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November, 2014

Mustafa, D. Salman, A. Agustang, Jumadi. The role of actors in the construction of the reality of conflict, a case study of
students' conflicts in Parang Tambung. International Journal of Academic Research Part B; 2014; 6(6), 81-85.
DOI: 10.7813/2075-4124.2014/6-6/B.12

Library of Congress Classification: HM(1)-1281


Mustafa1, Darmawan Salman2, Andi Agustang3, Jumadi4
Doctoral Student, Sociology Study Program, State University of Makassar,
Professor of, State University of Makassar,
Professor of Sociology, State University of Makassar, (INDONESIA)

DOI: 10.7813/2075-4124.2014/6-6/B.12

Received: 05 Aug, 2014

Accepted: 11 Oct, 2014


This study examines the role of actors in the construction of the reality of students’ conflicts on the campus
of the State University of Makassar, Parang Tambung. This study used observation and interview as data
collection. The findings of this research show that the actor had a considerable role in the construction of the
reality of students’ conflicts. The roles of actors are seen from three aspects. First, the attitude and personality of
an actor where there is a tendency of the actors who have hard and brave personality and have a high sense of
solidarity. Second, the perception of the actor about a conflict in which the actors perceive conflict as something
to be inherited by every generation, especially the actors from the Faculty of engineering and the Faculty of arts.
Therefore by the perceptions of the actors conduct a cadre of freshmen that the conflict is still preserved. Third,
the motives of the actors to be involved in a conflict where in general the actors from the Faculty of engineering
are driven by a desire to maintain the prestige that engineering students throughout Indonesia were the number
one student if it is linked to the conflict.

Key words: Actor Role, Conflict Reality, Students’ conflict


There are some researchers who have conducted empirical research about the phenomenon of conflicts
students culminate in violent acts. First, Suyitno (2005) [1] researched on students’ conflict through collective
aggressiveness at the State University of Makassar. Second, Hamzah (2007) [2] examined the bloody events of
April, Makassar (April Makassar Berdarah/ AMARAH) in 1996. 3 Third, Jumadi (2008) [3] conducted a study on
the theme of "Student Brawl": A Study of Social Conflict in Makassar. The study found that developing student
movement based on circumstantial phenomena. That movement dynamically based on dynamics, nature,
motives. The shape is running continuously. Student social conflict moves dynamically towards the behaviour of
conflict or violence. The dynamics of social conflict towards an unrealistic has tendencies that may give rise to
destructive behaviour on the actor, either personally or collectively. Mansur Akil et al. (2009) [4] (2009) conduct
research on "Conflict resolution for students based on Multicultural Education.” The results of his research
concluded that the integration of multicultural education in the curriculum of the University became one of the
factors that may reduce the occurrence of conflict among students.
Based on the research results as described above, especially the results of research about the conflict of
students, there have been no studies focusing on the study of linkages among actors in the system and the
complexity and uniqueness of the conflict. In fact, the conflict occurs because the two aspects, such as system
and actor. These aspects are mutually communicated then create conflict that takes place in a unique and
complex as in Parang Tambung. Therefore, the researchers focused on the conflict of students at Parang
Tambung with the consideration that the student conflict seems to be very complex and unique. The complexity
and uniqueness of this conflict occur because the conflict is not only a conflict between students and students but
also between students and community, even between students and security officers.
The intensity of the conflict of students, at Parang Tambung happened lately is high enough. Some cases
of student conflicts that occurred during the last nearly a decade can be seen on the following sequence of events
1. May 1995, there has been a conflict between the students of engineering faculty and students from
the Faculty of languages and the arts, Institute for teacher training and educational science (IKIP
Ujung Pandang)
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2. In 1988, there has been a conflict between the students of engineering faculty and students of the
Faculty of language and art Institute for teacher training and educational science (IKIP Ujung
3. In 2000, there has been a conflict between the students of engineering faculty and students of the
Faculty of language and Art, State University of Makassar
4. May 17, 2001, there has been a conflict between students from the Faculty of engineering with
students and the Faculty of language and art
5. 10 October 2002, there has been a conflict between the students of the Faculty of engineering and
students of the Department of geography of the Faculty of mathematics and natural sciences, State
University of Makassar
6. 26 February 2003, there has been a conflict between the students of engineering faculty and
students from the Faculty of languages and the arts, the State University of Makassar
7. 5 April 2003, there has been conflict between the students of the Faculty of engineering with
students from the Faculty of languages and the arts, the State University of Makassar
8. 13 May 2003, there has been a conflict between the students of the Faculty of engineering with
students from the Faculty of languages and the arts, the State University of Makassar
9. 19 June 2003, there has been a conflict between the students of engineering faculty and students
from the Faculty of Sport science, the State University of Makassar.
10. 30 August 2004, there has been a conflict between the students of the Faculty of engineering and
the students from the Faculty of language and literature, State University of Makassar
11. 30 September 2005, there has been a conflict between the students of engineering faculty and
students of the Faculty of sports science, State University of Makassar
12. 20 November 2005, there has been conflict between the students of the Faculty of engineering and
students from the Faculty of languages and literature at the State University of Makassar
13. 6 March 2007, there has been a conflict between the students of engineering faculty and students
of the Faculty of language and literature, State University of Makassar
14. 16 November 2007, there has been a conflict between the students of the Faculty of engineering
and the students of the Department of Geography, Faculty of Sciences, State University of
15. 19 September 2009, there has been a conflict between the students of the Faculty of engineering
and the students from the Faculty of language and literature, State University of Makassar
16. 29 October 2009, there has been a conflict between the students of the Faculty of engineering and
the students from the Faculty of language and literature, State University of Makassar
17. 10 November 2009, there has been a conflict between the students of the Faculty of engineering
and the students from the Faculty of language and literature, State University of Makassar
18. 15 June 2010, there has been a conflict between the students of the Faculty of engineering and the
students from the Faculty of language and literature, State University of Makassar
19. 16 December 2010, there has been a conflict between the students of the Faculty of engineering
and the students from the Faculty of language and literature, State University of Makassar
20. 9 March 2011, there has been a conflict between the students of the Faculty of engineering and the
students from the Faculty of language and literature, State University of Makassar
21. 4 October 2012, there has been a conflict between the students of the Faculty of engineering and
the students of the Faculty of art and design, State University of Makassar

The University has conducted many attempts to reduce the intensity of students’ conflicts in Parang
Tambung. The University has built a wall of separation between the Faculty of engineering and the Faculty of
languages, which is likened to the Berlin wall. In addition, the University has given sanction to hundreds of
students in the form of dismissal, but the conflicts still continue to occur. Moreover, the conflict recurred on
October 4, 2012. The conflict killed two students of the Faculty of engineering.
Students’ conflicts in Parang Tambung are extremely difficult to be stopped. This conflict is thought to be
due to the magnitude of the roles of the actors in the construction of reality conflict. Therefore, researchers focus
on the role of actors in the construction of the reality of students’ conflicts.


This research was qualitative research. It was intended to give a description comprehensively about the
role of actors in the construction of the reality of students’ conflicts in Parang Tambung. Data collections were
interview, observation, and documentation. The data obtained were then transcribed, categorized, grouped, and
sorted based on the research focus. Information obtained from different informants is further verified through
Focus Group Discussion (FGD) by presenting some informants. The data obtained through FGD were
categorized and then sorted to see linkages between data according to the focus of the research. Next, the
researchers conduct analysis and discussion, and then narrate, and verify the data with the basic theories which
became a reference as well as build a theoretical synthesis in accordance with research findings. The final phase
was concluding and drafting recommendations in accordance with the findings in this study



The Attitude and Personality of the Actor

The attitude and personality of the actor became one aspect that determines the behavior of the actors to
create a conflict. Based on interviews of some actors, researchers obtain information that the actors have the
attitude and personality, which are hard, brave and dare to take risks. It is because since freshman, The students'
attitude and personality have been shaped by their senior through a cadre process, as expressed by the initial
name of Icl (interview 25 May 2013) that: "the formation of attitudes and personalities are hard, brave and dare to
take the risk that conflict among actors is the result of a cadre carried out by senior students in a freshman and
this will continue. The freshman after being senior will be doing the same thing. Therefore, This cadre occurs from
generation to generation so that anyone who become the actors in the conflict have been already trained. They
have had a hard personality. People who deserve to be actors in the conflict are those who have a hard
The statement of the actors above is justified by actor Abm (interview 25 may 2013). He said: "what is
stated by Faisal is right. We, as the Honorary Board of the Faculty of art and design, also do a cadre process as
conducted by friends in the Faculty of engineering. This cadre occurs hereditary aiming that whoever becomes
the leader will do the same thing. Therefore, it becomes a fundamental process in the admission of new students.
Although it is recognized that we were forced to do this to offset the thing that conducted by the students at the
Faculty of engineering. If engineering students who just did a cadre, our junior will eventually be a target of them.
Therefore, inevitably, we mobilize our junior being brave students in order to fight the students from faculty of
engineering even though it was only to defend themselves. In fact, primarily a conflict between engineering
students with art is always started by engineering students."
The researchers try to compare information obtained from an actor in Faculty of art with what is happening
in the Faculty of engineering. The result is more or less the same as delivered by actors Hmk. He said: "we as a
student in the Faculty of engineering have certainly had a hard personality because our character is formed early
since we are new students. Moreover, the characteristics of engineering students are hard and brave. Hard but
smart also is sometimes utilized by parties who are not responsible. Anyone who is a student of engineering, if he
does not enter the flow will stop his study. There have been many engineering students stop their study because
they do not put up with the violence. Therefore, we are always striving to be the organizer of the admission of new
students because that is where we get a chance to do a cadre to our junior so that they will have a personality
that is hard, brave and dare to take risks. In the cadre, we indoctrinate them to create a sense of hostility,
especially to the art students. If our juniors enter at the gates, the senior asked, "who is our enemy?" If they do
not respond and say "art," they were beaten, and it happens continuously.
The cadre carried out by senior students to every new student, either occurring in the Faculty of Arts or the
Faculty of engineering has formed a personality of students of the faculties. Their personalities become brave and
hard. It is caused by the cadre itself reinforced by the condition, as long as they become students. They are often
involved in the event of a conflict so that their personalities are shaped not only in the form of the concept, as a
result, of the cadre but also in the real condition in the field with the war. Therefore, it is no wonder if anyone who
becomes the actor in the conflict later in the day will have a hard and brave personality. This hard and brave
personality makes them very easy to engage in conflict.

Perception of the Actor About the Conflict

The question about how to judge the actor and looked at what kind of conflict or how the actor's view about
the conflict itself, turned out to have a difference of view among the intellectual actor, commander actor and field
actor, especially the actors from engineering faculty. In General, the intellectual actor and commander actor
assess that the conflict itself is something that should be inherited by every student from one generation to the
next generation. Meanwhile, the field actors view the conflict as something that can ruin a person's behaviour
being defiant, fighting and anarchy.
In addition, there is a difference of view between actor in conflict from the Faculty of engineering and
Faculty of Non-engineering. In general, the actors from the Non-Engineering student conflicts view the conflict as
something that is difficult to be eliminated due to the multiplicity of interests that play in it. The actor observed in
terms of the period of conflict also has different views. Actors in the conflict during the 1995 – 2000 perceive that
the conflict that occurs is purely from the student or by an actor.

The Motives of the Actors to be Involved in the Conflict

The difference in the view of the actors in interpreting the conflict, among the actor of intellectual,
commander and field as well as between Engineering actors and Non-Engineering have also occurred in terms of
the motives of the actors involved in the conflict. There is a tendency of the intellectual and commander actor of
the engineering faculty involved in the conflict because it is driven by efforts to preserve and maintain the
prestige. The field actors involve in the conflict because they are driven by fear and forced. The non-engineering
actors involve in the conflict because they are driven by a sense of solidarity and efforts to maintain self-esteem.
The students' conflict in Parang Tambung is a conflict that has been going on since 1995 to the present.
Initially, these conflicts are internal conflict in the faculty of engineering because it only involves students of
Building Engineering Department with students from the Department of mechanical engineering. This conflict is
motivated by the power struggles, such as the seizure of the Chairman of the Executive Board of student in the
Faculty of engineering. The conflict because of the power struggle is a classic conflict as described by Ibn
Khaldun. He states that a conflict is not a conflict between goodness versus crimes, but rather the conflicts should

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occur due to conditions that may require it to happen. Affirmation of Ibn Khaldun is reinforced by taking the
example of the seizure of power by Mu'awiah from Ali considered by most people against the legitimate Caliph.
Even though, it is the taking of power by force, but Ibn Khaldun assumes that it is something that happens
because of social pressures, namely: ashobiyah Mu'aawiyah is stronger than ashobiyah Ali. Sooner or later, Ali
was soon replaced by a more powerful leader. The leadership is Mu'aawiyah. If Mu'aawiyah refused to lead a
revolt against Ali, the other leaders of his group will certainly do that. Mu'aawiyah does something that cannot be
There are things that distinguish between the conflict of students at the State University of Makassar,
Parang Tambung leadership and the conflict between Mu'aawiyah with Ali relating to power struggles. The conflict
between the leadership of Ali Mu'aawiyah occurs in order to seizure of power or coup, while the conflict of the
power struggle is going on students in Parang Tambung is not in the form of a coup, but it is a conflict because it
does not accept the defeat after the election. This conflict also took place in the political life in Indonesia. Almost
every election leadership, either electing the village chief, Governor, or Governor is characterized by conflict,
especially after counting the votes. The losing parties do this conflict.
In the power struggle that in relation to this research, Chairman of the Executive Board election, students
in the Faculty of engineering at that time, a representative of the Engineering Building was on the losing side.
Finally, students from the Engineering Building rebels the students from mechanical engineering because the
election was won by a representative of the Department of mechanical engineering. Finally, students from the
engineering building are defeated because their number is relatively low. Therefore, they request help from the
Department of art. The students majoring in Art provide help, then the internal conflict change to be widespread.
This conflict turned into external conflicts. Driven by a sense of solidarity, at the end of each group strengthen its
identity, i.e. the Group of engineering students and groups of students of the languages and art. This conflict
turned into a conflict between the students of engineering faculty and students of the Faculty of language and art.
The change of internal conflict to the external conflicts on students in Parang Tambung is driven by a
sense of solidarity, which strengthens the identity of each group as expressed by Coser (1964) [5]. He states that
the conflict can be put and keep the boundary line between two or more groups. Conflict with other groups can
strengthen the identity of groups and protect them from being dissolved into the social world around her. If there is
a conflict, the solidarity group internally increases. The boundaries between the in-group and out-group are
becoming increasingly apparent. The positive functions can be seen within a group that is involved in the conflict
with other groups. For example, a conflict in the Middle East has strengthened the identity of Arab countries and
Israel. Likewise, the conflict is between the students of the Faculty of engineering and students of other faculties.
They strengthen the identity of the Faculty and the student solidarity on their faculties respectively. It is also in line
with the proposition of Simmel (1986) [6]. He states that the greater the level of emotional involvement in the
conflict, the more likely the conflict will widen. The greater solidarity among the members involves in the conflict,
the greater the level of involvement of their emotions
The strength of the respective identity groups, especially the identity of the Group of engineering students
and groups of students Languages and Arts is supported by the strong influence of a cadre carried out by senior
students of the junior in each group. Therefore, the proposition built by Collins (Ritzer dkk. 2007) [7] is in line with
the reality of students' conflicts in Parang Tambung. The first proposition, for example, that the experience of
giving and receiving orders is the structure that determines the views and actions of individuals. This proposition
could be construed that the command giver is senior, and the command receiver is junior. Senior students as
junior actor command them to participate in the reality of the conflict. Hence, it is no wonder if the majority of the
perpetrators of the conflict directly are junior. The actor or senior is just being behind the scenes
The strong influence of senior or actor toward the freshmen through the cadre makes this cadre as
something that routinely takes place in every year, especially in welcoming new students. These routine causes
the freshmen more obedient to the senior or the actor so that it forms a narrow mind-set. Moreover, in General,
students are more obedient, perceives the conflict as something to be inherited. In short, the conflict seems to be
a tradition.
Based on the discussion above, the research results can be constructed of a proposition. The stronger the
influence of the actor, the more conflict is intended to be inherited. Increasingly interpreted the conflict as
something to be inherited, the greater the likelihood of conflict will occur. The weak influence of actors, the
conflict, is meant as something that need not be inherited. Conflict increasingly understood as something that
does not need to be inherited, and the conflict that will occur is decreasing.


The actors or students have a considerable role in the construction of the reality of the conflict in Parang
Tambung. The role of actor, especially in terms of the cadre of new students to get involved in the conflict is the
cultivation of a sense of resentment toward students of the faculty who become an opponent of the conflict, and
plan about the occurrence of the conflict.


1. Suyitno Imam, 2005. Perilaku Agresifitas Mahasiswa, (Tesis) Makassar: Program Pasca Sarjana
2. Hamzah, 2007. AMARAH. (Skripsi), Universitas Negeri Makassar.
3. Jumadi. 2009. Tawuran Mahasiswa Konflik Sosial di Makassar. Makassar: Raihan Intermedia.


4. Akil Mansur, dkk. 2009. Model Resolusi Konflik Berbasis Pendidikan Multi Kultur Mahasiswa di
Sulawesi Selatan. Makassar: Fakultas Bahasa dan Sastra Universitas Negeri Makassar.
5. Coser, Lewis A. 1964. The Function of Social Conflict. London: Collier Macmillan Limited.
6. Simmel, George, 1986. Beberapa Teori Sosiologi, Jakarta: CV. Rajawali.
7. Ritzer, Goodman, Duglas J. 2007. Teori Sosiologi Modern, Jakarta: Pernada.

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