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The World Wide Web, commonly known as the Web, is an information system where
documents and other web resources are identified by Uniform Resource Locators, which
may be interlinked by hyperlinks, and are accessible over the Internet.
• hyperlink - is an icon, graphic, or text that links to another file or object. The World Wide
Web is comprised of hyperlinks linking trillions of pages and files to one another.
•Interlink - is the process where your article has links to other articles on your site which is
related to current article, so the reader can click and be redirected to another article on your
- Tim Berners-Lee, a British scientist, invented the World Wide Web (WWW) in 1989, while
working at CERN. The web was originally conceived and developed to meet the demand for
automated information-sharing between scientists in universities and institutes around the
The Web is a colloquial name for all Web sites on the Internet. This comes from the name
World Wide Web (www). It's called that because Web sites can link to each other via
hyperlinks, creating a Web of Web sites that spans the world.

Topics covered
Getting started with the web
Provides a practical introduction to web development for complete beginners.
HTML — Structuring the web
HTML is the language that we use to structure the different parts of our content and define
what their meaning or purpose is. This topic teaches HTML in detail.
CSS — Styling the web
CSS is the language that we can use to style and layout our web content, as well as adding
behavior like animation. This topic provides comprehensive coverage of CSS.
JavaScript — Dynamic client-side scripting
JavaScript is the scripting language used to add dynamic functionality to web pages. This
topic teaches all the essentials needed to become comfortable with writing and
understanding JavaScript.
Web forms — Working with user data
Web forms are a potent tool for interacting with users — most commonly, they are used for
collecting data from users, or allowing them to control a user interface.
Accessibility — make the web usable by everyone
Accessibility is the practice of making web content available to as many people as possible
regardless of disability, device, locale, or other differentiating factors.
Web Performance — making websites fast and responsive
Web performance is the art of making sure web applications download fast and are
responsive to user interaction, regardless of a user's bandwidth, screen size, network, or
device capabilities.
Tools and testing
This topic covers the tools developers use to facilitate their work, such as cross-browser
testing tools, linters, formatters, transformation tools, version control systems, deployment
tools, and client-side JavaScript frameworks.
Server-side website programming
Even if you are concentrating on client-side web development, it is still useful to know how
servers and server-side code features work. This topic provides a general introduction to
how the server-side works and detailed tutorials.
The WWW began with only one use but with enormous potential and a collective dream, not
yet fully realized, of its creators. The WWW and the internet have many problems and can
have negative consequences in society.

No one can be sure what the internet and the WWW will look like in another 25 years but it’s
likely to remain a large part of our everyday lives and only continue to grow with us.


A website is a collection of web pages located under a single domain name. Webpages
contain and display information about the business or organization and are usually made up
of elements such as photos, videos and text. Every website on the web is focused on a
specific area, subject, or niche. And every website has a purpose and a specific user base to

1. BUSINESS WEBSITE. A business website is one of the popular types of websites that
business organizations create to represent their brand online. Generally, a business website
aims to give information about a company’s goods and services and promote them.
Business websites are actually a broad category that includes e-commerce stores,
commercial blogs, and other types of business-motive websites.
2. BLOG WEBSITE. A blog website is an informational website that is owned by an
individual or a group of people. The content in a blog is called a “blog post” and the act of
adding a blog post is called “blogging”. Blogs have a highly informal and conversational style
of writing and user-friendly navigation designs to engage the readers. Moreover, a blog is
regularly updated by adding new blog posts timely.
3. NEWS/MAGAZINE WEBSITE. News and magazine websites are the portals for the
publishing news online. They have been a faster way of delivering local or world news to the
readers. News websites primarily focus on covering stories related to politics, weather,
current affairs, events,

The internet is the network of computers linking many different types of computers all over
the world. It is very large Wide Area Network (WAN) connecting computers and networks
around the world. It makes it possible for millions of users to connect to one another via
Telephones lines, cable lines and satellite. There are basic services of internet which is
Electronic mail, FTP, Telnet, Usenet news, and the World Wide Web. The electronic mail
also known as e-mail, it enables to send and receive a mail. File Transfer Protocol it
enables users to move a file from one computer to another computer. Telnet it enables users
to login to another computer on internet from their local computer. Usenet news enables a
group of internet users to exchange their views, ideas, information on some common topic of
internet. Last is the World Wide Web a popular method of accessing internet, uses a concept
called sharing, exchange of views on topics on common interest, posting of information of
general interest. Product promotion, feedback about product, costumer support services
and on-line journals and Magazines.
The internet has opened a new world for many people around the world. Many Opportunies
are available here. It is a manifestation of never-ending innovation and creativity. It knows no
boundary but bring huge economic chances for people in every country. Internet allows
people to improve the quality of their life. It opens access to previously inaccessible things.
With almost three millions of users, internet has been emergency as one of the most
important tools of communication.
The internet matter the most cause increasing important role as a communication tool, the
United Nations even recently proposed that access to internet services should be a part of
human right. Internet has influenced almost every aspect of human life, not only private life
but also public services. Right now, nobody can provent other individuals from exposing their
private life to the public. On the other side, the internet also allows the public to criticize
what the procedures offer. In other words, internet provides open access-almost without
The future of internet and its Roles, internet is for everyone. It shape a new platform in
business and public services. It provides energy for many people to shape their own life by
making advantages of the Wide-open opportunies. Right now, along with its increasingly
people tobhave improved life quality.

Is a combination of the words network and etiquette and is defined as a set of rules for
acceptable online behavior. Similarly online ethics focuses on the acceptable use of online
resources in an online environment. Netiquette (Online Etiquette) is a set of rules that that
encourages appropriate and courteous online behavior. These rules are important as they
promote communication skills, prevent miscommunications, and help you understand what
is socially acceptable when working and collaborating online. In general netiquette is the
seat of professional and social etiquette practiced and advocated in electronic
communication over any computer network. Common guidelines include being courteous
and precise and avoiding cyber-bullying. The impact of Netiquette significantly improved the
understanding and job satisfaction, reduced uncertainty and let the sender appear more
favorable. Additionally the organizational status of the sender resulted in a leveraging
positive effect on job satisfaction and the Emails were evaluated less negatively.
Golden Rule of Netiquette
The Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have others do not unto you. Remember
your written words are read by real people, all deserving of respectful communication. In an
online class or environment is, do not do or say online what you would no do or say offline.
Follow these basic rules of netiquette to avoid damaging your online and offline relationship
and protect your reputation.

 Make Real People a Priority

 Use Respectful Language
 Share with Discretion
 Don’t Exclude Others
 Choose Friends Wisely
 Respect People’s Privacy
 Fact Check Before Reposting
 Don’t Spam.
Ten Commandments of Computer Ethics.
1. Thou shall not use computer to harm other people
2. Thou shall not interfere with other people’s computer work
3. Thou shall not snoop around in other people’s files.
4. Thou shall not use a computer to steal
5. Thou shall not use a computer to bear false witness
6. Thou shall not copy or use proprietary software for which you have not paid.
7. Thou shall not use other people’s computer resources without authorization or proper
8. Thou shall not appropriate other people’s intellectual output.

Cybercrime is any criminal activity that involves a computer, networked device or a network.
while most cybercrimes are carried out in order to generate profit for the cybercriminals,
some cybercriminals are carried out against computers or devices directly to damage or
disable them. Others use computers or networks to spread malware, illegal information,
images or other materials. Some cybercrimes do both – i.e., target computers to infect them
with a computer virus, which is then spread to other machines and, sometimes, entire
A primary effect of cybercrime is financial. Cybercrime can include many different types of
profit-driven criminal activity, including ransomware attacks, email and internet fraud, and
identity fraud, as well as attempts to steal financial account, credit card or other payment
card information.
The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) divides cybercrime into three categories:
1. Crimes in which the computing device is the target - for example, to gain network access;
2. Crimes in which the computer is used as a weapon – for example, to launch a denial-of-
service (DOS) attack; and
3. Crimes in which the computer is used as an accessory to a crime – for example, using a
computer to a store illegally obtained data.


Cybercrime attacks can begin wherever there is digital data, opportunity and motive.
Cybercriminals include everyone from the lone user engaged in cyberbullying to state-
sponsored actors, like china’s intelligence services.
Cybercrimes generally do not occur in a vacuum; they are, in many ways distributed in
lnature. That is, cybercriminals typically rely in the other actors to compete the crime. This is
whether its’s the creator of malware using the dark web to sell code, the distributor or illegal
pharmaceutical using cryptocurrency brokers to hold virtual money in escrow or state threat
actors relying on technology subcontractors to steal intellectual property (IP).
Cybercriminals use various attacks vectors to carry out their cyber attacks and are
constantly seeking new methods and techniques for achieving their goals, while avoiding
detection and arrest. Cybercriminals often carry out their activities using malware and other
types of software, but social engineering is often important component for executing most
type of cybercrime.

INTERNET THREATS or Internet security is an important issue that needs to be dealt with
for safeguarding the security and privacy over the World Wide Web. With Internet security
threats, like hacking, phishing, spyware and virus attacks, identity thefts, cyberbullying, child
pornography, etc., becoming commonplace, it is high time you resort to.
There’s nothing new about hackers breaking into systems, or fraudulent acts, like identity
theft and piracy, in the cyberspace. If at all there is something to be worried about, it is the
rate at which these things are happening of late and that’s why it’s necessary to know why
Internet safety is important.
In order to understand why you need to safeguard your privacy and maintain Internet safety
standards, it is very important to be aware of the dangers or risks associated with unsecured
Internet access. So let’s discuss some of the most common issues in Internet safety:
Unauthorized access is one of the major threats as far as Internet safety is concerned.
Network security consists of the provisions made in an underlying computer network
infrastructure to protect the network and the network-accessible resources from
unauthorized access. Hacking means people can get unauthorized access to your account,
computer, or network. Most debated and undeniable disadvantages of internet. Apart from
the business and corporate sector, social media and emailing systems haven't been much of
use to people's personal use. ... but there is also the danger of social media use and abuse
and cyberbullying are the most common threats. 2. Addiction. Internet users are addicted to.
Even though people may think that their profiles are "private", they really aren't. Some more
disadvantages of privacy and the Internet are theft of personal information, spamming, and
virus threats. When you use the internet personal information can be stolen by many people.
When you put things out online such as your name, credit card.
There are many disadvantages that deal with privacy and the Internet. In reality, people have
little privacy when using the Internet. For example, social networks provide little privacy
protection. Facebook, as one of the most popular social networks, doesn’t provide much
privacy protection for their users. Facebook watches users and sees what kind of things they
put in their profiles and what interests them. Facebook then shares this information with
advertisers and these advertisers target the Facebook users and post their ads on their.

This topic summarizes the main ideas of critical theory of technological change and
innovation theories try to explain the variables that shape technological innovation as well as
the impact of technology on society and culture. Some of the most recent technological
change theories dispute two earlier viewpoints. The linear model of technological innovation
and technological determinism. Some contemporary theories of technological change and
innovation challenge the linear model by pointing to the history of technology, where they
find evidence that technological innovation frequently leads to new scientific fields, and
emphasizes the important role that social networks and cultural values play in the creation
and shaping of technological artifacts. Today’s technological change theories stress the
magnitude of the necessity for technical choice, which challenges so-called “technological
determinism.”Nowadays, understanding the reason of accepting or rejecting any new
technology by users has become one of the most important areas in the information
technology field. Studying individuals’ adoption, acceptance, and use of information
technologies (IT) and information systems (IS) because it is a prerequisite for technology’s
utilization and realization. For organization, it means continue to increase their investment in
IT. Davis, Bagozzi, and Warshaw defined the technology adoption as: the implementation of
the software and hardware technology in an organization to increase productivity.
Competitive advantage, improve processing speed, and make information readily
available.Technology acceptance theories and models aim to convey the concept of how
users may understand and accept the new technology and how they may use it. For any
new technology, there are many variables affect the individuals’ decision-making process
about how and when they will use it. All technology acceptance theories are designed to
measure the degree of acceptance and satisfaction to the individuals against any...


Technological Determinism - The main reason why society progresses is because of the
kind technology the society has. Technology has the control over the society --- over human
actions, culture and values. Technology greatly influences human thought and action.
Social Constructivism - is the opposite of the Technological Determinism. It believes that
technology does not determine human action, but rather, human action shapes the
Technological change - means the technical knowledge used in the production of capital and
the various changes in technology leads to an increase in the productivity of skill, new
means of production, new uses of raw materials and the widespread use of fit with new
techniques of production and faster tempo of economic activity.” Technology, Process of
Technological Change Technological changes devise new goods and techniques of
production. The process of growth of technical knowledge can be divided into following
stages: (c) Development of technical inventions to the point of commercial exploitation.
implies the discovery of new technique while innovation is practical application of invention.


The Internet of Things (IoT) is a system of interrelated computing devices, mechanical and
digital machines, objects, animals or people that are provided with unique identifiers and the
ability to transfer data over a network without requiring human-to-human or human-to-
computer interaction.” A complete IoT system integrates four distinct components:
sensors/devices, connectivity, data processing, and a user interface. First, sensors or
devices collect data from their environment. This could be as simple as a temperature
reading or as complex as a full video feed. IoT significantly increases productivity: by as
much as 0.2% of GDP already, and growing. Over half of these benefits are enjoyed by
manufacturing businesses, making it the sector currently with the largest opportunity from
using IoT. The internet of things helps people live and work smarter, as well as gain
complete control over their lives. In addition to offering smart devices to automate homes,
IoT is essential to business.

ICT is an acronym that stands for Information and Communications Technology. Share. The
first commercial computer was the UNIVAC I, developed by John Eckert and John W.
Mauchly in 1951. It was used by the Census Bureau to predict the outcome of the 1952
presidential election.
The evolution of the first ICT to our current form of ICT goes through 4 stages:
Premechanical Age- The earliest age of technology. It can be defined as the time between
3000 B.C. and 1450 A.D. When humans first started communicating, they would try to use
language to make simple pictures – petroglyphs to tell a story, map their terrain, or keep
accounts such as how many animals one owned, etc.

- There are numerous real-world application of the internet of things, ranging from consumer
IoT and enterprise IOT to manufacturing and industrial IoT (IIoT). IoT applications span
numerous verticals including automotive, telecom and energy.
In the consumer segment for example smart homes that are eqquiped with the smart
thermostats, smart appliciances and connected heating , lighting and electronic devices can
be controlled remotely via computers and smartphones.
Wearable devices with sensors and software can collect and analyze user data, sending
messages to other technologies about the users with the aim of making user's lives easier
and more comfortable .
Wearable devices are also used for public safety - for example improving first responder's
response times during emergencies by providing optimized routes to a location or by trading
construction worker's or firefighter's vital signs at life-threatening sites .
- In healthcare, IoT offers many benefits including the ability to monitor patients more closely
using an analysis of the data that generated. Hospitals often use ot systems to complete
tasks such as inventory management for both pharmaceuticals and medical instruments.
Smart buildings can, for instance, reduce energy costs using sensors that detect how many
occupants are in a room. the temperature can adjust automatically-for example, turning the
air conditioner on if sensors detect a conference room is full or turning the heat down if
everyone in the office has gone home.
in agriculture, IoT based smart farming system can help monitor for instance light
temperature humidity and soil moisture of crop fields using connected sensors iot is also
instrumental in automating irrigation system.
- This discussion forum is mainly aimed at informing the science and technology community
of the risks of using Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), and how to
mitigate these, as many professionals have not specifically been trained in IT or ICT. We
would also be seeking to identify gaps in the applicable legislation, regulations and
institutional measures – and give feedback to the relevant authorities if there are indeed
substantial gaps.
Security is an issue is of great, importance this days and many laws are trying to provide
security for different people like privacy which has received more attention because of the
advancement technology. Information and and communication security, in simple terms, is a
set of measures that should be taken to protect information and system in the best possible
Privacy is one of the first right that every individual deserve. Due to different technology, it
has become one of the most challenging human rights issues. These days everyone is trying
to to prevent people from invading in privacy.
These tools are large part of everyone lives, these days and people may convey important
information through these tools, which is why the issues security and Privacy is of great
importance in all the mention tools. There are so many ways to increase security and privacy
of them.


The future of lot:10 predictions about the Internet of Things

The internet landscape is burgeoning. It’s not just about computers, laptops, tablets, and
smartphones anymore. Now a multitude of devices are internet-connected. The list of
“smart” devices includes washing machines, robotic vacuum cleaners, door locks, toys, and
toasters. The Internet of Things is the umbrella term — and, yes, you can now buy a smart
umbrella — for anything that connects to the internet.
Here are the 10 predictions about the future of lot
1. By 2025, it is estimated that there will be more than to 21 billion IoT devices
A quick look back shows where IoT devices are going. Consider: In 2016, there were more
than 4.7 billion things connected to the internet, according to IOT Analytics. Fast-forward to
2021? The market will increase to nearly 11.6 billion IoT devices.
2. Cybercriminals will continue to use IoT devices to facilitate DDoS attacks
In 2016, the world was introduced to the first “Internet of Things” malware — a strain of
malicious software that can infect connected devices such as DVRs, security cameras, and
more. The Mirai malware accessed the devices using default password and usernames.
3. More cities will become “smart”
Consumers won’t be the only ones using IoT devices. Cities and companies will increasingly
adopt smart technologies to save time and money.
That means cities will be able to automate, remotely manage, and collect data through
things like visitor kiosks, video camera surveillance systems, bike rental stations, and taxis.
4. Artificial intelligence will continue to become a bigger thing
Smart home hubs, thermostats, lighting systems, and even coffee makers collect data on
your habits and patterns of usage. When you set up voice-controlled devices, you allow
them to record.


• Information technology is an industry on the rise business structure, job growth, and
emerging technology will all shift in the coming years. Current trends are improving and
presenting new functions in fields like medicine, entertainment, business, education,
marketing, law enforcement, and more Information technology is advancing so rapidly that
new developments are quickly replacing current projections.
Current Trends in IT
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
• Over the past few years, artificial intelligence and machine learning have been the
headliners among emerging information technologies. Many large businesses have begun to
introduce AI and ML solutions into their operations, gaining tangible benefits such as
improved customer experience, streamlined processes, reduced production issues and
higher revenues.
5G Proliferation
• The practical usage of 5G brings broadband download speeds over mobile networks and
provides 10x faster internet services than 4G. Consequently, it provides the impetus for
further development of disruptive technologies, including the Internet of Things, self-driving
cars, virtual and augmented reality, robotic surgery, drone delivery and more.
Quantum Computing
• This parallelism of quantum computing helps find the solution directly, without the necessity
to check all the possible variants of the system states. In addition, a quantum computing
device doesn’t need huge computational capacity and large amounts of RAM.
•Though most people still associate blockchain with cryptocurrencies only, the technology
has been successfully incorporated into many other fields that require decentralized data
storage and transparency of transactions.
Cyber Security
• More and more companies are undergoing digital transformation, so they need protection
for their digital business environments.
• More businesses have been assessing the risks of data breaches and realizing the amount
of financial and other losses they can avoid by developing a comprehensive cybersecurity
• Cybercriminals continuously invent increasingly sophisticated malicious activities, so
companies need to hire skilled professionals and introduce advanced counteractions to
resist their attacks.
Edge Computing
• This decentralized model of data handling provides lower latency, which is critical for real-
time operations. Hence, edge computing technology will be more widely introduced in
logistics, smart manufacturing enterprises and healthcare institutions. Moreover, edge
computing will significantly contribute to cybersecurity, because distributed nodes are less
vulnerable to cyberattacks than a single platform.
Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
• The automation of processes has been a ubiquitous trend for practically all industries and
spheres over the past decade. Known as business process automation (BPA), it’s based on
software systems such as CRM and ERP. These are tailored to the specific needs of
enterprises, automating various repetitive tasks according to prescribed code. BPA solutions
need APIs to integrate with other systems.
Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality
• Initially, VR and AR technologies were used mostly in the gaming industry and
entertainment. And this market continues to grow. However, the applications of augmented
and virtual reality are not limited to games anymore.
•Engineers and designers across industries
•Healthcare specialists
Growth of IoT Networks
• Many enterprises have been using IoT solutions for quite a long time and benefit from
them. Nevertheless, the technology doesn’t stand still. The Internet of Things continues its
advancement due to the development of complementary technologies such as 5G
connectivity, edge computing and artificial intelligence. As a result, IoT networks reduce or
eliminate latency, becoming more efficient and secure.
Cloud Migration
• Business owners realize that cloud migration is an integral part of digital development that
brings a range of benefits. Currently, more companies choose a hybrid cloud model while
developing a cloud migration strategy. Kubernetes orchestration is also a growing trend in
the cloud computing world.

Emerging Trends in IT
• Cloud Computing - Cloud computing is a network of resources a company can access, and
this method of using a digital drive increases the efficiency of organizations. According to
Forbes, 83 percent of enterprise workloads will be in the cloud by 2020, which means 2019
will show an increasing trend.
• Mobile Apps and computing - Mobile phones, tablets, and other devices have taken both
the business world and the personal realm by storm. Mobile usage and the number of
applications generated have both skyrocketed in recent years. Now, 77 percent of
Americans own smartphones — a 35 percent increase since 2011.
• Big data analytics - Big data is a trend that allows businesses to analyze extensive sets of

Graphic design can be traced all the way back to 15, 000 BC. The Blau Monument is the
oldest artifact known to combine words and pictures. In 1922 typographer William A.
Dwiggins coined the term graphic design. Throughout the 20th century, the technology
available to designers continued to advance. Alinging elements allows them to create a
visual connection with each other. It tightens the design and eliminates the haphazard,
messy effect which comes when items are placed randomly. Repetition strengthens a design
by tying together individual elements; it helps to create association and consistency.
Contrast allows you to emphasize or highlight key elements within your design; it can be
achieved with fonts (classic/contemporary), lines (thick/thin) and shapes (big/small).
Designs are created by placing different elements near each other and in close proximity to
create a relationship between them that gives the viewer an idea of where they should start
and finish reading. Balance can be achieved in 2 ways, either Symmetrical or Asymmetrical
which means the weight of the elements on both sides of the design is even, given a center
Branding is the process of creating a strong, positive perception of a company, its products
or services in the customer's mind by combining such elements as logo, design, mission
statement, and a consistent theme throughout all marketing communications. Texture can be
rough or smooth to the touch, imitating a particular feel or sensation, and also how your eye
perceives a surface. Artists added texture to buildings, landscapes, and portraits with
excellent brushwork and layers of paint, giving the illusion of reality.
The principles of design are the most important paty of any designs process. Without these
principles, would be very difficult for the users to understand how he type of message that
the designer is trying to communicate. Below are the list of various design elements and
principles and how they impact good.
The 5 rules of composition and layout are designed to make it easy for you to create a
design that communicates well. Discover how to use them in concert with other design
elements to create an engaging and intuitive user experience. Learn how to embrace space
in digital environment by exploring the topic of interaction in UX and interaction design. In
this article, you'll learn how to leverage color psychology to choose the best colors for your
website. The meanings behind logo shapes and how to make sure you put your best face
forward when creating your own logo. Everything you need to know about the elements of
design in printmaking-including how to work with space. The lines and shapes you use in
your designs are part of an even bigger picture called brand identity. Learn how it works and
how to develop a great one. Using Fand Z Patterns you Create Visual Hierarchy in Landing
Page Design.
The fundamental of graphic design are about seeing and understanding how the qualities of
visual material-shapes, images, color theory, typography, and layout-work together. Choose
which qualities of each are relevant and engaging and useful for visualizing a particular idea
or solving a problem.

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