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Dungeons & Dragons cosmology refers to the structure and arrangement of the planes, dimensions, and

realms that make up the multiverse. Here's an overview of D&D cosmology:

Material Plane: The Material Plane is the central plane of existence where most adventures take place. It
is a reflection of the natural world and is home to mortals, creatures, and civilizations. The Material
Plane is surrounded by other planes that intersect with it.

Outer Planes: The Outer Planes represent various alignments and moral philosophies. They are realms of
existence shaped by the beliefs and actions of beings. Examples of Outer Planes include Celestia (a realm
of goodness and order), the Abyss (a chaotic and evil plane), and the Nine Hells (a lawful and evil plane).
Each Outer Plane has distinct layers representing different aspects of its alignment.

Inner Planes: The Inner Planes are elemental planes that embody the fundamental building blocks of
existence: earth, air, fire, and water. These planes are raw and primal, shaped by the elemental forces
that dominate them. The Inner Planes also include the Positive Energy Plane (associated with life and
healing) and the Negative Energy Plane (associated with death and necrotic energy).

Transitive Planes: Transitive planes connect different parts of the multiverse. The Astral Plane serves as a
conduit between planes, and it is a realm of thought and psychic energy. The Ethereal Plane is a misty
realm that overlaps with the Material Plane and provides access to the Shadowfell and the Feywild.

Parallel Planes: The Shadowfell and the Feywild are parallel planes to the Material Plane. The Shadowfell
is a dark reflection of the Material Plane, often associated with gloom, decay, and undead creatures. The
Feywild is a vibrant and magical realm, home to fey creatures, whimsy, and unpredictable natural forces.

Sigil and the Outlands: Sigil, the City of Doors, is a neutral ground located in the Outlands. It serves as a
hub connecting various planes and is inhabited by beings from different realms. The Outlands is a neutral
plane that serves as a crossroads, linking the Outer Planes.

Other Planes: Beyond the core cosmology, there are additional planes, demiplanes, and
extradimensional spaces that can be included in a campaign setting. These may be unique realms
created by powerful beings or alternate realities accessible through magical means.
The cosmology of Dungeons & Dragons is vast and diverse, offering countless possibilities for
exploration, adventure, and encounters with creatures and beings from different planes. The specific
details of cosmology can vary between campaign settings, editions, and the Dungeon Master's
interpretation, so it's always a good idea to consult the relevant rulebooks and materials for your
particular game.

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