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SmartGit 21.2.

4 (2022-09-02)
Fixed Bugs
- Azure DevOps: integration was not applicable for
ssh:// URLs
- Changes view:
- possible internal error selecting certain images (depending on color model)
- possible internal error when applying/reverting selection containing removal
of empty line
- Git-Flow (external): finish feature/hotfix/release branches containing '/' did
not work
- Log:
- Graph: possible internal error for partial clones when filtering for file
name or content
- Refresh:
- BitBucket Server: possible internal error if pull request has been
created from tag
- squashed subtrees were not detected
- rebooting while running might lose newly entered hosting provider credentials
- Refresh (working tree): possible internal error if .git/index has null-checksum

Other Noteworthy Changes

- added low level property refresh.checkGitAdminOutsideOfModel

SmartGit 21.2.3 (2022-05-30)

Fixed Bugs
- Changes view
- internal error related "Split leading/trailing lines" option
- Copy without selection: copies 1 char too much resulting in crash for last
- for Unified view, Goto Next Change may remain at existing change
- error "failed to read file" for missing files if "core.autocrlf=input" is
- Files (Log and WT): State and Working Tree State columns should denote rename
sources as "missing", not "unchanged"
- GitLab: error "The authorization server does not support this response type" when
trying to generate a new token
- Log: possible internal error when filter for modified content
- Pull: Git config "pull.rebase=merges" should be honored
- Pull/others: submodule.<name>.update=none should be honored
- Refresh (WT): "filter" may not be applied if listed after "text" or "eol"
in .gitattributes

Other Noteworthy Changes

- GitHub: support OAuth repository authentication for, too
- added low-level properties

SmartGit 21.2.2 (2022-01-27)

Fixed Bugs
- Changes view: split-off block may miss background color
- Cherry-pick: possible internal error related to subtrees
- Conflict Solver: for LFS conflicts, left and right will show wrong contents (of
base file)
- Graph (macOS): (x refs) box with dark background on dark system with light
SmartGit theme
- Pull: possible internal error when trying to initialize SVN submodule
- Refresh (Windows): internal error when trying to open repository located at
special directory, like "C:\Users\account\My Documents"

Other Noteworthy Changes

- added low-level property "gitlab.additionalRequestHeaders"

SmartGit 21.2.1 (2021-12-22)

Fixed Bugs
- Changes view:
- unexpected "Error reading file, Details: cancelled" for Git-LFS file which
exceed the size threshold
- possible internal error clicking "Force Compare"
- Commit/Stash: possible error "unknown option `pathspec-from-file=-'" when using
Git 2.25
- External tools: ${commit2} was marked incorrectly as optional
- Gravatar: fixed assertion for incorrectly sized images
- Log:
- Graph: memory leak of core objects after invoking popup menu
- File log: internal error if deleting and re-cloning repository while file log
is open
- Refresh:
- possible internal error "Unknown chunk ID ..."
- internal error trying to open a repository which is actually a file
- macOS bundle with invalid version information

Other Noteworthy Changes

- Changes view: added low-level property changesView.imageSupport to disable image
- Git-LFS: added low-level property status.forceUpdateIndexForLfsRepositories
- Pull: added low-level property pull.propagateFetchTagsToSubmodules
- SSH-Fingerprint confirmation: show as Base64-encoded SHA-256

SmartGit 21.2.0 (2021-11-18)

Fixed Bugs
- Changes view: hitting Refresh did not reload file content
- macOS: the (file) completion popup might be too narrow

Other Noteworthy Changes

- macOS: use icon which better matches others on macOS 11/12

SmartGit 21.2 RC 3 (2021-11-15)

Fixed Bugs
- Changes View, Unified: possible internal errors (on scrollTo and/or Apply) if the
last line has been cleared

Other Noteworthy Changes

- change default for low-level property dnd.autoScroll.initialDelay to 500(ms) to
avoid immediate scrolling for dnd operations near the edge of the Graph
- update SWT
- Linux: fix native memeory leak
- MacOS 11 (M1): tables and trees had large borders
- use https for autoupdate
- tag-grouping detection should detect groups only after the last '/' and skip tag-
grouping in case of multiple groups

SmartGit 21.2 RC 2 (2021-10-29)

- support for macOS 12

Other Noteworthy Changes

- all changes from SmartGit 21.1.3

SmartGit 21.2 RC 1 (2021-10-21)

- Azure DevOps: allow multiple configuration for different server URLs

Fixed Bugs
- Changes view: Apply must not be available when starting within an inner-line
- Journal: possible false-positive pushed commits for local, untracked branches
- Tag Grouping: configuration auto-detection may give too short (and generic)
- Linux: Possible NoSuchMethodError running older GTK with old SWT bundle
- macOS: SG-14850: ksdiff ( might hang until SmartGit is exited

Other Noteworthy Changes

- all changes from SmartGit 21.1.2

SmartGit 21.2 preview 2 (2021-09-30)

New Features, Improvements
- Windows 10: support system SSH (C:\Windows\System32\OpenSSH\ssh.exe) for 'Git for
Windows' installations with option "Use external OpenSSH" selected

Fixed Bugs
- Azure DevOps: possible "Could not parse date" error on pull request refresh
- Branches view:
- refresh may change selection from remote to local tracking branch
- tag message did not show up for grouped tags
- toggling remote ref might select local ref
- Changes view:
- if saving fails, error banner hides too quickly
- horizontal scrolling did not always update reliably
- possible assertion on Apply
- staging hunks for untracked-missing renamed file fails with "Failed to write
file" error
- Working Tree window: did not reliably refresh after failed save
- Ignore: showed scary warning about discarding changes for untracked file
- Log:
- Files: ignored, removed file which is locally existing did not show up
- Refresh (Working Tree): automatic refresh did not clean up files after
ignoring directory in non-root .gitignore
- Refresh: possible internal error for commits with commit times > 2038

Other Noteworthy Changes

- UTF8 detection now scans full file instead of just the first 64kB
- low-level property
- Table controls: if low-level property table.scrollToSelection is set to false,
ignore the selection's visibility

SmartGit 21.2 preview 1 (2021-08-09)

Other Noteworthy Changes
- Linux: SWT support for aarch64 (ARM64)
- macOS 11: separate bundles for x86_64 and aarch64 (ARM64/M1)
- Windows: use Windows root trust store for SSL connections
- Pull, Commit, ... dialogs: use checkbox as expand control

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