual knowl- supported later in time by several clinical and imaging studies including
edge about emotion and the generation of affective reactions involve those performed on patients with CC transections (Sperry et al., 1979;
the superior temporal cortex and hippocampal formation (Adolphs, Buchanan et al., 1980a, 1980b; Larsen et al., 2003; Habib and Joly-
2002a, 2002b). Other important cerebral areas are the motor and so- Pottuz, 2003; Kubota et al., 2012; Goerlich-Dobre et al., 2015b). Some
matosensory cortices which are involved in emotional awareness and authors have labeled this mechanism as a right-to-left unidirectional
recognition (Adolphs, 2002a, 2002b), parts of the ventromedial pre- deficit in interhemispheric transfer (IHT) (Hoppe and Bogen, 1976;
frontal cortex -particularly ACC and orbitofrontal cortex (OFC)- which Houtveen et al., 1997; Parker et al., 1999; Zeitlin et al., 1989; Dewaraja
participate in emotional learning through their connections with limbic and Sasaki, 1990). Moreover, in the same model, frontal lobe dys-
structures (Kandel et al., 1991; Malloy and Duffy, 1994), and the basal function was suggested to be behind the occurrence of both dimensions
ganglia which contribute to emotional experience through the dorso- (Damasio and van Hoesen, 1983; Alexander et al., 1990; de Bruin,
lateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC) and the OFC circuits (Alexander et al., 1990; Neafsey, 1990; Kandel et al., 1991; Devinsky et al., 1995; Hornak
1990). et al., 1996; Berthoz et al., 2000; van der Velde et al., 2013; Lane et al.,
That is to say, alexithymia was associated in many studies with 1997; Wingbermühle et al., 2012; Milad et al., 2007; Phan et al., 2002;
structural or functional abnormalities in the abovementioned regions, Larsen et al., 2003). The strict hemispheric specialization of this model
namely the amygdalae, basal ganglia, ACC, insula, precuneus, fusiform constitutes its major shortcoming since more recent studies failed to
gyrus, PFC, and occipital cortex (Berthoz et al., 2000; Hornak et al., demonstrate a typical left and right hemispheric specializations with
2003; Kano and Fukudo, 2013; Karlsson et al., 2008; Kugel et al., 2008; regards to the different dimensions and types of alexithymia (Goerlich-
Eichmann et al., 2008; Paradiso et al., 2008; Borsci et al., 2009; Pouga Dobre et al., 2015b).
et al., 2010; Reker et al., 2010; Kubota et al., 2011; Sturm and In fact, three years after the introduction of the hemispheric spe-
Levenson, 2011; Zhang et al., 2011; Liemburg et al., 2012; cialization model, a tuned and more flexible version of it was presented
Wingbermühle et al., 2012; Kano and Fukudo, 2013; Moriguchi and by the same authors, where the implicated structures are inter-
Komaki, 2013; Kano and Fukudo, 2013; Ihme et al., 2013; Moriguchi connected in a way that they can influence one another (Bermond et al.,
and Komaki, 2013; Kano and Fukudo, 2013; van der Velde et al., 2013; 2006). The orbito/medial-prefrontal cortices, more on the right side,
Grabe et al., 2014; Goerlich-Dobre et al., 2015b; van der Velde al., seem to be mainly implicated in affective alexithymia. Modules of the
2014; Suslow et al., 2016). right temporal cortex, are primarily involved in the cognitive dimen-
sion, but also play a role in the affective one via their connections with
5.2. The Neuroanatomical profiles of alexithymia dimensions and subtypes the orbito-prefrontal cortices. These structures are linked, via CC and/
or anterior commissure, to left-hemispheric areas that ensure emotional
5.2.1. Hemispheric specialization and Alexithymia cognition. The model also proposes the specialization of ventral and
Most of the available hypotheses arise from the bi-dimensional caudal ACC subparts in the affective and cognitive alexithymia di-
nature of alexithymia and its theoretical subtypes as initially proposed mensions respectively. In addition, it suggests the involvement of
by the Dutch team (Vorst and Bermond, 2001; Larsen et al., 2003; amygdalae in the cognitive dimension via their connections with neo-
Bermond et al., 2006). For instance, in one of their works, Bermond and cortical regions and in the affective dimension by the means of their
colleagues discussed the possibility of a left hemispheric preference or a links with PFC.
right hemispheric negligence in alexithymics during the processing of More importantly, authors advocate the presence of a reciprocal
visual emotional information compared to non-alexithymics who pro- inhibition between brain parts involved in the cognitive and affective
cess the stimulus in the hemisphere that receives it (Bermond et al., aspects of emotions (for example, between the subparts of ACC, be-
2005). In another work (Larsen et al., 2003), they proposed a kind of tween PFC and amygdalae, etc.). This means that the processing of
hemispheric specialization in line with the connexionist theory initially emotional versus non-emotional stimuli would primarily activate the
proposed by McClelland and colleagues (McClelland et al., 1987). Here, regions dedicated to the affective facet versus those in charge of the
the right and left hemispheres would be respectively more specialized cognitive aspect of emotions, respectively.
in the processing of global, nonverbal and unconscious information Based on this assumption, the authors conceived four possible ways
(emotional experience) (Gazzaniga, 1989; Kolb and Whishaw, 1990) of emotion management: (a) the exclusive activation of neural regions
versus verbal, serial, and conscious one (high explicit emotional cog- involved in non-emotional cognitive processing would result in a total
nition) (Tucker, 1981; Gainotti, 1989; Joseph, 1992; Hoppe, 1988; negation of emotions (low affective and cognitive capacities char-
Gainotti et al., 1993; Bear, 1983; Larsen et al., 2003; Bermond et al., acterizing alexithymia type I), (b) the exclusive activation of affective
2006). In this framework, the corpus callosum (CC) - the largest in- neural modules would lead to intense emotional experience without
terhemispheric white matter bundle - could be the bridge through cognitive processing (high affective and low cognitive capacities de-
which the cognitive component of an emotional stimulus presented to fining alexithymia type II) (c) the exclusive activation of neural circuits
the right ‘affective’ hemisphere would reach the left ‘cognitive’ one involved in emotion cognitive processing would result in emotionally
(Gazzaniga and LeDoux, 1978). In this context, alexithymia might occur detached emotion-related cognition (high cognitive and low affective
due to a dysfunction in (1) the right hemisphere (Parker et al., 1993; capacities denoting alexithymia type III), and finally an adequate ac-
Jessimer et al., 1997), (2) the interhemispheric affective-cognitive tivation of the affective followed by cognitive processing of emotional
communication mediated by the CC (Hoppe and Bogen, 1976; information would result in a normal emotion processing (high affec-
TenHouten et al., 1985a, 1985b, 1985c, 1986; TenHouten et al., 1987, tive and cognitive capacities hallmarking lexithymia). Finally, in the
1988; Houtveen et al., 1997; Parker et al., 1999), or (3) the left most recent report, Lane and colleagues have attempted to expand the
hemisphere. Following this proposition, one might assume that the lo- alexithymia construct by proposing a new concept based on Freud’s
cation of brain pathology would result in phenotypic differences among perception of agnosia (Freud, 1891; Lane et al., 2015). According to
the theoretical subtypes of alexithymia (Bermond et al., 2006). Inter- Freud, recognizing an object (i.e. somatomotor and visceromotor ex-
estingly, right-sided hemispheric lesions were found in some studies to pression of emotional responses) relies on a multi-step process con-
engender an alteration of emotional experience and subsequently an sisting of (1) sensory perception, (2) mental representation (i.e. emo-
absence of cognitive emotion processing (Ross et al., 1984; Fricchione tional awareness), and (3) verbal labeling (i.e. naming or expressing
and Howanitz, 1985; Gainotti, 1989; Borod, 1992; Borod, 1993; Borod emotions). In this context, a deficit in the second step rather than in the

M.A. Chalah, S.S. Ayache Neuropsychologia 104 (2017) 31–47

third one would result in impaired ability to mentally represent emo- pattern of cerebral (non-hemispheric) specialization in alexithymia di-
tions, a concept which Lane et al. refer to as a type of agnosia: ‘affective mensions remains suitable till these days (Larsen et al., 2003; Bermond
agnosia’. However, Taylor and colleagues argue that, early since the et al., 2010; Pouga et al., 2010; Goerlich et al., 2012; Goerlich-Dobre
description of alexithymia, the construct included deficits in emotional et al., 2014a).
awareness as a central core (Taylor et al., 2016). They also added that In reality, there is a certain degree of agreement on the presence of
the newly described concept does not take into account the pensée emotion processing networks. This includes the interhemispheric con-
opératoire (operative thinking) which constitutes a central aspect of nections (i.e. CC) and the fronto-parietal regions (e.g. precuneus,
alexithymia. frontal and prefrontal cortices), as well as the limbic and paralimbic
areas, namely insula, amygdala, parahippocampal gyrus, and the cin-
5.2.2. Neuroimaging data and neural substrates of alexithymia: gulate cortex. (Lane et al., 1997; Singer et al., 2009; Etkin et al., 2011;
shortcomings and drawbacks Kano et al., 2003; Kubota et al., 2012; Ihme et al., 2013; van der Velde
The important advances in neuroimaging techniques could be of et al., 2013; Grabe et al., 2014; Goerlich-Dobre et al., 2015b). Con-
great help in clarifying the current speculations and disentangling the cerning the latter, it is now accepted that the ventral-rostral subgenual
neural substrates of alexithymia. However, some discrepancies exist (sgACC) and the dorso-caudal ACC (dcACC) are respectively involved in
among the available studies. affective and cognitive alexithymia (Devinsky et al., 1995; Bush et al.,
For instance, the gray matter volume of ACC was found to be larger 2000; Bermond et al., 2006; Etkin et al., 2011). Through its association
(Gundel et al., 2004), smaller (Borsci et al., 2009; Grabe et al., 2014; with limbic and orbito-prefrontal regions, the sgACC could influence
van der Velde et al., 2014; Ihme et al., 2013; Koven et al., 2011; the generation of emotional responses, which justifies its inference in
Paradiso et al., 2008; Sturm and Levenson, 2011), or alike (Heinzel the affective dimension of alexithymia (Bermond et al., 2006; Pouga
et al., 2012) in alexithymics compared to lexithymics. The same applies et al., 2010; Goerlich-Dobre et al., 2015b). In addition, via its functional
to the amygdalar volumes (smaller in Grabe et al., 2014; Ihme et al., connectivity with the amygdala among other emotion processing areas,
2013 vs. similar in Borsci et al., 2009; Heinzel et al., 2012; Kubota the dcACC could take part in the cognitive reappraisal (Amaral et al.,
et al., 2011) and insular volumes (larger in Zhang et al., 2011; Goerlich- 1992; Giuliani et al., 2011) which explains its contribution to the
Dobre et al., 2014a vs. smaller in Borsci et al., 2009; Pouga et al., 2010; cognitive dimension.
Grabe et al., 2014; Ihme et al., 2013 vs. similar in Heinzel et al., 2012;
Kubota et al., 2011; Sturm and Levenson, 2011), and the list goes on. 6. The neuroimmune and neurochemical substrates of
This inconsistency might be partly attributed to the difference in the Alexithymia
adapted structural MRI methods. Some studies used surface area mea-
surements (Gundel et al., 2004) while others relied on automated voxel- An association between immune dysregulation and alexithymia has
based morphometry (Borsci et al., 2009; Grabe et al., 2014; Ihme et al., been suggested based on several studies documenting pro-inflammatory
2013; Koven et al., 2011; Paradiso et al., 2008; Sturm and Levenson, imbalance (e.g. interleukins (IL)−1, −2, −6, −8 and tumor necrosis
2011). factor-⍺ (TNF-⍺)) in the context of alexithymia (Uher, 2010; Guilbaud
Another illustration of inconsistent results come from fMRI data. For et al., 2003; Uher et al., 2010; De Berardis et al., 2014). For example,
instance, various pattern of ACC activation was found in alexithymics high serum levels of IL-6 and TNF-α were found in alexithymic com-
patients compared to lexithymic ones. Here, several reasons might ex- pared to non-alexithymic patients with rheumatoid arthritis (Bruni
plain such divergent results. et al., 2006; Vadacca et al., 2008). Another illustration would be the
First, in the context of alexithymia, the hyperactivation pattern significant correlation between alexithymia scores and cerebrospinal
would imply (1) a great need to recruit neural resources in face of in- fluid (CSF) levels of IL-8 in a cohort of non-inflammatory neurological
creased cognitive demands (compensatory mechanisms), (2) a hy- disorders (Uher and Bob, 2011) or serum levels of IL-18 in alexithymic
persensitivity to the physical aspect of emotional stimuli or (3) an patients during an acute stroke (Bossù et al., 2009).
amplification of physical sensation which constitutes one of the cores of Importantly, CNS inflammation is the pathophysiological hallmark
alexithymia (Koch et al., 2012; Mulert et al., 2005; Urry et al., 2009; of MS. The inflammatory milieu would activate the microglia which
Pollatos & Gramann, 2012; Kano and Fukudo, 2013; Moriguchi and would result in the release of pro-inflammatory mediators such as TNF-
Komaki, 2013). Conversely, the hypoactivation pattern can be ex- α, interferon-γ, and IL-1-β (Block and Hong, 2005; Kawanokuchi et al.,
plained by the inverted U-shape hypothesis which was observed while 2006; Muzio et al., 2007) which were remarkably found to be at high
increasing the task load (Koch et al., 2012). In other words, during the levels in the CSF of MS patients (Chalah et al., 2015; Ayache and
initial increase in task load, patients exhibited a hyperactivation in the Chalah, 2017a). Although no MS study till present has assessed the
concerned brain region, and this would be followed by a hypoactivation relationship between alexithymia and inflammatory markers, the con-
with a further increase in the task load. tribution of the latter in alexithymia deserves to be verified.
Second, the difference in the adapted tasks and stimuli types might Besides the inflammation itself, other factors, such as neurochem-
be behind the incongruent findings of fMRI studies (Pouga et al., 2010; ical imbalance, might also contribute to alexithymia in MS. For in-
Kano and Fukudo, 2013). Here, it is worth noting that valence-depen- stance, inflammation-induced synaptopathy in the context of MS seems
dent pattern of brain activation exists in alexithymia (van der Velde to be the link between inflammatory and neurodegenerative processes
et al., 2013). That it to say, negative and positive emotion processing (Chalah et al., 2015). The inflammatory mediators can result in a
elicit different pattern of brain activation and might explain the dif- neurochemical imbalance, mainly an upregulation of the excitatory
ferences across studies employing tasks that assess positive versus ne- glutamatergic transmission (Stellwagen et al., 2005; Lai et al., 2006;
gative emotions. Mizuno et al., 2008), and a down regulation of the inhibitory G-
Third, the difference in the assessment tools (i.e. TAS-20 vs. BVAQ- ABAergic transmission (Stellwagen et al., 2005). This idea is supported
40 vs. BVAQ- Form B) might account for the incongruent data of the by molecular, imaging and neurophysiological studies documenting
existing trials. In fact, a large number of the earliest studies have used aberrant glutamatergic, GABAergic as well as dopaminergic metabolism
TAS-20 while relatively little number have employed the BVAQ, which in the CNS of MS patients (Chalah et al., 2015; Ayache and Chalah,
might constitute an important source of bias. 2017b). Although no studies have addressed this issue in this popula-
tion, some evidence are available from other clinical and healthy co-
5.2.3. Neuroimaging data and neural substrates of Alexithymia: Current horts and might be applicable to MS. For instance, Larsen and collea-
perspectives gues have suggested that alexithymia be related to a deficient
Despite the above discussed inconsistency among MRI studies, a dopaminergic transmission in ACC or OFC which are connected to basal

M.A. Chalah, S.S. Ayache Neuropsychologia 104 (2017) 31–47

ganglia and therefore may contribute to the emotional experience emotional arousal (Papciak et al., 1985; Martin and Pihl, 1986;
(Larsen et al., 2003). This assumption has its roots in studies in patients Rabavilas, 1987; Friedlander et al., 1997; Infrasca, 1997; Fukunishi
with Parkinson’s disease, where the reduction in the function of dopa- et al., 1999; Stone and Nielson, 2001; Gundel et al., 2002). At baseline,
minergic nigrostriatal networks was accompanied by numbness in alexithymic individuals were found to have continuous autonomic hy-
motivation and affect which characterizes alexithymia (Berman and peractivity which might be similar to that observed in chronic stress
Weinberger, 1990; Costa et al., 2010). Contemporary evidence also states. Conversely, during the exposure to arousing stimuli, alex-
arises from genetic studies which have suggested the implication of ithymics were found to have normal or lower sympathetic activity
Catechol-O-Methyltransferase, brain-derived neurotrophic factor and (Fukunishi et al., 1999; Wehmer et al., 1995; Linden et al., 1996;
DRD2/ANKK1 genes - all of which are involved in dopaminergic Friedlander et al., 1997; Roedema and Simons, 1999; Roedema and
pathways – in alexithymia (TAS-20) (Ham et al., 2005; Walter et al., Simons, 1999; Stone and Nielson, 2001). The unusual alexithymic re-
2011; Koh et al., 2016). sponse to psychosocial stress may reflect aberrant channels for emo-
Moreover, preliminary findings on the involvement of other neu- tional discharge, and might explain the observed emotional-physiolo-
rotransmitters derive from a proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy gical decoupling. The documented neurophysiological findings seem to
by Ernst and colleagues (Ernst et al., 2014) where alexithymia scores share the same neural mechanisms of alexithymia, namely abnormal-
(TAS-20) were correlated with glutamate levels in the left insula and ities in cortical and subcortical regions (e.g. ACC, PFC, insula, amyg-
GABA levels in the ACC (Ernst et al., 2014). dala, CC) linked to brainstem and spinal autonomic centers (Barbas
Taken together, these data suggest that the CNS neurochemical et al., 2003; Simpson et al., 2001; Gainotti, 2001; Larsen et al., 2003;
imbalance seen in MS patients contribute to the occurrence of alex- Bermond et al., 2006).
ithymia in this population.
9. Prevalence of alexithymia in multiple sclerosis
7. The neuroendocrine correlates of Alexithymia
In the last three decades, alexithymia has gained more attention in
The hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA) gets usually acti- the field of MS. The first evidence on alexithymia in this population
vated in response to stressful conditions or physiological states. comes from studies dating back to the eighties of the last century. In
Inflammatory mediators can influence HPA activity via a cytokine-HPA 1983, Pavlo and Stefoski reported that some of their patients had dif-
axis feedback network model (Marques et al., 2009; Kern et al., 2014). ficulties in elaborating their feelings or discriminating between the
For instance, positive correlation was documented between IL-6 serum latter and their physical sensations. Therefore, they tend to express this
levels and cortisol increment (Zarković et al., 2008). Another case in a reality by their somatic or bodily complaints (Pavlou and Stefoski,
point would be the increase in serum cortisol levels following in- 1983). Afterwards, Grant published in 1986 his experience with some
travenous administration of IL-1b and TNF-α (Sharp et al., 1989; of his patients who describe a sensation of ‘dysconnection’ between
Gwosdow et al., 1990). their interior/inner experience and the expression of their affect. For
In the context of MS, several studies have demonstrated an HPA axis instance, they would feel sad or depressed, but their facial mimicry
dysregulation, a finding that could be associated with the disease pro- would not reveal or reflect these feelings (Grant, 1986). Both studies
gression, cognitive decline and fatigue (Michelson et al., 1994; feature a contrast between a weak ability to analyze inner emotions and
Fassbender et al., 1998; Then Bergh et al., 1999; Huitinga et al., 2004; a huge amount of somatic complaints in this population.
Gold et al., 2005; Ysrraelit et al., 2008; Melief et al., 2013; Huitinga Montreuil and Lyon-Caen were the first to concretely address alex-
et al., 2004; Ayache and Chalah, 2017a). While numerous studies have ithymia in MS in 1993. These French researchers reported, based on
reported HPA hyperactivity (Michelson et al., 1994; Fassbender et al., their clinical experience, a pattern of dissociation between what pa-
1998; Then Bergh et al., 1999; Gold et al., 2005; Ysrraelit et al., 2008; tients subjectively report regarding their emotions and what is clinically
Melief et al., 2013; Huitinga et al., 2004), few studies have found to a perceived in their facial mimicry, bodily gestures and speech (Montreuil
hypoactivity pattern (Huitinga et al., 2004). These divergent findings and Lyon-Caen, 1993). For this purpose, they assessed alexithymia in a
could be explained by the results of Kern and colleagues who docu- cohort of 60 MS patients (clinical and demographic characteristics were
mented, in MS patients, a time-dependent variability of HPA axis re- not mentioned) using BIQ. Alexithymia was found in 50% of their pa-
sponse. Expressed differently, the response becomes blunted in ad- tients and was correlated with blunted affect -which occurs in the
vanced stages of the disease (Kern et al., 2014). Nonetheless, none of context of anhedonia- but not with education, gender, disease duration
the available studies has assessed the association between HPA axis or cognitive function (details were not provided). Interestingly, based
activity and alexithymia. on the abovementioned connexionist theory (right ‘holistic’ versus left
Regarding the relationship between alexithymia and HPA axis ac- ‘analytical’ hemispheres) and previous works documenting deficient
tivity, inconsistency exists among alexithymia studies with some trials IHT in MS (Rubens et al., 1985; Lindeboom & ter Horst, 1988; Rao et al.,
reported no association (McCaslin et al., 2006; Pedrosa Gil et al., 2008) 1989; Pelletier et al., 1993), the authors also performed a visual task,
while others documented a positive correlation between alexithymia the Parallel Visual Information Processing Test (PVIPT), to assess the
and the activation pattern of HPA axis (hypoactivity in Alkan Härtwig capacity of visual holistic (involuntary) attention during the perfor-
et al., 2013; and hyperactivity in de Timary et al., 2008 and Hua et al., mance of logical distraction task (Montreuil and Jouvent, 1989). In
2014). Such findings could be explained in the light of the stress-alex- other words, PVIPT tests the individual’s ability to consciously retrieve
ithymia hypothesis which implies the association between alexithymia the emotional component of photographs which are simultaneously
and chronic stress (Martin and Pihl, 1985; Friedlander et al., 1997; De presented during the performance of a dual task. Interestingly, perfor-
Berardis et al., 2014). Given this background, chronic stressful experi- mance on PVIPT was significantly correlated with BIQ scores, pleading
ence, such as in the context of MS, might result in HPA hyperactivation for a possible role of IHT in the occurrence of alexithymia. Nowadays,
which, in case of a persisting stress, could shift into a hypoactivation extensive data exist on aberrant IHT and CC pathologies in the context
pattern (Fries et al., 2005) and might engender alexithymia. of MS (Rao et al., 1989; Pelletier et al., 2001; Wishart et al., 1995;
Brown et al., 2003, 2010; Warlop et al., 2008; Bonzano et al., 2011).
8. Neurophysiological findings in Alexithymia Hence, further investigations are greatly needed to understand the
contribution of such an aberrant transfer to the generation of alex-
Physiologically speaking, alexithymia seems to be associated with ithymia in this disease.
autonomic dysfunction. In fact, it was found to be associated with high Ever since Montreuil and Lyon-Caen’s work, the available literature
tonic sympathetic arousal and a decoupling between physiological and consists of 14 studies, 10 using TAS-20 (Bodini et al., 2008; Chahraoui

M.A. Chalah, S.S. Ayache Neuropsychologia 104 (2017) 31–47

et al., 2014; Gay et al., 2010; Prochnow et al., 2011; Fernández-Jiménez alexithymia and demographic data (particularly gender and education)
et al., 2013; Cecchetto et al., 2014; Gleichgerrcht et al., 2015; Patil (Montreuil and Lyon-Caen, 1993; Chahraoui et al., 2014), or clinical
et al., 2016b), 3 employing BVAQ Form B (Mosson et al., 2014; Dulau, characteristics, namely EDSS (Chahraoui et al., 2014; Gay et al., 2010;
Feb 20 et al., 2017; Gay et al., 2017; Raimo et al., 2017), and 1 using Gleichgerrcht et al., 2015; Patil et al., 2016b; Dulau, Feb 20 et al., 2017;
BIQ (Montreuil and Lyon-Caen, 1993). Although the prevalence of Gay et al., 2017), disease duration (Montreuil and Lyon-Caen, 1993;
alexithymia in the general population varies between 10% and 20.7% Chahraoui et al., 2014; Gleichgerrcht et al., 2015; Patil et al., 2016b;
(Salminen et al., 1999; Guilbaut et al., 2002), it seems to be higher in Dulau, Feb 20 et al., 2017), disease type (Chahraoui et al., 2014), or
MS patients where it ranges from 10% to as high as 53% (Bodini et al., number of relapses (Chahraoui et al., 2008; Gleichgerrcht et al., 2015;
2008; Chahraoui et al., 2014; Gay et al., 2010; Prochnow et al., 2011; Patil et al., 2016b).
Fernández-Jiménez et al., 2013; Cecchetto et al., 2014; Gleichgerrcht
et al., 2015; Patil et al., 2016b; Dulau, Feb 20 et al., 2017; Gay et al., 9.2. Alexithymia and neuropsychological variables
2017). The prevalence of each alexithymia dimension was not reported
in the majority of MS studies except one (Dulau et al., 2017), where MS patients commonly suffer from cognitive deficits (Rao et al.,
cognitive dimension was found to be more frequent (around 20%) than 1991a, 1991b; Benedict et al., 2006; Sanfilipo et al., 2006; Ayache
the affective one (7%). et al., 2015; Van Schependom et al., 2015; Cotter et al., 2016; Chalah
Such a disparity in alexithymia prevalence might be partly attrib- and Ayache, 2017b). Alexithymia has been associated sometimes with
uted to the difference in the adapted TAS-20 cut-offs which might have neuropsychological performance such as executive function in healthy
accounted for the relatively high prevalence reported by some French individuals (Santorelli and Ready, 2015), visuospatial processing in
studies (Chahraoui et al., 2008; Gay et al., 2010). This is particularly Parkinson’s disease (Costa et al., 2007) and elderly populations (Onor
illustrated in the work of Gay and colleagues, where the rate of alex- et al., 2010), and verbal abilities in healthy veterans (Lamberty and
ithymia changed from 23% to 38.2% when using the North-American Holt, 1995). In some populations, like traumatic brain injury (TBI),
and French cutoff scores, respectively (TAS-20 total > 60 vs. > 55) diverging results exist with regards to such a relationship (e.g. execu-
(Gay et al., 2010). tive function: positive in Henry et al., 2006; negative in Wood and
Another reason might be the cultural difference, a finding that was Williams, 2007).
previously documented in healthy cohorts where alexithymia rates In MS, the first evidence on this matter was provided by Montreuil
differed among ethnic origins (Le et al., 2002; Dere et al., 2013). Here, and Lyon-Caen who briefly mentioned that alexithymia did not differ
it is important to mention that the available MS studies were mainly between cognitively preserved and impaired MS patients (Montreuil
performed in European populations (French (n = 7), Italian (n = 3), and Lyon-Caen, 1993). After that, only one study by Dulau et al. has
Spanish (n = 1) and German (n = 1)) with only two works done in extensively evaluated the relationship between alexithymia and cog-
American populations. Demographic differences might have also im- nitive measures (Dulau et al., 2017). No association was found between
pacted the results of various studies. Notably, gender and age differ- alexithymia and each of attention, information processing speed,
ences were previously described in the context of alexithymia (Mattila memory, and executive function. The remaining studies neither as-
et al., 2006; Goerlich-Dobre et al., 2015a; Colic et al., 2016). In fact, the sessed cognitive functions (Chahraoui et al., 2014; Mosson et al., 2014;
selected studies varied in their gender and age compositions, with Bodini et al., 2008; Gay et al., 2017; Fernández-Jiménez et al., 2013;
women participation ranging from 34.3% (Prochnow et al., 2011) to Gleichgerrcht et al., 2015; Patil et al., 2016b) nor studied their corre-
87.3% (Gleichgerrcht et al., 2015) and mean age ranging from 34.2 lation with alexithymia (Prochnow et al., 2011; Cecchetto et al., 2014;
(Cecchetto et al., 2014) to 50.2 years (Mosson et al., 2014). Methodo- Raimo et al., 2017).
logical differences, mainly the adopted scale, might have also inter-
fered, knowing that 11/14 studies used TAS-20 while only two adopted 9.3. Alexithymia and mood disorders
BVAQ Form B (Dulau et al., 2017: Gay et al., 2017). Finally, clinical and
neuropsychological variables such as disease type, disease duration, A bidirectional relationship seems to exist between immune dysre-
expanded disability status scale scores (EDSS, Kurtzke, 1983), mood gulation-the main pathophysiological mechanism of MS- and mood
and cognitive functions might have also contributed to the observed disorders (Irwin & Miller, 2007). Regarding MS, several psychiatric
difference in alexithymia rates. The relationship between alexithymia comorbidities could be encountered in this disease (José Sá, 2008).
and the stated variables will be explored in the following section. Depression is the most prevalent one affecting up to 50% of patients,
followed by anxiety with a prevalence ranging from 14% to 41%
9.1. Alexithymia, clinical and demographic characteristics (Chalah and Ayache, 2017a).
Admitting the established relationship between alexithymia and
As stated above, alexithymia could be associated with clinical and mood based on the available literature (Berthoz et al., 1999; Wood and
sociodemographic characteristics (Mattila et al., 2006; Goerlich-Dobre Williams, 2007), MS studies on alexithymia also accounted for anxiety
et al., 2015a; Colic et al., 2016). Concerning MS studies, one should and depression in their evaluation.
bear in mind that only few of them assessed such an association. For
instance, one study showed that alexithymic patients were younger 9.3.1. Alexithymia and depression
than non-alexithymic ones (Chahraoui et al., 2008). Another one found With regards to depression, high rates of the latter (26.9–47.1%)
that the prevalence of alexithymia was higher in patients with primary were observed among MS cohorts screened for alexithymia (Chahraoui
progressive MS (27%) compared to the whole group (12%) (Dulau et al., 2008; 2014; Gay et al., 2010, 2017; Prochnow et al., 2011),
et al., 2017). Other works did not find any difference in these variables among alexithymics compared to lexithymic MS patients (Bodini et al.,
(age, gender, education, disease duration, EDSS, or number of relapses) 2008; Chahraoui et al., 2008) or among MS patients compared to HCs
between alexithymic and non-alexithymic MS patients (Chahraoui (Dulau et al., 2017). Concerning the correlation between depression
et al., 2008; Bodini et al., 2008) or between MS patients and healthy and alexithymia, it was not assessed in four trials (Fernández-Jiménez
controls (HCs) (Gleichgerrcht et al., 2015; Patil et al., 2016b; Dulau et al., 2013; Gleichgerrcht et al., 2015; Patil et al., 2016b; Raimo et al.,
et al., 2017). 2017), was negative in two (Dulau et al., 2017; Gay et al., 2017) and
Moreover, alexithymia was found to be inversely correlated with positive in the remaining studies (Bodini et al., 2008; Chahraoui et al.,
age in one study (Chahraoui et al., 2008) and directly correlated with 2008; 2014; Gay et al., 2010; Cecchetto et al., 2014; Mosson et al.,
the number of relapse at 5 years in another study (Chahraoui et al., 2014). Inerestingly, one study found that DIF subscale of alexithymia is
2014). The remaining works did not detect any correlation between the strongest factor associated with depression (Bodini et al., 2008).

M.A. Chalah, S.S. Ayache Neuropsychologia 104 (2017) 31–47

More interestingly, alexithymia was found to be a major predictor to were found among MS patients screened for alexithymia (53.8% in
the development of depression based on causal path analysis models Cecchetto et al., 2014) or in alexithymic compared to lexithymic ones
(Gay et al., 2010). Conversely, Chahraoui et al. failed to identify de- (Bodini et al., 2008). In addition, fatigue was significantly correlated
pression as a predictor for alexithymia (Chahraoui et al., 2008). with alexithymia in only two trials (Bodini et al., 2008; Mosson et al.,
2014). The third one failed to show such a correlation (Cecchetto et al.,
9.3.2. Alexithymia and anxiety 2014) and this might be attributed to its relatively small sample size (n
In the context of MS, data on the presence of anxiety and its re- = 26 in Cecchetto et al., 2014 vs. n = 37 in Mosson et al., 2014 and n
lationship with alexithymia come from only few studies, which detected = 58 in Bodini et al., 2008). Finally, a stepwise regression analysis
high rates of anxiety (20.6 – 45.5%) among MS patients evaluated for identified the DIF alexithymia subscale as a predictor for the occurrence
alexithymia (Chahraoui et al., 2008, 2014; Gay et al., 2010, 2017). In of fatigue (Bodini et al., 2008). This finding sheds the light on the au-
addition, anxiety was found to be more frequent in alexithymic com- tonomic hyperarousal and heightened attention to bodily sensations,
pared to lexithymic patients (Chahraoui et al., 2008). However, alex- which are usually described in the context of alexithymia. In other
ithymia did not differ between anxious and nonanxious MS patients words, enhanced arousal might increase MS patients’ tendency to in-
(Gay et al., 2017). tensify bodily sensations, and hence to exaggerate their perception of
As for the correlation between alexithymia and anxiety, it was po- fatigue (Lumley et al., 1996; Larsen et al., 2003).
sitive in four studies (Chahraoui et al., 2008, 2014; Gay et al., 2010;
Mosson et al., 2014), weak in one (Gay et al., 2017) and negative in one 9.5. Alexithymia and emotion regulation
(Dulau et al., 2017).
Some data propose that MS patients have difficulties in regulating
9.3.3. Alexithymia and coping strategies their emotions and infrequently use the emotional reappraisal strategy
It is of high importance here to analyze the studies performed by (Phillips et al., 2009, 2014). Only two studies have simultaneously as-
Chahraoui and colleagues which assessed the relationship between the sessed alexithymia and emotion regulation (Mosson et al., 2014; Gay
different subscales of TAS-20 (DIF, DDF, EOT) (Chahraroui et al., 2008; et al., 2017). Emotion regulation was inversely correlated with alex-
2014), and presented for the first time a longitudinal follow up of ithymia total and EMO scores (weak: r = −0.33 and r = −0. 35,
alexithymia in MS (Chahraoui et al., 2014). In their first work, DIF was respectively) in the first one (Mosson et al., 2014), and with the ID,
significantly correlated with both anxiety and depression, DDF was only ANL, and EMO scores (very weak correlations ranging from 0.15 to
correlated with anxiety, and EOT was not correlated with any of the 0.16) in the second one (Gay et al., 2017). The results of these studies
mood scales (Chahraoui et al., 2008). Based on these findings, EOT would further support the implication of emotion regulation as an un-
seems to be a specific feature of alexithymia. In fact, by externally or- derlying mechanism in the development of alexithymia. However, the
ienting their thinking and preoccupations, MS patients might find a way dearth of data on this topic and the observed weak/very weak corre-
to deny or avoid facing their interior feelings, particularly the extreme lations prompt further investigations to decipher the origins of alex-
anxiety which could arise from the stressful course of the disease. ithymia and its relationship with emotional dysregulation in MS.
Whether EOT represents a stable factor linked to personality or occurs
as a coping mechanism in the context of MS could not be answered 9.6. The Alexithymia hypothesis and social cognition
based on this unique cross-sectional study but needs to be further ad-
dressed in a longitudinal one. For this reason, Chahraoui and colleagues Growing evidence supports the existence of a relationship between
followed an MS cohort over 5 years aiming to better understand the understanding one's own and other's emotional states. The ‘alexithymia
course of alexithymia and its dimensions (Chahraoui et al., 2014). At 5 hypothesis’ or the ‘simulationist hypothesis’ implies that the ability to
years, TAS-20 total scores and its DIF and DDF subscales remained understand our own mental states is important to be able to understand
constant. Both subscales were also correlated with depression and an- those of others (Parker et al., 2005; Goldman and Sripada, 2005;
xiety as seen in the first study. However, EOT subscale decreased over Barsalou, 2008; Prkachin et al., 2009; Jessimer et al., 1997; Swart et al.,
time, was correlated with relapse rate, and most importantly was in- 2009; McDonald et al., 1990; Moriguchi et al., 2006, 2007; Guttman
dependent from anxiety and depression. In addition, anxiety did not and Laporte, 2002; Grynberg et al., 2012 ; FeldmanHall et al., 2012;
significantly change while depression fell five years later. Therefore, Bird and Cook, 2013; Prochnow et al., 2013; Bogdanov et al., 2013;
EOT seems to be a defensive coping strategy aiming to refute or evade Neumann et al., 2014 ; Aaron et al., 2015). In addition, the recent
from the distressing feelings that would accompany a heterogeneous concept of ‘shared emotional representation between self and other’
disease such as MS. Indeed, MS patients need to survive the traumatism implies that, when emphasizing with someone, the individual empathic
of sudden and unexpected relapses, the uncertainty of functional status reaction is grounded in his/her own emotion experience (Lamm et al.,
following such events, and the unpredictable nature of disease pro- 2016). Here, the individual may co-represent the affect of others by
gression. During the remission phase, their fear would focus on ex- putting into action cerebral and bodily functions that underlie the first-
periencing a new relapse. During a relapse, they would try to anticipate hand experience of the concerned emotion. Althought different, all
the possible functional deficits heralded by the event. And during the these ideas suggest that alexithymia can be behind deficits in social
progressive phase, the concrete functional decline would present an cognition. The available data from clinical studies point to low social
additional source of worry about the future. Therefore, the reduction in cognitive abilities in patients with alexithymia (Guttman and Laporte,
EOT, as well as depression scores, at the study end-point might in fact 2002; Swart et al., 2009; Grynberg et al., 2012) as well as abnormal
reflect a better acceptance of the disease, a better adjustment to its pattern of cerebral activation during social cognitive processing (Kano
frightening consequences, and thus a lesser necessity to a coping et al., 2003). Remarkably, both processes seem to activate common
strategy such as EOT. brain areas such as medial PFC, superior temporal gyrus, posterior
cingulate cortex and precuneus (Ochsner et al., 2004). Only five studies
9.4. Alexithymia and fatigue have assessed alexithymia in the context of social cognition in MS pa-
tients (Prochnow et al., 2011; Cecchetto et al., 2014; Gleichgerrcht
In the context of MS, fatigue is known to be a frequent and difficult et al., 2015; Patil et al., 2016b; Dulau et al., 2017).
to treat symptom (Chalah et al., 2015; José Sá, 2008; Ayache and
Chalah, 2017a). The frequency of fatigue and its relationship with 9.6.1. Facial emotion recognition & theory of mind
alexithymia were addressed in only three studies (Bodini et al., 2008; Two of the earliest studies have assessed alexithymia and facial
Cecchetto et al., 2014; Mosson et al., 2014). Higher rates of fatigue emotion recognition. In one of them, compared to HCs, MS patients

M.A. Chalah, S.S. Ayache Neuropsychologia 104 (2017) 31–47

exhibited higher rates of alexithymia, depression and cognitive decline, Hence, low empathic abilities and high alexithymia seem to con-
and deficits in recognizing facial emotions (Prochnow et al., 2011). The tribute to altered moral judgment capacities in MS patients
other one failed to document any difference on alexithymia between (Gleichgerrcht et al., 2015). In fact, moral cognition involves high order
patients and their healthy counterparts; although the former were im- mental processes that are crucial for healthy social interactions. The
paired on facial emotion recognition and to a lesser extent (non-sig- observed moral judgment features in MS could be interpreted in the
nificant) on bodily emotion recognition (Cecchetto et al., 2014). light of the dual-process model of moral cognition initially proposed by
Moreover, in both studies, no correlation was found between alex- Greene and colleagues (Greene et al., 2001, 2004, 2008; Koenigs et al.,
ithymia and facial emotion recognition (Prochnow et al., 2011, 2014) 2007; Gleichgerrcht et al., 2011; Gleichgerrcht and Decety, 2013a;
or bodily emotion recognition (Cecchetto et al., 2014). Gleichgerrcht et al., 2013b). Here, facing a moral dilemma would result
In a third work, the authors attempted to overcome the previous in a conflict between the ventromedial PFC (vmPFC) which is in charge
limitations and provided an extensive assessment of mood, neu- of the automatic emotional aversion to harm and the dlPFC which en-
ropsychological/cognitive functions, social cognition and alexithymia sures a controlled cognitive ability to maximize aggregate welfare at
(Dulau et al., 2017). Compared to HCs, MS patients had higher de- any cost. In this model, the ACC would interplay in monitoring the
pression scores, deficits in ToM, but showed no difference in facial conflict resolution. Based on this model, vmFPC might be more acti-
emotion recognition or alexithymia (Dulau et al., 2017). Interestingly, vated than dlPFC in MS patients, a finding that merits being addressed
at patients’ level, alexithymia was higher in primary progressive pa- in future studies.
tients compared to the whole group (27% vs. 12%), with higher pre-
valence of the cognitive dimension compared to the affective one 10. Conclusion
(around 20% vs. 7%, respectively) (Dulau et al., 2017). Although sig-
nificant correlations were detected between ToM and some cognitive These data altogether hint to a high prevalence of alexithymia in
functions (i.e. executive functions, working memory and episodic patients with MS. Etiologically speaking, the only available study pro-
memory), alexithymia scores were not correlated with any cognitive poses a crucial role of IHT in the development of this trait (Montreuil
variable. Nevertheless, the authors considered alexithymia as a social and Lyon-Caen, 1993). Some evidence suggests an association between
cognitive domain and its correlation with facial emotion recognition or alexithymia and anxiety, depression, fatigue and social cognitive mea-
ToM was not assessed in this study (Dulau et al., 2017). The latter sures. Admitting the shortage of data regarding its relationship with
limitation was recently addressed by Raimo and colleagues who eval- sociodemographic variables, disease characteristics, and neuropsycho-
uated their MS cohort by means of a comprehensive neuropsychological logical measures, it is premature to draw any conclusion on the matter
battery which included ToM tests (Raimo et al., 2017). Compared to and further investigations are highly required. One should pay attention
HCs, patients had higher alexithymia and depression scores, worse to the major limitations of the present studies. The cross-sectional de-
cognitive performance (i.e. IPS, visuospatial learning and memory), and sign of most of them does not allow to establish any causality between
significant deficits in ToM tasks. Intrestingly, a significant inverse alexithymia and other variables. Another shortcoming is the absence of
correlation was found between the latter (i.e. Reading the Mind in the healthy controls in the majority of trials. Furthermore, the scarcity of
Eyes Test) and alexithymia. correlation analysis done with regards to the disease characteristics
Therefore, based on these studies, the alexithymia hypothesis does does not allow to understand the course of alexithymia in relation to the
not seem to apply in MS patients with regards to facial emotion re- natural history of MS.
cognition, a finding that is in line with some studies in psychiatric The following questions might be raised: Is alexithymia a trait or a
patients (e.g. substance abuse in Mann et al., 1995; eating disorders in state? Is it a primary feature or a secondary phenomenon in MS po-
Kessler et al., 2006). Deficits in facial emotion recognition might pulation? And finally, does it get aggravated or change over time?
therefore be a social cognitive signature of MS independent from Obviously, these questions require further consideration in future
alexithymia. One might also propose that the easiness of facial emotion longitudinal studies. Concerning alexithymia per se, it is still unclear
recognition tasks might be behind the lack of correlation. However, whether it occurs primarily as a result of MS pathological changes
although the study by Cecchetto and colleagues employed an easy task, themselves, or it is secondary to the psychological distress generated by
Prochnow and colleagues used a relatively advanced task and still could a chronic disease, or it is due to both factors. Nowadays, it is difficult to
not establish such a relationship (Prochnow et al., 2011; Cecchetto solve this dilemna, since we are faced by the lack of imaging studies and
et al., 2014). Regarding ToM, the only study that addressed this issue the paucity of neuropsychological investigations in this context. At the
supports the existence of a relationship between alexithymia and ToM same time, little evidence exists on the progression of alexithymia over
(Raimo et al., 2017), a finding that merits to be addressed in further time. It seems to have a stable pattern, at least in what concerns the
works. ability to identify and describe feelings. The EOT appears to be a coping
strategy upon which patients rely to overcome their suffering, espe-
9.6.2. Empathy cially at the beginning of their illness. Later, their stress would ease as
The relationship between alexithymia and empathy has been al- they become more accustomed to the disease, accept their fate and thus
ready reported in the literature (Bird et al., 2010; Bogdanov et al., experience less fear towards their future.
2013; Al Ain et al., 2013; Lockwood et al., 2013). Only two MS studies Future studies would benefit from adapting a longitudinal design
have assessed the association between alexithymia and empathy. They and enrolling patients with different MS subtypes in order to under-
also included measures for moral cognition (Gleichgerrcht et al., 2015; stand the occurrence of alexithymia across different phenotypes and to
Patil et al., 2016b) based on evidence supporting the presence of a assess the stability of this trait over time. Admitting the lack of data on
relationship between moral cognition, empathy and alexithymia its pathophysiology, it would be helpful for researchers to integrate
(Koven, 2011; Patil and Silani, 2014; Patil et al., 2016a; Cecchetto different neuroimaging and neurophysiological techniques in their
et al., 2017). In both studies, relative to the controls, patients exhibited studies, notably the resting-state functional connectivity and diffusion
higher alexithymia scores (TAS-20 total and subscales), lower levels of tensor imaging tractography. The latter would help in identifying the
empathy and an altered moral judgment. In one of them, significant strength and direction of fibers that constitute CC, for example.
inverse correlation was found between alexithymia and empathy scores Magnetic resonance spectroscopy is a third imaging technique that
as well as a positive correlation between abnormal moral judgment and would provide additional information on aberrant neurochemical
alexithymia (Gleichgerrcht et al., 2015). Both studies reported positive transmissions, which may pave the way for developing pharmacological
correlation between empathy and altered moral judgment therapies. Furthermore, non-invasive brain stimulation techniques
(Gleichgerrcht et al., 2015; Patil et al., 2016b). might play a key role in the exploration of neurophysiological

M.A. Chalah, S.S. Ayache Neuropsychologia 104 (2017) 31–47

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