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Name : Dea Adesti E

NIM : 202102108


The taxonomy is in early developmental stages and therefore is not to be considered a
comprehensive guide for nursing practice. Although some nurses feel constrained and frustrated
with existing taxonomy, it is well to remember that discipline such as medicine with well-
established taxonomies have taken over 100 years of development and are still constantly
changing. Gebbie and Lavin (1975) state that all categories require further refinement and
consideration by nurses at subsequent conferences. A major task of all nurses is to locate
diagnoses that are neglected, to test and develop them, and to present them for inclusion in future
The taxonomy needs to be rested for reliability and validity. Although the taxonomy has been
approved and accepted by participants in the national conferences, the usefulness of each
diagnostic category must still verify by appropriate research.
There is a danger of misuse of diagnostic categories by stereotyping, eliminating alternatives, or
employing value laden categories. Hagey and McDonugh (1984), in discussing the problems
presented by professional labeling (i.e., the use of a formalized list of diagnostic categories),
suggest the following problems:
1. Nursing diagnostic categories do not interpret the client responses in his or her unique
socio-cultural setting and therefore may deter individualized care.
2. The use of diagnostic categories curbs the nurse’s capacities for inquiry and observation
3. The use of taxonomy makes the nursing process nurse-centered, since the nurse is the one
doing the analysis. The client and the nurse may well define problems differently
4. The use of taxonomy can enhance the nurse’s authority and power in what should be in
reciprocal intraction

Vocabulary list in context:

- Constrained (adj) : Dibatasi
- Deter (v) : Mencegah
- Inclusion (n) : keterlibatan
- Laden (adj) : sepenuh
- Misuse (n) : penyalahgunaan
- Reciprocal (adj) : timbal balik
- Refinement (n) : kemurnian
- Subsequent : setelah
Task 1
Answer the following questions based on the text
1. Why do some nurses feel constrained and frustrated with the existing taxonomy?
- The taxonomy is in early developmental stages and therefore is not to be considered a
comprehensive guide for nursing practice
2. What is the major duty of nurses?
- A major task of all nurses is to locate diagnoses that are neglected, to test and develop
them, and to present them for inclusion in future listings.
3. Why should the taxonomy need to be tested for reliability and validity?
- Although the taxonomy has been approved and accepted by participants in the national
conferences, the usefulness of each diagnostic category must still verify by appropriate
4. Mention and explain Hagey and McDonough’s suggestions in nursing diagnosis
- Hagey and McDonugh (1984), in discussing the problems presented by professional
labeling (i.e., the use of a formalized list of diagnostic categories), suggest the following
1) Nursing diagnostic categories do not interpret the client responses in his or her
unique socio-cultural setting and therefore may deter individualized care.
2) The use of diagnostic categories curbs the nurse’s capacities for inquiry and
3) The use of taxonomy makes the nursing process nurse-centered, since the nurse is the
one doing the analysis. The client and the nurse may well define problems differently
4) The use of taxonomy can enhance the nurse’s authority and power in what should be
in reciprocal intraction
5. What is the meaning of limitations of nursing diagnosis taxonomy?
- Limitations as the use of diagnostic categories curbs the nurse’s capacities for inquiry and
Task 2
Write T (True) if the statement reflects the information in the text, F (False) if it
contradicts the information in the text, and NG (Not Given) if it is not found in the text.
1. Nursing diagnosis taxonomy is static. (___F_____)
2. Nurses should be able to enhance their knowledge in order to understand the nursing
diagnosis taxonomy development. (____NG____)
3. Testing reliability and validity is very important in nursing diagnosis taxonomy
4. The client responses in his or her unique socio-cultural setting will not affect
individualized care given by the nurse (____F____)
5. In the nursing diagnosis taxonomy, every activity is centered to the nurse. (____T____)
Study this case.
Nicol Harvey, a 59-year-old man, office worker, married; having headache on the left side
started three weeks ago. At first, he felt as if he had flu because his shoulders were arching, pains
in the joints and he had a bit a temperature. He took some aspirins but it didn’t work. He can’t
get to sleep, very weak, tired and he has lost some weight. He had headaches just one or two in
the past but never has anything like this.
Note the patient’s present complaint.
Surname : Harvey First Name : Nicol
Age : 59 y.o Marital Status : married
Sex : Male
Occupation : office worker
Present Complaint:
having headache on the left side started three weeks ago. At first, he felt as if he had flu because
his shoulders were arching, pains in the joints and he had a bit a temperature.
He can’t get to sleep, very weak, tired and he has lost some weight. He had headaches just one or
two in the past but never has anything like this.


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