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Saat anak dewasa, refleks primitif yang awalnya dikembangkan untuk membantu kelangsungan
hidup, menjadi terintegrasi ke dalam gerakan yang lebih halus. Anak-anak cenderung
memperoleh keterampilan ini secara teratur dan dalam kelompok usia tertentu. Pola perolehan
keterampilan ini, sering disebut sebagai "Typical Development", digunakan untuk memantau
kemajuan perkembangan anak. Dalam beberapa kasus, keterlambatan perolehan ‘milestones’ ini
dapat mengindikasikan keterlambatan perkembangan. Namun, harus diingat bahwa rentang
waktu di mana perolehan keterampilan ini masih dianggap 'khas', luas, dan beberapa anak
mungkin melewatkan satu pencapaian sama sekali (contoh merangkak).

Principles of Typical Development

 Cranial to Caudal
 Proximal to Distal
 Flexion to Extension
 Asymmetry - Symmetry – Asymmetry
 Gross to Fine; Simple to Complex
 Global Patterns in 3 Planes (Frontal, Sagittal, Transverse)

Asymmetry and Flexion Period.


Physiological Flexion. 2 Month Milestone:

Mass Movements. Makes Smoother Movements with
Slight intentioned movements of the head in Arms and Legs.
prone and supine.
In supine there are large movements of the
upper limbs.
In prone activities are limited to the lifting and
turning of the head to breathe.
Slight increase of extensor muscles control
head / neck.
The baby is more alert, begins to respond to the
MORO Primitive Reflex Active.
ATNR Present.
Gesture - Communication: Smile (6-12
weeks) [3] [2]


Functional Achievement: Functional Achievement:

Slight movements in rotation of the head + Raises head less than 45°, pushes
lateral flexion of the trunk when trying to move the floor with the fists trying to lift
the head, gesture, stare at the mother. head against gravity and against
Posture: the resistance of spinal and hip
Head Position: that remain in flexion.
 Hyperextended and rotated. (Asymmetry) On cheek, hands, forearms and
Trunk Position: upper chest.
 Very active in frontal plane. Head Position:
Upper Limbs:
 Baby uses the extension of
 Remain in Abduction and External upper trunk from an
Rotation. (Absorbed by Gravity) asymmetrical position to raise
 Hands in Ulnar Deviation although in 2 the head, uses upward gaze (eye
months. Thumb is not included any more in extension) to assist the spinal
the hand. extension. Eyes play a
Pelvic Girdle: significant role in postural
 Pelvis in Anteversion. Upper Limbs:
Lower Limbs:
 Shoulders in protraction, arms
 Remain more asymmetric and extension close to the body, elbows behind
lying in the plain, not very active. shoulders and in flexion.
Trunk Position:

 Lumbar flexion and asymmetric

in the frontal plane. (concave or
Pelvic Girdle:

 Pelvis in Anteversion.
Lower Limbs:

 Hip Joints in Flexion,

Abduction and External

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