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J. Dairy Sci.

© American Dairy Science Association, 2009.

Effects of anion supplementation to low-potassium prepartum diets

on macromineral status and performance of periparturient dairy cows
J. M. Ramos-Nieves,* B. J. Thering,*1 M. R. Waldron,†2 P. W. Jardon,‡3 and T. R. Overton*4
*Department of Animal Science, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853
†Department of Animal Science, University of Vermont, Burlington 05405
‡West Central, Ralston, IA 51459

ABSTRACT 23.0 kg/d), milk yield (46.5 vs. 46.1 kg/d), or content
and yield of milk fat and true protein. Plasma con-
Data from multiparous Holstein cows (n = 43) were centrations of energy-related metabolites (glucose, non-
used to determine whether supplementation of anions esterified fatty acids, β-hydroxybutyrate) were similar
to low-potassium (K) prepartum diets would improve for both groups during the prepartum and postpartum
periparturient energy and macromineral status and af- periods. Glucose rate of appearance was determined
fect performance during the postpartum period. Begin- by continuous infusion of 6,6-dideuterated glucose in a
ning 21 d before expected parturition, cows were fed a subset of cows between 6 and 10 d prepartum (control,
control diet (1.29% K; +10 mEq/100 g; n = 21) or a low n = 12; low DCAD, n = 9) and 7 and 10 d postpartum
dietary cation-anion difference (DCAD) diet (1.29% K; (control, n = 9; low DCAD, n = 8) periods. Glucose
−15 mEq/100 g; n = 22) with anions provided through rate of appearance was not affected by treatment dur-
a combination of sulfate from calcium sulfate dihydrate ing the prepartum or postpartum periods. Overall, an-
(0.40% S total ration) and chloride (1.17% Cl total ion supplementation of low K diets improved P status
ration) from SoyChlor 16–7 (West Central, Ralston, during the early postpartum period, but did not affect
IA). All cows were fed the same postpartum diet from aspects of energy metabolism or periparturient perfor-
parturition through 63 d postpartum. Feeding anions mance.
decreased overall urine pH (8.17 vs. 6.70) during the Key words: transition cow, dietary cation-anion dif-
prepartum period. Overall, peripartum concentrations ference, potassium, calcium
of plasma Ca, P, and Mg were similar between treat-
ments; however, concentrations of plasma Ca tended INTRODUCTION
to be increased during the first 24 h postcalving in
cows fed the low DCAD diet. Overall, concentrations of Numerous experiments have demonstrated that ad-
plasma P tended to be increased by feeding the anionic justment of the DCAD is effective in reducing the in-
diet prepartum; this effect was more pronounced during cidence of clinical hypocalcemia during the peripartum
the immediate peripartal period. Anionic supplementa- period (Block, 1984; Oetzel et al., 1988; Gaynor et al.,
tion did not affect incidence of clinical (<5 mg/dL) and 1989; Beede et al., 1991; Goff et al., 1991a). However,
subclinical (5 to 8 mg/dL) hypocalcemia, clinical hypo- as suggested by Overton and Waldron (2004), much of
phosphatemia (<2 mg/dL), or clinical (<1.1 mg/dL) this research has utilized animals with higher risk for
and subclinical (1.1 to 1.8 mg/dL) hypomagnesemia. milk fever such as multiparous cows and Jersey cows.
Nevertheless, subclinical hypophosphatemia (2 to 4 Additionally, an important factor in DCAD research
mg/dL) tended to be decreased at 16 h postcalving and has been the use of highly cationic diets as controls.
was decreased at d 2 postpartum for cows fed the an- This involves the use of forages with high cationic loads
ionic diet prepartum. Anion supplementation decreased that exacerbate the difference between this control and
prepartum dry matter intake (15.6 vs. 14.4 kg/d), but treatment groups in the cited experiments (Overton
did not affect postpartum dry matter intake (22.4 vs. and Waldron, 2004).
In some regions, the availability of forages with low K
concentrations has resulted in adoption of a strategy in
which the dietary DCAD is partially adjusted through
Received May 13, 2009.
Accepted July 21, 2009. focus only on decreasing the K content of the prepar-
Current address: PO Box 263, McGraw, NY 13101. tum diet. Few studies have focused on whether further
Current address: Division of Animal Sciences, University of reduction of the DCAD beyond that achieved through
Missouri, Columbia, MO 65211.
Current address: 815 Mockingbird Dr., Carroll, IA 51401. use of low-K feeds would further improve macromineral
Corresponding author: status. Moore et al. (2000) determined that reduction

Table 1. Ingredient and chemical composition of the prepartum diets lenge compared with cows fed cationic diets. It is not
Treatment known whether manipulation of DCAD in more moder-
ate ranges affects aspects of glucose metabolism.
Item Control Low DCAD Accordingly, the objectives of this experiment were
Ingredient (% of DM) to determine whether anion supplementation to a low-
Corn silage 47.3 47.1 K prepartum diet would affect macromineral status in
Wheat straw 15.7 15.7 transition cows. Furthermore, we sought to determine
Ground shelled corn 2.9 2.9
Soybean meal (47.5% CP) 5.9 5.9 whether DCAD strategy would affect aspects of energy
SoyPlus1 6.9 5.9 metabolism and performance during the transition pe-
Beet pulp 7.9 5.5 riod and early lactation.
Corn distillers grains 4.3 2.4
Soybean hulls pellets 5.9 5.7
Soy-Chlor 16–71 0.0 6.3
Calcium carbonate 2.0 1.1 MATERIALS AND METHODS
Calcium sulfate dihydrate 0.4 1.0
Magnesium oxide 0.3 0.1 Experimental Design and Treatments
Salt 0.2 0.3
Mineral and vitamin mix2 0.3 0.2 All procedures involving animals were approved
Chemical analysis3
[% of DM (SD)] before the experiment by the Cornell University Insti-
DM4 (% as-fed) 49.9 (3.7) 49.4 (4.4) tutional Animal Care and Use Committee. Forty-three
NEL5 (Mcal/kg) 1.48 (0.05) 1.48 (0.05) pregnant, nonlactating Holstein cows entering second
NDF (%) 46.1 (2.0) 44.6 (3.0)
NFC6 (%) 29.5 (2.8) 31.4 (2.7) or later lactation were moved into individual tiestalls
Starch (%) 17.5 (3.1) 18.0 (3.1) at the Cornell University Dairy Teaching and Research
Crude fat (%) 3.1 (0.5) 3.0 (0.3) Center at approximately d 28 before expected parturi-
CP (%) 15.9 (0.9) 15.9 (0.7)
Lignin (%) 3.7 (0.2) 4.0 (0.3) tion. Cows were fed a control prepartum diet (Table
Ca (%) 1.43 (0.26) 1.35 (0.24) 1) once daily for ad libitum intake. On d 21 before
K (%) 1.29 (0.14) 1.29 (0.15) expected parturition, cows were assigned to 1 of 2 treat-
Cl (%) 0.42 (0.04) 1.17 (0.08)
P (%) 0.31 (0.01) 0.32 (0.01) ment groups: control (n = 21) and low DCAD (n = 22)
Mg (%) 0.47 (0.08) 0.51 (0.04) diets fed once daily for ad libitum intake. Treatment
S (%) 0.31 (0.04) 0.4 (0.06) assignments were balanced based on parity, BCS, and
Na (%) 0.20 (0.01) 0.23 (0.04)
DCAD7 +11 −15 previous 305-d mature-equivalent milk yield.
Both experimental prepartum diets (Table 1) were
West Central (Ralston, IA).
2 formulated using CPM-Dairy version 3.0 (Cornell Uni-
Contained 3% Ca, 2.5% Mg, 6% K, 8.6% S, 8,600 mg/kg of Fe, 18,600
mg/kg of Zn, 6,000 mg/kg of Cu, 16,000 mg/kg of Mn, 110 mg/kg versity, the University of Pennsylvania, and the Miner
of Se, 330 mg/kg of Co, 570 mg/kg of I, 3,018.8 IU/g of vitamin A, Institute) and the forage component was based on corn
1,025.8 IU/g of vitamin D, and 20,242.3 IU/g of vitamin E. silage and wheat straw. The low DCAD diet contained
Based on 6 composite samples of TMR per group. additional calcium sulfate and a high-chloride (10.3%
Based on 21 (control) and 20 (low DCAD) weekly samples.
5 of DM) anionic supplement (SoyChlor 16–7, West Cen-
NEL (Mcal/kg) = 0.0245 × total digestible nutrients (%) – 0.12; Weiss
et al. (1992). tral, Ralston, IA). Both prepartum diets were fed once
NFC = 100 − [(NDF − neutral detergent insoluble CP) + CP + ash daily at 0800 h for ad libitum intake. After calving,
+ fat]. cows assigned to both treatments were fed the same
[(Na+ + K+) – (Cl− + S−2)]; mEq/100 g. lactation diet (Table 2) once daily for ad libitum intake
until d 63 postpartum.
of DCAD from +15 to 0 mEq/100 g of DM improved
plasma Ca status; further decreasing the DCAD to −15 Feeding, Milking Management, and Sampling
mEq/100 g of DM increased levels of total and ion-
ized plasma Ca compared with the partially adjusted Amounts of feed offered and refused were recorded
and control diets but only tended to improve Ca status daily, and samples of the forages, concentrate mixtures,
during the first day postcalving compared with the and TMR were obtained weekly. Dry matter content
partially adjusted diet. was determined by drying at 60°C until constant weight;
In addition, few studies have characterized effects of diets were adjusted using the weekly DM values for for-
DCAD adjustment on peripartal energy metabolism ages and concentrate mixtures. Dry matter intake was
and, more specifically, glucose metabolism. Bigner et calculated based upon the amounts of feed offered and
al. (1996) reported that nonpregnant, nonlactating refused together with the corresponding DM value for
cows fed very low DCAD diets (−40 mEq/100 g of the TMR. Dried samples of TMR were ground through
DM) had impaired insulin responses to glucose chal- a 2-mm screen in a Wiley mill, composited at 4-wk
Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 92 No. 11, 2009
Table 2. Ingredient and chemical composition of the postpartum intervals, and subjected to wet chemistry analysis in
a commercial laboratory (Cumberland Valley Ana-
Item Postpartum diet lytical Services Inc., Hagerstown, MD) for CP (method
Ingredient (% of DM)
990.03; AOAC, 2000), NDF (Van Soest et al., 1991),
TMR (%) 46.5 ether extract (method 920.39; AOAC, 1990), starch
Rye straw 1.2 (modification of Holm et al., 1986), lignin (Goering
Corn silage 27.7
Alfalfa hay 3.0
and Van Soest, 1970), and minerals (method 985.01;
High-moisture shell corn 13.4 AOAC, 2000).
Ground shelled corn 10.1 To confirm the presence of a metabolic acidosis in
Hay crop silage 18.9
Corn gluten feed 8.4
cows assigned to the low DCAD treatment, urine sam-
Wheat middlings 5.2 ples were collected from all cows twice weekly begin-
Corn distillers grains 4.9 ning during the week before assignment to treatment.
Blood meal, flash-dried 2.0
Animal fat 1.2
Midstream samples were collected at 5 to 7 h postfeed-
Limestone 1.1 ing and pH was measured with a calibrated portable
Sodium bicarbonate 0.8 pH meter (model UP-5 pH meter, Denver Instrument,
Expeller soybean meal 0.7
Fat supplement1 0.4
Denver, CO).
Urea 0.4 After parturition, cows were milked 3 times per day
Salt 0.4 and yields were recorded at each milking for the first
Calcium sulfate 0.1
Mepron M852 0.1
63 DIM. Milk samples were collected weekly from each
Trace mineral mix3 0.1 milking and composited into a single sample. The
Selenium 0.06% 050 0.04 composite samples were stored at 4°C with a milk pre-
Magnesium oxide 0.03
Gluten meal 60% 0.02
servative (Bronopol solution, Spectrum Chemicals &
Vitamins A, D, E4 0.02 Laboratory Products, Gardena, CA) for mid-infrared
Vitamin E (50% vitamin E acetate) 0.003 analysis of fat, protein, and lactose contents (AOAC,
Chemical analysis5 [% of DM (SD)]
DM6 (% as-fed) 46.5 (3.0)
2000; method 972.160) and SCC by optical fluorescent
NEL7 (Mcal/kg) 1.67 (0.05) analysis (AOAC, 2000: method 978.26; Dairy One
NDF (%) 37.1 (2.3) Cooperative Inc., Ithaca, NY). Calibration reference
NFC8 (%) 36.5 (2.6)
Starch (%) 24.3 (2.2)
methods used for the infrared milk analysis were as
Crude fat (%) 5.0 (0.4) follows: fat by ether extraction (AOAC, 2000; method
CP (%) 17.3 (0.8) 989.05), Kjeldahl true protein (AOAC, 2000; method
Lignin (%) 3.8 (0.3)
Ca (%) 0.91 (0.10)
991.22), total solids (AOAC, 2000; method 990.20), es-
P (%) 0.37 (0.03) timated NPN (0.19% on a protein basis), and estimated
K (%) 1.28 (0.07) ash [(true protein × 0.596) + 0.5379].
Mg (%) 0.30 (0.03)
Cl (%) 0.54 (0.05)
Body weight and BCS were recorded every week start-
S (%) 0.25 (0.02) ing 1 wk before treatment assignment and continuing
Na (%) 0.43 (0.03) throughout the experiment. The BCS was assessed on
DCAD9 20
a 5-point system (Wildman et al., 1982) using quarter-
Prilled saturated free fatty acids (99% fatty acid weight basis); Cargill point increments by 2 individuals, and the average of
Animal Nutrition proprietary blend (Elk River, MN). these 2 scores was used for statistical analysis. Health
Degussa Corporation (Kennesaw, GA). records with daily observations and treatments were
Contained 36% Ca, 0.01% P, 0.93% Mg, 0.84% S, 7,370 mg/kg of Zn,
1,273 mg/kg of Cu, 6,030 mg/kg of Mn, 110 mg/kg of Se, 167.5 mg/ maintained throughout the study.
kg of Co, 127.3 mg/kg of I, 1,202.5 IU/g of vitamin A, 225 IU/g of
vitamin D, and 2,302.5 IU/g of vitamin E.
4 Plasma Sampling
Contained 36,000 IU/g of vitamin A, 7,000 IU/g of vitamin D, and
70,000 IU/g of vitamin E.
Based on 7 composite samples of TMR.
Blood samples were collected via coccygeal venipunc-
Based on 29 weekly samples of TMR.
ture at 1400 h on the day before treatment assignment,
NEL (Mcal/kg) = 0.0245 × total digestible nutrients (%) – 0.12; Weiss once weekly during the prepartum treatment period,
et al. (1992). twice during the first 24 h postpartum (closest to 0700
NFC = 100 − [(NDF − neutral detergent insoluble CP) + CP + ash and 1500 h schedule), once daily for the next 5 d after
+ fat]. parturition, and every other day from d 5 to 15 after
[(Na+ + K+) – (Cl− + S−2)]; mEq/100 g.
parturition. Blood was collected in 10-mL heparinized
vacuum sampling tubes (143 USP units of sodium
heparin, Becton Dickinson, Franklin Lakes, NJ) and
plasma was harvested after centrifugation (2,800 × g,
Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 92 No. 11, 2009

15 min at 4°C), snap-frozen in liquid N2, and stored at kit (510A, Sigma Chemical, St. Louis, MO). Plasma
−20°C until subsequent analysis. NEFA concentrations were analyzed by enzymatic
methods using a commercial kit (Wako Pure Chemical
Glucose Kinetics Industries, Osaka, Japan) with modifications reported
by McCutcheon and Bauman (1986). Plasma BHBA
The stable isotope 6,6-dideuterated glucose (D2-
concentrations were analyzed by enzymatic methods
glucose) was obtained from Isotec (Miamisburg, OH).
(BHBA dehydrogenase) using a commercial kit (310-
Procedures for preparation of infusates were described
UV, Sigma Chemical). All blood metabolite assays were
previously by Waldron et al. (2006). Prepartum and
conducted using 96-well microplates (Costar, Corning
postpartum bolus infusates contained 8.5 and 14
Inc., Acton, MA) and a Versamax tunable microplate
μmol of D2-glucose/kg of BW, respectively, whereas
reader spectrophotometer (Molecular Devices, Sunny-
infusates for continuous infusion contained 7 and 11.5
vale, CA). Plasma total Ca, P, and Mg were analyzed
μmol of D2-glucose/kg of BW for the prepartum and
by spectrophotometric methods using standard proce-
postpartum experimental procedures, respectively. The
dures for the Hitachi 917 Chemistry Analyzer (Roche
D2-glucose for the continuous infusion was diluted into
Diagnostics, Switzerland) at the Clinical Pathology
a total volume of 200 mL using sterile 0.9% NaCl solu-
Laboratory of the Cornell University College of Veteri-
nary Medicine (Ithaca, NY).
The experimental day for the basal glucose kinetics
protocol was between 7 and 10 d before expected calv-
Energy Balance
ing date (9.5 ± 2.6 d and 6.7 ± 3.6 d for control and
low DCAD treatment groups, respectively; P = 0.05) Prepartum and postpartum energy balance calcula-
and between 7 and 10 d after parturition (9.6 ± 1.2 d tions were determined according to NRC (2001) equa-
and 8.1 ± 0.6 d for control and low DCAD treatment tions. Weekly values for prepartum calculated energy
groups, respectively; P = 0.01). Preparation of cows balance were determined as follows:
and sampling procedures during the infusion protocol
were as described previously by Waldron et al. (2006). Prepartum NEL (Mcal/d) balance = energy intake
On the basal glucose kinetics experimental day, a base-
line (0 min) blood sample was obtained via a jugular (Mcal of NEL/d) – [maintenance requirement (Mcal of
catheter at approximately 1130 h (approximately 3 h NEL/d) + pregnancy requirement (Mcal of NEL/d)],
after feeding). Following this blood sample, the priming
dose of D2-glucose was administered via the infusion where energy intake (Mcal/d) = weekly DMI average
catheter in a bolus (<10 s) infusion. The bolus infusate (kg/d) × diet NEL (Mcal/kg of DM); maintenance
was flushed immediately from the catheter with 10 mL requirement (Mcal) = week metabolic BW (MBW;
of sterile physiological saline. With exception of the 0 kg0.75) × 0.08 (Mcal/kg0.75 per day); and pregnancy
min blood sample drawn immediately before bolus infu- requirement (Mcal) = (0.00318 × day of gestation –
sion, all subsequent blood samples were timed starting 0.0352) × (1/0.218).
at the beginning of the D2-glucose bolus infusion. At Weekly values for postpartum calculated energy bal-
30 min after bolus infusion, a Plum XL infusion pump ance were determined as follows:
(Abbott Laboratories, North Chicago, IL) was used to
initiate a continuous infusion (at a rate of 7.0 or 11.5 Postpartum NEL (Mcal/d) balance = energy intake
μmol of D2-glucose/kg of BW per hour during the pre-
partum and postpartum periods, respectively) of D2- (Mcal of NEL/d) – [maintenance requirement (Mcal of
glucose through a low-protein-binding, 0.22-μm, inline NEL/d) + lactation requirement (Mcal of NEL/d)],
sterile Millex GV filter unit (SLGV033RS, Durapore,
Billerica, MA). Blood was sampled at 30, 60, 90, 120, where energy intake (Mcal/d) = weekly DMI average
150, 165, 180, 195, and 210 min after bolus infusion. (kg/d) × diet NEL (Mcal/kg of DM); maintenance re-
The continuous infusion of isotope was terminated after quirement (Mcal) = week MBW (kg0.75) × 0.08 (Mcal/
the 210 min blood sample. Access to feed and fresh kg0.75 per day); and lactation requirement (Mcal) =
water was maintained at all times during the infusion 0.0929 × fat percentage + 0.0563 × true protein per-
period. centage + 0.0395 × lactose percentage.

Plasma Analyses Statistical Analysis

Plasma glucose concentrations were determined using Before statistical analysis, abnormal milk produc-
an enzymatic assay (glucose oxidase) in a commercial tion data from 6 cows in the low DCAD group were
Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 92 No. 11, 2009

changes in acid-base balance as reflected by lower urine

pH compared with controls depicted in Figure 1. Pre-
partum urine pH averaged 8.2 and 6.7 for cows assigned
to the control and low DCAD treatments, respectively.
Results for plasma concentrations of Ca, P, and Mg
during the periparturient period as affected by prepar-
tum treatment are presented in Table 3 and Figure 2.
Plasma concentrations of Ca and Mg during the prepar-
tum period were not affected by treatment (P > 0.15;
Table 3); however, prepartum plasma P concentrations
tended to be increased by feeding the low DCAD diet
(5.36 vs. 5.05; P = 0.09). Overall concentrations of Ca
and Mg in plasma samples collected during the first
15 d postpartum were not affected by treatment (P >
0.15; Table 3); however, a treatment by time interac-
tion existed (P < 0.05) for plasma P such that cows fed
the low DCAD diet during the prepartum period main-
tained higher plasma P concentrations during the first
Figure 1. Least squares means and standard errors for urine pH 7 d postpartum (Figure 3). This interaction contributed
during the prepartum period for cows fed either a control (n = 21) to an overall trend for increased plasma P concentra-
or low DCAD (n = 22) diet. Overall means were 8.2 and 6.7 for the
control and low DCAD groups, respectively. The P-value for the effect tions during the postpartum period for cows fed the low
of treatment was <0.0001, and the P-value for the interaction of treat- DCAD diet prepartum (5.26 vs. 4.88 mg/dL, P = 0.11;
ment and time was 0.08. Cov = covariate urinary pH values obtained Table 3). Although Ca concentrations were not affected
before introduction of treatment diets.
by treatment during the entire postpartum period (P >
0.15; Table 3), Ca concentrations during the first 24 h
postpartum tended (P = 0.07) to be slightly increased
eliminated after 30 d or more postpartum because of in cows fed the low DCAD diet during the prepartum
mastitis problems in those cows. Data for postpartum period (7.99 ± 0.32 vs. 7.12 ± 0.33 mg/dL; Figure 4).
production (DMI and milk yield) were reduced to In addition to determining the effects of prepartum
weekly means before analysis. Data were analyzed as DCAD treatment on plasma macromineral concentra-
a completely randomized design with repeated mea- tions, we evaluated the effects of treatment on the fre-
sures using the MIXED procedures of SAS (version quency of cows experiencing clinically or subclinically
2001; SAS Institute, Cary, NC). Terms in the model low concentrations of Ca, P, and Mg at different time
were treatment, time, and the interaction of treatment points during the early postpartum period; results are
and time. Previous 305-d mature-equivalent milk yield presented in Figures 5, 6, and 7. The proportion of cows
values and pretreatment (collected during the week be- experiencing clinical (<5 mg/dL) or subclinical (5–8
fore assignment to treatment) values for DMI, plasma mg/dL) hypocalcemia was not affected by treatment
variables, BW, and BCS were used as covariates during during the day after parturition and during the first 5 d
their respective analyses. Five covariance structures postpartum (Figure 5). With the exception of controls
were tested (compound symmetry, compound symme- at 8 h postpartum (~20% clinically hypocalcemic), the
try with heterogeneous variance, autoregressive order proportion of clinically hypocalcemic cows remained
1, autoregressive order 1 with heterogeneous variance, at 10% or less for both treatments at all time points
and antedependence 1); the structure with the lowest evaluated (Figure 5a). The proportion of cows catego-
Akaike’s information criterion was chosen. The propor- rized as subclinically hypocalcemic was approximately
tion of cows with subnormal levels of Ca, P, and Mg 50% during each of the time points evaluated during
were analyzed using Fisher’s exact test for nonpara- the first 3 d following parturition; however, prepartum
metric data. Significance was declared at P < 0.05 and dietary treatment did not affect the proportion of cows
trends at 0.05 < P < 0.15. Least squares means are categorized as subclinically hypocalcemic (Figure 5b).
presented throughout. Despite these categorizations determined after the ex-
periment, only one cow from each treatment developed
RESULTS clinical signs of paresis, as diagnosed by the herd health
staff, and it was treated using intravenous Ca infusion
Supplementation of anions to cows fed the low DCAD during the first 5 d postpartum; a total of 3 cows from
treatment during the prepartum period resulted in the control treatment and 2 cows from the low DCAD
Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 92 No. 11, 2009

Table 3. Least squares means for plasma total Ca, P, and Mg concentrations during the prepartum and
postpartum period for cows fed either a control or low DCAD diet during the prepartum period

Treatment (Trt)1 P-value

Item Control Low DCAD SEM Trt Trt × day

Plasma total Ca (mg/dL) 8.69 8.72 0.15 0.88 0.51
Plasma P (mg/dL) 5.05 5.36 0.13 0.09 0.06
Plasma Mg (mg/dL) 1.53 1.51 0.03 0.65 0.44
Plasma total Ca (mg/dL) 8.42 8.50 0.19 0.80 0.40
Plasma P (mg/dL) 4.88 5.26 0.16 0.11 0.05
Plasma Mg (mg/dL) 1.51 1.48 0.04 0.51 0.27
Cows assigned to control (n = 21) treatment received a prepartum diet with DCAD value of +11 mEq/100
g of DM and those assigned to low DCAD (n = 22) received a prepartum diet with a DCAD value of −15
mEq/100 g of DM.
Data collected weekly from assignment to treatment until parturition.
Data collected at 8 and 16 h on the day of parturition and on d 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, and 15 postpar-

treatment were treated with intravenous Ca during the Effects of prepartum anion supplementation on DMI
first 21 d postpartum. of cows during the prepartum and postpartum periods
The proportions of cows assigned to the 2 prepartum are described in Table 4 and Figure 8. Cows fed the
treatments that experienced clinical (<2 mg/dL) or low DCAD treatment had decreased DMI during the
subclinical (2–4 mg/dL) hypophosphatemia during the prepartum period (14.4 vs. 15.6 kg/d, P < 0.01; Table
first 24 h postpartum and first 5 d thereafter are pre- 4). Although treatment by day interactions were not
sented in Figure 6. Consistent with the improvement in significant (P = 0.48), it is apparent from Figure 8 that
plasma P concentrations during the first several days decreased DMI early in the treatment period was a ma-
postpartum in cows fed the low DCAD diet during jor contributor to this overall effect. Despite the effects
the prepartum period, cows fed low DCAD prepartum of prepartum treatment on prepartum DMI, milk yield
tended (P = 0.11) to have decreased clinical hypophos- averaged 46.3 kg/d during the first 63 d postpartum
phatemia at 8 h (Figure 6a) and decreased (P < 0.09) and was not affected by prepartum treatment (Table
subclinical hypophosphatemia at 16 h after parturition 4). Similarly, none of the characteristics of milk com-
(Figure 6b). In addition, cows fed the low DCAD diet position measured in this experiment were affected by
prepartum had decreased (P < 0.02) hypophosphatemia prepartum treatment (Table 4).
on d 2 postpartum (Figure 6b). Despite decreased DMI for cows fed the low DCAD
Figure 7 depicts the proportion of cows categorized as diet during the prepartum period, calculated net en-
clinically (<1.1 mg/dL) or subclinically (1.1 to 1.8 mg/ ergy balance was not different (5.2 vs. 7.5 Mcal/d; P
dL) hypomagnesemic during the day of parturition and = 0.12) during the prepartum period (Table 5). Cows
first 5 d postpartum. Differences between treatments assigned to both prepartum treatments maintained a
were not apparent at any of the time points evaluated; substantial positive net energy balance (approximately
however, it is interesting to note that nearly 20% of 148 and 136% of calculated requirements for the con-
cows were categorized as clinically hypomagnesemic trol and low DCAD treatments, respectively) during
during d 2 to 5 postpartum, and the percentage of the prepartum period (Table 5). Postpartum calculated
cows categorized as subclinically hypomagnesemic ap- net energy balance (Table 5) was not affected by treat-
proached 80% during the same timeframe. These clas- ment (P > 0.70). Prepartum BW was not affected by
sifications occurred apparently without existing clinical treatment (P = 0.19; Table 5); however, a treatment
signs in cows that warranted treatment and in cows by time interaction existed (P = 0.04) for postpartum
that were fed Mg at or above NRC (2001) recommenda- BW such that cows fed the low DCAD treatment had
tions during the prepartum and postpartum periods in slightly lower BW compared with controls during much
diets that contained relatively low concentrations of K. of the postpartum period (Figure 9). Similar to these
These results suggest that the dietary Mg sources used effects, BCS of cows fed the low DCAD treatment pre-
in the present study had low bioavailability or that the partum tended to be decreased (P = 0.11) compared
NRC (2001) requirements for dietary Mg supply merit with controls during the postpartum period (Table 5),
reevaluation. and an interaction of treatment and time (P = 0.02) for

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 92 No. 11, 2009


postpartum BCS (Figure 10) was comparable to that

measured for BW.
Effects of prepartum anion supplementation on
energy-related metabolites in plasma during the pre-
partum and postpartum periods are presented in Table
6. Overall plasma concentrations of glucose, NEFA,
and BHBA were not affected by treatment during the
prepartum period; however, a trend for a treatment by
time interaction existed (P = 0.11) for plasma NEFA
such that plasma NEFA concentration was slightly
higher in controls during the week before calving. Over-
all concentrations of glucose, NEFA, and BHBA during
the postpartum period were not affected by prepartum
A subset of cows in this study was subjected to
measurement of glucose kinetics during the prepartum
and postpartum periods. Glucose rate of appearance
(Figure 11) was measured in control (n = 11) and low
DCAD (n = 9) at (mean ± SD) 9.5 ± 2.6 d and 6.7 ±
3.6 d before actual calving; differences between the 2
groups in day of study relative to calving were statis-
tically significant (P = 0.05). During the postpartum
period, glucose rate of appearance was measured in
8 cows per treatment and on d 9.6 ± 1.2 and 8.1 ±
0.6 postpartum for cows assigned to control and low
DCAD groups, respectively; again, differences between
the 2 groups in day of study relative to calving were
statistically significant (P = 0.01). Glucose rate of ap-
pearance (millimoles per hour per kilogram of MBW)
was higher during the postpartum period (4.85 ± 0.20
and 4.58 ± 0.20 mmol/h per kg of BW0.75, for control
and low DCAD groups, respectively) than during the
prepartum period (3.24 ± 0.10 and 3.08 ± 0.11 mmol/h
per kg of BW0.75, for control and low DCAD groups
respectively), but was not affected by treatment during
either period. Figure 2. Least squares means and standard errors for plasma to-
tal Ca (panel a), P (panel b), and Mg (panel c) concentrations during
the periparturient period for cows fed either a control (----; n = 21)
DISCUSSION or low DCAD (—Δ—; n = 22) diet during the prepartum period. The
effect of day was significant (P < 0.0001) for all variables.
As expected, cows fed the low DCAD diet had lower
urine pH compared with controls during the prepartum
period (Figure 1), reaching the 6.2 to 6.8 range that is ria in ruminants (Fredeen et al., 1988), and an increase
commonly recommended for dry cows fed low DCAD in dietary Ca concentration commonly is recommended
diets in practice (Goff, 2004) and for sufficient duration to improve Ca homeostasis with the use of anionic
(DeGaris and Lean, 2008). This suggests that applica- supplements (Oetzel et al., 1988). The Ca content of
tion of the anionic diet treatment in this experiment both prepartum diets (1.43 vs. 1.35% of DM for control
was successful in inducing changes in systemic acid-base and low DCAD, respectively) can be characterized as
balance that should improve the metabolic response to modestly high relative to the concentration used in
parathyroid hormone signaling under high Ca demand various studies (Oetzel et al., 1988; Goff and Horst,
(Goff and Horst, 2003b). 1997; Chan et al., 2006) and were likely sufficient for
Plasma concentrations of Ca during the prepartum maintenance of Ca homeostasis.
period were not different between cows fed the control As has been observed in numerous studies (Block,
and low DCAD treatments (Table 3). It has been re- 1984; Oetzel et al., 1988; Goff et al., 1991a; Goff and
ported that acidification of plasma induces hypercalciu- Horst, 1998; Moore et al., 2000), the sudden increase
Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 92 No. 11, 2009

approximates the 10.7% improvement in plasma Ca

predicted by the equation.
Differences in plasma Ca concentrations beyond the
first 24 h postcalving were not significant in this experi-
ment. Goff et al. (1986) reported that intestinal absorp-
tion of dietary Ca is stimulated and bone mobilization
is significantly activated after 24 and 48 h, respectively,
of parathyroid hormone stimulation during periods of
high Ca demand. Cows assigned to both control and
low DCAD treatment groups averaged normal plasma
Ca (>8 mg/dL) concentrations by 48 h after parturi-
Feeding a low DCAD prepartum diet did not affect
the incidence of clinical or subclinical hypocalcemia
during the first 24 h postcalving or the 5 d thereafter
(Figure 5). These results are consistent with other re-
Figure 3. Least squares means and standard errors for plasma ports that have suggested that reductions of DCAD of
P concentration during the postpartum period for cows fed either a <30 mEq/100 g of DM can increase plasma concentra-
control (----; n = 21) or low DCAD (—Δ—; n = 22) diet during the
prepartum period. The P-value for the effect of treatment was 0.11,
tions of Ca or ionized Ca but do not affect the incidence
and the P-value for the interaction of treatment and time was 0.05. of parturient paresis (Oetzel et al., 1988; Tucker et al.,
1992; Delaquis and Block, 1995; Moore et al., 2000;
Kurosaki et al., 2007).
Results from this experiment suggest that large dif-
in Ca demand at the onset of lactation reduced plasma ferences (~1.5 units) in prepartum urine pH do not nec-
Ca concentrations at parturition (Figure 2) followed by essarily result in large differences in periparturient Ca
an eventual recovery during the first week of lactation. status. Tucker et al. (1992) and Kurosaki et al. (2007)
Prepartum dietary treatment did not affect overall were effective in decreasing urinary pH in the range of 6
plasma Ca concentrations during the postpartum pe- to 7 and reach acidification by feeding low DCAD diets
riod (Table 3); however, cows fed the low DCAD diet
prepartum tended to have modestly increased plasma
concentrations of Ca during the first 24 h postpartum
(Figure 4).
According to several studies (Oetzel et al., 1988;
Joyce et al., 1997; Moore et al., 2000) and a recent
meta-analysis (Charbonneau et al., 2006), both ionized
Ca and total Ca in plasma increase at parturition when
dietary DCAD is reduced during the prepartum period.
The modest response of plasma Ca during the first 24 h
postcalving and lack of response thereafter likely relates
to the comparatively small difference in dietary DCAD
in this study compared with others in which large re-
sponses of plasma Ca have been measured in response
to decreased prepartum dietary DCAD (Block, 1984;
Goff et al., 1991a; Joyce et al., 1997; Gant et al., 1998;
Goff and Horst, 1998). Furthermore, it is worth noting
that many of these previous studies were conducted
using cows at higher risk for hypocalcemia, such as
multiparous cows and Jerseys, and with control diets
containing higher DCAD than in the current study.
Interestingly, the difference of 12% in total plasma Ca Figure 4. Least squares means and standard errors for plasma Ca
in the first 24 h after calving, with a reduction of 23.3 concentration during the first 24 h postpartum for cows fed either a
mEq/100 g of DM {using the most relevant equation control (n = 21) or low DCAD (n = 22) diet during the prepartum
period. Values represent overall means for plasma samples collected at
[(Na+ + K+) + (Cl− − 0.6S–)] from the meta-analysis approximately 8 and 16 h after parturition. The P-value for the effect
conducted by Charbonneau et al. (2006)} in this study of treatment was 0.07.

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 92 No. 11, 2009


Figure 5. Frequency of hypocalcemia during the early postpartum period for cows fed either a control (DCAD = 11 mEq/100 g of DM) or
low DCAD (DCAD = −15 mEq/100 g of DM) diet during the prepartum period. a) Proportion of cows categorized as clinically (<5 mg/dL)
hypocalcemic; and b) proportion of cows categorized as subclinically (5–8 mg/dL) hypocalcemic. n = 20 for control group at 3 d; n = 21 for
control group at 8 h, 16 h, 1 d, 2 d, 4 d, 5 d, and low DCAD group at 16 h and 1 d; n = 22 for low DCAD group at 8 h, 2 d, 3 d, 4 d, and 5 d.
Treatment differences were assessed using Fisher’s exact test.

prepartum, but did not improve plasma Ca or reduce Similar to plasma Ca concentrations, plasma P con-
parturient paresis. Similarly, Goff and Horst (1997) centrations decreased during the immediate peripartu-
reported that one of their high prepartum DCAD treat- rient period (Figure 2) and prepartum P concentrations
ment groups with a clearly alkaline urine pH (8.23) were not affected by treatment. However, cows fed the
presented higher plasma Ca concentrations during the low DCAD diet during the prepartum period had sig-
first 12 h postcalving compared with treatment groups nificantly higher plasma P concentrations compared
with lower urine pH. These concepts are consistent with controls during the postpartum period (Table 3);
with the findings of Charbonneau et al. (2006), who these results were particularly evident during the day
reported that dietary DCAD correlated more highly of calving and for the 5 d thereafter (Figure 3). In
with urine pH than with hypocalcemia incidence. Seifi addition, the increased plasma P concentrations were
et al. (2004) analyzed the use of urinary pH during sufficient to result in significant decreases and trends
the prepartum period as a predictive tool to identify for significant decreases in clinical and subclinical
animals at high risk for clinical hypocalcemia during hypophosphatemia during the day of calving and 2 d
the postpartum period. The statistically significant, thereafter (Figure 6).
but numerically low, difference in urinary pH within 48 Most of the studies related to DCAD effect that ob-
h prepartum between healthy animals and those that served an improved plasma Ca or ionized Ca concentra-
subsequently presented clinical hypocalcemia (recum- tion did not report differences in P metabolism during
bent animals 25th percentile = 8.38 vs. nonrecumbent the pre- or postpartum period (Eppard et al., 1996;
animals 75th percentile = 8.25) suggests that farm- Joyce et al., 1997; Gant et al., 1998; Goff and Horst,
specific conditions may contribute to alkalosis that will 1998; Oetzel et al., 1988; Moore et al., 2000). However,
predispose cattle to clinical hypocalcemia during the Block (1984) and Goff and Horst (1997) observed im-
periparturient period. proved P status when DCAD was decreased below zero;

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 92 No. 11, 2009


Figure 6. Frequency of hypophosphatemia during early postpartum period for cows fed either a control (DCAD = 11 mEq/100 g of DM) or
low DCAD (DCAD = −15 mEq/100 g of DM) diet during the prepartum period. a) Proportion of cows categorized as clinically (<2 mg/dL)
hypophosphatemic; and b) proportion of cows categorized as subclinically (2–4 mg/dL) hypophosphatemic. n = 20 for control group at 3 d; n
= 21 for control group at 8 h, 16 h, 1 d, 2 d, 4 d, 5 d, and low DCAD group at 16 h and 1 d; n = 22 for low DCAD group at 8 h, 2 d, 3 d, 4 d,
and 5 d. Treatment differences were assessed using Fisher’s exact test.

additionally, Goff and Horst (1997) observed that P absorption induced by higher levels of 1–25-(OH)2D3
levels during the prepartum period were influenced by (Horst, 1986; Goff, 1999).
dietary Ca levels and observed a higher P plasma con- Consistent with the patterns of Ca and P in plasma
centration in low dietary Ca (~0.5%) compared with during the periparturient period, plasma Mg decreased
high dietary Ca (~1.5%). sharply following parturition (Figure 2), although
Plasma P levels in this experiment clearly decreased the decrease in Mg appeared to lag that of Ca and
at parturition and reached a postpartum peak at 2 and P. Prepartum DCAD treatment did not affect plasma
3 d postcalving for control and low DCAD groups, re- Mg status in this experiment; however, it is interesting
spectively. Interestingly, plasma P decreased in cows to note that the incidence of clinical and subclinical
assigned to both treatments around 9 d postpartum; hypomagnesemia was generally higher (Figure 7) than
this phenomenon has been observed in previous work that of hypocalcemia or hypophosphatemia. This oc-
(Romo et al., 1991; Goff and Horst, 1998; Peterson et curred despite relatively high concentrations of Mg in
al., 2005), but the physiological basis or significance is the prepartum diets (0.47 and 0.51% for control and
unknown. low DCAD diets, respectively) that were above those
Plasma concentrations of P normally result from the recommended by Goff (2004) to induce ruminal passive
balance between dietary absorption, excretion, and absorption and overcome any possible active transport
reabsorption of P; they are not thought to be subject impairment by mineral interactions, and concentrations
to hormonal control. Nevertheless, when P and Ca of Mg in the postpartum diet (0.30%) were above those
concentrations decrease at parturition, P excretion is recommended by NRC (2001). Based upon the lack of
exacerbated by parathyroid hormone during the first clinical outcomes, the low plasma Mg was apparently
stage of Ca recovery, followed by recovery of both Ca without consequence; however, the low Mg status in
and P levels due to an increase in renal and intestinal the face of apparently adequate dietary supply suggests

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 92 No. 11, 2009


Figure 7. Frequency of hypomagnesemia during early postpartum period for cows fed either a control (DCAD = 11 mEq/100 g of DM) or
low DCAD (DCAD = −15 mEq/100 g of DM) diet during the prepartum period. a) Proportion of cows categorized as clinically (<1.1 mg/dL)
hypomagnesemic; and b) proportion of cows categorized as subclinically (1.1–1.8 mg/dL) hypomagnesemic. n = 20 for control group at 3 d; n
= 21 for control group at 8 h, 16 h, 1 d, 2 d, 4 d, 5 d, and low DCAD group at 16 h and 1 d; n = 22 for low DCAD group at 8 h, 2 d, 3 d, 4 d,
and 5 d. Treatment differences were assessed using Fisher’s exact test.

that either the dietary Mg sources used in this study 1.3 kg/d of DM when DCAD is reduced by 30 mEq/100
had poor bioavailability or the NRC (2001) require- g of DM. Anionic supplements based upon hydrochlo-
ments warrant reevaluation. ric acid, such as the primary supplement used in this
Supplementing anions to the prepartum diet de- experiment, have been reported to have less effect on
creased prepartum DMI in this experiment (Table 4). DMI than other anionic salts (Goff and Horst, 2003a;
The decrease in DMI was modest and confined mostly Goff, 2004); however, results from the current experi-
to the early part of the treatment period (Figure 8). ment suggest that modest reduction of DMI is possible
Furthermore, calculated energy balance (Table 5) re- with anion supplementation, regardless of source.
mained substantially positive during the prepartum pe- Despite the effect of anion supplementation on pre-
riod for both treatments. Some researchers (Oetzel and partum DMI, DMI and milk yield and composition
Barmore, 1993; Horst et al., 1997; Joyce et al., 1997; during the first 63 DIM were not affected by treatment
Moore et al., 2000) have reported that supplementa- (Table 4). Few studies have reported milk production
tion of anionic sources significantly reduced prepartum for cows fed diets with differing DCAD during the pre-
intake; however, others have reported an increase or no partum period (Block, 1984; Joyce et al., 1997; Moore
effect of anion supplementation on intake during the et al., 2000; Roche et al., 2002, 2003). Only Block
prepartum period (Goff and Horst, 1997, 1998; Oetzel (1984) reported an increase in milk yield in the cows
et al., 1988; Vagnoni and Oetzel, 1998). The reduction supplemented with anions prepartum because of the
of 1.2 kg of DM/d with a DCAD difference between high incidence of paresis that affected the cows fed
treatments of 23.3 mEq/100 g DM [using the most rel- the cationic diet. When data from the 2-yr crossover
evant equation in Charbonneau’s meta-analysis: (Na+ experiment were analyzed, a difference of 6.8% in milk
+ K+) + (Cl− − 0.6S–)] is close to that predicted by yield was observed; however, when paretic cows in the
Charbonneau et al. (2006); they predicted a reduction of cationic group were compared against their nonparetic

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 92 No. 11, 2009


Table 4. Least squares means for DMI and milk yield and composition for cows fed a control or low DCAD
diet during the prepartum period

Treatment (Trt)1 P-value

Item Control Low DCAD SEM Trt Trt × week

DMI (kg/d)
Prepartum2 15.6 14.4 0.3 0.01 0.48
Postpartum3 22.4 23.0 0.4 0.36 0.67
Milk yield4 (kg/d) 46.2 46.4 1.4 0.93 0.47
3.5% FCM5 46.9 46.5 1.3 0.83 0.63
ECM6 (kg/d) 46.1 45.6 1.2 0.79 0.43
ECM/DMI 2.14 2.11 0.07 0.78 0.85
Fat7 (%) 3.65 3.67 0.12 0.92 0.32
Fat (kg/d) 1.65 1.63 0.05 0.79 0.60
True protein7 (%) 2.90 2.88 0.06 0.81 0.38
True protein (kg/d) 1.31 1.29 0.03 0.67 0.33
Lactose7 (%) 4.68 4.63 0.04 0.35 0.16
Lactose (kg/d) 2.18 2.14 0.07 0.67 0.55
Total solids7 (%) 12.13 12.08 0.16 0.82 0.67
Total solids (kg/d) 5.60 5.54 0.15 0.80 0.42
SCC7 (× 1000 cells/mL) 192 151 42 0.49 0.73
Linear SCS 2.34 2.38 0.25 0.91 0.67
MUN7 (mg/dL) 12.3 12.2 0.4 0.89 0.38
Cows assigned to the control treatment (n = 21) were fed a prepartum diet with DCAD value of +11 mEq/100
g of DM and cows assigned to the low DCAD treatment (n = 22) were fed a prepartum diet with a DCAD
value of −15 mEq/100 g of DM.
Data collected daily during last 21 d prepartum.
Data collected daily from calving day to 63 d postpartum.
Data collected daily from calving to 63 d postpartum and then reduced to weekly means for analysis.
3.5% FCM = [(kg of milk × 0.4324) + (16.216 × kg of fat)].
ECM = [(0.327 × kg of milk) + (12.95 × kg of fat) + (7.2 × kg of protein)].
Data collected weekly from wk 1 through 9 postpartum.

Figure 8. Temporal pattern of DMI during the prepartum period

for cows fed a control (DCAD = +11 mEq/100 g of DM) diet or a
low DCAD diet (DCAD = −15 mEq/100 g of DM) during the prepar-
tum period. Values are least squares means and error bars represent
standard errors; n = 21 and 22 for control and low DCAD group, Figure 9. Temporal pattern of BW for cows fed a control (DCAD
respectively. The DMI averaged 15.6 and 14.4 kg/d for control and = +11 mEq/100 g of DM) diet or a low DCAD diet (DCAD = −15
low DCAD group, respectively. The P-values for the effects of treat- mEq/100 g of DM) during the periparturient period. Values are least
ment and treatment by day were 0.01 and 0.48, respectively, for the squares means and error bars represent standard errors; n = 21 and
interaction of treatment and day. Covariate values for DMI averaged 22 for control and low DCAD groups, respectively. The P-value for the
15.7 and 15.2 kg/d for cows fed the control and low DCAD treatments, interaction of treatment and week for the postpartum period was 0.04.
respectively, and were not affected by treatment (P = 0.56). Asterisk indicates within-timepoint difference of P < 0.05.

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 92 No. 11, 2009

Table 5. Least squares means for energy balance, BW, and BCS for cows fed a control or low DCAD diet
during the prepartum period

Treatment (Trt)1 P-value

Item Control Low DCAD SEM Trt Trt × week

Energy balance
Prepartum3 (Mcal/d) 7.5 5.2 1.0 0.12 0.13
Prepartum3 (%) 148.3 135.8 6.8 0.18 0.11
Postpartum4 (Mcal/d) −4.5 −3.9 1.1 0.70 0.89
Postpartum4 (%) 89.7 90.9 2.5 0.73 0.92
Prepartum (kg) 790.7 783.1 4.1 0.19 0.79
Postpartum (kg) 678.1 662.5 10.2 0.28 0.04
Prepartum 3.44 3.44 0.05 0.93 0.10
Postpartum 3.08 2.97 0.05 0.11 0.02
Cows assigned to the control treatment (n = 21) were fed a prepartum diet with DCAD value of +11 mEq/100
g of DM and cows assigned to the low DCAD treatment (n = 22) were fed a prepartum diet with a DCAD
value of −15 mEq/100 g of DM.
Calculated according to NRC (2001) as net energy balance.
Data collected daily for 21 d before parturition and reduced to weekly basis for analysis.
Data collected daily from calving to 63 d postpartum and reduced to weekly basis for analysis.
Data collected weekly from wk 3 before parturition to wk 9 after parturition.

group mates, a difference of 14% in milk yield was de- prepartum treatment; therefore, reasons for the differ-
tected. Feeding the low DCAD diet prepartum in this ences are not apparent.
experiment resulted in slightly better maintenance of Consistent with the lack of effect of prepartum DCAD
BW and BCS during the postpartum period (Table 5; strategy on most aspects of performance, overall con-
Figures 9 and 10). Calculated energy balance (Table centrations of glucose, NEFA, and BHBA in plasma
5) during the postpartum period was not affected by were not different between treatment groups during the

Figure 11. Least squares means and standard errors for glucose
rate of appearance in plasma determined at plateau enrichment of
plasma glucose with dideuterated glucose with plasma samples col-
Figure 10. Temporal pattern of weekly BCS for cows fed a control lected at 165, 180, 195, and 210 min after initiation of continuous
(DCAD = +11 mEq/100 g of DM) diet or a low DCAD diet (DCAD infusion of stable isotope. Prepartum basal glucose kinetics procedures
= −15 mEq/100 g of DM) during the periparturient period. Values are were performed at 9.5 ± 2.6 d and 6.7 ± 3.6 d for control and low
least squares means and error bars represent standard errors; n = 21 DCAD treatment groups, respectively; and at 9.6 ± 1.2 d and 8.1 ±
and 22 for control and low DCAD groups, respectively. The P-value for 0.6 d for control and low DCAD treatment groups, respectively, during
the interaction of treatment and week for the postpartum period was the postpartum period. The P-values for the effects of treatment were
0.02. Asterisk indicates within-timepoint difference of P < 0.05. 0.30 and 0.35 for prepartum and postpartum procedures, respectively.

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 92 No. 11, 2009


Table 6. Least squares means for concentrations of energy-related metabolites in plasma from cows fed a
control or low DCAD diet during the prepartum period

Treatment (Trt)1 P-value

Item Control Low DCAD SEM Trt Trt × day

Glucose (mg/dL) 66.5 65.9 0.7 0.58 0.91
NEFA (μEq/L) 229 225 34 0.94 0.11
BHBA (mg/dL) 10.1 9.9 0.2 0.59 0.47
Glucose (mg/dL) 53.4 51.0 1.4 0.23 0.92
NEFA (μEq/L) 581 604 50 0.74 0.75
BHBA (mg/dL) 14.5 15.3 1.2 0.61 0.46
Cows assigned to the control treatment (n = 21) were fed a prepartum diet with DCAD value of +11 mEq/100
g of DM and cows assigned to the low DCAD treatment (n = 22) were fed a prepartum diet with a DCAD
value of −15 mEq/100 g of DM.
Data collected weekly during the first 21 d prepartum.
Data collected at 8 h, 16 h, and d 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, and 15 postpartum.

prepartum and postpartum periods (Table 6). A trend postpartum periods and, in general, tended to reduce
for a treatment by time interaction for plasma NEFA the incidence of clinical and subclinical hypophos-
during the prepartum period corresponded to the ef- phatemia during the first 5 d postpartum. Cows fed the
fects of prepartum DCAD strategy on prepartum DMI, low DCAD diet had slightly lower prepartum DMI; how-
although differences were small. Moore et al. (2000) ever, none of the aspects of postpartum performance or
reported a lack of effect of prepartum DCAD (+15, 0, periparturient energy metabolism studied were affected
or −15 mEq/100 g of DM) on plasma NEFA in mul- by prepartum treatment in this experiment.
tiparous cows. Collectively, these results suggest that
effects of DCAD on circulating NEFA concentrations ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
are minimal and are confined to situations in which
The assistance of the following students and staff at
there are effects on DMI.
Cornell University (Ithaca, NY) in implementing the
This experiment was the first to quantitatively mea-
study is gratefully acknowledged: D. Gentile, J. Lukas,
sure glucose metabolism in dairy cows as affected by
S. Stebulis, R. Ehrhardt, and the staff at the Cornell
varying the DCAD of the prepartum diet. Not surpris-
University Dairy Teaching and Research Center. We are
ingly, glucose rate of appearance was higher in cows
very appreciative of the helpful comments of Jesse Goff
at 7 to 10 d postpartum compared with 7 to 10 d pre-
during preparation of this manuscript. We gratefully
partum (Figure 11), likely as a result of the increased
acknowledge the Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tec-
total splanchnic production of glucose measured in
nología de Mexico (CONACYT) for their scholarship
cows during this timeframe (Reynolds et al., 2003) and
support of the MS program of J. M. Ramos-Nieves and
decreased insulin-dependent glucose utilization (Bell,
West Central (Ralston, IA) for their financial support
1995). Rates of glucose appearance during the post-
of this research.
partum period were comparable with those measured
previously in our laboratory in cows at a similar time
point postcalving (5.09 mmol/h per kg of BW0.75 for
saline-infused animals; Waldron et al., 2006). Prepar- AOAC. 1990. Official Methods of Analysis. 15th ed. AOAC, Arlington,
tum anion supplementation did not affect glucose rate AOAC. 2000. Official Methods of Analysis. 17th ed. AOAC, Arlington,
of appearance during the prepartum or postpartum pe- VA.
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Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 92 No. 11, 2009

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