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Annotated Bibliography

Dwivedi H;Paul N;Banerjee KL;Singh S;Jain R;Kumar S; (n.d.). Denture hygiene awareness,

attitude and practice among complete denture wearers during COVID-19 lockdown

pandemic: A questionnaire based survey. Journal of pharmacy & bioallied sciences.

Retrieved May 18, 2022, from

The article is about the denture hygiene awareness, attitude and practice among complete

denture wearers during COVID-19 pandemic. This study was to evaluate the differences in

denture hygiene knowledge and practice among different age, gender, level of education as

similar studies has not been performed previously in the population of Assam. Poor condition

of complete dentures seen in the population is mainly due to lack of knowledge and irregular

cleansing habits. Dentists must give proper instructions and do regular follow-up regarding

maintenance of denture hygiene. The article provides the hygiene awareness, attitude and

practice among complete denture wearers during COVID-19 lockdown Pandemic. However,

further research is suggested for a thorough understanding of denture hygiene, attitude of

denture wearers, and soft tissue changes. Therefore, this article is useful and significant to our

study. However, it is lack of information about denture hygiene, attitude of denture wearers,

and soft tissue changes.

Pinzan-Vercelino, C., Freitas, K., Girão, V., da Silva, D. O., Peloso, R., & Pinzan, A.

(2021). Does the use of face masks during the COVID-19 pandemic impact on oral hygiene

habits, oral conditions, reasons to seek dental care and esthetic concerns? Journal of Clinical

and Experimental Dentistry.

The article examines the use of face masks during the pandemic and its impact on oral

hygiene habits, oral conditions, reasons to seek dental care and esthetic concern. With the use

of masks, toothbrushing frequency decreased significantly, and people are significantly less

concerned about oral hygiene. The number of subjects that reported to have halitosis

increased significantly and this was associated with a decrease in toothbrushing frequency.

With the use of face mask, people must be motivated regarding maintaining oral hygiene

habits. Some respondents will seek dental care only when masks were no longer necessary,

therefore dentists must be aware of a reduction in the volume of patients. The article provides

the impact of the use of face masks on oral hygiene habits; oral conditions self-perception;

reasons to seek dental treatment; and esthetic concerns. This is useful information for

understanding how face masks can affect oral health.Therefore, this article is useful for

understanding the use of face masks and its effect to our oral health. Moreover, it stated the

different factors why face masks can affect our oral health.

Khalid Aboalshamat, Noor Farsi, Roaa Merwass, Deema Alshubaili, Lana Filimban, The Impact

of COVID-19 on Halitosis among the General Population in Saudi Arabia: A Potential

Symptom, J Res Med Dent Sci, 2021, 9(11): 45-52

This study assessed the impact of COVID-19 on levels of self-perceived halitosis among

adults in Saudi Arabia. The lockdown changed Saudi Arabia residents’ behaviors in ways that

affected perception of and treatment for halitosis COVID-19 has altered public behavior

resulted in affecting self-perceived halitosis, and further investigation is needed to assess

halitosis as potential symptom. Finally, we recommend spreading more awareness regarding

the impact of halitosis on people’s life, whither socially or personally. The article suggested

that halitosis might be a secondary symptom of COVID-19 infection. However, more studies

are needed for validation. Therefore, this article is useful for understanding the impact of

COVID-19 on halitosis and the study suggested that halitosis might be a secondary symptom

of COVID-19 infection. However, more studies are needed for validation.

Pinzan-Vercelino, C., Freitas, K., Girão, V., da Silva, D. O., Peloso, R., & Pinzan, A.

(2021). Does the use of face masks during the COVID-19 pandemic impact on oral hygiene

habits, oral conditions, reasons to seek dental care and esthetic concerns? Journal of Clinical

and Experimental Dentistry.

The article examines the use of face masks during the pandemic and its impact on oral

hygiene habits, oral conditions, reasons to seek dental care and esthetic concern. With the use

of masks, toothbrushing frequency decreased significantly, and people are significantly less

concerned about oral hygiene. The number of subjects that reported to have halitosis

increased significantly and this was associated with a decrease in toothbrushing frequency.

With the use of face mask, people must be motivated regarding maintaining oral hygiene

habits. Some respondents will seek dental care only when masks were no longer necessary,

therefore dentists must be aware of a reduction in the volume of patients. The article provides

the impact of the use of face masks on oral hygiene habits; oral conditions self-perception;

reasons to seek dental treatment; and esthetic concerns. This is useful information for

understanding how face masks can affect oral health. Therefore, this article is useful for

understanding the use of face masks and its effect to our oral health. Moreover, it stated the

different factors why face masks can affect our oral health.

Ren, Y. F., Rasubala, L., Malmstrom, H., & Eliav, E. (2020). Dental care and oral health

under the clouds of covid-19. JDR Clinical & Translational Research, 5(3), 202–210.

This article examines the dental care and oral health under the clouds of COVID-19.

Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome

coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), has caused much anxiety and confusion in the community and

affected the delivery of vital health care services, including dental care. The COVID-19

pandemic has exposed significant gaps in the collective response of global health care

systems to a public health emergency. Though dentistry is a relatively small part in the

COVID-19 response, dental professionals should take this opportunity to assess the role of

dental care in a public health emergency, look into the future, and determine what we can

improve to better serve our patients and protect our staff should a similar event happen again.

The article provides a timely evidence-based overview on the impact of COVID-19 on dental

care and oral health and identifies gaps in protection of patients and staff in dental settings.

Oral symptoms are prominent before fever and cough occur. Dental professionals may play

an important role in early identification and diagnosis of patients with COVID-19. Therefore,

this article is very useful to us because it provides a timely evidence-based overview on the

impact of COVID-19 on dental care and oral health and identifies gaps in protection of

patients and staff in dental settings. Oral symptoms are prominent before fever and cough

occur. Dental professionals may play an important role in early identification and diagnosis of

patients with COVID-19.

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