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PermissiveX Installation

PermissiveX is the activeX used to show permissives on HMIs:

Two versions are available:

 WinForm: to be used in not-3Q HMIs

 WPF: to be used in 3Q HMIs and OA

Minimum requirements:

 WinForm: Microsoft .NET Framework 2 with Service Pack

 WPF: Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 with Service Pack


The application using PermissiveX should not be started without ActiveX installed, this to avoid the
risk of losing the connection between the hosting HMI page and the hosted ActiveX object.

Each time a new version of the ActiveX is provided, the old one should be uninstalled and then the
new one installed.

The installation should be done on every PC that uses the ActiveX.

Installation using BATCH file

A batch file is usually provided to perform all the required operations. In HMIs the folder is:


To install the DLL launch either:

installDLLPermX_WPF.bat or installDLLPermX_WinForm.bat

These files uninstall the previous version and then install the new one.
To just uninstall use the similar batch file whose name starts with ‘Uninstall[..]’.
Manual Installation

Here follow the instructions on how to manually install the ActiveX:

1. Start a DOS Console:

<Windows Start> > CMD

2. Go in “.Net Framework” folder:

cd "C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727"

3. If already installed, uninstall the previous version of DLLs.

regasm /u " %folderDLL%\%DLLName%"

%folderDLL% is the path where the DLL is placed (replace the text, without %)
%DLLName% is the name of the DLL file (replace the text, without %)

4. In folder %folderDLL%,:
a. If this is the WPF version, delete *.TLB files: these are compiled files created in the previous
b. copy here the new DLL files

5. Install the new DLL files with the command “regasm”.

In the case of WPF version:

regasm " %folderDLL%\%DLLName%" /tlb /codebase

In the case of WinForm version:

regasm " %folderDLL%\%DLLName%"


The old PermissiveX version is still shown in HMI.

Reboot the PC, check that no service related to the HMI is active and repeat the previous steps.

After HMI start the ActiveX is disappeared or looks like an empty white rectangle.
Probably the page has been opened before the ActiveX was installed. It is necessary to check the
ActiveX was correctly installed, and then restore the page or, whenever possible, the entire
application from a previous backup.
Scada: inTouch-classic case

The installation sequence in inTouch on classic (non Archestra IDE) is:

1. Register the DLL as previously described
2. Go in Maker (menu) > Special > Configure > Wizard/ActiveX installation... > ActiveX Control
Installation (tab):

3. In the list “Available ActiveX controls” search for “Permissive Control” item and press
4. If a new instance of ActiveX in necessary in a new page it can be added using the wizard hat

inTouch troubleshooting

Sometimes, especially when different versions of ActiveX have been installed, some problems can
occur, such as:
 ActiveX not appearing on the Wizards window list
 ActiveX appearing on the Wizard window list as Unknown Object
 The ActiveX after inserted on the page it appears as an empty rectangle
 The ActiveX appears on the page but it doesn’t show properties, events or methods

In these cases the system needs a cleaning, possible through these steps:

1. Delete all instances of PermX from inTouch pages (take note of the ActiveX object assigned
name, to use it later)
2. Go in “ActiveX Control Installation” panel and “Remove” the “PermissiveControl” item
3. Uninstall the permissive DLL from Windows registry (using the uninstall procedure previously
4. Access the OCX.ini file and check its contents, in case correcting it. This file is used as
interface between the ActiveX DLLs installed on Windows and the ActiveX objects used in
inTouch. It can be found in this path:
 Windows7: <ProgramData>/Wonderware/inTouch (folder is usually
 WindowsXP: <Documents and Settings>/All Users/Application

In a correct configuration example (with 4 Wonderware objects, 1 Grid and without

Permissives) the Count item value corresponds with the number of total items:

In case of problems the content can be very different:

Notice the Count item wrong value, multiple references to PermissiveControl, five
incomplete strings. Clean the file deleting all the rows that contain incomplete references or
references to unused objects and updating the Count item. If a link is inadvertently deleted,
the link can be manually recreated later directly in inTouch on “Available ActiveX controls”

5. Follow the installation steps described at the beginning of this inTouch session

Scada: inTouch-3Q case

The installation sequence in inTouch in 3Q case (Archestra IDE) is usually already provided and an
ArchestraGraphics symbol is provided. In any case, the steps to install it in a brand new Galaxy are:
1. Archestra IDE (menu) > Galaxy > Import > Client Control
2. Choose the DLL file to import
3. A new Client Control will appear on the tree list:

4. Insert this client control in a new ArchestraGraphics symbol and configure it here.
5. Insert the ArchestraGraphics symbol in an inTouch page

Scada: WinCC case

If in a WinCC application the Permissive object is already inserted in a page, the installation
procedure described on the beginning of this document is sufficient. To use it in a brand new
application, some additional steps are required to obtain the symbol to be inserted:
1. In “WinCC > Graphics Designer > Object Palette > Standard” select “WPF control” and create
a new object of this type on the picture.
2. On the “Select file..” panel browse for the Permissive DLL, the press Ok
3. Choose the “PermissiveControl” item and press Ok

4. A new Permissive control will appear on the page, ready to be configured and controlled

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