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Personal Stress Plan:

Can you manage stress? This course is built to educate you as to what stressors are and to recognize
them in your life. Early in the term we had you list some of your stressors. You were to label them as
routine or unique. You may have found through the weeks of the course that you have other stressors
you hadn’t considered. Now is the time to put all this class has offered together.

If you remember our objective is to develop a comprehensive (or complete) stress management plan. If
we have a comprehensive plan it will provide interventions (or relaxation methods) at each level of the
Stress Model. For review the stress model is:

1. Life situation (stressor) presents itself

2. Perception – as stressful
3. Emotional arousal
4. Physiological arousal
5. Consequences

The objective of a comprehensive stress plan is to siphon off the severity of stress at each level of the
stress model before it reaches the Consequences.

For this Personal Stress plan you are to write paper (minimum of three (3) full pages) and detail your
plan for managing stress. This plan should have two potential interventions at each level of the stress
model. Interventions might be as simple as perceiving the positive of a potential stressor or it might
include the practice of a relaxation technique. There are no right or wrong answers as this is a personal
plan. You will be graded on your detail and the “completeness” of your plan.

The following is the format that you should follow for the paper:

 APA title page (not included in the minimum of three pages) – see attached file as an example of
an APA title page
 Introduction – list your routine and unique stressors (first step in the stress model)
 Headings and paragraphs for:
o Perception
 List methods to perceive stressors as less stressful
o Emotional Arousal
 Write about your emotional reactions to stressors
 Detail a couple methods to reduce the harmful effects of these reactions
o Physiological Arousal
 Write about your physiological reactions to stressors
 Detail a couple methods to reduce the harmful effects of these reactions
 Conclude your plan with how these steps may be changed over time and/or how they may
lessen the consequences for health problems.
 Reference list (also not included in the minimum of 3 pages). Make sure that you use APA
citations for information in your paper, as well as in the reference page. Examples are below:

Intext citations should be: (Greenberg, 2021).

Reference list
Greenberg, J. S. (2021). Comprehensive stress management (15th ed.). McGraw-Hill Education.

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