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Impact Of Technology

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Impact Of Technology

Increased efficiency is where innovation has the most influence. Increased productivity at

a lower price is an illustration of quantitative growth. In a medical, the impact can be

substantive, like continuing to use expensive digital surveillance systems (Targetstudy,

2018). The paper will discuss the launch of the use of genetically modified crops as well as the

use and benefits of the internet in modern society as discussed in the social impact of technology


The idea of genetically engineered crops has long troubled me. They covered a few of

these impacts on the environment and society in the essay "The Social Impact of Technology."

Frankly, I think that GMO ought to either be prohibited and made illegal or only be used in

carefully regulated settings (Targetstudy, 2018). Cross-pollination protection for organic crops

appears to be becoming more difficult, which is regrettable. Therefore, the use of the Genetically

modified crops may be an interference with the global environment in future.

The internet is another topic I'd want to touch on. This, I feel, is a significant contribution

to globalization and society. Many individuals are concerned about the erosion of morals,

religion, and culture as a result of globalization (Targetstudy, 2018). Personally, I believe this

may be a good or negative thing. If we can establish a collective awareness and share principles

while not leaving others behind, civilization may improve and there will be less unfairness since

the entire world will be witnessing.

However, it may be detrimental if we start utilizing it as a means of manipulating and

dividing the populace by presenting them with contradictory information based on their values,

prejudices, cultures, and socioeconomic standing (Targetstudy, 2018). This is what causes

conflict, and this is how civilization disintegrates.



Targetstudy. (2018, October 12). Impacts of technology. Target Study. Retrieved September 17,

2022, from

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