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Prelim Exam

Q1. Identify and discuss the three forms of trust

1. Blind Trust- Trust that does not require Evidence most guided by Intuition and
does not questions someone’s Loyalty. There four types of Blind Trust, First is
the Unconditional trust which is Trust without Discernment , 2 nd is the Cordial
hypocrispy trust that is Based on Loyalty. Next is the Trust due to familiarity not
necessary nor sufficient condition of trust. Lastly is Group think Tendency to
believe due to the pressure of the Group.
2. Simple Trust – A trust that does not require any Questioning mostly decided
automatically and often made by small things that would not do that much harm if
undone or betrayed. Sometimes Trust without questioning and Given to a Loyal
Perso and sometime due to absence of Choice.
3. Authentic – it involves trust and emotions , it is based on relationships, it is aware
of the possibility of betrayal , and often encourages Forgiveness.
Q2. Identify and discuss at least three types of Blind trust.
1. Trust Due to familiarity- a trust that is due to something that doesn’t have to be
well explained because is Familiar or not necessary nor sufficient condition.
2. Group think- one trust due the fact that the whole Believes and was Pressured
by it.
3. Cordial hypocrispy- Trust a trust only given because of Loyalty.
Q3. Identify the four ways on how to Build Trust
1. Self Trust – Trust yourself first because if you want others to Trust you you
must first be true to your Self, in order for you to know what is you trust and
2. Know your trust issues- knowing your Trust issues creates a way on how you
see things that could be trusted or not. Knowing it makes you aware of
somethings that should not be trusted on the first place and avoid Future
3. Value your relationship- valuing your relationship makes a trust worthy person
because it show’s on how willing you are to trust worthy you are to value a
4. Be Trust Worthy – as Simple as that be honest do not break someone’s trust
because if it did, it would not be the same as Before. So the main rule be trust
worthy and so others will trust you as well.

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