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John Kenneth S.

Lupango GAS – Physics

Grade 11 – Anglerfish Mrs. Ejm Izobelle B. Cabarles
English for Academic and Professional Purposes
Quarter 1 – Module 2:
“Use Knowledge of Text Structure to Glean the Information He/She Needs”

Vocabulary List -

Pretest -
*The colored circle represents as my shade, darker to lighter, easiest to difficult skills.

I think the writing tasks that I will encounter in this subject is all about writing Academic
Text, I think it will make me easy if I focus on studying it and it will make me difficult if I
didn’t understand it
1. The paragraph focus in a specific readers or persons
2. It contains formal writing skill and used some academic language type of writing

Practice Task 1.


Practice Task 2.
1. Introduction, The concise message of the writer in an essay can be found commonly in
introduction in some academic texts.
2. Body, The expanded definition in a concept paper commonly found in the body in concept paper
type of academic of text.
3. Body, The detailed reason why the artwork is recommended or not is commonly found in body
where on the writer explain it.
4. Conclusion, what the writer wants others to do in a position paper commonly found in the last
paragraph of the position paper or on its conclusion.
5. Introduction, The rationale or background of the report place in the first paragraph of the report
that means it’s on the introduction.
6. Introduction, The problems being answered in a research in the first paragraph of the research
and followed by analyzing the data in the body.
7. Conclusion, the topics that future researchers pursue is a kind of conclusion in research paper
where on the writer leave the impression that the topic has been relevantly and thoroughly
dealt with.
8. Body, The list of arguments in a position paper explains in the mid of the position paper in short
it’s commonly found in the body of the position paper.

Practice Task 3.
1. Text A - Introduction, It’s all about the essay about children and teens nowadays using gadgets
during family time.
Text B - Introduction, it’s all about the how we face the new normal.
Text C - Introduction, it’s all about the report of NDRRMC about a calamity
Text D - Introduction, it’s all about the weaknesses of 4Ps program and the Social Watch
Philippines recommendations
2. Text A - Conclusion, put a limit on children and teens when using gadgets
Text B - Conclusion, we need to be resilient now than ever.
Text C - None, to provide the leaders an information on the typhoon and NDRRM response
Text D - Introduction and Conclusion, to inform the government of their stance and worries
about 4Ps.
3. Text A - Body, the children and parents
Text B - Introduction, Body & Conclusion, all of the readers, everyone.
Text C - None, leaders of the government
Text D - Conclusion, the Aquino government
4. Text A - Body & Conclusion, 1st person point of view
Text B - Introduction, Body & Conclusion, 3 rd person point of view
Text C - Introduction, Body & Conclusion, 3rd person point of view
Text D - Introduction, Body & Conclusion, 1st person point of view
5. Text A - Body, the writer known the subject very well because she experience that kind of
situation where the children and teens make family time becomes gadget time
Text B - Body, the writer known the subject very well because she tell all about the concept of
the topic clearly about facing the new normal.
Text C - Body, the writer known the subject very well because he/she evaluate the merit of the
work and Indicate whether or not the readers would recommend the work to others and why.
Text D - Body, the writer known the subject very well because he/she really provide some
evidences and enumerate the argument.
6. Text A - All parts, the content of the essay is organized well.
Text B - All parts, the content of the concept paper is organized well.
Text C - All parts, the content of the reaction paper is organized well.
Text D - All parts, the content of the position paper is organized well.
7. Text A - Body, Convenient, Communication and Connection
Text B - Introduction & Body, New Normal, PPE, GCQ
Text C - Body, Preemptive Evacuation, NDDRMOC, Pre-Disaster Risk Assessment.
Text D - Body & Inclusion, pro-poor programs of government, poverty reduction, the Aquino

1. B
2. D
3. B
4. C
5. C
6. D
7. B

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