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How can we define religion? 1. BELIEF SYSTEM or WORLDVIEW: Many beliefs that fit
together in a system to make sense of the universe and
 Religion is a set of beliefs that are practiced by our place in it.
an individual. In other words, religion is a group
of ideas and values that a person lives by. 2. COMMUNITY: The belief system is shared, and its
Actions such as worship are involved in religion. ideals are practiced by a group.

BELIEF SYSTEM 3. CENTRAL STORIES/MYTHS: Stories that help explain

the beliefs of a group; these are told over and over
 a set of principles or tenets which together form again and sometimes performed by members of the
the basis of a religion, philosophy, or moral group. They may or may not be factual.
4. RITUALS: Beliefs are explained, taught, and made
CONFUCIANISM real through ceremonies.
 “Don’t do to others what you don’t want them 5. ETHICS: Rules about how to behave; these rules are
to do to you” often thought to have come from a deity or
supernatural place, but they might also be seen as
guidelines created by the group over time.
1. The Cambridge dictionary defines spirituality as.
“The quality that involves deep feeelings and
religions share emotions such as awe, mystery, guilt,
beliefs of a religious nature, rather than the
joy, devotion, conversion, inner peace, etc.
physical parts of life.”
2. Collin dictionary says, “Spiritual means relating 7. MATERIAL EXPRESSION: Religions use things to
to people’s thought and belief, rather than to perform rituals or to express or represent beliefs, such
their bodies and physical surrounding.” as: statues, paintings, music, flowers, incense, clothes,
3. The Oxford dictionary says, “Relating to or architecture, and specific sacred locations.
affecting the human spirit or soul as opposed to
material or physical things” 8. SACREDNESS: Religions see some things as sacred
and some not sacred (or profane). Some objects,
THEOLOGY actions, people and places may share in the sacredness
or express it.
 Theology is the systematic study of the nature
of the divine and, more broadly, of religious Understanding the worldview of each of the world’s
belief. It is taught as an academic discipline, major religions is critical in appreciating their rituals and
typically in universities and seminaries. practices. These worldviews are:
 Theology is the study of God. It comes from the
word theos which is Greek for “God,” and - 1. All is one (Monistic)
ology which is from the Greek 2. Many Gods (Polytheistic)
word logos meaning “word.” Most literally then 3. One God (Monotheistic)
the word theology means “words about God” or 4. No God (Atheistic)
 Philosophy of religion is the philosophical  Earth types include the horoscopes Taurus,
examination of the themes and concepts Virgo, and Capricorn. 
involved in religious traditions as well as the  These types are seen as friendly, reliable,
broader philosophical task of reflecting on inflexible, goal-oriented, and pragmatic. 
matters of religious significance including  These are the people who have a calming
the nature of religion itself, alternative and soothing appearance and convey this to
concepts of God or ultimate reality, and the others. They keep a cool head and help
religious significance of general features of others ground themselves before making
the cosmos. big decisions.
Water Babylonia, Egypt, Greece and Rome. The ancient
polytheistic belief systems viewed gods as being in
 The horoscopes Cancer, Scorpion, and Pisces control of all natural events such as rainfall, harvests
are among the water types.  and fertility. Generally, polytheistic cultures believed in
 These types are seen as intuitive, empathetic, sacrifices to appease their gods. For instance, the
flexible, a lot of empathy, and a listening ear.  Canaanites sacrificed to the male god, Baal, and his
 Water people are very sensitive and transmit female counterpart, Ashteroth. Baal controlled the rain
this to others. They teach you empathy and and the harvest, while Ashteroth controlled fertility and
compassion by sharing their openness and reproduction. The Greeks and Romans developed
emotions. The characteristic of water types is polytheism to a highly structured pantheon of gods and
that they can easily be brought to tears in both goddesses.
joy and sorrow.
Origin of Religion – Pantheism
The origin of religions and pantheistic systems:
 The sky types include the horoscopes Gemini, Pantheism (a belief that all is God) prevailed in
Libra, and Aquarius.  numerous ancient cultures. The belief that the universe
 These types are seen as thinkers, logic seekers, itself was divine was typified in the Animism beliefs of
analyzing, open-minded, calm, and calm. They the African and American Indian cultures, the later
can have problems with emotions. Air types are Egyptian religion under the Pharoahs, and Buddhism,
seen as a teacher or messenger. They like to Confucianism and Taoism in the cultures of the Far East.
take in a lot of knowledge and share this with Pantheistic beliefs are also finding resurgence among
others. They help you develop your awareness various New Age movements. Generally, pantheism is
by offering you options and choices. the principle that god is everything, and everything is
Fire god. Therefore, nature is also part of god. We must be
in harmony with nature. We must nurture it and be
 Fire types include the horoscopes Aries, Leo, nurtured by it. Mankind is no different than any other
and Sagittarius.  animal. We must live in harmony with them,
 These types are seen as dominant, enthusiastic, understand them, and learn from them, focusing on the
take challenges and risks, have a large ego, and relationship between mankind and the elements of
have high decisiveness. The fire types ensure nature.
that action is taken and encourage others to do
Origin of Religion – Monotheism
“A PERSON WHO IS SPIRITUAL BUT NOT RELIGIOUS The origin of religion and monotheistic systems:
AND A PERSON WHO IS RELIGIOUS BUT NOT Monotheism (a belief in one God) is the foundation of
SPIRITUAL” the Judeo-christian-muslim line of religions, which
began with a man named Abraham in about 2000 BC.
Lesson2: How World Religions Began From this point in history, God began revealing Himself
to the world through the nation of Israel. The Jewish
Origin of Religion - Ancient Foundations
Scriptures record the journey of the Israelites from
The origin of religion can generally be traced to the
slaves in Egypt to the "promised land" in Canaan under
ancient Near East and classified in three basic
the leadership of Moses. During a period of about 1500
categories: polytheistic, pantheistic and
years, God revealed what became the Old Testament
monotheistic. Atheism is really a modern belief that
of the Bible, relating the history of Israel with the
resulted from the "Enlightenment" period of the 18th
character and laws of God. During the period of the
Roman Empire, Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem as
Origin of Religion-Polytheism the long-awaited Messiah. The ministry of Jesus ended
in about 32 AD with His crucifixion and resurrection.
The origin of religion and polytheistic systems: After Christ's ascension into heaven, the Christian
Polytheism (a belief in many gods) is thought to have church grew in His name and the New Testament was
originated with Hinduism in about 2500 BC. Hindu written. About 600 years later, Muhammad began
beliefs were recorded in the Bhagavad Gita, which preaching in Mecca. Muhammad believed he was the
revealed that many gods were subject to a supreme ultimate prophet of God, and his teachings became
Brahman god. Polytheism was also the religion of many the precepts of Islam as recorded in the Qur'an.
other ancient cultures, including Assyria,
Lesson3: to suffer from misery. Religion saves people
from drowning and encourage them to self-
Positive and Negative Effect of Religions introspect in order to enhance their quality of
Positive Effect: life.
 Gives a Sense of belongingness to people- Like
 Promotes Social Harmony- Religion trusts family, nationality, and ethnicity, religion also
supernatural powers, and beings. It practices inculcates a sense of belongingness and
ceremonious rites, and rituals and respect familiarity among people. Religion makes
religious leaders such as priestesses, priests, people identify as a part of one group that has
shamans etc. By integrating and alleviating similar beliefs, worldviews, practices, lifestyles,
countries, and cultures, religion contributes to and values.
overall harmony in the world.
 Provides Moral Values- Another significant Negative effect of religion:
benefit of religion is that it encourages moral
 Fills people with hatred- Some people
values in a person. It offers an organized model
preach others that by getting born under a
of the entire universe that regulates
specific religion they have committed a sin.
sophisticated human behavior. By providing
They manipulate them and spread bad
moral values, religion helps people to
things about their religion. This fills their
distinguish between right and wrong, evil and
minds with hatred, resentment, and
good. It offers a system of punishment, and
bitterness. So, they start to hate
reward that supervises and normalizes human’s
themselves. There are communities that
behavior in this society.
shows that their religion is the best and
-Religion teaches that All Are One. People
everyone should convert into their religion.
start to see themselves in others. It teaches
Such demands on the grounds of religion
human values to people. A person who is
are baseless, and unethical.
religious and love God, will never indulge in any
 Causes Discrimination Among People-
anti-social or harmful activities.
Religion is one of the causes that turns
 Provides Social Change- By inculcating moral
people against each other. They can’t
value to people, religion serves as a platform for
tolerate religious ideologies of other
social change. It is hard to be involved in public
people. Religion discriminates people, and
demonstration, and politicization for social
puts them into categories from upper
issues when your moral teachings teaches you
section to lower section / untouchables
to be unargumentative. Religion teaches you to
 Triggers fights, and conflicts- Religion has
solve issues with peace and non-violence and
been the major reason for several wars that
not by agitation and violence.
have happened in the past. Some of these
 Reduces Anxiety of the Unknown- Many
dreaded events such as Self-Immolation of
people are afraid of their future. Some have
one Buddhist Monk in Vietnam, Burning of
anxiety about how will be their life after death.
Hindu Widows in India, The Godhra Train
Religion helps them to realize their source /
Episode in 2002, etc. are still remembered
origin and where they are destined to go after
by people.
their death. It teaches people how to live life
-A thousand of people are killed in
and what will a person take away with him after
these wars. Several families are destroyed.
death. Religion gives answers to all these
Several women become widow and several
questions and help a lot to relieve one from the
children become orphan. There are
fear and anxiety of unknown.
countless injuries and deaths for the sake of
 Gives Positive Goal in Life- Religion gives you a
religion. Such riots, and attacks are still
purpose in life. it brings ignorant people on the
prevalent today.
right path and prevent them from getting
 Exploit People- Religion also serve as an
misled. Different prophets such as the Moses,
economic tool to exploit people and create
Muhammad, Siddhartha Gautama, etc. have
differences among masses. According to the
come to the Earth from time to time to teach
opinion of the Karl Marx, a renowned
people about their mission in life. It is when
German philosopher, Religion works as an
they forget their true purpose in life, they tend
opium for the people.” It creates power
struggle between minority and majority, THE HOLY BIBLE
that sometimes escalate into occurrence of
shocking historical events in the world. -The sacred texts of Christianity are contained in the
Christian Bible, usually referred to as the Holy Bible.
LESSON 4: CHRISTIANITY -The Holy Bible is divided into two parts, which are
FOUNDER OF CHRISTIANITY called the Old Testament and New Testament

-Jesus was born in Nazareth and lived around 7 BCE -The Old Testament, which was originally written in
to 30 CE. Jesus was later on referred to by his Hebrew, is basically the Hebrew Bible, the sacred
followers as “Jesus Christ” (or Jesus the Christ) in text of Judaism. It contains all the books of the
recognition of his being the Messiah prophesized in Hebrew Bible with some modifications in the
the Old Testament of the Holy Bible (the sacred arrangement. The New Testament, which was
book of the Christians). The term Christ is Greek for originally written in Greek, contains the life and
the title “The Anointed One,” which in Hebrew is teachings of Jesus, the early development of
translated as “Messiah.” While Jesus was born as a Christianity, as well as Christianity’s belief about the
human, most Christians believe that Jesus was not end of time.
just human but also God. He is, in particular, the The New Testament
only begotten Son of God sent to this world to
redeem mankind from their sins or disobedience to -is divided into four main parts: (1) the Gospels,
God. which are narrations or descriptions of the life and
teachings of Jesus; (2) the Acts of Apostles, which is
-We know about the life of Jesus through the Four generally a historical account of the early growth of
Gospels (the books of Mark, Matthew, Luke, and Christianity; (3) the Epistles, which are letters
John) of the Holy Bible. According to their account, written mostly by the apostle Paul to the early
Jesus was conceived in the womb of Mary through Christians; and (4) Revelation, which symbolically
the Holy Spirit. Mary was chosen by God to be the speaks of the Christian vision of how in the end of
mother of Jesus, of which she was made aware time the good will eventually prevail over evil, or
through an angel. Joseph, a carpenter to whom how the Kingdom of God will eventually reign in the
Mary was engaged, stood as the foster father of world.
The Gospels
-When Jesus was born in Bethlehem in a manger, he
was visited by shepherds and the three Magi or - consist of the books of Mark, Matthew, Luke, and
wise men from the East (said to be Mazdean priests John.The word gospel comes from the old English
from Persia) who, guided by a star, came to bring godspell (which in turn came from the Greek word
gifts to the baby Jesus (gold, frankincense, and evangelion and Latin word evangelium), which
myrrh). Jesus grew in wisdom. At the age of 12, he means “good news” or “good tidings.”The good
was intelligently conversing with the Jewish scholars news of the gospel is the coming Kingdom of the
on matters concerning the Hebrew Scriptures. At Messiah, and of redemption through the life, death,
the age of 30, Jesus began his ministry to fulfill his and resurrection of Jesus, the central message of
divine mission. Christianity. The authors of these books, namely,
Mark, Matthew, Luke, and John, who were early
-Jesus, accompanied by his twelve apostles, then
followers of Christ, are referred to as the Four
proceeded to preach at different places in Israel. Evangelists. The books of Matthew, Mark, and Luke
The apostles were: (1) Simon (also called Peter), (2)
are referred to as the Synoptic Gospels (synoptic is a
Andrew (Simon’s brother), (3) James (son of Greek word which means “having a common view”)
Zebedee), (4) John (James’s brother), (5) Philip, (6)
for their close similarities in form and content and
Bartholomew, (7) Thomas, (8) Matthew (the tax for relying on a common source.
collector), (9) James (son of Alpheus), (10)
Thaddaeus (or Judas, son of James), (11) Simon (the The Acts of Apostles
Zealot), and (12) Judas Iscariot (who later on
betrayed Jesus). -describes the early stage of the development of
Christianity. It narrates how Christianity as a religion
began and propagated first among the Jews and
later on among the Gentiles (the non-Jews), from
the ascension of Jesus into heaven until the time Revelation
when the apostle Paul preached in Rome. It also
shows the dedication and sacrifices of the apostles, -(written around 95 CE) is the last book of the
Christian Bible. It symbolically describes how the
primarily Peter and Paul, as they preached the
teachings of Christianity in various regions battle between good and evil would come to an end
as revealed in visions. In particular, it symbolically
The Epistles describes how the forces of evil (Satan’s army) will
be finally defeated and the Kingdom of God will
-are divided into two classes: the Pauline Epistles finally reign in the world. It is considered an
and the General (or Universal) example of apocalyptic literature, referring to
-The Pauline Epistles, consisting of the first thirteen writings that describe how the end of the world
letters, were written by Paul. They were addressed would come about.
to individuals and particular churches and dealt with DOCTRINES AND PRACTICES
specific issues or problems. Some of the letters
were written by Paul while in prison, so they have 1. Monotheism
been called Prison Epistles. The letters addressed to
individual church leaders and dealt with ministerial 2. Holy Trinity
matters are called Pastoral Epistles. The General 3. Jesus as God & Mesiah
Epistles, consisting of the remaining eight letters,
were written by other apostles: one by an unknown 4. Heaven and Hell
apostle, three by John, two by Peter, and one each 5. Ressurection of the Dead
by James and Jude. Written for a general audience,
these letters are sometimes also called Catholic 6. Last Supper
Christians, like the Jews and Muslims, are
13 Pauline Epistles 8 General Epistles  monotheistic in that they believe there is only one
God.This is the same God as the God of Abraham,
Moses, and the other prophets in the Hebrew Bible.
1. Romans; 6. Philippians (Prison Unlike the monotheism of the Jews and
Epistle);  Muslims, the monotheism of Chrisitianity is
2. 1 Corinthians
7. Colossians (Prison qualified by the belief that God has three persons:
3. 2 Corinthians;  Epistle); God the Father, God the Son (Jesus), and God the
Holy Spirit. This belief that God has three such
4.  Galatians;   8. 1 Thessalonians;  persons has been called the belief in the Trinity
5. Ephesians (Prison (sometimes the Blessed or Holy Trinity). Christians
9. 2 Thessalonians;
Epistle); believe that there is no rational explanation for this;
 10. 1 Timothy it is simply a mysterious truth that is accepted as a
11.2 Timothy (Pastoral Epistle); matter of faith.
(Pastoral Epistle);
17. 2 Peter; There are at least seven fundamental beliefs
 12.  Titus (Pastoral that Christians hold about the nature of Jesus.
Epistle);  18. 1 John;
First and foremost, Jesus is God. Jesus is God in
13. Philemon (Prison 19. 2 John that He is the Holy Trinity’s God the Son. When we
Epistle) say Jesus is the Son of God, we are not speaking of
20. 3 John
14. Hebrews;  two gods here—one, the Father God, and the other,
21. Jude the Son God. Rather, we are speaking of the person
15. James; of Jesus as God, his being God the Son.
16. 1 Peter; Second, while Jesus is God, he is also human. He
became human when he was born into this world
and later on died on the cross in order to save
mankind from their sinful nature
Third, Jesus is the Messiah that was all your mind.’This is the first and greatest
prophesized in the Old Testament. Jesus came into commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your
this world in order to save mankind from their sins. neighbor as yourself.’
Fourth, Jesus came into this world (to become SOME PRACTICES AND RITUALS
human) through virgin birth. Jesus was conceived in
1. Baptism
the womb of Mary through the Holy Spirit, and not
through the natural reproductive means humans 2. Lords Supper
3. Lenten Season
engage in to conceive a child.
4. Devotion to Mary & Veneration of the
Fifth, Jesus was sinless. As earlier noted, Jesus, Saints (Catholic Practices)
being wholly human, was subject to the same kinds
of temptations humans experience, but Jesus was  Baptism is a ritual for moral purification
(“washing impurities away”) and serves as an
able to overcome all his temptations.
initiation rite. A person who undergoes it
Sixth, Jesus resurrected from the dead. Three signifies his or her commitment to repent from
days after he died on the cross, Jesus became alive his or her sins, lead a new life, and make himself
again and met with his disciples, mother, siblings, or herself ready to receive the Kingdom of God.
and friends.
 The practice of sharing a meal of bread and
And lastly, Jesus ascended into heaven. After 40 wine imitates the Last Supper that Jesus had
days since his resurrection from the dead, Jesus with his disciples before his death, and recalls
ascended into heaven and promised to come again Jesus’s sacrifice leading to his death and
during the Last Judgment. resurrection.
HUMAN CONDITION  Lent Season refers to the 40 days of repentance
and preparation for Easter— the resurrection of
-Humans are made in the image and likeness of Jesus from the dead. The 40 days signify the 40
God. This means that humans bear certain days of fasting and prayer that Jesus spent in
resemblances with their Creator. There are two the desert after his baptism by John the Baptist
main resemblances humans have with God. First, and before his public life or Messianic ministry
humans are made to resemble God’s eternal and began.
spiritual nature by possessing immortal souls which  Christmas is the Christian celebration of the
continue to survive after their physical death. birth of Jesus which takes place on December
Second, humans are made to resemble God’s 25 of every year. The fourweek preparation for
wisdom by possessing reason and will which enable Christmas, which remembers the period prior to
them to know and make their own (free) choices. the birth of Jesus, is called Advent. Several days
RESURRECTION OF THE DEAD AND LAST after Christmas, on January 6, Christians
JUDGMENT celebrate the feast called the Epiphany or Three
Kings, which mainly commemorates the visit of
-When humans die, it is believed that they the three wise men to baby Jesus.
immediately undergo a particular judgment on
whether they should go to heaven or hell (or

-Christians believe that in that time, there will be CHIRSTIAN CHURCHES

the Resurrection of the Dead, followed by the Last
In Matthew 22:34-36, Jesus was asked by a Pharisee PROTESTANT- Lutheran, Calvinist(Presbyterianism),
considered to be an expert in Jewish law with the Sectarian(Baptism, Methodist, Quaker, Pentecostal)
question “Which is the greatest commandment in ANGELICAN-Church of England, other Angelican
the Law?” Jesus replied, ‘“Love the Lord your God
with all your heart and with all your soul and with
NONTRADITIONAL- Mormon, Jehovah’s Witness, Lutheranism and Calvinism ( and Presbyterianism) -
Christian Science,Unity, Unitarian, Unfication Aside from Martin Luther, another major leader of the
Protestant movement was John Calvin (1509-1564),
regarded as the leader of the French Protestants. Calvin
EASTERN ORTHODOX- Greek, Russian, Serbian, shared some of Luther’s thoughts but disagreed with
Romanian, Bulgarian him on some points.

Others- Armenian, Egyptian Coptic, Ethiopian Coptic, Anabaptists and Baptists

-are two independent Christian groups which share
The Catholic Church (or Roman Catholic Church) some central views. Though they are both identified
-(“Catholic” means universal) is believed to have been with the Protestant movement, they have different
founded by Jesus Christ through the apostle Peter, who views about their relation and origins. Some think that
is considered as the first Bishop of Rome or Pope. The Baptists originated from or were heavily influenced by
Pope is the central authority whose views on doctrines Anabaptists, while some (considered to be the majority)
pertaining to faith and morals are regarded as infallible claim that they are totally unrelated in terms of their
(that is, not subject to error). historical origins.

-These sacraments are Baptism, Confirmation, the Methodism

Eucharist (Communion or the Lord’s Supper), Penance,
began as a society within the Church of England led by
Holy Matrimony or Marriage, Anointing of the Sick
John Wesley (1703-1791) and his brother Charles (1707-
(formerly Extreme Unction), and Holy Orders.
1788), who were former missionaries of the Church of
The Eastern Orthodox Church England. Methodist beliefs is their use of logic and
reason in understanding and interpreting matters of
-consists of the Christian churches that formally faith (understanding the Scripture and God’s will and
separated from the Roman Catholic Church in 1054 actions, among others). Methodist Churches emphasize
when the Bishop of Rome, Pope Leo IX, and the missionary work.
Patriarch of Constantinople (Eastern churches call their
bishops “patriarchs”) Michael Celarius, Pentecostal Church
excommunicated one another because of some
A distinctive feature of this movement is its belief in the
baptism with the Holy Spirit, which provides Christian
-The split between the Roman Catholic and Eastern spiritual gifts, including the ability to speak in tongues
Orthodox churches, called the East-West Schism and the power of healing.
(sometimes called the Great Schism), involved various
The Anglican Church
aspects such as doctrines, language, politics, and
geography originated in England during the time of King Henry VIII
(1491-1547). In 1530s, King Henry VIII made himself the
The Protestant Church
Supreme Head of the Church of England and challenged
-developed from the movement of protest against the authority of the Pope. Anglicanism is generally
certain practices of the Catholic Church that was highly regarded as a kind of middle way between Catholicism
inspired by Martin Luther’s publication of his Ninety- and Protestantism. Its religious doctrines and practices
Five Theses, which he posted on the door of the Castle are a blend of those found in Catholicism and
Church of Wittenberg in 1517, demanding for reforms in Protestantism.
the Catholic Church
Nontraditional Christian Churches
-They believe in salvation by faith alone, instead of good
The Churches of Roman Catholicism, Eastern
works alone or faith and good works combined. They
Orthodoxy, Protestantism, and Anglicanism are
hold that one can directly ask God for forgiveness for
considered traditional churches for while they have
one’s sins and that priests can marry. They also reject
differences in doctrines and practices, they maintain
the veneration of Mary and the saints.
certain views regarded as traditionally Christian Ex. FOUNDER OF JUDAISM
Mormoons And Jehova’s Witness.
Two persons are considered founders of Judaism,
ISSUES Abraham (2000 BCE) and Moses (1391-1271 BCE). It
was with Abraham that God made a covenant or
(a) issues arising from the use of modern
contract that would define the relationship of the Jews
technology in biomedicine, such as researches
with God. Basically, the covenant was that God would
involving human embryos (such as stem-cell
bless and protect the lives of those who would obey
research), the use of contraceptives, and the
Him. And it was through Moses that God made his
practices of invitro fertilization, surrogacy, and
commandments known to the people, the specific rules
organ transplantation (especially in cases where
that God wanted his people to obey for their part of the
the organs come from brain-dead patients and
covenant. These rules make up a significant part of the
severely damaged infants); (b) issues arising
Torah, the sacred text of Judaism
from the expanding scope of the concept of
human rights, which include the right of women Abraham was the first patriarch (which originally means
to assume leadership in churches (women as “father-source”) among the three patriarchs of the
priests and pastors, for instance), the right to Jewish people. The second was Abraham’s son, Isaac,
same-sex marriage, the right to gender and the third was Isaac’s son, Jacob. Abraham was first
preference in one’s sexual lifestyle (which called Abram but he was later on called Abraham by
includes homosexuality, bisexuality, sex change, God after God made his covenant with him and his
and others), the right to abortion, and the right descendants. His wife was first called Sarai but was later
to divorce; and (c) issues about church-state on called Sarah by God also after this covenant.
relations, which basically come down to Abraham lived in Ur of the Chaldeans (in present-day
whether churches should meddle with politics, Iraq).
which translates to endorsing candidates during
The Bible narrates the story of Abraham who in the
elections, and endorsing or condemning
beginning was called Abram that comes from the
governmental policies or laws such as those
Hebrew grammatic roots Ab which means father and
concerning death penalty and reproduction.
Ram that means high or exalted. Abraham was son of
LESSON 4;JUDAISM Terah. The tenth descendant of Noah and his son, as
well of Shem and brother of Nacor and Haran.
A religion developed among the ancient Hebrews and
characterized by belief in one transcendent God who Harran and go to Canaan to be the father of a nation.
has revealed himself to Abraham, Moses, and the God said to him (Gen.12: 2), “Go from your country,
Hebrew prophets and by a religious life in accordance your people, and your father’s household to the land I
with Scriptures and rabbinic traditions. will show you. I will make you into a great nation, and I
will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will
The terms “Judaism” and “Jew” were derived from the be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and
word Judah, which was the name of the fourth of the 12 whoever curses you I will curse; and all the people on
sons of Jacob. Each of the 12 sons of Jacob became the earth will be blessed through you.” Abraham followed
ancestor of a certain tribe. The tribe of Judah, therefore, without any question and he brought with him his wife
was one of the 12 tribes of Israel (for Jacob was also Sarah, his nephew Lot, and all his possessions. In return
called Israel). Originally, the term “Jews” (“Yehudi,” in for his obedience, God would make him the father of a
Hebrew) thus referred to the members of the tribe of great nation and God would bless and protect him and
Judah. his descendants.
later on, the tribe of Judah, along with some other There was, however, one big problem. How would
tribes (those of Benjamin and Levi, brothers of Judah), Abraham be the father of a great nation when he was
became part of the Kingdom of Judah when the childless? Sarah could not conceive a child. Abraham
Kingdom of Israel was split into the Northern Kingdom, told God that if that were the case, his only heir would
which became the Kingdom of Israel, and the Southern be his servant. But God assured him that he would later
Kingdom, which became the Kingdom of Judah.
on have his own son who would be his heir, and that his with humans and have overcome.” And the man blessed
descendants would be as many as the stars in the sky. Jacob.
Meanwhile, Sarah urged Abraham to have a child with
Moses was born during the time when the Israelites
her Egyptian slave or maidservant named Hagar. Hagar
were living in Egypt as slaves. How did the Israelites
got pregnant with Abraham and gave birth to a boy
become slaves in Egypt? It all started when Joseph, one
whom they named Ishmael. Ishmael would later on
of Jacob’s twelve sons, was sold as a slave by his own
grow to become the patriarch of the Arab nations.
brothers because they envied Joseph for being the
Isaac married Rebekah and they had twins, Esau and favorite of Jacob. Joseph was taken to Egypt by his
Jacob. Esau was older than Jacob and was the favorite masters. But Joseph, because of his talent for
of Isaac, while Jacob was the favorite of Rebekah. Esau, interpreting dreams, intelligence, and character, was
being the eldest, was the rightful heir of Isaac, but due well-liked by the pharaoh and became a powerful
to the connivance of Rebekah and Jacob, Jacob was able leader in Egypt
to get the blessings of Isaac to be his heir. But though
Moses was himself an Israelite but he spent the first half
Jacob acquired the blessings of Isaac in this way, he had
of his life as an Egyptian prince. The growing population
a dream in which God approved of him being the heir of
of the Israelites became a threat to
Isaac. In Gen. 28:12-15, this dream is told this way:
the Egyptian empire, so one day the pharaoh ordered
He had a dream in which he saw a stairway resting on
that all male Israelite newborns be killed. To save the
the earth, with its top reaching to heaven, and the
life of Moses, his mother and elder sister put the baby
angels of God were ascending and descending on it.
Moses in a basket and placed the basket in the Nile
There above it stood the Lord, and he said: “I am the
River. It happened that the pharaoh’s daughter was
Lord, the God of your father Abraham and the God of
about to bathe in the river. Upon seeing baby Moses,
Isaac. I will give you and your descendants the land on
the Pharaoh’s daughter decided to adopt Moses and
which you are lying. Your descendants will be like the
treat him as one of her own. So Moses grew up living a
dust of the earth, and you will spread out to the west
life of an Egyptian prince while his fellow Israelites were
and to the east, to the north and to the south. All
people on earth will be blessed through you and your
offspring. I am with you and will watch over you THE SACRED TEXTS
wherever you go, and I will bring you back to the land. I
will not leave you until I have done what I have Torah: The first five books of the Tanahk Hebrew Bible
promised you. comprise the Torah (Pentauch) and these are the core
sacred writing of the Jewish, therefore the foundation
And so Jacob became the third patriarch to whom the of Jewish tradition. The Torah is also known as the five
covenant was passed on. Jacob had two wives, Leah and books of Moses, which include Genesis, Exodus,
Rachel. With his two wives and with the maidservant of Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy.
each of his two wives, Jacob had a total of twelve sons
(Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Zebelun, Issachar, Dan, Mishnah: It is the written compilation of the Oral Law,
Gad, Asher, Naphtali, Joseph, and Benjamin) and one which Moses received at Mt. Sinai. It was kept oral for
daughter named Dinah. Each of his sons would later be quite a while in Jewish tradition because of the rabbis
the patriarch of a tribe, and their tribes would later be and religious leaders that constantly spread the
known as the twelve tribes of Israel. The name “Israel” messages of the Oral Law. However, when Jerusalem
here refers to Jacob for he was given that name, which fell to the Roman army many rabbis and religious
means “he who struggles with God,” after wrestling leaders were killed and the survivors saw the need to
with a man till daybreak and overcoming him (see Gen. make the Oral Law written. The Mishnah explains how
32:22-29). The man did not give his own name when to carry out the laws of the Torah.
Jacob asked for it, but the man is traditionally THE TANAKH
considered to be either an angel or God himself. The
man said to Jacob: “Your name will no longer be Jacob, The sacred writings of the Jews are divided into the
but Israel, because you have struggled with God and primary (or foundational) and the supplementary ones.
The primary ones are those found in the Hebrew Bible
(or Hebrew Scriptures), known in Hebrew as the Tanakh LESSON 6: ISLAM
(orTanak).The supplementary ones are called the
Because it began only in the seventh century BCE, Islam
Talmud (which contains the Mishnah and Gemara) and
is considered the youngest of the major religions. But
with its followers, the Muslims, constituting almost 25
The Nevi’im consists of materials from what are called percent of the world’s population, Islam is considered
former prophets (or major prophets) and latter the second largest religion.
prophets (or minor prophets). There are in total 22
The word Islam literally means “surrender” or
books comprising the Nevi’im. Each book is named after
“submission.” In the context of the religious tradition of
its respective prophet.
Islam, the word specifically means “surrender or
The Kethuvim consists of materials that are generally submission to God.”
based on human knowledge and experiences, some of
The word Muslim or Moslem, on the other hand, means
which reflect Greek, Persian, and Egyptian influences
“one who submits to God.’Thus the followers of Islam
that greatly influenced the Israelites.
are the Muslims (or Moslems). Muslims refer to God in
Talmud: It is the text used for rabbinic thinking. It is Arabic as Allah
composed of two layers: the Mishnah , which is a set of
The use of the word “Allah” is not intended to qualify
laws and the Gemara, which contains questioning and
the kind of God that Muslims worship. Allah is not
application rules. The Babylonian Talmud is the most
different from the God of the Jews or the Christians.
widely used Talmud.
Allah, in fact, is the same God that Abraham—a
Midrash: It contains the answers to some of the most common spiritual ancestor of the Jews, Christians, and
asked questions about the other sacred texts. The Muslims—recognizes
Midrash is still being written to this day.
Though most Arabs are Muslims, and the early Muslims
JEWISH TRADITIONS AND CUSTOMS: were Arabs, the terms “Muslims” and “Arabs” are
clearly not equivalent. Before most of the Arabs became
On the eighth day of life, Jewish boys are ritually
Muslims, they were either Jews, Christians, or others
circumcised in a ceremony called a b’ris, or covenant.
(Judaism and Christianity were already established
This is the moment when the infant is welcomed into
when Islam was only beginning to establish itself). There
the Jewish community and is brought into the covenant
are Arabs who remained non-Muslims even today—the
God made with Abraham according to Jewish tradition
Arab Jews, Arab Christians, and others. Furthermore,
At Rosh Hashanah, it is traditional to eat apples and since the spread of Islam outside of Arab territories,
honey, symbolic of the wish for a sweet new year. there have been various non-Arab Muslims, such as the
Muslims in Indonesia (whose population is
It is a Jewish tradition not to leave the dead alone. predominantly Muslims), Pakistan, Philippines,
During the holiday of Simchat Torah, it is a tradition to Malaysia, and many other parts of the world.
walk the Torah scrolls through the synagogue. In addition to believing in Allah, one also needs to
Jewish children typically celebrate becoming a Bar/Bat accept other beliefs especially that Muhammad is God’s
Mitzvah at the age of 12 or 13. In the modern-day, last prophet or messenger. This means that to be a
some individuals celebrate this rite of passage later in Muslim, or to be one who submits to God (as Muslims
life. understand it), one must, in addition to believing in
God, also accept that Muhammad is God’s last prophet,
Halloween isn’t the only time to dress up. Jews have among others.
Purim! A holiday filled with carnivals, costumes and
really, really good pastries. Islam shares some of the accounts in the Bible of the
Jews and Christians, and Muslims recognize most of the
Of any Jewish holiday on the calendar, Passover is most prophets mentioned in the Bible. Muslim Arabs, in
likely the favorite. particular, trace their racial and spiritual roots to
Abraham through his son Ishmael. (Some Muslim
scholars trace their spiritual roots even to Adam, the prophets after him, and consequently, there will be no
first human in the Biblical account.). further revelations from God after those he had

It will be recalled that Abraham had two sons, Isaac and Muhammad was born in Mecca in 570 CE. Being
Ishmael. Isaac was Abraham’s son from his wife Sarah, orphaned at an early age, Muhammad first lived with
while Ishmael was Abraham’s son from Hagar, the his grandfather, Abd al-Muttalib, and later on, after his
Egyptian maidservant of Sarah. Isaac had a son, Jacob, grandfather died, with his uncle Abu Talib. At the age of
also known as Israel, whose 12 sons became the 12 25, Muhammad married a widow named Khadijah, who
tribes of Israel. One of Jacob’s son was Judah, whose was then 40 years old. Muhammad met Khadijah when
tribe and later on kingdom became the basis of the he worked as a caravan driver for Khadijah, who took
word “Jews” and “Judaism.” On the other hand, Ishmael over the caravan company when her first husband died.
travelled with his mother Hagar across the desert to Muhammad and Khadijah led a successful married life
another region. Ishmael is said to have established a which only ended when Khadijah died after 25 years of
tribe called Ishmaelites, who were later on called Arabs. marriage.

Abraham is the common spiritual ancestor of Muslims, They had six children, consisting of two sons and four
Jews, and Christians in so far as the belief in one God is daughters. The two sons unfortunately died in infancy.
concerned. But while the Jews trace their racial roots to Among the daughters, only one, named Fatima,
Abraham through Isaac, the Arabs trace theirs to survived after Muhammad’s death. Fatima had two sons
Abraham through Ishmael. from her marriage to Muhammad’s cousin Ali ibn Abu
Talib (the son of his uncle Abu Talib), who became the
fourth Caliph of Islam and first of the twelve imams
Islam began and developed in the region of Arabia, (Muslim leaders) after Muhammad’s death. Their two
particularly in the cities of Mecca and Yathrib (Yathrib sons, Hassan and Hussein, would later on be recognized
was later on called Medina—meaning, “the city of the as imams (or spiritual leaders).
Prophet”) in the early seventh century CE. Muslims
Wanting to deepen his spiritual life, Muhammad
believe that the teachings of Islam all come from God or
frequently went to the caves in the hills surrounding
Allah through the revelations Muhammad (also spelled
Mecca to meditate. At the age of 40, while meditating in
as “Mohammad” or “Mohammed”) (570-632 CE) had.
a cave at Mount Hira in about 610 CE, he received his
Muhammad is considered in Islam as God’s chosen
first message from God through a bright presence which
messenger. In this light, Muslims believe that Islam, in
Muhammad identified as the angel Gabriel. This first
terms of its teachings, was founded by Allah (Peters
interaction of Muhammad with God through the angel
1994,3); but as a religious tradition, Islam is widely
Gabriel has been called the “Night of Power.
considered to be founded by Muhammad.
Wanting to deepen his spiritual life, Muhammad
Muhammad regarded himself, and likewise by the
frequently went to the caves in the hills surrounding
entire Muslim world, as the last among a series of
Mecca to meditate. At the age of 40, while meditating in
prophets or messengers of God. Muhammad
a cave at Mount Hira in about 610 CE, he received his
acknowledged the personalities in the Hebrew and
first message from God through a bright presence which
Christian scriptures to whom God revealed his
Muhammad identified as the angel Gabriel. This first
messages, such as Abraham, Noah, Moses, John the
interaction of Muhammad with God through the angel
Baptist, and Jesus (Muhammad and his followers
Gabriel has been called the “Night of Power.
regarded Jesus as a mere prophet and not as a God as
the Christians believe), as all prophets of Islam. Being One of the important messages Muhammad received
the last of the prophets, Muhammad and his followers from God was that only the One God, Allah, should be
believed that the , messages and instructions revealed worshipped. Thus the statues of other gods should be
to him by God were the final ones. In this regard, destroyed. This particular revelation put Muhammad in
Muslims regard Muhammad as the “Seal of the conflict with people in power in Mecca, in particular the
Prophets,” which indicates that there will be no further people who profited from the business involved in the
pilgrimage movement in the region. Mecca was then a
center of religious pilgrimage. At the center of Mecca regard to the messages, so they decided to write down
was a square-shaped shrine called Kabah (Kaaba or an authoritative version of the messages.
Ka’aba, which literally means “cube”), which contained
The project of writing down Muhammad’s revelations
a black meteorite which was worshipped for it was
was initiated by Abu Bakr, who became the first caliph
believed to have been sent from heaven. Within the
(from khalifa which means “successor”) or successor of
Kabah were statues of so many tribal gods and
Muhammad as Islam’s spiritual leader. The project was
goddesses that people worshipped. Yearly, many people
finished in 656 CE during the caliphate of Uthman. The
from other regions would visit Mecca to worship these
finished book was called the Qur’an, which literally
gods and goddesses. Because Muhammad taught the
means “The Recitation” (see Molloy 2010, 425). The
people that these statues must not be worshipped and
Qur’an consists of 114 chapters (or suras), which cover a
should be destroyed, his life was threatened by the
wide variety of topics which include the spiritual origins
people who were profiting from the yearly pilgrimages.
of Islam in the persons of the different prophets, values,
And when his wife Khadijah and uncle Abu Talib, who
and specific instructions on how to live an ethical life. As
had some influence in society, both died, Muhammad
the messages of God were revealed to Muhammad in
feared for his life and considered leaving Mecca.
Arabic, an authoritative written version of these
Muhammad had a spiritual experience in which he was messages had to be in Arabic. Thus, any translation of
carried to Jerusalem and from there, guided by the the Qur’an is considered to be an interpretation of the
angel Gabriel, was brought up to heaven (or paradise). original messages already. The Qur’an contains the
Once in heaven, Muhammad first encountered the main doctrines of Islam, but to help themselves
angels and the previous prophets like Abraham, Noah, understand and interpret these doctrines, Muslims rely
and Moses and then was united with God. Muslims on what is called the Hadith, which literally means
have called this experience Muhammad’s Night Journey “reports” or “recollections
or Night of Ascent.
The Hadith consists of written narrations of
To escape the increasing persecution of Muhammad Muhammad’s life, which report his words, actions,
and his followers in Mecca, and upon the invitation of decisions, and characteristics as a person. While the
the leaders of Yathrib (to serve as an impartial Hadith refers to the entire collection of narrations, a
arbitrator of the conflicts there), Muhammad and his hadith refers to each narration. Each hadith consists of
followers moved from Mecca to Yathrib in 622 CE.The two parts: the text or report itself and the chain or
migration has been called in Arabic the Hijrah (or series of narrators for the Hadith (this was intended to
Hegira). This was a momentous event in the give authenticity to the report). Each branch of Islam,
development of Islam, for it was the beginning of the however, refers to a different collection of hadiths,
favorable acceptance of Islam and, consequently, of the though they may be about the same things (that is,
establishment of the Islamic community (called about the same events in Muhammad’s life). The idea
umma).The muslim considered this period as the behind the hadiths was that Muhammad’s life was an
begining year of the muslim calendar. ideal manifestation or a perfect model of a life lived
according to the teachings of the Qur’an. While Muslims
do not regard Muhammad as a god (neither did
Muhammad shared God’s messages to him first to his Mohammad proclaim to be one), they regard him as a
close family and friends and then to other people. human who has lived a spiritually and morally perfect
Though some of these revelations were written down life.
by his close followers, memorization through oral
The Hadith is generally also called the Sunnah. Some
transmission was the primary way of preserving these
Muslim scholars, however, make a distinction between
messages. The consistency of these messages was
the two (see, for instance, Peters 1994, 214-15;
maintained by Muhammad. If there were questions
Matthews 2010, 336), and they disagree about the
about what these messages really were and meant,
nature of the distinction. We can identify at least three
Muhammad was there to clarify it. But when
views on this. One view claims that the Hadith as we
Muhammad died, his disciples became concerned about
have defined it is actually the Sunnah, and the Hadith
how to deal with the variations that might arise with
actually just refers to the sayings of Muhammad, which
would make the Hadith simply a part of the Sunnah. “Allah” for God already existed even before Muhammad
Another view maintains the identity of the Hadith as we received his messages from God, but the Arabs then
have defined it above, and understands the Sunnah as a regarded Allah as merely one among the gods that they
set of practices that Muhammad taught the Muslims to worshipped. Acting on the messages that he received
follow and which were passed on to the next from God, Muhammad taught and asserted that only
generations of Muslims. Consequently, this view sees Allah is God and there are no other gods aside from
the Sunna as more reliable than the Hadith. Allah. Allah, in fact, embodies everything that the other
gods were thought to embody. That means Allah, the
only true God, has all the powers attributed to the other
From the religious doctrines of the Qur’an and the gods, such as the powers to help humans deal with their
Hadith, Islamic scholars formulated the Shari’ah, which problems, forgive, and send rains, among others.The
literally means “pathway to be followed” or f‘the path Qur’an particularly notes that God, being one, cannot
leading to the watering place”—for the path to this have a father and a son, indicating Islam’s
place is the whole way of life in the desert. Shari’ah nonacceptance of the Christian doctrine of the Holy
refers to the Islamic Law or the basic Islamic legal Trinity
system. Recognized by most Muslim groups, the
Aside from the word “Allah,” Muslims call God by other
Shari’ah is a system of duties, responsibilities, or rules
names (it is said that Muslims have 99 names for God),
which Muslims must follow as a matter of religion. It
each name indicating a specific divine power. These
covers all aspects of life such as issues arising from
names include the following: the Most Compassionate
one’s personal dealings with other people; matters
(ar-Rahmn), the Merciful (ar-Rahm), the All-Peaceful,
concerning marriage contracts; trade regulations; how
(as-Salm), the Forgiver (al-Ghaffr), the Gentle, Knower
to govern the state; rules for prayer, charity, fasting,
of Subtleties (al-Latf), the Grateful (ash-Shakr), the
sexual intercourse, hygiene, and diet among others; and
Responsive (al-Mujb), the Praiseworthy (al-Hamd), the
punishments for specific crimes like theft, drinking
Cause of Death (al-Mumt), the Light (an-Nr), and the
alcohol, adultery, and murder (these punishments
Patient One (asSabi) (Urubshurow 2009, 199-200). The
include beheading, stoning, and flogging).
attributes of God as indicated in these names suggest
In varying degrees, Shari’ah serves as the basis for that the Allah of Muslims is a personal God, one who
making legal laws in many Muslim countries which cares about the affairs and welfare of humans.
include Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Brunei, United
Arab Emirates, Yemen, Mauritania, Qatar, Afghanistan,
and Pakistan. In sum, the primary sacred text of Islam is Like the Jews and Christians, Muslims believe in an
the Qur’an. The secondary ones are the Hadith and the afterlife and in the Day of Resurrection and Day of
book of Shari’ah. The Qur’an contains God’s messages Judgment. A day will come when dead humans will be
to Muhammad. As Muhammad is believed to be the last resurrected and will be judged by God according to their
prophet (and there will not be another one), these deeds on whether they deserve eternal happiness or
messages are believed to be the final messages of God suffering. In this connection, Muslims also believe in
to humanity. The Hadith is a written record of the heaven or paradise (Jannah), a place of eternal
words, actions, decisions, character, and practices of happiness where good people (people who submit to
Muhammad, which constitute a perfect model for a life God’s will) are put by God; and hell (Jahannam), a place
lived according to the teachings of the Qur’an. The of suffering where evil people (those who do not submit
Shari’ah refers to the Islamic legal law, which was based to God’s will) are put by God.
on the Qur’an and Hadith and was formulated to serve
as specific guidelines for Muslims in carrying out their
everyday affairs or activities. Muslims also believe in angels and jinn (the singular is
jinnie, djinnie, or genie), who are spiritual beings
created by God. The angels are believed to have been
Tawhid - At the core of Islamic faith is Tawhid, referring created by God from light.They do not have free will,
to the belief in the oneness of God. The Arabic word and so they are not accountable for their actions and
are neither good nor evil. They act as messengers of are physically and financially capable to visit the holy
God to the prophets, who in turn are God’s messengers place of Mecca at least once in their lifetime.
to the people. For instance, Muhammad received his
1. Testimony of Faith (Shahadah) The shahadah or the
messages from God through the angel Gabriel. Angels
Islamic testimony of faith is the most important among
also keep a record of the good and bad actions of
the pillars for it serves as the foundation for the other
humans. It is believed that two angels are assigned to
pillars. Anyone who submits to the will of the one God
each human being upon birth to record the good and
and in the authority of the messages that Muhammad
bad actions of the human being and report them back
received from God must worship God through daily
to God on the Day of Judgment. On the other hand, jinn
prayers, provide help to those who are in need, make
are believed to have been created by God from
sacrifices and empathize with the unfortunate ones
smokeless and scorching fire. Unlike angels, jinn have
through fasting, and give honor to the place of origin of
free will and thus are morally accountable for their
one’s faith. The testimony of faith is done by publicly
actions and are either good or evil. For this reason, like
reciting in Arabic the Islamic creed which can be
humans, jinn will also be judged on the Day of Judgment
translated in English as “There is no god but God (Allah),
and will be sent either to heaven/paradise or hell.
and Muhammad is the messenger of God.” Non-
THE PROPHETS Muslims wanting to be converted to Islam must recite
the creed with conviction. Muslims, for their part,
As already noted, Muslims believe in prophets or
regularly recite it to reaffirm their Islamic faith or to
messengers of God. God speaks to the people through
verify their membership in the Islamic community (or
the prophets. Muslims recognize many of the prophets
simply to tell the world that they are Muslims). The
recognized by the Jews and Christians though they
creed is recited in their daily prayers, and it is written in
appear in the Qur’an in their Arabic names. These
Arabic everywhere inside their mosques and over the
include Adam (Adem), the first prophet, Abraham
doors of these mosques. It is also the first words
(Ibrahim), Ishmael (lsm‘l), Noah (Nu), Moses (Musa),
traditionally spoken into the ear of a newborn from a
Elisha (Alyasa), David (Dawid), John the Baptist (Yahya),
Muslim family.
Jesus (Isa), and Muhammad. Jesus, as earlier noted, is
recognized as a prophet and not as a god. Muhammad, 2. PRAYER(SALAT)
as also previously mentioned, is regarded as the last of
Daily prayers are obligatory on every Muslim who has
the prophets
reached the age of puberty, unless one is physica lly
THE FIVE PILLARS OF ISLAM and/or m entally incapable of saying them. The daily
prayers are done five times a day:(1) before dawn, (2) at
There are five obligatory activities for all Muslims. They
midday/noon, (3) mid-afternoon, (4) sunset, and (5)
are standardly referred to as the Five Pillars of Islam.
nighttime. They are intended to focus the mind on God,
These activities were mentioned by Muhammad in the
express gratitude to God, and worship him. The prayers
famous hadith involving the angel Gabriel.
are recited from memory in Arabic, and they consist of
The five pillars, which define the Muslim life, consist of verses from the Qur’an ' and other prayer formulas.
the following: (1) testimony of faith (shahadah), which They are also accompanied by several body postures:
requires Muslims to publicly profess or affirm their faith standing, bowing, prostrating, and sitting (exceptions
in the oneness of God and in the authority of are given to those physically incapable of performing
Muhammad as God’s messenger; (2) prayer (salat), these postures). Prayers are done facing the direction of
which requires Muslims to pray to God five times each Mecca (they were earlier done facing the direction of
day; (3) charity for the poor (zakat), which requires Jerusalem until later revelations to Muhammad
Muslims to donate a certain percentage of their changed the direction to Mecca).
resources to the poor; (4) fasting during Ramadan
3. CHARITY FOR THE POOR (ZAKAT) The practice of
(sawm), which requires Muslims to abstain from taking
zakat is in line with Muhammad’s overall vision of a just
in food and water for a specified period of time; and (5)
society. To address the injustices and inequality existing
pilgrimage to Mecca (haj)), which requires Muslims who
in society, Islam requires believers to donate a certain
percentage (usually 2.5 percent) of their total resources
or accumulated wealth each year to the poor. This Muhammad adopted this practice but in light of
practice is also done as a way of submitting one’s Abraham’s belief in one God. Thus the objective of the
properties to the purposes of God. The payment of pilgrimage for Muslims is to give honor to the holy
zakat, or the giving of charity, is usually done at the end placesassociated with Allah and his prophets, such as
of the month of Ramadan. Those who do not have the Kabah (believed to have been built by Abraham and
much money should compensate for it by doing good Ishmael) which houses the black meteorite (believed to
deeds toward others. Aside from the yearly obligation have been sent by God through Angel Gabriel), and the
to give charity to the poor, Muslims are also expected to places where Hagar and Ishmael drew * water while
perform charitable acts whenever necessary, as Islam travelling across the desert, and where Abraham
highly regards these acts as morally valuable. offered Ishmael as a sacrifice to God (this contrasts to
the Jewish and Christian account in which it was Isaac
who Abraham offered to God as a sacrifice).
done by Muslims on many occasions. They fast to atone
for their sins, fulfill certain obligations, or observe Though not officially a pillar, the important Islamic
certain special days. Ritual and shared fasting is done principle called the jihad—which literally means
during the month of Ramadan, which is the ninth month “struggle"—is sometimes referred to by some Muslims
in the Islamic (lunar) calendar. From dawn to dusk, as the sixth pillar. Nowadays, most non-Muslims
Muslims must avoid all food, water, tobacco, and sex understand jihad as a military warfare or battle of
everyday of this month. Fasting during the month of Muslims against non-Muslims. Muhammad and his
Ramadan (which falls differently every year since its followers did engage in military warfare against non-
determination is based on the lunar calendar) is Muslims when they went back to Mecca from Medina,
required for all Muslims at the age of puberty and up, so jihad does include the meaning of physical struggle
except if one is physically not capable for reasons like to defend Islam. But jihad is not limited to this. It also
illness, old age, and certain female conditions such as means psychological, spiritual, and moral struggle to
pregnancy, breastfeeding, and menstruation. Fasting overcome the evils within oneself and in one’s
during Ramadan serves several purposes for Muslims. environment and thus to lead an ethical life according
Generally, it is done to promote spiritual growth or to the principles of Islam. In this consideration, a
purification by disciplining an individual’s desires, foster distinction is made between greater jihad, referring to
spiritual unity among Muslims, empathize with the spiritual self-perfection, and lesser jihad, referring to
suffering and the poor, and reinforce dependence on warfare. In its general sense, jihad thus means any kind
God. of struggle to defend the faith of Islam.

last ten days of the month of Ramadan when
Muslims are opposed to the practice of celibacy even
Muhammad first received his revelations. The feast at
for their imams (religious leaders). Males are allowed to
the end of this month is therefore seen as a fitting way
have four wives whom he must treat equally, while
to celebrate this special event. Furthermore, during
women are allowed to have only one husband. Muslims
Ramadan, Muslims are expected to exert more effort to
are forbidden to eat pork, drink alcohol, and engage in
follow the teachings of Islam, such as seeking
usury and gambling. Muslims also practice circumcision.
forgiveness from God, expressing gratitude to God,
reading the Qur’an, and refraining from doing bad Both men and women are required by the Qur’an to
deeds. wear modest clothes, which has been translated to
include, among others, the practice of covering the hair
The annual pilgrimage to Mecca or hajj is required for
or both hair and faces of women by a veil or headscarf
all Muslims who are physically and financially capable.
in varying ways in different Muslim regions. In
The pilgrimage is done from the eigth to twelfth (or in
traditional Muslim societies, the parents arrange the
some cases thirteenth) month of the Islamic (lunar)
marriage of their children. The bridegroom’s family
calendar. Even before Muhammad was born, pilgrimage
provides dowry, or an offer of money or property, to
to Mecca was already a regular religious practice. While
the family of the bride as part of the marriage contract.
the practice began with Abraham, later pilgrims
worshipped other tribal gods and goddesses.
Some of the main festivals and holy days observed by The Sunnis, the largest denomination of Islam (making
the Muslims are the following: Day of Sacrifice {Id al- up 75 to 90 percent of all Muslims today), believe that a
Adha), which is celebrated during the month of the Hajj; caliph should be elected by the community. Anyone
Day of Breaking the Fast {Id al-Ftr), which is observed who is righteous and just, and who is living according to
just after the end of the month of Ramadan; Muharram, the teachings of the Qur’an and the Hadith, could be a
which celebrates the migration of Muhammad and his caliph. Since God did not appoint a particular leader
followers to Yathrib (Medina); Muhammad’s birthday, after Muhammad’s death and the first four caliphs were
which is celebrated on the twelfth day of the third elected and were followers of the Qur’an and the
month of the year; and the birthdays of other holy men Hadith, these four caliphs were rightful leaders of Islam.
and women of Islam. The Shiites (making up about 10 to 15 percent of all
Muslims today), however, have a different belief. They
The Rightly Guided CaliphsAfter Muhammad’s death,
believe that only a descendant or blood relative of
the Islamic world was headed by the caliphs (which
Muhammad could be his successor. And since only Ali
literally means “successors”). The first four were (1) Abu
was Muhammad’s blood relative among the first four
Bakr, who reigned from 632-634 CE; (2) Umar, who
caliphs, the Shiites believe that only Ali was the
reigned from 634-644 CE; (3) Uthman, who reigned
legitimate or rightful one, which makes Ali the first
from 644-656 CE; and (4) Ali, who reigned from 656-661
legitimate caliph. The term “Shia” is a contraction of
CE. It was during the reign of these four caliphs that
shiaatAli (or ShiatAli), meaning supporters or followers
Islam spread in many regions outside of Arabia (such as
of Ali. The Shiites claim that Muhammad himself on one
Iran, Africa, Iraq, Syria, Palestine, and Egypt), which
occasion named Ali as his successor. The Shiites also
eventually led to Islam becoming a world power. Islamic
believe that only the descendants or blood relatives of
countries enjoyed economic prosperity during this
Muhammad can be imams or spiritual leaders of Islam.
period. It was also during this time that the Qur’an was
finalized, reproduced, and distributed to many parts of THE SUFIS
the world. The reign of these four caliphs is considered
Sufism is the mystical version of Islam. It is called
the golden age of Islam and has been called the era of
Tasawwuf (literally, “to dress in wool”) in Arabic. The
“The Rightly Guided Caliphs”
term “Sufism” comes from the Arabic word suf, which
ISSUES OF SUCCESSION means “wool,” the material that makes up the garments
worn by Sufi ascetics.
When Muhammad died, there was a disagreement over
who should be his rightful successor. Some felt that it If the division of Islam into the Sunni and Shia versions
should be someone elected by the Islamic community came about after the death of Muhammad, Sufi Islam
and has the moral authority to be its leader (being a came about after the reign of the Rightly Guided
devout Muslim), while some felt that it should be a Caliphs. After the reign of these caliphs, Islam spread to
direct descendant or someone in the bloodline of many regions and eventually
Muhammad. Muhammad, however, did not have a
living son when he died (his two sons from his first wife
both died in infancy and apparently he did not have a
son from his other wives as well). Though Abu Bakr was
the father-in-law of Muhammad, being the father of
Muhammad’s youngest wife Aisha, he was not an
immediate family or a blood relative of Muhammad. It
was only Ali who was a blood relative of Muhammad.
He was the prophet’s first cousin, as he was the son of
Muhammad’s uncle, Abu Talib.

THE SUNNIST AND SHITES The question of who should

be the rightful successor of Muhammad divided the
Muslim world into two major groups, the Sunnis (or
Sunni Muslims) and the Shiites (Shia’s or Shia Muslims).

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