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1) All of the followings are signs of HYPOXIA Except:

a) Rapid pulse
b) Cyanosis
c) Rapid shallow respiration
d) Diarrhea.

2) Hypercabnia is:
a) Bluish discoloration of the skin nails beds and mucosal membrane.
b) Inadequate alveolar ventilation can lead to hypoxia.
c) Accumulation of carbon dioxide in the blood.
d) Slow respiration rate.

3) Which position allow maximum chest expansion to the client:

a) Prone.
b) Semifolwer.
c) Supine.
d) Lateral.

4) Which one of the following its major function to supply energy:

a) Protein
b) Carbohydrates
c) Fats
d) Minerals

5) What number 18 indicate, regarding body mass index scale (BMI):

b) Morbidly obese
c) Malnourished
d) Normal

6) Which one of the following diets include only water, tea, coffee, clear juice:
a) Clear liquid diet
b) Soft diet
c) Full liquid diet
d) Diabetic diet

7) Constipation is:
a) Fewer than 5 bowel movement per week.
b) Fewer than three bowel movement per week.
c) Passage of liquid feces and increased frequency of defecation.
d) air or gas in GI tract

8) All of the followings are normal characteristics of feces Except:

a) Brown color.
b) Very hard and solid.
c) Amount: varies with diet.
d) Odor: affected by digested food

9) Oliguria is:
a) Production of abnormally large amount of urine by kidneys.
b) Lack of urine production, with no effective urine production.
c) voiding that either painful or difficult.
d) Low urine output, usually less than 500 ml a day, or 30 ml an hour.

10) All of the followings are normal characteristics of urine Except:

a) Volume: 1200- 1500 ml per day
b) Straw color.
c) Sterile, no microorganisms.
d) Cloudy.

11) The drug generic name is:

a) Is the name by which the chemist knows it.
b) Is the name under which it’s listed in one in the official publication.
c) Is given for the drug to being official name.
d) Is name given by the drug manufacture.

12) The preferred site for IM injection is:

a) Ventrogluteal site.
b) Vastus latralis.
c) Dorsogluteal site.
d) Deltoid muscle.

13) The intentional wound is:

a) Occur during therapy.
b) Occur accidentally.
c) The mucous membrane or skin surface is broken.
d) The tissue is traumatized without a break in the skin.

14) The abrasion is:

a) Open wound involving skin only
b) It is due to surface scrape.
c) It is painful wound.
d) All of the above.

15) All of the followings are risk factors for nosocomial infections EXCEPT:
a) Poor hand washing.
b) Using sterile techniques.
c) Contamination of closed drainage system.
d) Improper procedure technique (dressing, suctioning, catherization).

16) Medical asepsis includes:

a) Hand washing.
b) Personal protective equipment (uniform, gown, gloves, face mask).
c) Cleaning, Disinfecting, Sterilizing.
d) All of the above.

17) Acute infection is:
a) Infection may occur slowly and takes long time.
b) is limited to the specific part of the body where micro organisms remain.
c) Infection appears suddenly or in short time.
d) When micro organisms spread and damage different part of body.

18) Indirect transmission of infection includes:

a) Vehicle born transmission.
b) Vector borne transmission.
c) A only correct.
d) A and B are correct.

19) Incubation period of infection is:

a) Person is most infectious and non specific sign and symptom.
b) Organism growing and multiplying.
c) Recovery from infection.
d) Presence of specific sign and symptom.

20) All of the following libratory data indicating infection EXCEPT:

a) Increased specific type of leukocyte.
b) Increased in body temp.
c) Decreased WBC.
d) Positive culture in blood, urine or sputum.

21) All of the followings are Signs of systematic infection EXCEPT:

a) Fever.
b) Vomiting.
c) Fatigue and loss of energy.
d) Enlargement and tenderness of lymph node.

22) All of the followings are etiologies of self care deficit EXCEPT:
a) scar and abrasions.
b) Activity intolerance or weakness.
c) Mental impairment.
d) Visual impairment.

23) Skin turgor is:

a) Decrease sensation in extremities due to nerves system disease.
b) Collection of fluids inside the tissue.
c) Elasticity by lifting and pulling the skin on an extremity.
d) Non of the above.

24) Which of the following conditions indicate long term lack of oxygen:
a) Koilonychias.
b) Capillary refill
c) Clubbing fingers.
b) Non of the above.

26) Pressure ulcer risk factors include:
a) Immobility and inactivity.
b) Fecal and urinary incontinence.
c) Decreased mental status.
d) All of the above.

26) Complications of wound healing include:

a) Hematoma.
b) Nausea.
c) Hypertension.
d) All of the above.

27) The patient should be fasts (NPO) before the surgery for:
a) 24 hours.
b) 16 hours.
c) 6 to 8 hours.
d) 12 hours.

28) Scrub nurse role includes:

a) Assist the surgeons.
b) Draping the client with sterile drapes.
c) Handling sterile equipments and supplies.
d) All of the above.

29) Deep- Breathing and coughing exercises in postoperation phase are

important for:
a) Prevent deep vain thrombosis (DVT).
b) Atalectasis (collapse of alveoli).
c) Hemorrhage.
d) Infection.

30)Which of the following vital signs are normal:

a) Temp: 37, RR: 22, HR: 90, BP: 135/85.
b) Temp: 36.7, RR: 18, HR: 75, BP: 125/80.
c) Temp: 38, RR: 12, HR: 110, BP: 155/90.
d) Temp: 37.2, RR: 16, HR: 50, BP: 115/65.

31)Nurse can provide care for:

a) Individual.
b) Families.
c) Communities.
d) All of the above is correct.

32)Nursing can be defined as:

a) Caring.
b) Science and art.
c) Holistic.
d) All of the above is correct.

33)Example of health promotion:
a) Immunization.
b) Direct care (give medication).
c) Stop cigarette smoking.
d) All of the above is correct.

34)Immunization is an example of:

a) Health promotion.
b) Prevent illness.
c) Restoring health.
d) Care of the dying.

35)Health is defined as:

a) State of complete physical, social, mental, and spiritual wellbeing and not
merely absence of disease.
b) Felling of wellbeing.
c) Absence of disease.
d) State of complete physical and mental wellbeing only.

36)In which phase of nursing process the nurse collect data about the client:
a) Diagnosis.
b) Assessment.
c) Implementation.
d) Evaluation.

37)Chief complain includes:

a) Immunization and childhood illness.
b) Hoppies and sleep pattern.
c) Risk factor for certain diseases.
d) The answer given to question “what brought you to the hospital”

38)The chief complain should be record using:

a) Nurse words.
b) Patient words.
c) Physician words.
d) None of the above.

39)Nursing diagnosis is:

a) A statement that describes actual health problem only.
b) A statement that describes potential health problem only.
c) A statement that describes actual and potential health problems.
d) Puts the nursing care plan into action.

40)The nursing diagnosis include all the following except:

a) Problem.
b) Time.
c) Sign.
d) Etiology.

41)Hyperthermia is:
a) Body temperature between 36.4 – 37.4
b) Body temperature between 39 – 41
c) Body temperature below 36.
d) Body temperature between 38 – 40.

42)All of the following are clinical sign of fever except:

a) Palled.
b) Shivering.
c) Decrease thirst.
d) Increase heart rate.

43)All of the following factors are increase respiratory rate except:

a) Decrease temp.
b) Stress.
c) Exercise.
d) Increase altitude.

44)The most safe and non invasive site to measure the temperature is:
a) Oral site.
b) Auxiliary site.
c) Rectal site.
d) Tympanic site.

45)The difference between rectal and auxiliary temp is:

a) 0.5 c
b) 0.8 c
c) 2 c
d) 1 c.

46)The tachycardia is :
a) Heart rate below 60.
b) Heart rate above 100.
c) Respiratory rate below 12.
d) Respiratory rate above 20.
47)Hyperventilation is:
a) Slow breathing.
b) Shallow respiration.
c) Deep respiration.
d) Fast respiratory rate.

48)Hemoptysis is:
a) Cough with secretions.
b) Cough without secretions.
c) Difficult breathing.
d) Blood in the sputum.

B) Write the meaning of the following abbreviations:

1. PO: 6. ac:
2. pc: 7. QID:
3. Hs: 8. Rx:
4. PRN: 9. OD:
5. Stat: 10. TID: three times a day

C) Match the terms of column A with it’s meaning from

column B:
Column A Column B
1. Palliative drug action.
2. Curative drug action.
3. Supportive drug action.
4. Restorative drug action.
5. Drug side effect.
6. Drug toxicity.
7. Drug allergy.
8. Drug misuse.
9. Drug interaction.
10. Drug abuse.
11. Drug dependence.
chemotherapy drug .12

Column B:
K: is an appropriate intake of substance either continually or periodically.
feeling of need.
D: occur when administration of one drug before or after alter effect of one or both
J: Is the improper use of common medications in way that lead to acute and chronic
toxicity for example laxative, antacid and vitamins
H: support body function until treatment or body response can take over as aspirin.
F: relieve symptom of a disease but does not affect on a disease it self as morphine.
G: cure a disease or condition as penicillin.
A: return body health as vitamin.
L: destroy malignant cell as busulfan for leukemia.
C: is immunological reaction to a drug.
I: deleterious effect of the drug on an organism or tissue, result from overdose or
external use.
B: secondary effect of the drug is one that unintended, side effects are usually
predictable and may be either harmless.
E: is a persons reliance on or need to take drug or substance there are two type of
dependence: physiological and psychological.

D) Fill the blank with the most correct term:
Gingivitis, Glossitis, Stomatitis, Cheilosis, Dental caries, Halitosis, Erythema,
Cyanosis, Jaundice, Pallor, Hirsutism, Alopecia, Dandruff, Puncture, Laceration,
Stab wound, Pressure ulcer, Hematoma.

1) --------------------- hair loss.

2) --------------------- bad breath.
3) -------------------- yellow skin color.
4) -------------------- inflammation of gum.
5) -------------------- localized collection of blood underneath the skin.
6) ---------- --------- any lesion caused by unrelieved pressure that results in
damage to underlying tissue.
7) ------------------- inflammation of the oral mucosa.
8) -------- ---------- open wound, penetration of the skin and the underlying
tissues, usually unintentional.
9) --------- --------- blue skin color.
10) -------- --------- open wound edges are often jagged, tissues torn apart.
11) ---------- ------- inflammation of tongue.
12) ------------------ white skin color.
13) ------------------ open wound, penetrating of the skin and often the underlying
tissues by a sharp instrument.
14) -------- --------- skin redness.
15) ---------- -------- teeth have darkened areas.

:Mention three types of microorganisms can cause infection -1


:The chain of infection consists of -2


In skin color assessment, you may use one of the following terms. -3
.Mention the color that terms indicate
.:Erythema .1
:Cyanosis .2
:Jaundice .3
:Pallor .4

:Mention 6 routes of medication administration-4

:Write the meaning of the following Abbreviations-5

:PO .1
:PRN .2
:BID .3

6- Mention the five steps of nursing process:


7- Classify the followings to subjective or objective data:

Pain, blood pressure, heart rate, itching, weakness, redness, cyanosis.
Subjective Objective

8-Write the component of this nursing goal.

The patient will be able to verbalize relieve pain by the end of this shift.
1. Subject: 2. Verb:
3. Time:

9- Fill in the blank:

1. The normal range of heart rate is between --------- and ---------
2. The normal range of Temp is between –------ and -------- C.
3. Hyperpyrexia is very high temperature more than -----------C.
4. In hypothermia body temperature is less than ------- C.
5. Auxiliary temp is less than -------- temp by 0.5C.

10- Mention 5 sites of pulse:

13) Write the normal range for followings:

1) Heart rate: ------------- to ----------- beat /min.

2) Respiratory rate: ------------------ to-------------- breath/min.

3) Temperature: ------------------- to-----------------C.

4) Systolic blood pressure: ----------------- to--------------- mmHg.

5) Diastolic blood pressure: --------------------- to------------------- mmHg.


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