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6 NCM105 (Energy)

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1. is the capacity to do work ENERGY

2. the unit of measuring energy in foods and for the CALORIE

body's need

3. large calorie KILOCALORIE


4. is an object use for the process of measuring the heat CALORIMETER

or chemical reactions or physical changes as well as
heat capacity

5. is a term that is used to describebl all chemical reac- METABOLISM

tions involved in maitaining the living state of the cells
and the organisms

6. refers to energy expended in the maintenance of basal BASAL METABO-

metabolic processes, or involuntary activities in the LISM

7. the rate of which body uses energy while at rest to BASAL META-
keep vital functions going, such as breathing and BOLIC RATE
keeping warm.

8. is the average dietary intake that is predicted to main- EER (estimated

tain energy balance in a healthy adult of a defined energy require-
A,G,W,H,and level of physical activity consistent with ment)
good health

9. calculates heat that living organisms produce INDIRECT


10. obtains a direct measurement of amount of heat gen- DIRECT

erated by the body CALORIMETRY

11. responsible for burning up to 70% of total calories BASAL METABO-


12. undernutrition and obesity are cases of energy imbal- ENERGY IMBAL-
ance ANCE
6 NCM105 (Energy)
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13. indicate that their body weight is 10% or lower thelan UNDERWEIGHT
their DBW

14. the person is over his/her DBW by 15% or more OVERWEIGHT


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