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In 2009, Mat Whitecross and Michael Winterbottom filmed the film "The Shock Doctrine,"
which was produced by the United Kingdom. The documentary 'The Shock Doctrine' is based
on Naomi Klein's manifesto. Klein claims that the growth of capitalism in various countries
can always be linked back to a tragedy, revolution, or war, similar to the shock therapy that
psychiatric patients were forced to through in the 1960s. The Shock Doctrine, also known as
Disaster Capitalism, has been put into reality all across the world, according to Klein, with the
help of Milton Freidman and his Chicago Boys. The shock doctrine is a theory that states that
in order to put the highly unpopular concepts of a free market economy into practice, such
measures must be implemented. immediately following a shock to the national psyche A
terrorist attack or a national calamity can be examples of such shock. It's a fantastic
documentary, and I agree with Klein that the government should not take advantage of
people's fear or shocks, such as natural disasters, wars, and coups, to deprive them of their
basic right to life. To realize their objectives of coup, wealth, privatization, and militarization.

After watching the film, I have learned that the people with mental disabilities are cruelly
being experimented through shocking their head for new thoughts. The documentary The
Shock Doctrine examines how "free market" policies have come to rule the world. According
to Klein, these policies act against the interests of the majority because they transfer income
and power from the people to the global corporate elite, which is why elites need to impose
these policies in the aftermath of disasters. Winterbottom and Whitecross use historical
footage of wars, strikes, and social unrest in the film to highlight the free-market concepts
advocated by economist Milton Friedman and his University of Chicago students. The United
States backed military dictator General Pinochet, who used "political shock therapy" in the
form of large-scale killings, "economic shock therapy" in the form of denationalization of the
country's industries, and torture in the form of isolation, loss of sense of time, and bodily
harm against so-called "enemies of the state." This shock was intended to "purify" the minds
of individuals who refused to follow the rule.

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