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Module 1: Descriptive Essay Outline

Research How does the companies trash effect on environment


1. Introduction
General Statement The environment is critical to healthy living and the survival of life on Earth. The Earth is a home for various living
creatures, and we are all dependent on it for food, air, water, and other necessities. As a result, it is critical for
everyone to save and protect our environment.

Topic’s Background Every year, the United States generates 268 million tons of rubbish, 140 millions of which end up in landfills, with
the average American throwing away 4.5 pounds of trash. According to some estimates, 7.6 billion tons of
industrial trash are created each year.

Define Key Term(s) Environment, Waste, trash, landscape, industry, earth

Waste prevention is a business technique that can help any organization, regardless of size or style. Aside from cost
Topic’s Importance savings, it can also help you improve worker safety, decrease liability, and improve your community image.
Furthermore, if the waste you are eliminating or reducing is governed by state or federal legislation, and your
savings are big enough, you may be able to avoid costly permits and regulatory approvals. Aside from the financial
benefits, waste avoidance is the ethical thing to do. Waste prevention reduces pollutants, making your
neighborhood and community a safer and healthier place to live. Finally, you profit, the environment benefits, the
community benefits, and your company identifies itself as a good corporate citizen, giving intangible, long-term

Aim of Essay & The main aim of this paper is the prevention of waste in industry, and to solve the waste problem.

2. Write main idea:

Main Idea 1- Efficient Inventory Management
 supporting
explanations An effecient inventory management system enables you to respond swiftly to market demands while also ensuring
that you don't have too much or too little stock, both of which are highly undesirable conditions. Strategic
inventory management improves the efficiency of your entire organization, yet it is a constant struggle for most

- Track the goods

- Not producing huge number of products
 supporting examples - Minimizing the sales productions

Controlling the materials used in the manufacturing process might help you reduce manufacturing waste. Reduce
the amount of extra raw materials in store as well as the quantity of hazardous materials to reduce waste generation.
 supporting details Order only the amount of any material that is required for a given length of time.

Main Idea 2- Volume Reduction

Volume reduction refers to trash segregation strategies that separate the hazardous waste from the nonhazardous

1 ∎ EAP: AB, DB, JH, SB, & TG

∎ ESPU 1081: IAE for College of IT
 supporting garbage. These techniques aid in minimizing the volume and cost of trash disposal.

 supporting examples
baling, shredding, compacting, and incinerating.

 supporting details
They are broadly classified into two types: waste concentration and source segregation. The former may enhance
the possibility of the material being reused or recycled, whereas the latter involves treating different types of trash
separately so that the metal value in the sludge can be recovered.

3. Conclusion
Restate the Aim

Summarise Main
 use bullet for each
 include key points

Academic Comment
(choose 2):
 Opinion
 Recommendation
 Further Research
 Predict Future Dev

2 ∎ EAP: AB, DB, JH, SB, & TG

∎ ESPU 1081: IAE for College of IT

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