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Module 16- Theoretical & Conceptual Frameworks

As shown in the video, module 16 is all about Theoretical Framework & Conceptual Framework
where it highlights their definitions, examples, how to construct theoretical framework and
conceptual framework, the importance and of course their differences.

A researcher develops a theoretical framework to explain a study. It is a collection of ideas and

premises that are logically related and formed from one or more theories. The researcher must
describe the theories and concepts that will serve as the foundation for the research, connect
them logically, and tie these ideas to the study that is being conducted in order to develop a
theoretical framework. A theoretical framework, in essence, is a reflection of the effort a
researcher performs to apply a theory to a specific topic.

The conceptual framework describes the precise concepts a researcher utilizes in the study,
whereas a theoretical framework offers the broad collection of ideas within which a study
happens. Examples of conceptual frameworks include chemical experiment procedures,
sociological descriptions of a culture, and the kinds of information an economist looks at while
assessing a nation's industry. Thus, the concepts that are employed to describe research and
assess data make up the conceptual framework. In order for the reader to grasp the procedures
utilized, conceptual frameworks are frequently included at the start of a publication or
experiment description.

The speaker also mentioned about the difference between theoretical and conceptual
frameworks is scale - referring to the big Ideas and the smaller ones. A group of distinct
concepts that may be used within a wider theoretical framework make up the conceptual
framework. Many concepts that are contained in a theoretical framework might not be
thoroughly examined in the publication or experiment it frames. However, by definition, the
research process uses every component of the conceptual framework.

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