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Good morning, today I am going to talk about responsibilities and procrastinations, for that I
will give some examples.

1)To read is what helps me expand my vocabulary.(subject)2)To learn is my duty to be more

1) what they ask me is to clean my room to be responsible..(Object)
2) to be a professional I have to study.(object)
1) Lo esencial es mantener una dieta saludable.(subject complement)
2) The decision was to extend the deadline by three months.(subject complement)
1) Alice podría recibir un castigo por posponer su examen de ingreso.(passive infinitive)
2) These doors should be shut at night.(passive infinitive)
1) She's old enough to make up her own mind.(too+ infinitive)
2) he was too bored to work(too+ infinitive)
1) I didn't go early enough to get into class( enough + infinitive)
2) You're not working hard enough to get a pay rise( enough + infinitive)
4)a few
5)as many

I think that life expectancy determines a lot until what year we will be
living and lately it is being well known by the Spanish-speaking community
but some people think that it is old-fashioned to think about life
expectancy and that is so depressing and frustrating, a few days ago I was
depressed because I had seen on television that an elderly person had
turned 110 years old and reaching that age is not very common. some
people think that the typical people like an office worker oh the old
newsboy will live for a short time but it will not always be like that most
people their work for them is excellent to the lifestyle they lead, I think
that the expectation of life of each person is inserted.
today I am going to talk about a procrastination that I did a few days ago and it caused me
problems, my duty was to study and prepare well for an exam and just to my brother I
requested him to help me but my brother went out with his friends that day and I quickly
resorted to studying and then I decided that day I studied alone because studying is relaxing
but in the last minute and I wasn't concentrating right enough to pass the exam and I really
don't mind studying at night for that reason I was only studying for 2 hours so now I tell you
that to procrastinate causes a lot of problems but even though I studied at the last minute I
managed do it and my parents told me that I couldn't study at night but I don't like being told
what and what not to do because my favorite activity is studying. I think my parents, when
they found out that I had studied at the last minute, I could be given a prize for my effort
because even though it was at the last minute, I had made a lot of effort.

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