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Based on the recorded video presentation that Dr. Refugio posted on his YouTube channel, is the
discussion of Ms. Majesty Ferrer about her chosen research paper related to her program which is
Master of Arts in Sociology. Before the discussant critique her chosen study, she first introduced the
research title and the contents of the study. The thesis paper from Maegan L. Kunitzer is entitled,
Protective Factors Against Dating Violence Perpetration and Victimization, presented to the faculty of
graduate college at the University of Nebraska. According to the discussant, the thesis paper she chose
has a slight difference between the thesis paper published here in the Philippines because most of the
thesis in the Philippines do not include the professor’s name, but rather only the researcher’s name
including the date it was completed.

The researcher in the study chose descriptive type of statistics and based on the discussant’s
observation, the thesis paper she chose considered as the representations of numbers or values as
values would be meaningless without a description. In addition, instead of having the interpretation, the
analysis or textual interpretation following the table, the thesis paper has it before the table. According
to the discussant the format is different perhaps because the thesis she chose was not published in the
Philippines. Another thing the discussant noticed in the thesis paper, since the data presented is in the
tabular format, the table number and title are at the top and based on the bivariate results and textual
interpretation, the researcher in the study only selects the table’s highlights.

Moreover, the discussant mentioned that we cannot always present the data in a table, we can also
present the data in a variety of formats such as graphs being shown in her chosen thesis paper. Lastly,
the discussant added that it is absolutely necessary to label the values in presenting figures such as
graphs just as shown in her chosen thesis paper in order for the reader to interpret the data clearly
because values would be meaningless without a description.

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