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Activity 8.

1 Curricula in the School Setting

A. Observe

1. Locate where you can find the following curriculum in the school setting. Secure a copy, make observations of the
process and record your information. In the matrix below. Describe your observations.

Type of Curriculum Where found? Description

The Recommended Curriculum provides a basic framework

1. Recommended Curriculum (K Dep.Ed Website
for the curriculum. It identifies the key learning areas. It
to 12 Guidelines)
specifies the boundaries as well as the destination. So, it
guides the curriculum coordinator in formulating the
academic standards to be achieved through various teaching-
learning programmes. National educational policy is a form of
Recommended Curriculum.
The Written Curriculum is the curriculum that is sanctioned
2. Written Curriculum Larger school
and approved for classroom delivery. It represents society’s
(Teacher’s Lesson Plan) districts
needs and interests. It translates the broad goals of the
“Recommended Curriculum” into specific learning outcomes.
It is also is authentic where it is product of visionary educators
and where it has deep and life-lasting effect on the learners.
The curriculum that is delivered by the teachers to the
3. Taught Curriculum (Teaching Classrooms
students is termed as Taught Curriculum. Teachers, being the
Learning Process)
chief implementers of curriculum, occupy a crucial role in
curriculum decision making. Taking the students into
consideration, they decide how to achieve the intended
learning outcomes. They decide the distribution of time to a
particular activity/content.
The Supported Curriculum is the curriculum supported by
4. Supported Curriculum Available
available resources. Such resources include both human
(Subject textbook) Resources
(teachers) as well as physical (such as textbooks, workbooks,
audio visual aids, teacher guides, grounds, buildings, library
books and laboratory equipment). The Supported Curriculum
not only plays a vital role in developing, implementing, and
evaluating the curriculum, it also affects the quantity and
nature of the learnt content.
The curriculum that is reflected by the assessment or
5. Assessed Curriculum Classrooms settings
evaluation of the learners is called the Assessed Curriculum.
(Assessment Process)
It includes both formative and summative evaluation of
learners conducted by teachers, schools, or external
organizations. It involves all the tests (teacher- made, district
or standardized) in all formats (such as portfolio,
performance, production, demonstration). The assessed
curriculum is significant as it enables the stakeholders to
evaluate the impact of Written and Taught curricula upon the
All the changes occurred in the learners due to their school
6. Learned Curriculum (Achieved School
experience are called the Learned Curriculum. It is the
Learning Process) environment
curriculum that a learner absorbs or makes sense of as a
result of interaction with the teacher, class-fellows or the
institution. It includes the knowledge, attitudes and skills
acquired by the student. Many educationists have defined
curriculum as everything the learner experiences. This
emphasizes the dominance of the learner in the curriculum
and excludes all that which has no effect on the learner. Thus,
only the learned curriculum becomes the curriculum.
Hidden curriculum refers to the unwritten, unofficial, and
7. Hidden Curriculum (Media) Formal curriculum
often unintended lessons, values, and perspectives that
of the schools
students learn in school. While the “formal” curriculum
consists of the courses, lessons, and learning activities
students participate in, as well as the knowledge and skills
educators intentionally teach to students, the hidden
curriculum consists of the unspoken or implicit academic,
social, and cultural messages that are communicated to
students while they are in school.

B. Analyze

1. Which of the seven types curriculum in the school setting is easy to find? Why?

- Among the seven types of curricula, the recommended curriculum is the easiest to find of them all. Since
it can be found in Dep.Ed Website, it is easy to determine because it is already labelled and has a phrase
“Kto12 MELCS”. It also provides a basic framework for the curriculum. It identifies the key learning areas.
It specifies the boundaries as well as the destination. So, it guides the curriculum coordinator in
formulating the academic standards to be achieved through various teaching-learning programmes.

2. Which is difficult to observe? Why?

- The hidden curriculum is a slippery thing because so many parts of it are dependent on the context and
situation in which the behavior happens. Not only does it involve understanding and looking for nonverbal
cues, but once you recognize the cues, you have to consider the context. The hidden curriculum is hard
to observe because you don’t have an idea on what kind of expertise does the learner have.

3. Are these all found in the school setting? How do curricula relate to one another?
- Yes, because all of these curriculums are referring and closely related to the learnings and knowledge of
the learners. Beyond creating shared goals between teachers and students, curriculum also standardizes
the learning goals for an entire school and provides a clear path for students to progress from one grade
to another. It also ensures that each school is teaching students relevant material and monitoring the
progress of students from all types of backgrounds. School curriculum informs teacher what skills must
be taught at each grade to ultimately prepare students to next level.

4. Draw a diagram to show the relationship of one curriculum to the other.


Make a reflection on the diagram that you have drawn.

- Among the seven curriculums, there are three that have the same main goal and targeting the same
curriculum which is the recommended curriculum. Under this curriculum where written curriculum,
taught curriculum, and assessed curriculum lies. They show relationship to one another which deals on
the higher order thinking skills of every learner. They set goals to develop and meet all the levels of
competencies needed by the learners. While on the other curriculum, they had to assessed themselves
whether they are learning or not, or what competencies they are lacking in, and may be able to assess
themselves through various activities. Additionally, curriculum is essentially a series of activities and
learning outcome goals related to each subject. It serves as a great map, outlining where you need to go
and how to get there. Curriculum docs are not created overnight: Aa great deal of thought, time, effort,
and expertise go into their development, so don’t try to reinvent the wheel. Students must meet certain
core competencies before moving on to advanced subjects, such as mastering algebra before ever
attempting calculus. Without such a standardized curriculum in place, instructors would have to create
their own learning objectives and somehow coordinate with one another to ensure that their students
are on track.

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