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Holistic Subject wise Test

BM & BC-Solution
1. Ans: C
Solution: First Class Bricks: These bricks are table moulded and of standard shape and they are burnt
in kilns.
Second Class Bricks: These bricks are ground moulded and they are burnt in kilns.
Third Class Bricks: These bricks are ground moulded and they are burnt in clamps.
Fourth Class Bricks: These are over burnt bricks with irregular shape and dark colour.

2. Ans: C
Silica: it enables the brick to retain its shape and imparts durability, prevents shrinkage and warping.
Alumina: It absorbs water and imparts plasticity to the earth so that it can be moulded.
Lime: the lime prevents shrinkage of raw bricks on drying. The sand alone is infusible, but it slightly
fuses at kiln temperature in presence of lime. In carbonated form, lime lowers the fusion point.
Oxide of iron: it improves impermeability and durability of bricks.

3. Ans: d

Weathering:- Clay is exposed to atmosphere from few weeks to full season.

Blending:- Clay is made loose and any ingredient to be added to it is spread out at top and turning it
up and down in vertical direction.

Burning: This is very important operation in the manufacturing of bricks to impart hardness, strength
and makes them dense and durable. Burning of bricks is done either in clamps or in kilns.

Tempering:- Clay is brought to a proper degree of hardness, then water is added to clay and whole
mass is kneaded or pressed under the feet of men or cattle for large scale, tempering is usually done
in pug mill as shown in the figure

4. Ans: c
Solution: Foliated Rocks have a tendency to split up in a definite direction only. Ex: Metamorphic

5.Ans: a
Solution: Comparison of softwood and hardwood

Sr. no. Item Soft wood Hard wood

1. Annual rings Distinct Indistinct

2. Colour Light Dark

3. Fire resistance Poor More

4. Modullary rays Indistinct Distinct

5. Structure Resinous and split Non – resinous & close

easily light grained heavy

6. Weight Light Heavy

7. Strength Pull & weak for Equally strong for

Resisting thrust or resisting tension,
shear compression & shear

6. Ans: b

7. Ans: c
Solution: in this process, the timber surface is cleaned and it is coated with a dilute solution of
sodium silicate. A cream like paste of slaked fat lime is then applied and finally, a concentrated
solution of silicate of soda is applied on the timber surface. This process is quite satisfactory in
making the timber fire-resistance.

8. Ans: c
Solution: in kiln seasoning, the drying of timber is carried out inside an airtight chamber or oven.
Depending upon the mode of construction and operation, the kiln are of two types: stationary kiln
and progressive kiln. Stationary kiln is adopted for seasoning timber which requires a close control of
humidity and temperature.

9. Ans: a
Solution: strength of concrete depends on period of curing and temperature during the curing
process. The quantity “curing period* curing temperature” is called maturity of concrete.

10. Ans: d

11. Ans: b
Solution: the lesser the size of aggregate, the higher the surface area and hence more amount of
water is required for wetting the surface.

12. Ans: c) Solution:

1. Acid bricks: fire bricks, silica bricks
2. Basic bricks: magnesite bricks, dolomite bricks, bauxite bricks
3. Neutral bricks: chrome bricks, chrome-magnesite bricks, spinel, forsterite bricks

13. Ans: c
Solution :

S. No. Pulse Velocity in km/sec Concrete Quality Grading

1. Above 45 Excellent
2. 3.5 to 4.5 Good
3. 3.0 to 3.5 Medium
4. Below 3.0 Doubtful

14. Ans: d
Solution: consistency test is required before i) initial and final setting time tests
ii) compressive strength test
iii) soundness test Because all these tests required water content of certain % of the standard
consistency which can be obtained by consistency test.

15. Ans: c
Solution: Superplasticizer enhance workability of concrete by dispersing the cement particles. They
impart negative charges to individual particles. Thus they confer high mobility to particles. The
setting time may be retarded due to overdose of admixture or by lowering of ambient temperature.
The superplasticizers leave very few air void and thus decrease freezing and thawing resistance.

16. Ans: c

Sand Type Fineness modulus

Coarse 2.2 – 2.6
Medium 2.6 – 2.9
Fine 2.9 – 3.2

17. Ans: b
Solution: Slenderness ratio of masonry walls is effective length/effective thickness or effective
height/ effective thickness whichever is less. As per code height of wall shall not exceed 30 times the
thickness. While for load bearing walls slenderness ratio is 27.

18. Ans: c
Solution: stages in brick manufacturing are:
Preparation of clay
1. Unsoiling – digging – cleaning – weathering – blending – tempering
2. Moulding
3. Drying
4. Burning

19. Ans: c
Solution: Rot in timber is decomposition or putrefaction, generally results due to dampness and
which is followed by the emission of gases, mainly carbonic acid and hydrogen.

20. Ans: d
Solution: IS 1141-1958 - Seasoning of timber
IS 4970-1973-key for identification of commercial timbers
IS 1708-1969- Tests of timber performed in laboratory
IS 399-1963- Classification of commercial timber and their zonal distribution
21. Ans: d
Solution: Rich mix offer less bleeding as compare to lean mix.
The factor influence the bleeding majorly are:
1. Reduce water content
2. Use the finer cement.
3. Increase the amount of fines in sand.
4. Use air entraining admixture.
5. Use lower slump mix of concrete.

22. Ans: c
Solution: volume of concrete = 1/5.5 Volume of cement
Volume of concrete = 5.5 volume of cement
Volume of 1 bag of cement = 35 litre
Volume of concrete = 5.5 x 35 x 10-3 m3
Volume of wet concrete = 2/3 x 5.5 x 35 x 10-3 m3 = 0.128 m3

23. Ans: a
Solution: The aggregate with rounded particles gives minimum ratio of surface area to the volume,
thus requiring minimum cement paste to make good concrete. The angular shaped aggregates on
the other hard provides good interlocking, hence good bond, between the particles, but it requires
more cement paste to make workable concrete of high strength.

24. Ans: c
Solution: Lime used for mortar may be fat lime (quick or hydrated lime) or hydraulic lime, Slaked fat
lime is used to prepare mortar for plastering, while hydraulic lime is used in preparing mortar for
masonry construction.

25. Ans: b
Solution: specific gravity of OPC is 3.15 and is measured using le-chatelier’s flask.

26. Ans : a
Solution: The bay window is a protruding window structure that extends from the wall of a building.
The purpose is to increase the surface area of the wall, and therefore the amount of natural lighting
that can enter the interior. A dormer window is a form of roof window. Dormers are commonly
used to increase the usable space in a loft and to create window openings in a roof plane.

27. Ans : a
Sol: The pitch of the roof is the measure of the steepness of the roof. Increase in pitch of roof results
in the stronger roof and required more covering material.

28. Ans :d
Solution : The maximum permissible deflection of a timber beam supporting a roof is given as L/360.

29. Ans :d
Solution : Dado is generally provided in bathrooms, kitchens, etc. They are used to protect plastered
wall from water splashes and human touches.
30. Ans : a
Solution : In panelled doors, if panels are made up of timber, it must be kept in mind that the
maximum area of a single panel of timber should not be more than 0.5 m2. It must also be ensured
that its minimum thickness should be 15 mm.

31. Ans : b
Solution : Flashing is a strip of metal used to stop water penetrating the junction of a roof with
another surface. Some of the arears where flashing is commonly used: Where roof meets walls,
Wherever the roof is pierced by a chimney, skylight, air vent or plumbing vent.

32. Ans : b
Sol: According to IS 1905 – 1987 following are the strength of various grades of mortars

Grade Strength (MPa)

𝐻1 10
𝐻2 7.5 - 6.0
𝑀1 5.0 – 3.0
𝑀2 3.0 – 2.0
𝐿1 0.7
𝐿2 0.5

33. Ans : b
Solution : Putty-filling shall be done after priming. If the surface is not primed first, then filler on
stopping may shrink and fall away, because wood absorbs the oil in stopping and therefore liable to
crack and work loose. The use of putty fills the opened cells of the wood in the surface layer and
level up slight irregularities of the surface. This reduces the quantity of paint and effort involved in
the regular coats of the paints.

34. Ans : a
Solution : L shaped stairs have a bend, at 90° usually. The bend is achieved by adding a flat landing at
the bend transition point. In winder stairs, instead of a flat landing, triangle steps are provided.

35. Ans : c
Solution : During the construction of earthquake-resistant buildings, it should be kept in mind that
those solid concrete blocks should be used which have crushing strength not lesser than 35 MPa.
However, depending on the thickness of walls and the number of storeys, masonry units of higher
strength may be required.

36. Ans : d
Solution : Flints are irregularly shaped nodules of silica. The width and thickness varies from 8-15 cm
and length from 15-30 cm.

37. Ans : b
Solution : Reinforced brickwork is used in the circumstances when the brickwork has to bear some
shear stress, when it is needed to increase the longitudinal bond and when the brick wall has to
carry and support heavy loads.
38. Ans : d)
Solution : For load bearing cavity wall, the effective thickness is taken as larger of two-third of the
sum of thickness of both the leaves and actual thickness of the stronger leaf.
39. Ans : c
Solution : The lintels are preferred to arches because of they do not require more headroom and
strong abutments as in case of arches. Lintels are also easy to construct.

40. Ans : d

41. Ans : a
Solution : Prospect is dictated by the surrounding peculiarities of the site of the project. This can
help us to conceal some unwanted views and reveal the beauty of the building.

42. Ans : d
Solution : The interior surface of walls in a studio should be of absorbent material. However, the
outer surface of the walls should be of the reflective type. Provision of window should be minimum
in order to prevent noise from outside.

43. Ans : a
Solution : Unit of measurement of rainwater pipe is running meters. The payment of rainwater pipes
is per RM.

44. Ans : b
Solution : The filler material can be arranged in a systematic way, pattern to give an aesthetically
pleasing ceiling. The filler materials can be exposed, instead of plastering them. 5-10% saving of
concrete, more thermal comfort and the load on columns and foundation are reduced.

45. Ans : d
Solution : The place where the main and cross wall joins, there can be cracks developed. It is due to
poor bonding between walls. Bonding can be increased by toothing, where a projection of brick is
done into the other wall, interlocking it.

46. Ans : a

47. Ans : c
Solution : UPVC has very good thermal resistance and durability. The maintenance required is very
low. It has an average cost and can thus has life span of about 50 years.

48. Ans : d
Solution : This representation is the way to designate a window. W stands for window and T for
double shutter. It represents size of window opening of 1000 × 1300 mm.

49. Ans : d
Solution : In cantilever scaffolding or Needle scaffolding, the general framework maybe of single
scaffolding type or of double scaffolding type. The standards are supported by a series of needles or
ties which are taken out at floor level or through opening or through hole kept in the masonry.

50. Ans : c
Solution : Suspended cofferdams are also known as movable cofferdams. The suspended cofferdams
may take up any forms. In one form, it consists of a hollow steel cylinder which can be used to
prepare a temporary enclosed space for the construction work.

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