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You grew up on the streets of the city, because your

parents died, abandoned you, or failed to find you after
you ran away. You had a rough life, running around with
a street gangs, engaging in petty crime, and occasionally
beating people who you were sure had it coming.
You also might have had some connections to a more
adult gang engaged in more nefarious deeds.

You spent a good period of time on the streets of one of
the world’s sprawls, due to your parents dying or abandoning
you, or because you ran away from home and
never found your way back. You lived rough with a street
gang of other kids probably run by one of the older kids
or reporting to an adult in the criminal underworld. Or
perhaps you lived solo, making ends meet by begging
and scrounging from those around you. Either way, for a
long while your life pretty well sucked.

Your favorite downtime activity is getting together with
other like-minded people, deconstructing machines and
lines of code and figuring out how they work. You live and
breathe this stuff, and you can work on it in your sleep.

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