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Mixed ability grammar worksheets

Worksheet 3 Student’s Book pages 54-55

Grammar worksheets
Modal verbs

1 Complete the gaps with an appropriate modal verb.

a. Mum, I borrow your bracelet to wear to the prom?

b. The team have won the cup if they had trained more.
c. In the library you smoke.
d. Judy give John your message if she goes to Jane’s party.
e. No one guess Lisa is coming along tomorrow. She hasn’t started preparing
a single thing!
f. Adults try to understand what’s going on in their children’s lives.

2 Choose an appropriate modal verb in brackets and replace the expressions in italics.
Remember to make any necessary changes.

EXAMPLE: Students have to enroll in extracurricular activities. (must / can)

Students must / can enroll in extracurricular activities.

a. I don’t know how to write formal letters. (can’t / shouldn’t)

b. Am I allowed to use your phone, Mr. Hurt? (Will / Can)
c. Children have the obligation to do their best at school. (should / may)
d. Young people get the opportunity to express their opinions. (would / can)
e. I do not intend to help you, sorry. (will not / should not)
f. You are not allowed to smoke inside the premises. (mustn’t / shouldn’t)
g. Girls have the chance to apply for any job they fancy these days. (must / can)
h. If you want to get somewhere in life, you’ve got to study hard, Ben. (would / must)

3 Complete the gaps with an appropriate modal verb that expresses the meaning of the
words in italics.

a. Students aren’t allowed to enter the gym without sports shoes.

Students enter the gym without sports shoes.
b. Parents have the obligation to keep an eye on their children’s Internet habits.
Parents keep an eye on their children’s Internet habits.
c. Please open the window, Peter.
Peter, you open the window?

Virgínia Barros, Luísa Barros, Maria José Rodrigues, Vanessa Reis Esteves
Mixed ability grammar worksheets
d. There is a chance Joe is going to enter university this year.
e. Joe enter university this year.

Grammar worksheets
4 Write some sentences about what you can / can’t / must / mustn’t / should / shouldn’t / may
do in your daily life. You can use the model below to inspire you.

EXAMPLE: I can play the guitar but I must practise harder to become really good at it. I might
consider going to guitar lessons again. I may even join a garage band if I can find one who will
accept me. I must convince my parents that music is everything to me. I think they should
understand that I can’t live without it.

Virgínia Barros, Luísa Barros, Maria José Rodrigues, Vanessa Reis Esteves

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