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Ailyn Maung

Hnou Lee
Ethnics 21
October 21, 2022

Halverson Blog

For this week, we were assigned a reading by William H. Halverson - American Higher
Education: A Brief History. After reading the provided material, I think it was a nice reading
since it was about the growth and expansion of higher education and the college systems located
in America. The material was very eye opening since this was the first time I learned about the
history of higher education and its evolution. Halverson stated “the system continues to be used
in most American colleges and universities today.” To me, this stood out as there is a standard
education system. Today, in high school they have the A-G requirements that must be completed
in order to finish high school, as well as in college we have the G-E requirements to fulfill.
Although each system is fulfilled during a different time period in our education journey, both
also share the basic subjects of English, math, science, history and art. Moving down the reading,
the author also states “the proper business of a professor, according to the German model, was
not to instruct the young but to push forward the frontiers of human knowledge, to discover
truths that had not been known before.” This statement is a statement in the reading I agree the
most with. The reason as to why I agree with this statement is because during the first ⅔ weeks
of school, learning the curriculum and who my professors were really showed a difference
between high school teachers and college professors. Overall, the reading was something that I
agreed with in forms of education and the differences between higher education and regular

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