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Ben Whittaker’s socialising challenges:

As a previous CEO of a phone book firm, Ben encounters culture shock as he enters Jules'
start-up’s paperless environment. Despite his seeming Zen, we quickly find that Tai Chi is
only one of the ways Ben is going through the motions as a retired widower to keep his
restlessness at bay. Ben spends his free time golfing, going to the movies, and reading; he's
taken culinary classes, learned Mandarin, tried yoga, and travelled the world using all of his
frequent flier points. But there's still something lacking. Jules immediately underestimates
Ben and his abilities, as well as her assistant (who has a degree from the University of
Pennsylvania). However, with Ben's assistance, she swiftly corrects this. Ben, on the other
hand, does not take anyone lightly.

He has a keen ability to observe, absorb information, and truly get to know individuals
Initially, Ben is the lone guy in a workplace full of young techies with perhaps not so many
people skills who motivates them to look up from their laptops and truly interact. Everyone in
the firm was relatively young, and they treated him as if he were old school and elderly in
age, and they assumed he didn't understand their terminology or work ethics. “About the fit”
firm also employed several other interns, all of them were fairly young in comparison to
Ben's age. Everyone got their roles and they were rather easy compared to ben as they got
Ben to work as an intern with the company's CEO.

Everyone at the company thought she was a complicated person to work with, but Ben was
cool, collected and psyched, he was excited to start his new career and was full of energy, and
he waited for an email from the boss, which he never got, until one day he received an email
from her asking him to get her jacket cleaned, and Ben accidentally overheard the problem
Jules was having at the time. Everything was moving at a breakneck speed, and they believed
Ben was too old and old-fashioned to keep up, but Ben was unconcerned about the fact that
no one asked him for anything.

When Ben first arrived at the office, he was treated as someone who would follow his boss's
lead, and he had a suitcase full of essentials such as a calculator, a desk clock, and some pens.
However, he was met with a barrage of attacks because he didn't know how to use a laptop,
and all those new generation tech geeks were up to date on all the latest trends. However, we
can see later on that they were inspired by Ben's work ethic and traditional way of life.
Things started to alter over time as Ben became more informed and attentive, and he was
interested to learn and progress regardless of his age or previous experience. For
example, There was a messy desk in the company that made Jules uncomfortable, so
Ben cleaned it and that made her very pleased.

Lewis and Jason grew to like Ben and began to listen to him. Everyone in the office adored
him, and Jules was so taken with his work and personality that he became her best friend.

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