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Ferris State University

Lesson Plan Template

Lesson Information

Name: Kelsey Berry Date: October 27, 2022

Curriculum/ Course: Grade Level(s): Kindergarten

Writer’s Workshop
Time/ Period: Approximately 30 Materials: Document camera, SmartBoard, Pencils (one per student),
Minutes Writing paper (one per student), Marker (for teacher)

Community and Classroom profile: (demographics- such as age, race, gender identification, religious
preferences, SES, disabilities, etc.)
19 Students; 8 female, 11 male. All first year kindergarten.
Race: 3 Caucasian, 9 Black, and 7 Latinx. – We have 4 students who are multi-lingual and receive EL
intervention. One student who has diagnosed ASD with an IEP. We have another student who is in the process of
being tested for ADHD and is receiving KSSN intervention once a week.
Godwin Heights is a Title 1 school, which means that the mass majority of our students are at risk of failure and
living at or near poverty.

Standards Alignment

Create a table line for each standard Objectives (both Appropriate

ABCD with teacher Assessment(s) (formative
language and “I Can” and/or summative)
with student
Content Standards: 1. Students will be able to 1. Formative assessment;
1. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.K.3: draw a picture about a conferencing with students
Use a combination of drawing, true and specific event and observation with
dictating, and writing to narrate a that they have conferring notes. I will know
single event or several loosely linked experienced, dictate the the child is successful when
events, tell about the events in the story, and sound spell he can think of a story, draw
order in which they occurred, and words to label their the story and write beginning
provide a reaction to what happened. pictures with little to sounds down to label the
2. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.K.1.A: no guidance and 85% picture.
Follow agreed-upon rules for accuracy. – I can retell
discussion (e.g., listening to others a true story that
and taking turns speaking about the happened to me, draw
topics and texts under discussion). a picture of the story,
and add labels to my
2. Students will be able to
actively listen and
show respect when
their peers are sharing
their story in front of
the class with little to
no guidance and 90%
accuracy. – I can show
my classmates respect
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when they tell their
story by not talking
when they are talking.

Technology Standards MiTecs/ISTE 1. N/A 1. N/A

1. N/A

SEL Competencies 1. Students will be 1. Formative

1. 4A: Children/students use positive able to effectively assessment; Listening
communication and social skills to communicate and to students’
interact effectively with others; K-2: interact with each conversations when
Demonstrate the use of verbal other by using they are collaborating
etiquette. verbal etiquette (turn and talk), and
2. 4A: Children/students use positive with occasional allowing students to
communication and social skills to reminders from the share their stories out
interact effectively with others; K-2: teacher and 80% to the class.
Effectively and appropriately accuracy. – I can
communicate needs, wants and ideas use manners when
in a respectful manner. talking with my
2. Students will be
able to
communicate their
ideas in a
respectful manner
when talking with
peers with the
reminder from the
teacher and 80%
accuracy. – I can
be kind and respect
other peoples’
ideas when
working together
and listening to
their stories.
Lesson Procedures
Introduction/Hook/Anticipatory Set/Activating Prior Knowledge: (Warm-up, review of
previous day’s lesson, check for understanding of previous knowledge, questions you will ask)
Students will be transitioning out of their complex text read aloud and should already be sitting on
their ‘sit spot’. The teacher will then signal to the students that they are going to be starting writer’s

Steps in the Lesson: (provide enough detail to fully explain what will happen; what will you be
doing and what will the students be doing? Identify the core teaching practice(s) and SEL
competencies utilized)

 Students should still be sitting on their ‘sit spot’ and the teacher will be in front of the class, sitting on the
wooden stage.
 To begin, the teacher will start off by telling a story that is true and relatable to the students.
o *My story will be about a time when I was younger and I lost my favorite stuffed animal when I
was at the grocery store with my mom. It was my stuffed teddy bear that was so soft and fluffy. I
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didn’t realize that I lost it until my mom and I got to the checkout lane. I told her that I didn’t
know where it was and we went to go look for it down the different aisles we had previously
walked in. We didn’t find it, and we had to go check out and then go home without my most
favorite teddy bear. I remember crying about it. I was so sad.*
 *The teacher should be sure to identify an emotion that they were feeling during the story to help with
drawing it out.*
 The teacher will then tell students that it is now time to draw my story and write a little bit about it on my
paper now that I have thought of a real story that happened to me.
o Go to the document camera and grab a piece of paper that the students use for writer’s workshop.
This will be found in green basket next to the document camera.
o Begin by telling students that something that good writer’s do is draw a picture in order to help
their reader understand their story. *This drawing should just be a sketch, giving just enough
detail to understand what is happening.*
 After drawing the story, the teacher should tell students that it is now time to label the pictures to really
help the reader. *THESE LABELS ARE DONE BY USING SOUND SPELLING.* The teacher should
draw lines near things that they want to label (there should be around four things to label). The teacher
will say the word aloud that they want to spell, and the students should help to stretch out the word and
find the letters that make those sounds. Continue doing this until the labels are completed.
 Once the labeling is done, the teacher should come up with a short and simple sentence to write beneath
the picture. (These sentences usually are four to six words). An example of these sentences would be, “I
lost my fuzzy bear”. These sentences are also done by using sound spelling.
o Have students help stretch out the words in the sentence and come up with the letters that make
those sounds.
 Once the teacher finishes their example, the teacher should reiterate that this was a true story that really
happened to them. Ask students to start silently thinking of a story that they would like to write about.
The teacher should give them ideas on what to write about, whether it be about a time that they lost
something, or a party they went to, or maybe a time that they went to the park. (Give students around
thirty seconds to think of a story and have them put their thumb under their chin once they have a story).
 After the thirty seconds, have students turn and talk with their partner about the story that they are going
to write about. (You can give them a minute and a half to share with each other).
 Once the minute and thirty seconds is up or the teacher notices that the conversations are beginning to
veer off track, call the students’ attention back to the front. At this point, the teacher will have the table
monitors (Joven, Josiah, Naycalee, and Gia) go get their tables ready for their classmates.
 As the table monitors are setting the tables, the teacher will pull one popsicle stick from the tin next to
the stage, and have that student come up on the stage and tell the story that they are going to write about.
 After the student tells their story, the teacher will dismiss the students that are going to be working in a
small group with each teacher, to go get their paper and pencil, and then go to the teachers table.
o On Thursdays, Chase, Edmitcia, and Mali’Ky go work with Mrs. Vostad. Naheem, Dale, and
Valerie go work with Miss Berry.
o The rest of the students will be dismissed to their tables to write their stories.

 In these small groups, the teacher will allow students two minutes to draw their picture for the story.
While students are drawing, the teacher will individually ask each student what their story is about.
 After the two minutes is up, the teacher will prompt students to begin labeling and writing their
sentences if they have not already.
o Students should begin to draw lines where they want to label their picture and starting to stretch
the words out to hear the different letter sounds.
o The teacher will aid students when they appear to be stuck or when they ask for help.

 While the teachers are working with their small group, they should also be monitoring the noise level
and concentration of the class.
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Extension Activities:

Closure/Wrap up: This may be in the form of independent practice, a chance to share, or explicit
restatement of the goals/objectives of the lesson.
 As students are finishing up their story, the teacher will be looking for a student that they feel has really
done a good job on their story. This student will be asked if they would like to share their story in front
of the class.
o As the teacher is asking this student and getting them to the front of the room, the other students
will be putting their stories in their designated bins. After their paper is put away, students will
come to the large group area, and sit on their ‘sit spot’.
 The student who is sharing will put their story under the document camera, and before sharing, will
ensure that their classmates are ready and showing them respect.
 The student will share their story and what they wrote, and the teacher will then highlight some key
things that they liked that the student did.
 After the student is done sharing, the students will move into reader’s workshop being led by the
cooperating teacher.

Whole group Individual
Differentiation Accommodatio Modificatio
ns ns (if needed)
Instruction Student  ASD  N/A
Content/Activity/Product/ Readiness/Interest/Learn Student:
Environment; ing Profile/Affect This
 Students who need the extra  For students with student
assistance/visual aid can be specific learning could write
given an enlarged copy of the profiles, the amount their story
writer’s workshop sheet. of times they would while the
 To differentiate processes, like to collaborate teacher is
students will be able to just with their turn and telling
verbally tell their story and type talk partner can be theirs,
their story rather than write. adjusted. There are along with
 Students will be able to sit on also times where having a
swivel seats or on the floor of teachers or support list of
the classroom while they are staff can check in things that
listening to the teachers’ story with the students they could
and participating. They will based on needs, write about,
have that privilege as long as level of completion instead of
they are focused and not being and different the whole
disruptive. learning profiles. group
 Students should instruction.
respect the  EL
classroom Students:
environment, follow These
directions, students

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encourage could be
themselves and their provided
peers to be on task, with a list
and make of things
appropriate choices that they
when working on are able to
their worksheet. write about
that is in
their first
language to
help them

Reflecting on Knowledge of Self and Students: How did you draw on knowledge of students’ personal,
cultural, and/or community attributes to inform instructional decisions? What did you include in the
lesson to offer your students opportunities to expand their knowledge of personal bias, and local
and/or global cultural or community attributes? Give specific examples.

The ability to tell stories that students have experienced themselves allows students to bring out and share their
culture and home life. I enjoy allowing students to share their stories with each other because it gives small
windows and sometimes mirrors for the other students, into each other’s’ lives.

Integration of Select the appropriate ISTE For each ISTE Educator role you selected, provide a
technology for Educator role(s) you used to description explaining how you played this role(s).
designing design digital experiences:
and/or 1. Learner N/A
delivering the 2. Leader
Lesson 3. Citizen
4. Collaborator
5. Designer
6. Facilitator
7. Analyst

Student Select the appropriate ISTE For each ISTE Student role you selected, provide a
technology Student role(s) students will description explaining when/how the students will be in this
experiences use: role(s).
during the 1. Empowered Learner
lesson 2. Digital Citizen N/A
3. Knowledge Constructor
4. Innovative Designer
5. Computational Thinker
6. Creative Communicator
7. Global Collaborator
Reflection/ Teacher Notes:

These are found within the lesson.

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