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Subject-Verb Agreement Drill Name: _______________________________

A. Choose the correct of the verb in the parentheses that agrees with the subject in the sentenceand write
this on the blank.
_________ 1. Neither the contestant or the audience ( was , were ) satisfied with the decision.
_________ 2. Half of it ( is , are ) spoiled.
_________ 3. None of the dresses ( suits , suit ) her.
_________ 4. Every boy and girl ( is , are ) taught to read and write.
_________ 5. The cost of these television sets ( ranges , range ) from P5,000 to P10,000.
_________ 6. What the nature of these contributions ( was , were ) not known.
_________ 7. A significant percentage of absences ( is , are ) due to the common cold.
_________ 8. Bread and butter ( is , are ) served with the meal.
_________ 9. Hawthorne’s “Twice-told Tales” ( is , are ) interesting.
_________ 10. To these five questions ( was , were ) added a sixth.
_________ 11. Why ( doesn’t , don’t ) one of you try it?
_________ 12. Congress ( is , are ) in session.
_________ 13. The family ( is are ) not at home.
_________ 14. One-third of nine pencils ( is , are ) three pencils.
_________ 15. The secretary and the treasurer ( is , are ) absent.
_________ 16. The secretary and treasurer ( is , are ) absent.
_________ 17. The wear and tear of life ( is , are ) too much.
_________ 18. Every cat and dog in the neighborhood ( was , were ) there.
_________ 19. Brains, not brawn, ( counts , count ) most.
_________ 20. Not brawn but brains ( counts , count ) most.
_________ 21. Among the savages, brawn not brains ( counts , count ) most.
_________ 22. Mary or Cora ( has , have ) lost a book.
_________ 23. Neither of us ( has , have ) time to waste.
_________ 24. Mathematics ( is , are ) difficult.
_________ 25. A new set of policies ( has , have ) been formulated.
_________ 26. The educator ( choose , chooses ) the Russian food service.
_________ 27. The educator and the learners ( choose , chooses ) to eat dimsum for lunch.
_________ 28. Bread and butter ( is , are ) what some people want for their snacks.
_________ 29. The students as well as the educator ( is , are ) eager to ask questions.
_________ 30. Everybody ( ponder , ponders ) on the meaning of life.
_________ 31. The number of the contestant ( is , on ) the back of his chair.
_________ 32. The learner, not the educator, ( is , are ) the focus of the conference.
_________ 33. Ninety percent ( has , have ) sufficient knowledge about educational principles.
_________ 34. The faculty disagree on what to do and ( has , have ) decided to meet another day.
_________ 35. My pants ( is , are ) new.

B. Determine what verbs agree with the subjects in the given sentences. Write your answers on the blanks.
_______1. The price of these jeans ( is , are ) reasonable.
_______2. The books borrowed from the library ( is , are ) on my desk.
_______3. The boy who won the two medals ( is , are ) friendly.
_______4. The famous singer and composer ( has , have ) arrived.
_______5. Collecting matchboxes ( is , are ) one of his favorite pastimes.
_______6. The quality of the candies ( is , are ) poor.
_______7. Neither his father nor his mother ( play , plays ) mahjong.
_______8. Neither parent ( is , are ) fond of playing mahjong.
_______9. None of my friends ( was , were ) there.
_______10. Many a student ( has , have ) made the same mistake.
_______11. Gold, as well as platinum, ( has , have ) recently risen in price.
_______12. The boss, as well as his colleagues, ( has , have ) been robbed by the robber.
_______13. Ten tons ( is , are ) heavy.
_______14. Fifty kilometers ( is , are ) far.
_______15. Thirty years ( is , are ) too long.
_______16. One of the books ( has , have ) been missing.
_______17. The poor ( is , are ) suffering.
_______18. You should decide which one of the three choices A, B, or C best ( answer, answers ) the
_______19. Either the physicians or the chief administrator ( is , are ) going to make a decision.
_______20. ( Is , Are ) my boss or my sisters in the union going to win this grievance?
_______21. Some of the votes ( seem , seems ) to have been miscounted.
_______22. The tornadoes that tear through this county every spring ( is , are ) more than just a nuisance.
_______23. Everyone selected to serve on this jury ( has , have ) to be willing to give up a lot of time.
_______24. Kara Wolters, together with her teammates, ( present , presents ) a formidable opponent on
the basketball court.
_______25. He seems to forget that there ( is , are ) things to be done before he can graduate.
_______26. There ( has , have ) to be some people left in that town after yesterday's flood.
_______27.  Some of the grain ( appear , appears ) to be contaminated.
_______28. Three-quarters of the students ( is , are ) against the tuition hike.
_______29. Three-quarters of the student body ( is , are ) against the tuition hike.
_______30. A high percentage of the population ( is , are ) voting for the new school.

C. Determine if the subjects and verbs in the sentences agree. If they do not agree, underline the wrong verbs
and write the correct forms of these verbs on the blanks. If they do agree, check the blank.
________ 1. The rhythm of the pounding waves are calming.
________ 2. All of the dogs in the neighborhood are barking.
________ 3. My friends and my mother like each other.
________ 4. A high tax, not to mention unemployment, influence votes.
________ 5. The team and the band is on the field.
________ 6. Building a good marriage and building a good log fire is similar in many ways.
________ 7. Neither the basket nor the apples is expensive.
________ 8. Each has a good seat.
________ 9. Everybody in the class has tickets.
________ 10. Either Maria or you was late for class
________ 11. Neither Carol nor Ted is excluded from the meeting.
________ 12. Hardest hit by the high temperatures and drought is the farmers.
________ 13. The majority of us are in favor.
________ 14. The sheep strays when the gate is left open.
________ 15. Neither the apples nor the basket are expensive.
________ 16. Every silver knife, fork, and spoon have to be counted.
________ 17. A number of students is absent.
________ 18. The jury votes today.
________ 19. Of all university courses, mathematics probably produces the most fear.
________ 20. Sheep strays when the gate is left open.

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