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Strength Dexterity Constitution

Measures bodily power, athleticism, and exerting physical force. Measures agility, reflexes, and balance. Measures health, stamina, and vital force.
Check Physical force and athleticism Check Agility, reflexes, and balance Check Stamina and health
Save Opposing force that would physically move or bind you Save Dodging out of harm’s way Save Enduring disease, poison, or hazards that saps vitality
Athletics Acrobatics Spell Concentration
Covers difficult situations you encounter while climbing, jumping, Attempt to stay on your feet in a tricky situation, such as when Normal activity, such as moving and attacking, doesn't interfere
or swimming. you're trying to run across a sheet of ice. with concentration. End concentration any time, with no action.
Checks to see if you can perform acrobatic stunts, including
Carrying, Lifting & Grapping dives, rolls, somersaults, and flips. Casting another spell that requires concentration - You lose
concentration on a spell if you cast another spell that requires
Carrying Capacity - Strength score multiplied by 15. Sleight of Hand concentration. You can't concentrate on two spells at once.
Push, Drag, or Lift - Up to twice your carrying capacity. While Attempt acts of legerdemain or manual trickery, such as planting
pushing or dragging weight in excess of your carrying capacity, something on someone else or concealing an object on yourself.
Taking Damage – DC 10 or 0.5 x Damage (whichever greater)
your speed drops to 5 feet. Could be contested vs WIS (Perception) Whenever you take damage while you are concentrating on a
spell, you must make a Constitution saving throw to maintain
Size and Strength - For each size category above Medium, Stealth your concentration. If you take damage from multiple sources,
double the creature's carrying capacity and the amount it can you make a separate saving throw for each source of damage.
Attempt to conceal yourself from enemies, slink past guards, slip
push, drag, or lift. For a Tiny creature, halve these weights.
away without being noticed, or sneak up on someone without Being Incapacitated or Killed - You lose concentration on a spell
being seen or heard.
Grappling – Contested vs STR (Athletics) or DEX (Acrobatics) if you are Incapacitated or if you die.
Hiding – Contested vs WIS (Perception)
Break bonds, fit in small spaces, force a door open/shut Disable traps, pick locks, steer cart, tie captive, wriggle free Drink, go without food, water or sleep, hold breath, march

Jump Distance Object AC & HP Senses

Type Distance Related Checks Material AC Size Weak/Strong Type Ability
Long Jump Equals Strength Score1 DC 10 STR(Athletics)3 Cloth, paper, rope 11 Tiny (bottle, lock) 1d4 / 2d4 Blindsight Perceives surroundings within radius, without sight
DC 10 DEX(Acrobatics)4 Crystal, glass, ice 13 Small (chest, lute) 1d6 / 3d6 Darkvision Dim light as bright, Darkness as dim within range.
High Jump 3 + Strength Modifier2 STR (Athletics)5 Wood, bone 15 Medium (barrel, 1d8 / 4d8 Only shades of grey in darkness.
1. Moving at least 10ft before jump, ½ distance from standing Stone 17 chandelier) Tremorsense Pinpoint origin of vibrations in radius, provided
2. Reach with arms add 1.5x height 3. Clearing obstacle ≤ ¼ distance high Iron, steel 19 Large (cart, 10 x 1d10 / 5d10 source is contacting same ground or substance
4. Land Prone unless succeeds check 5. Jumping higher than normal Mithral 21 10 window) Truesight See in all darkness or through Illusions in range
Adamantine 23 Huge/Gargantuan DMG p.247 Automatically succeeds saving throws vs. Illusions
Fall Damage
1d6 Bludgeoning damage for every 10 feet it fell, to a maximum
of 20d6. Land Prone, unless avoided taking damage from the fall.
Degree Effect
Half + 2 AC and DEX Saving Throws
Trap Save DC Improvised Damage
Trap Danger Save DC Attack Bonus Example Dice
Check DC Three-Quarters + 5 AC and DEX Saving Throws
Can't be targeted directly by
Setback 10-11 +3 to 5 Burned by coals, hit by bookcase, 1d10 Difficulty DC Total
an attack or a spell
Dangerous 12-15 +6 to 8 poison needle
Deadly 16-20 +9 to 12 Lightning Strike, fall into a fire pit 2d10 Very Easy 5
Rubble in falling tunnel, 4d10 Easy 10 Squeezing in Small Spaces
vat of acid
Damage Severity Crushing walls, steel blades, 10d10 Moderate 15 A creature can squeeze through a space that is
Char. Level Setback Dangerous Deadly step on lava stream large enough for a creature one size smaller.
1st - 4th 1d10 2d10 4d10 Lava submersion, 18d10
Hard 20
While squeezing, it must spend 1 extra foot for
5th - 10th 2d10 4d10 10d10 hit by flying fortress crash Very Hard 25 every foot, and it has disadvantage on attack
11th - 16th 4d10 10d10 18d10 Vortex of fire on Plane of Fire, 24d10 rolls and DEX saving throws. Attack rolls against
17th - 20th 10d10 18d10 24d10 eaten by godlike monster
Nearly Impossible 30 have advantage while it's in the smaller space.
Intelligence Wisdom Charisma
Measures mental acuity, accuracy of recall, and reason. Your attunement to the world, perceptiveness and intuition. Interact with others by confidence, charm, eloquence and more.
Check Memory and reason Check Perceptiveness and willpower Check Social influence and confidence
Save Resisting illusions & mental assaults, refute with logic Save Resisting charms, fright, or assaults on your willpower Save Resist possessions or being hurled to another plane
Arcana Animal Handling Deception
Recall spells, magic items, eldritch symbols, magical traditions, Calm a domesticated animal, keep mount from spooking. Determines whether you can convincingly hide the truth, either
the planes of existence, and the inhabitants of those planes. Control your mount when attempting a risky maneuver. verbally or through your actions. Can encompass everything
from misleading others with ambiguity to telling outright lies.
History Insight Contested vs WIS (Insight)
Recall historical events, legendary people, ancient kingdoms, Determine the true intentions of a creature, searching out a lie, Intimidation
past disputes, recent wars, and lost civilizations. predicting someone’s next move, or reading body language.
Attempt to influence someone through overt threats, hostile
actions, and physical violence. Trying to pry information out of a
Investigation Detecting Deception/Persuasion – Contested vs CHA (Skill)
prisoner, convincing street thugs to back down from a
Look around for clues and make deductions based on those Medicine confrontation, or using the edge of a broken bottle to convince a
clues. Deduce the location of a hidden object or determine the sneering vizier to reconsider a decision.
Stabilize a dying companion or diagnose an illness
weakest point in a tunnel that could cause it to collapse. Poring
through ancient scrolls in search of a hidden fragment of Perception Performance
knowledge might also call for a check. Lets you spot, hear, or detect the presence of something. Determines how well you can delight an audience with music,
Finding Hidden Objects – Be very descriptive how you search dance, acting, storytelling, or other forms of entertainment.
Recall terrain, plants, animals, weather, and natural cycles. Find Hiding Creature - Contested vs DEX (Stealth) Persuasion
Religion Survival Attempt to influence someone or a group of people with tact,
social graces, or good nature. Typically, in good faith to foster
Recall Deities, rites and prayers, religious hierarchies, holy Follow tracks, hunt wild game, guide your group, identify signs of
friendships, make cordial requests, or exhibit proper etiquette.
symbols, and the practices of secret cults. creatures, predict the weather, or avoid natural hazards.
Contested vs WIS (Insight)
Don disguises, forge papers, gauge value, win games of skill A gut feeling, discern if something is undead or not Find local gossipers, read a room to sense conversation topics

Aural & Visual Perception Light Sources Mounted & Vehicular Travel
Condition Effect Examples Type Bright Dim Duration Weight Cost Type MPH Cost & Conditions
Lightly Disadvantage on WIS Dim light, patchy fog, Candle 5 ft + 5 ft 1 Hour1 -- 5 cp Horse, Riding 6 Gallop 8 MPH, 1 Hour per day
Obscured (Perception) relying on sight. or moderate foliage Lamp 15 ft + 30 ft 6 Hours1 1 lb. 5 sp Coach 3 3 cp per mile
Heavily Blocks vision entirely. Effectively Darkness, opaque Lantern, Bullseye 60 ft + 60 ft 6 Hours1 2 lb. 10 gp Coach, Magebred 5 3 sp per mile (H.Orien)
Obscured Blinded when trying to see. fog, or dense foliage & Everbright2 Cone to cone ∞ 2 lb. 45 gp Lightning Rail 30 5 sp per mile, standard car
Magical Nonmagical light can’t brighten Darkness(2nd Lvl), Lantern, Hooded3 30 ft + 30 ft 6 Hours1 2 lb. 5 gp Rowboat 1½ 3 MPH downstream
Darkness + Spell Description Hallow(5th Lvl) Torch 20 ft + 20 ft 1 Hour 1 lb. 1 gp Sailing Ship 2 1 sp per mile, wind permitting
Light, Cantrip 20 ft + 20 ft 1 Hour -- -- Elemental Galleon 10 5 sp per mile (H.Lyrandar)
Visibility Outdoors Audible Distances
Clear Day ~ 2 mi Being quiet 2d6 x 5 ft Daylight4, 3rd Lvl 60 ft + 60 ft 1 Hour -- -- Elemental Airship 20 1 gp per mile (H. Lyrandar )
Rain 1 mi Normal Noise 2d6 x 10 ft 1. Per 1 Pint of Oil 2. Can be fully shuttered, imbued with Continual flame Teleportation Circle -- Instant, 2,500 gp (H.Orien)
Fog 100-300 ft Very Loud 2d6 x 50 ft 3. As an action, lowering the hood reduces to dim light in a 5-foot radius
High Point x 20 Heavy Wind/Rain Disadvantage 4. If any of this spell's area overlaps with an area of darkness created by
a spell ≤ 3rd level, the spell that created the darkness is dispelled.
Tracking DC
Travel Rate Formulas Foot Travel Ground Surface DC
Rate Formula Pace Dist. Min/Hour/Day Effect Soft surface such as snow 10
1 Minute Speed x 10 = X ft Slow 200ft / 2mi / 18mi Use Stealth Dirt or grass 15
1 Hour Speed ÷ 10 = X mi Normal 300ft / 3mi / 24mi Bare stone 20
Daily Hourly Rate x 8 Hours Fast 400ft / 4mi / 30mi - 5 WIS (Perception) Each day since the creature passed +5
Slow Pace 0.666… x Rate Forced March > 8 hours, CON DC 10 + 1 at end of each Hour for 1 Exhaustion Creature left trails such as blood -5
Conditions Exhaustion
Type Effect Level Cumulative Effects
Can't see. Automatically fails any ability check that requires sight. 1 Disadvantage on ability checks
Attack rolls against have advantage, and the creature's attack rolls have disadvantage. 2 Speed halved
Can't attack the charmer or target the charmer with harmful abilities or magical effects. 3 Disadvantage on attack rolls and saving throws
The charmer has advantage on any ability check to interact socially with the creature. 4 Hit point maximum halved
Deafened A deafened creature can't hear and automatically fails any ability check that requires hearing. 5 Speed reduced to 0
Exhaustion See Exhaustion Chart, all effects are cumulative. 6 Death
Disadvantage on ability checks and attack rolls while the source of its fear is within line of sight. *Greater Restoration or long rest reduces a creature’s
The creature can't willingly move closer to the source of its fear. exhaustion by 1, provided that the creature has also
A grappled creature's speed becomes 0, and it can't benefit from any bonus to its speed. The ingested some food and drink. Being raised from the
condition ends if the grappler is Incapacitated. dead reduces a creature’s exhaustion level by 1.
Condition ends if an effect removes the grappled creature from the reach of the grappler or
grappling effect, such as when a creature is hurled away by the thunderwave spell.
Incapacitated An incapacitated creature can't take actions or reactions. Healing Potions
Impossible to see without the aid of magic or a special sense. For the purpose of hiding, the Item HP Value Rarity Cost*
Invisible creature is heavily obscured. Location can be detected by any noise or any tracks it makes. Healing 2d4 + 2 Common 50 gp
Attack rolls against have disadvantage, and the creature's attack rolls have advantage. Greater 4d4 + 4 Uncommon 200 gp
Incapacitated and can't move or speak. Automatically fails STR and DEX saving throws. Superior 8d4 + 8 Rare 200 pp
Attack rolls against have advantage. Attacks that hit are a critical hits if attacker is within 5 feet. Supreme 10d4 + 20 Very Rare 2,000 pp
Transformed, with all nonmagical objects it’s wearing or carrying, into inanimate mass, and * Extrapolated from XGE Brewing Potions of Healing
Incapacitated. Weight x 10, ceases aging, can't move or speak, and unaware of its surroundings.
Attack rolls against the creature have advantage, automatically fails STR and DEX saving throws.
Resistance to all damage, poison and disease immunity, active poison or disease are suspended. Short Rest (1+ Hour)
Poisoned A poisoned creature has disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks.
Only movement is to crawl, unless it stands, ending the condition. Disadvantage on attack rolls. Doing nothing more strenuous than eating, drinking, reading, and tending to wounds.
Prone Attack rolls against has advantage if within 5 feet. Otherwise, the attack roll has disadvantage.
Standing costs half your speed, can't stand if you don't have enough left or if your speed is 0. Spend one or more Hit Dice at the end of a short rest, up to the character’s maximum
Speed becomes 0, can't benefit from any bonus to speed. Disadvantage on DEX saving throws. number of Hit Dice, equal to the character’s level. For each Hit Die spent, the player rolls
Restrained the die and adds the character’s CON modifier to it. The character regains HP equal to
Attack rolls against have advantage., and the creature's attack rolls have disadvantage.
the total (min of 0). Can spend more Hit Die after each roll.
Incapacitated, can't move, and can speak only falteringly. Automatically fails STR and DEX
saving throws. Attack rolls against have advantage.
Incapacitated, can't move or speak, unaware of surroundings. The creature drops whatever it's
Unconscious holding and falls prone, automatically fails STR and DEX saving throws. Long Rest (≥ 8 Hours, once per 24h)
Attack rolls against have advantage. Attacks that hit are a critical hits if attacker is within 5 feet. Sleep for at least 6 hours and perform no more than 2 hours of light activity, including
standing watch. If the rest is interrupted — at least 1 hour of walking, fighting, casting
spells, or similar adventuring activity — must begin the rest again to gain benefit from it.
Holding Your Breath Out of Breath or Choking At the end of a long rest, regain all lost hit points. Regains spent Hit Dice, up half of the
1 + CON Mod = Survive for rounds equal to CON modifier (min 1 round). At the start of its next turn, character's total number of them (minimum of one). A character must have at least 1 hit
Minutes(min 30 sec) drops to 0 HP and is Dying, can't regain HP or be stabilized until it can breathe again. point at the start of the rest to gain its benefits.

Dying Stabilizing a Creature

Condition Effect The best way to save a creature with 0 HP is to heal it. If healing is unavailable, the
Damage reduces you to 0 HP and there’s damage remaining, you die if the remaining creature can at least be stabilized so that it isn't killed by a failed death saving throw.
Instant Death
damage equals or exceeds your HP maximum.
Falling Unconscious Damage reduces you to 0 HP and fails to kill, you fall Unconscious, regaining HP ends it You can use your action to administer first aid and attempt to stabilize it, which requires
Taking Damage at 0 Suffer one Fail Death Saving Throw, 2 x if critical hit (remember Unconscious) a successful DC 10 WIS (Medicine) check or use a Healer’s Kit to automatically succeed.
Roll a d20. 10 or higher, you succeed. Otherwise, you fail. On your third success, you are
stable. On your third failure, you die. Keep track of both until you collect three of a kind. A stable creature doesn't make death saving throws, even at 0 HP, but it does remain
Death Saving Throws
The number of both is reset to zero when you regain any hit points or become stable. Unconscious. The creature stops being stable, and must make death saving throws
Roll 1 on the d20, it counts as two failures. Roll a 20 on the d20, you regain 1 HP. again, if it takes any damage. A stable creature naturally regains 1 HP after 1d4 hours.
Weapons Armor Services
Simple Melee Damage lbs Cost Properties Type AC lbs Cost Service Cost
Club 1d4 BLG 2 1 sp Light Light Don or Doff4 1 Min Coach (Within a city) 1 cp
Dagger 1d4 PRC 1 2 gp Finesse, light, thrown (20/60) Padded1 11 + DEX 8 5 gp Hireling (Skilled) 2 gp per day
Greatclub 1d8 BLG 10 2 sp Two-handed Leather 11 + DEX 10 10 gp Hireling (Untrained) 2 sp per day
Handaxe 1d6 SLH 2 5 gp Light, thrown (20/60) Studded Leather 12 + DEX 13 45 gp Magewright 1st/2nd/3rd 25 / 50 / 100 gp per cast
Javelin 1d6 PRC 2 5 sp Thrown (30/120) Medium Don 5 Min, Doff4 1 Min Road or gate toll 1 cp
Light hammer 1d4 BLG 2 2 gp Light, thrown (20/60) Hide 12 + DEX ≤ 2 12 10 gp House Kundarak
Mace 1d6 BLG 4 5 gp -- Chain Shirt 13 + DEX ≤ 2 20 50 gp Arcane lock 20 gp
Quarterstaff 1d6 BLG 4 2 sp Versatile (1d8) Scale Mail1 14 + DEX ≤ 2 45 50 gp Glyph of warding 350 gp
Sickle 1d4 SLH 2 1 gp Light Breastplate 14 + DEX ≤ 2 20 400 gp House Jorasco
Spear 1d6 PRC 3 1 gp Thrown (20/60), versatile (1d8) Half-Plate1 15 + DEX ≤ 2 40 750 gp Minor nonmagical care 3 sp per Medicine check
Martial Melee Heavy Don 10 Min, Doff4 5 Min Major nonmagical care 1 gp per day
Battleaxe 1d8 SLH 4 10 gp Versatile (1d10) Ring Mail1 14 40 30 gp Cure wounds 25 gp per level
Double-Bladed Scimitar 2d4 SLH 6 100 gp Special1, two-handed Chain Mail1 2 16 55 75 gp Lesser restoration 50 gp
Flail 1d8 BLG 2 10 gp -- Splint1 3 17 60 200 gp Remove curse 75 gp
Glaive 1d10 SLH 6 20 gp Heavy, reach, two-handed Plate1 3 18 65 1,500 gp Greater restoration 150 gp
Greataxe 1d12 SLH 7 30 gp Heavy, two-handed Shield5 +2 6 10 gp Raise dead 750 gp
Greatsword 2d6 SLH 6 50 gp Heavy, two-handed 1. Disadvantage to DEX (Stealth) House Orien
Halberd 1d10 SLH 6 20 gp Heavy, reach, two-handed 2. ≥ 13 STR or 3. ≥ 15 STR else, reduce 10ft movement Courier service 1 sp per mile
Lance 1d12 PRC 6 10 gp Reach, special2 4. With help, reduce time by half 5. Don/Doff 1 Action Mail service 1 cp per mile
Longsword 1d8 SLH 3 15 gp Versatile (1d10) House Sivis
Maul 2d6 BLG 10 10 gp Heavy, two-handed Illusory script 15 gp
Morningstar 1d8 PRC 4 15 gp -- Message station 2 sp per word
Pike 1d10 PRC 18 5 gp Heavy, reach, two-handed
Lifestyle, Lodging & Meals Translation 2 cp per word
Rapier 1d8 PRC 2 25 gp Finesse Conditions Lifestyle Lodging Meals
Scimitar 1d6 SLH 3 25 gp Finesse, light Wretched -- -- --
Shortsword 1d6 PRC 2 10 gp Finesse, light Squalid 1 sp 7 cp 3 cp
Food & Drink
Trident 1d6 PRC 4 5 gp Thrown (range 20/60), versatile (1d8) Poor 2 sp 1 sp 6 cp Item Cost Item Cost
War pick 1d8 PRC 2 5 gp -- Modest 1 gp 5 sp 3 sp Banquet 10 gp Ale, gallon 2 sp
Warhammer 1d8 BLG 2 15 gp Versatile (1d10) Comfortable 2 gp 8 sp 5 sp Bread, loaf 2 cp Ale, mug 4 cp
Whip 1d4 SLH 3 2 gp Finesse, reach Wealthy 4 gp 2 gp 8 sp Cheese, hunk 1 sp Wine, pitcher 2 sp
Simple Ranged Aristocratic ≥ 10 gp ≥ 4 gp ≥ 2 gp Meat, chunk 3 sp Wine, fine bottle 10 gp
Boomerang* 1d4 BLG -- -- (range 60/120), returns on miss
Ammunition (range 80/320), loading,
Crossbow, light 1d8 PRC 5 25 gp
two-handed Dragonmarked Houses Nations
Dart 1d4 PRC 1/4 5 cp Finesse, thrown (range 20/60) Mark House Race Guild Specialties Five Nations
Shortbow 1d6 PRC 2 25 gp Ammunition (range 80/320), two-handed Detection Medani Half-Elf Bodyguards, Investigation, Risk Aundair, Breland
Sling 1d4 BLG -- 1 sp Ammunition (range 30/120) Management Cyre (Mournland),
Martial Ranged Finding Tharashk Half-Orc, Bounty Hunting, Investigation, Karrnath,Thrane
Blowgun 1 PRC 1 10 gp Ammunition (range 25/100), loading Human Prospecting Thronehold Nations
Crossbow, hand 1d6 PRC 3 75 gp Ammunition (range 30/120), light, loading Handling Vadalis Human Animal Training & Breeding Darguun,
Ammunition (range 100/400), heavy, Healing Jorasco Halfling Healing Eldeen Reaches,
Crossbow, heavy 1d10 PRC 18 50 gp
loading, two-handed Hospitality Ghallanda Halfling Food, Lodging, Urban Information Lhazaar Principalities,
Ammunition (range 150/600), heavy, Making Cannith Human Manufacturing Mror Holds, Q’barra,
Longbow 1d8 PRC 2 50 gp
two-handed Passage Orien Human Land Transportation, Mail & Couriers Talenta Plains,
Net -- 3 1 gp Special3, thrown (range 5/15) Scribing Sivis Gnome Communication, Translation, Verification Valenar, Zilargo
1. Double-Bladed Scimitar: If you attack with this as part of the Attack action on your turn, you can use a Sentinel Deneith Human Bodyguards, Mercenaries Unrecognized
bonus action immediately after to make a melee attack with it. Attack deals 1d4 Slashing damage on hit. Shadow Phiarlan Elf Entertainment, Espionage Droaam
2. Lance: Disadvantage on target within 5ft, two-handed when not mounted Thuranni Elf Entertainment, Assassination Other Territories
3. Net: Large or smaller creature hit is Restrained. No effect on formless, Huge or larger. Use action, DC 10 Storm Lyrandar Half-Elf Air & Sea Transportation, Raincallers Demon Wastes,
STR check to free itself or creature in reach. Dealing 5 Slashing damage to net (AC 10) frees without harm, Warding Kundarak Dwarf Banking, Storage, Prisons Shadow Marches
ending effect and destroying net. Aberrant Tarkanan Any Assassination, Thievery
* DnD Beyond Stats for mundane Boomerang, shares proficiency with Javlin
What Can You Do?
On Your Turn
Options Description
Move as much or as little as you like, to a distance up to your speed. Including jumping,
climbing, and swimming. You can break up movement before and after Actions and
Move switch between methods. When switching, subtract the distance you've already moved
from the new speed.
Take One Take one of the Actions presented in the chart to the right,
Action or describe you want to do to the DM.

Take One If you’re able to take an Action on this turn, you can also take one Bonus Action as
special ability, spell, or other feature states that you can.
Bonus Action You choose when to take a bonus action during your turn, unless the timing is specified.
Communicate however you are able, through brief utterances and gestures,
Communicate during your turn.
Interact With You can also interact with one object or feature of the environment for free, during
One Object either your move or your action. Dropping held objects usually will not count toward this.

During Any Turn

Take Your An instant response to a trigger of some kind, which can occur on your turn or on
someone else's. Reactions are defined by special abilities, spells, and situations.
Reaction When you take a reaction, you can't take another one until the start of your next turn.
What Actions Can You Take?
Actions In Combat
Action Description
You make one melee or ranged attack. Some classes can attack multiple times per action.
Attack Disarming, Grappling, and Shoving use one Attack.
Cast a Spell Most spells have a casting time of 1 action. See the spell’s description and check Concentration
Dash Gain extra movement, equal to your movement speed for the current turn.
Disengage Your movement doesn't provoke opportunity attacks for the rest of the turn.
Attack rolls against you have disadvantage if you can see the attacker, and you make DEX saving
Dodge throws with advantage, until start of your next turn, unless Incapacitated or speed drops to 0.
Grant an ally advantage on their next ability check for a task or to the ally’s first
Help attack on a target within 5 feet of you, before the start of your next turn.
DEX (Stealth) check in an attempt to hide, following the rules for hiding. If you succeed,
Hide you gain certain benefits, as described in the "Unseen Attackers and Targets" section.
Overrun Using an Action or Bonus Action, move through a hostile creature’s space using STR (Athletics)
Uses your Reaction to take one Action occurring at a trigger of your choosing. When the trigger
Ready occurs, you can either take your reaction right after the trigger finishes or ignore the trigger.
Search Devote attention to finding something, usually WIS (Perception) or INT (Investigation) check
Tumble Using an Action or Bonus Action, move past a hostile creature’s space using DEX (Acrobatics)
Interact with more than one object or an object requires your action to use. If an item requires
Use an Object an Action to activate, like some Magical Items, that action isn't a function of Use an Object.

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