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Group member of 8:

Della Novita Fitriani (227450004)

Aminah Madhani (227450006)
Nur Fadilah Isnaini (227450013)

Lecturer : Indra Jayanti Damanik, S.pd.,M.Hum






Praise and gratitude we pray to the presence of Allah SWT, for His mercy and grace we were
able to finish this paper on time. The theme of this paper is "Psycholinguistics language and mind".

On this occasion, we would like to express our deepest gratitude to the lecturer of the
Introduction To Linguistics course, Mrs. Indra Jayanti Damanik, S.pd., M.Hum who has given us the
task. We also want to say thank you to those who have helped in the preparation of this paper.

We're far from perfect. And it's a good step away from a real study. Therefore, due to our
limited time and ability, we always hope for constructive criticism and suggestions, hopefully this
paper can be useful for us in particular and other interested parties in general.

Pematang Siantar, October 2022



Table Of Contents
Title page.....................................................................................................................................................I


Table Of Contents.......................................................................................................................................III


1.1 Background......................................................................................................................................IV

1.2 Formulation of the problem...............................................................................................................5

1.3 Problem goal......................................................................................................................................5

1.4 Problem benefit..................................................................................................................................5


2.1 Definition Psycholinguistics, Language, Mind..................................................................................6

2.2 Psycholinguistics Aspects.................................................................................................................8

CHAPTER III. CLOSING.............................................................................................................................11

CHAPTER IV. BIBLIOGRAPHY.............................................................................................................12



1.1 Background

Psycholinguistics is a theory between psychology and linguistics. The theories are very
different but they are related in examining language as a formal object. Meanwhile, but
activities are not only mechanistic mentally. In the word psychology discusses the science that
examines the human psyche which is abstract, while the word linguistics discusses language as
an object of study. For this reason, psycholinguistic theory can describe the psychological
processes that take place if someone says the sentences he hears when communicating and

these language skills can be obtained from humans.

Psycholinguistics also studies the nature of language, the structure of language, how language
is acquired, language works and language develops. In this concept it appears that psycholinguistics
is considered a branch of linguistics while linguistics is considered a branch of psychology. While
theoretically, psycholinguistics has the main goal of finding a theory of language that is
linguistically acceptable and psychologically can explain the nature of language and its acquisition.

Then, in practice psycholinguistics can apply knowledge of linguistics and psychology to

problems in language such as speech diseases (aphasia, stuttering, cerebral palsy, etc.). Thus, the
cooperation between psychology and linguistics after taking place is not sufficient in explaining the
nature of language but requires the help of other linguistics such as neurophysiology,
neuropsychology, neurolinguistics and so on. So even though the term psycholinguistics is used, it
does not mean that only the two fields of science are applied but also the results of research from
other sciences are also used.

1.2 Formulation of the problem

Based on the description above, the things that need to be studied are :

1. How to explain psycholinguistics ?

2. What is the explanation of psychology in linguistics ?
3. What is the relationship between psychology and language and mind ?

1.3 Problem Goal

The purpose of writing this paper is as follows :

1. Can find out what psycholinguistics

2. Can find out what the explanation of psychology in linguistics
3. Can find out what is the relationship between psychology and language and mind

1.4 Problem benefit

1. Can provide a glimps of knowledge from the science of psycholinguistics
2. Can provide references in psycholinguistics
3. Can provide student experience


2.1 Definition psycholinguistics, language, mind

 Psycholinguistics, Psycholinguistics is a multidisciplinary science in the form of a merger

between psychology and linguistics. Psycholinguistics studies the psychological and

neurobiological factors that enable humans to acquire, use, and understand language. The

study was initially more philosophical in nature because there was still little understanding

of the functioning of the human brain. Therefore, psycholinguistics is closely related to

cognitive psychology. Modern research uses biology, neurology, cognitive science, and

information theory to study how the brain processes language.Psycholinguistics includes

cognitive processes that can produce meaningful and grammatically correct sentences from

vocabulary and grammatical structures, including processes that make expressions, words,

writings, and so on become understandable. Developmental psycholinguistics studies the

ability of infants and children to learn language, usually by experimental and quantitative

methods (as opposed to naturalistic observations such as Jean Piaget's in his research on

child development).

 Language, Language is a structured communication system. The structure of a language is

its grammar and its free component is its vocabulary. Language is the main means of human

communication , and can be conveyed through spoken , sign , or written language . Many

languages, including the most widely spoken, have writing systems that allow recorded

 sounds or alerts to be reactivated later. Human language does not depend on a single mode

of transmission (sight, sound, etc.) and varies greatly across cultures and across time.

 Mind, The term mind according to the Big Indonesian Dictionary comes from the word

"think" which means reason, or memory. Meanwhile, the mind is the result of thinking

(thinking). The use of "thought" or "thinking" can be associated with various kinds of

activities. psychological. Understanding in general, thinking is the process of using reason to

consider something. It includes a variety of different mental processes, such as considering

an idea or proposition or judging it to be true. In this sense, memory and imagination are

forms of thought but perception is not. In a more limited sense, only the most paradigmatic

cases are considered thoughts. It involves conscious processes that are conceptual or

linguistic and quite abstract, such as judging, inferring, problem solving, and judgment.

Sometimes the terms "thinking" and "thinking" are understood in a very broad sense as

referring to any form of mental process, conscious or unconscious. Mind is a word that

comes from Old English "þoht, or geþoht, from the root encan" to imagine in the mind,


2.2 Psycholinguistics Aspects

 Language Comprehension
This sub-part can be discussed into two main branches : (a) language
perception and (b) language comprehending. In this section, since the concept
of these two are not significanly different, the following descriptions are
intended to show them briefly. Clark and Clark (1977) divided this concept
into two (1) comprehension related to understading the utterances we hear
(ßperception), and (2) comprehension in relation  to the act-needs to be taken
after the comprehension happened (ßcomprehending). The former can be
defined as the mental process where the hearer perceives the sound produced
by a speaker using such sounds to form an interpretation about what the
speaker means. It is simply to say that comprehension constitutes the form of
meaning from the sounds. The latter is after the hearer comprehends the
utterenaces, is there any actions to be conducted in line with such
comprehension, this is called Utilization of sentences (Dardjowidjojo,

 Language Production
Mayer (2000:49), quoted by Dardjowidjojo, (2003:141) states that the
utterance is processed through three stages : (a) conceptualize, (b) formulaize,
(c) articulize.  Conceptualize  means that the speaker plans the conceptual
structure to be uttered, this is also called the message stage. Formulize which
is also named grammatical encoding means stages where the appropriate
items are retrived from the mental lexicons and then be categorized
syntactically (N,V,Adj, NP, VP, Adv, etc.). The last stage ‘articulize’ is also called
phonological encoding contains the framework and content which are already
ready to pronounce in terms of sound.Problems encountered during the
language productions among others : (a) pauses, e.g. Eh who is... came here
yesterday?. Oh, Ali came here yesterday. In Bahasa Indonesia you may
hear ,  si Anu...., etc, oh anu...nya...(b) errors which can be subdivided into two
slip of the tongue, e.g.  you came here last Monday? Oh Tuesday. In  Bahasa
Indonesia you may hear.. ambil itu kepala... oh kelapa (ii) aphasia, is a kind of
speech desease, a person is not able to speak properly due to be brain damage
or other deviciencies in the language memory.

 Language Acquisition  
John Lyons in his book entitled Language and Linguistics  (1981:252) stated
that psychologist and linguist prefer to use the term acquisition rather than
learning. The reason is simply that acquisition  is neutral with respect to some
of the implications that have come to be associated with the term learning  in
1. Theories
             Psycholinguistically, the language acquisition theories are of three :
 Behavioristcis
FB Skinner, one of the behavioristic followers stated that the child comes into
the world with a tabularasa, a clean slate bearing no preconceived notion
about the world or about language, and this child is then shaped by his
environment slowly conditioned through various schedules of reinforcement
(Brown, The model S  (Stimulus) and R (Respond) is introduced
to support this idea.
 Metalistics
Halliday (1964:178) in his book The Linguistics Sciences and Language
Teaching said ‘we know that all normal human infants are born with the
potentiality of acquiring language’, and futher Wilkins (1972:168) in his
book Linguistics in Language Teaching said that everybody learns a language
not because they are subjected to a similar conditioning process, but because
they possess an inborn capacity which permits them to acquire a language as a
normal maturational process. Brown (1980:21) claimed that every baby-born
brings what is called Language Acquisition Devices (LAD) consisteng of : (i)
Devices to differentiate the distinctive sounds; (ii) Devices to organize
linguistic units to be classed and be developed later; (iii) Devices toward the

language system which is possible or impossible; (iv) Devices to use language

system based upon the development of linguistic system, in order to create the
impossible system outside of found linguistic data.

 Cognitive
In 1960s, the mentalistic linguistcs proposed a new approach called ‘Cognitive
Approaches’. This approach combines the previous theories, the baby is
borned with language capacity and influenced by the environment. The
important point to be considered through this approach is that, the success of a
child to use, to understand and to acquire a language is due to the maturity of
his cognitive. The cognitive theories assumed that there is a principle based
upon the linguistic organization used by a child to interprete and operate the
linguistic environment.


It can be concluded that the material above can be a lesson foe anyone. It turns out that language is
very closely related to the human mind. Many factors can affect the occurrence of language.



Chaer, Abdul. 2009. Psikolinguistik Kajian Teoretik (cetaka ke-2). Jakarta: PT

Rineka Cipta.

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