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Health Psychology questions

1. ____________ are manageable tasks that are only increased in difficulty as one gains
confidence and skill in the task and performance grow .
a. Manageable tasks
b. Skilled grade
c. Graded tasks
d. Mastery experience
2. When Maryam has completed tasks successfully related to her work she became confident that
she can do new tasks related to same as, she knows that she has previously succeeded in tasks
which had similar challenges . Here it can be said that Maryam has gained
a. Self assurance
b. Mastery Experiences
c. Graded tasks
d. Achievement satisfaction
3. People use simple heuristics to make decision and cognitive understanding of messages that
come to them . This is _________________
a. Mental route processing
b. Cognitive route processing
c. Peripheral route processing
d. Central route processing
4. When Maryam attended classes regularly and made a faculty evaluation based on systematic
analysis of sessions and how learning and engagement was done , she used _____________
method in making her decision .
a. Peripheral route processing
b. Central route processing
c. Invalid judgment
d. Impression judgment
5. Students who make judgment based only on the charisma and external attributes of a teacher in
faculty evaluation is using
a. Peripheral route processing
b. Central route processing
c. Invalid judgment
d. Impression judgment
6. Theory of planned behavior includes all except one . Pick the multiple right answers
a. Determine the decision to act by an individual
b. Intention to engage in that behavior
c. believes in personal control over that behavior
d. believes in control by environment in their behavior
7. ________________ are personality variables listed in the model of theory of planned behavior .
Pick multiple answers .
a. Extraversion, agreeableness
b. Age , sex and socioeconomic status
c. Religion and education
d. Consciencetiousness , neuroticism , openness
8. In Theory of planned behavior perceived behavior control is dependent on the
a. Perceived likelihood of occurrence x subjective norm
b. Normative beliefs x motivation to comply
c. Perceived likelihood of occurrence X Perceived facilitating or inhibiting power
d. Belief about outcomes and evaluation about outcomes
9. In Theory of planned behavior intention is directly affected by three factors . They are ---
multiple answers
a. Attitude towards behavior
b. Subjective norms
c. Personality
d. Perceived behavior control
10. Normative believes with motivation to comply is related to perceived control of behavior and
their occurrence in theory of planned behavior
a. True
b. False
11. Health belief model in health psychology focuses on
a. Evaluations that focus on benefits of health behavior and possible barriers to health
b. Perception of illness threat and evaluations of well ness behavior that reduce threat
c. behavior that will create negative influences on illness
12. Fathima lost her sister recently and she is going through bereavement and find herself stressed .
This can be categorized as
a. Daily issues
b. Daily hassles
c. Life event
d. Negative days
13. A range of negative perceptions and reactions experienced as a result of pressure is termed as
a. Life hazzles
b. Life events
c. Stress
d. Transactional events
14. ____________ are the ways in which the HPA axis ANS and cardio vascular and immune system
together help the body to adapt to stress
a. Transactional management
b. Neuro network method
c. Allostasis
d. Biological re- adjustment
15. Social readjustment scale is a check list which includes negative life events like bereavement and
positive life events like marriage
a. True
b. False
16. How is personality and health behavior connected to each other. Which are the dimensions in
OCEAN personality questionnaire that affects health behavior . explain your answer.
17. Through training and hearing the tone change when a specific muscle group is relaxed, patients can learn to
exert control over muscles previously not under their voluntary control.. This is _____________ technique that
health psychologists use . biofeedback
18. ________________is a model that states some people are genetically susceptible to stress –
stress diathesis model
19. _____________pathways are the ways in which psychological factors can influence health
indirectly by changing health behaviours.-
20. ____________ part of the forebrain, it plays an important role in regulating states of sleep,
arousal and consciousness.-
21. we are less likely to experience pain when we are distracted by the demands of taking part in a
competitive sporting event or when we are concentrating on something in our immediate
environment instead of the source of the pain.
a. True
b. False
22. ________________theory posits that the ‘pain system’ has its own set of special pain receptors
for detecting pain stimuli and its own peripheral nerves, which communicate via a separate
pathway to a designated area in the brain for the processing of pain signals.
a. Specificity
b. Pattern
c. Diathesis
d. Peripheral
23. Pick multiple right answers ----Pattern theory suggests that
a. the receptors for pain are shared with the other senses and that a separate sensory
system does not exist.
b. Central to this view is the notion that an individual will only experience pain when a
certain specific neural activity reaches a critical level in the brain.
c. intense stimulation will produce a pattern of neural activity that will result in pain
d. individual will only experience pain when a certain pattern of neural activity reaches a
critical level in the brain.
24. _____________ theory the idea that a neural gate in the spinal cord can open and close thus
modulating incoming pain signals
a. Pattern
b. Specificity
c. Gate control
d. Stress control
25. ____________ is an emotional condition that opens gate in gate control theory
a. Extent of injury
b. Tension
c. Focusing on pain
d. Boredom
26. List specific mental conditions that open one to pain and what are the methods through which
one can manage pain of such individuals
27. ___________ are the emotional conditions that close gate
a. Intense concentration or distraction
b. Involvement and interest in life activities
c. Relaxation
d. Rest
28. gate-control theory proposes that a neural gate in the spinal cord can modulate incoming pain
signals and that a number of factors influence the opening and closing of the gate. These are:
a. The amount of activity in pain fibres.
b. The amount of activity in other peripheral fibres.

c. Messages that descend from the brain

D. messages ascend from spinal cord

30. Cognitive intervention techniques involve teaching individuals to identify and change cognitions and
emotions that increase pain

a. True

b. False

31. operant techniques has the following assumptions of pain perception

a. that pain behaviours are learned responses

b.Learned responses become conditioned through reinforcement

c. Reinfoircement to pain perception should be receiving no attention, lack of sympathy

and care

d. avoiding anticipated pain by taking analgesic medication.

32. _________________ in pain management, is a technique taught to patients to help

them tighten and relax different muscle groups.

a. Progressive muscle relaxation

b. Peripheral nerve relaxation
c. Visualization
d. None of the above

33. Mary might try to reduce some of her stressors by looking for a new and more pleasant job or
cheaper accommodation. These would be example of

a. stress focused coping

b. emotion focused coping

c. problem focused coping

d. job focused coping

34. Problem focused coping involves making plans or taking actions to help change the situation
or reduce its impact

a. True

b. False

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