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(A Quantitative Research at the Eleventh Grade of SMAN 10 Makassar)


Submited to the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education

Muhammadiyah University of Makassar in Part Filfillment
of the Requirement for the Degree of
Education Bachelor




FARIDA. 2016. The Correlation Between English Teachers’ Teaching

Style and Students’ Motivation in Learning English (A Quantitative Research
at the Eleventh Grade of SMAN 10 Makassar). Thesis English Department.
Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Muhammadiyah University
Makassar. It was consulted by Bahrun Amin and Nurdevi Bte Abdul.

This research aimed to find out the correlation between English teachers’
teaching style and students’ motivation in learning English at the eleventh grade
of SMAN 10 Makassar. The objective of this research was to know the correlation
between the English teachers’ teaching style and students’ motivation in learning
English at the eleventh grade of SMAN 10 Makassar.

This research was quantitative and the population consisted at the eleventh
grade of SMAN 10 Makassar. It used random sampling technique where the
researcher chose 25 students as samples. The data were collected through
questionnaire. The data analyzed by using Likert Scale. The finding showed that
the result of Pearson correlation shown that there is no a significant correlation
between teachers’ teaching style and students’ motivation in learning English as
described significant value is 0.695.

The researcher concluded that there was no a significant correlation

between teachers’ teaching style and students’ motivation in learning English at
the eleventh grade of SMAN 10 Makassar.

Keyword: Correlation, teachers’ teaching style, and students’ motivation



Skripsi atas nama Farida, nim 105355 239 12 diterima dan disahkan oleh
Panitia Ujian Skripsi berdasarkan Surat Keputusan Rektor Universitas
Muhammadiyah Makassar Nomor: 010 Tahun 1438 W2017 M, Sebagai

satu syafat guna monpenoleh Gelar Sarjana Pendidikan pada Jurusan

Pendidikan Bahasa Inggrts (S1) Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan
Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar pada hari senin tanggal 31 Januan20l7

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rE The Cornelation Between the Engtish Teachers' Teaching

Style and Students' Motivation in Learning English (A
Descriptive Quantitative Research in the Eleventh Grade of
SMAN l0 Makassar)
hc Farida ,,iiir,.
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f.crlty g ruG,Eitftfhddeirer Training and Education

Makassir, 22 F:ebruary 20ll

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lD farakreditasi .frrstitusi

FARIDA. 2016. The Correlation between English Teachers’ Teaching Style and
Students’ Motivation in Learning English (A Descriptive Quantitative Research at the
Eleventh Grade of SMAN 10 Makassar). Thesis English Department. Faculty of Teacher
Training and Education, Muhammadiyah University Makassar. It was consulted by Bahrun
Amin and Nurdevi Bte Abdul.

This research aimed to find out the correlation between English teachers’ teaching style
and students’ motivation in learning English at the eleventh grade of SMAN 10 Makassar. The
objective of this research was to know the correlation between the English teachers’ teaching
style and students’ motivation in learning English at the eleventh grade of SMAN 10 Makassar.

This research was a correlation method in a quantitative design and the population
consisted at the eleventh grade of SMAN 10 Makassar. It used random sampling technique
where the researcher chose 25 students as samples. The data were collected through
questionnaire. The data analyzed by using Likert Scale. The finding showed the result of Pearson
correlation that there is no a significant correlation between teachers’ teaching style and
students’ motivation in learning English as described significant value is 0.695.

The researcher concluded that there was no a significant correlation between teachers’
teaching style and students’ motivation in learning English at the eleventh grade of SMAN 10

Keyword: Correlation, teachers’ teaching style, and students’ motivation


Alhamdullilahirobbilalamin, first of all I would like to express my deepest

praise and gratitude to Allah SWT who has given me His blessing and merciful to

complete this thesis. Shalawat and Salam are addressed to the final chosen

religious messenger, the Prophet Muhammad SAW.

The researcher realized that many people had given their helps and useful

suggestion for the finishing of this thesis. Without the assistance of them, this

thesis would never have existed. Therefore, the researcher would like to express

her appreciation and sincere thanks to:

1. Dr. H. Abd Rahman Rahim, SE,.MM, the rector of Makassar Muhammadiyah


2. Dr. A. Sukri Syamsuri, M. Hum, the dean of training and education faculty.

3. Erwin Akib, S.Pd, M.Pd, the head English Education Department of FKIP

UNISMUH Makassar.

4. My greatest thanks to Dr. H. Bahrun Amin, M.Hum my first consultant and

Nurdevi Bte Abdul, S.Pd., M.Pd. as my second consultant who has guided me

patiently and gave valuable suggestion, and correction for the completeness

of this thesis.

5. My heartfelt thanks to all lectures of the FKIP UNISMUH especially to the

lectures of English Department for their guidance during my study.

Unforgettable thanks to all of my friends in class E.

6. Thanks are also due to the headmaster of SMAN 10 Makassar, the all

teachers, and the students in exact class who participated in collecting data.

7. My highest appreciation and deepest thankful to my beloved parents Supardi

and Johoriah, who always be my best parents and also for my beloved aunt

Rumaedah, S.Pd, my uncle alm. Misking Anis, S.Pd and all of my family for

the attention, support and their love.

8. Thanks to my close friends that was gave me support starting from the first

semester until finish this thesis, of course for my friends (Suhailah, Fitri

Andriani, Nurul Insani Rasyid, Nur Aini, Nurrahmah, and Titin Hardianti),

don’t forget my ukhti’s sister Musyfirah for their endless love, motivation,

financial support and also prayer for success in my study.

Finally, by reciting Alhamdulillahi Robbil Alamin, the researcher has been

success to finish her thesis.

Makassar, Oktober 2016




A. Background

Teaching students was a challenging activity. That is way, it becomes a

common problem faced by most of the young-learners teachers in Indonesia. It is

because young learner has unique characteristics. Students have their own ways in

learning English. When students feel comfortable in the classroom with

competition and isolation (studying part by part by language component, e.g.

grammar, reading, writing, etc.), students do another way. They feel better to learn

English in a social context with the integrated language components. In addition,

students preferably like cooperative situation rather than competitive atmosphere,

like in students’ class. Another challenge is it difficult to get their attention and

keep it for an extended period of time. However, there are a few things to keep in

mind that will make teaching students easier.

The relationship between teaching and learning is dynamic. It requires two

ways of transmission of knowledge to achieve a successful result. Successful

learning is supported by many factors, one of them is the feedback provided by

teacher in the classroom. However, teacher is required to provide effective

feedback in the classroom in order to make learning successful. Ineffective

feedback may lead students to confusion. It may also discourage students and

decrease their motivation and self-esteem.


Bennett, found that the matching of teaching/learning style is

more beneficial to vocational students who are field-independent those who prefer

more autonomy and less personal interaction, and that mismatching is more

beneficial for field-dependent student those who prefer more guidance and

structure. In the process of improving the students’ learning motivation, it can be

found that they are likely to face some problems and barriers hindering their

motivation to learn (Huit, 2001). The source of problems and barriers can be

internal factors, which means that the problems come from the students

themselves, and external, which can be from their environments.

Learning English is vital skills that will help children achieve their full

potential in the future. The sooner they start learning, the better -with the right

methods- children can learn English quickly, effectively and joyfully. Once they

have this initial grasp of English in primary school, they will have a strong

foundation which will be in an advantage in their previous studies. Students need

stimulation to create their willing and motivation to be involved in the activity.

While, today many teachers still use conventional method to teach English, such

as grammar translated method which does not involve students to learn English

joyfully. In teaching, an interesting method is one of the ways to motivate

students, especially young learners to be involved to learn English.

Teachers of students need to spend time understanding how their students

think and operate. They need to be able to pick up on their students’ current

interests so that they use them to motivate the students. Talk about learning

motivation, sometimes the student more motivates to studying depends on the

ways of the teachers’ teaching style in the classroom.

Based on explanation above, the researcher will conduct a quantitative

research about “The Correlation Between the English Teachers’ Teaching Style

and the Students’ Motivation in Learning English at the Eleventh Grade of SMAN

10 Makassar”.

B. Problem Statement

The problem to be discussed in this research summarized in the following

research questions

1. Which one of the teachers’ teaching style that students’ most interested?

2. Is there any correlation between the English teachers’ teaching style and

the students’ motivation in learning English at the eleventh grade of

SMAN 10 Makassar?

C. Objective of Research

Based on the problem statement, the objectives of this research were:

1. To know which the teachers’ teaching style that students most interested

2. To know the correlation between the English teachers’ teaching style and

students’ motivation in learning English at the eleventh grade of SMAN

10 Makassar.

D. Significance of Research

The finding of this research expected to gave useful information for as follow:

1. The students

The result of study is expected to use as a consideration in teaching

English for learners.

2. The next researcher

It is expecting as contribution to other researcher who want to conduct

more complex research and help the other researcher to use this research

as reference for their research.

E. The Scope of the Research

This study restricted to the correlation between the English teachers’

teaching style and the students’ motivation in learning English especially for the

teaching style included on expert style, formal authority style, role model style,

facilitator style and delegator style. Then students’ motivation limited on intrinsic

and extrinsic motivation. The teaching style means that the style which was

mostly interested by students, not which was mostly used by the teachers.



A. Previous Research Finding

In this study, the researcher takes review of related literature from the

other researches. Here are some of them:

1. Zarif (2012) through his research entitled “Study of Teachers’ Opinion

Regarding Techniques to Increase Students Motivational Level During

English Language Teaching at Primary Level” states that one effective

techniques to give motivation for young learner is rewarding them not


2. Sahabuddin, (1999) in his research entitle “The Teacher Role in Improving

the Students’ Motivation in Learning English“ found out the teacher role

in Improving the students’ motivation in learning English was the

important one that can support successful in learning. So, on teaching the

teachers must be more creative to select in selecting the way of teaching.

3. Sheikh & Mahmood, (2014) through their journal entitled “Effect of

Different Teaching Styles on Students’ Motivation toward English

Language Learning at Secondary Level” states that the demonstrated effect

on teachers teaching style on student motivation suggests a clear

understanding among teachers can be of use to motivate students. Teacher

consciously be given expertise in more than one teaching styles and skill

to shift teaching styles considering the nature of students.


Based on the previous researches, different teaching styles influence the

students’ motivation in learning English. In this research, researcher will observe

about the correlation between teaching style and learning motivation.

B. Concept of Teaching Style

1. Definition of Teaching Style

Pan & Wu (2010), Teaching styles: establish a framework of possible

option in the relationship between teacher and learner and was based on central

importance of decision-making. The spectrum (Sun & Wang 2007) incorporates

teaching style based on the degree to which the teacher on the student assumes

responsibility for what occurs a lesson.

Pratt (2002) investigated the influence of teacher behavior in relation to

teaching styles on motivational climate and showed that the pupil centered

reciprocal and guided discovery styles resulted in more mastery and less

performance focused teaching behavior than traditional command practice styles.

Style in teaching is more than a superficial collection of interaction of

interacting mannerism use to create an impression. It is best viewed as a pervasive

quality that plays an important role in several aspect of teaching. Styles also

reflects what Gardner (2004) describes as the teacher’s presences and the nature

and quality of the encounter with students.

The teaching styles either motivate the student towards the subject. In

particular, teaching styles have greater impact, when a foreign language is taught.

Teaching styles have great impact on students’ motivation and their achievement

in the subject. Many students attend classes just because of the influential

teaching style, on the contrary some teachers fail to develop a learning

atmosphere, and motivate the students. Particularly in English where the students

and teachers are both not native English speakers, teaching style plays an

important role in bringing up the student’s motivation level. Each lecturer is

unique in many ways from another. The teachers vary from one another in

characteristics as the tendency to use certain teaching style in their teaching.

Teaching style is more than a methodology and subject knowledge. Teaching style

is a multidimensional phenomenon which explains how teacher present

information, interacts with the student, manage classroom task, supervise

coursework and socialize with the students. It is teacher’s presence, nature and

quality of the encounter with the students. Gilakjani (2012) reported instructor

should think the students’ learning styles and their own teaching styles. Without

this information, conflicts would have an effect on students is with a view, that if

a teaching style of teacher matches with the learning style of the student, then the

student is motivated and actively involved English language learning. A

divergence between learning style and teaching causes learning failure, irritation

learning potential and their behavior toward learning.

2. Types of Teaching Styles

There have been several ways of classifying teaching style and each

classification has its merits. This is helpful in understanding if the perceptive from

which it is described is already accepted, otherwise almost all models of teaching

styles look deficient in many respects. Following are some of the popular

contemporary types of teaching and as described by Brown and as detected as

Grahas’s model. Brown (2001) refers teaching styles, to a teacher personal

behavior in transmit data or obtain it from the learner and involve the execution of

the teacher’s philosophy about teaching. Wang (2009) categorized teaching styles

as; a) Authoritarian teaching style, b) Democratic style, c) laissez faire teaching

style, and d) indifferent teaching style.

Grasha (2002) distributes teaching styles into five categories;

a. Expert Style

The teacher has certain knowledge and skills that student’s

requirement. Teachers try to keep status as a specialist among student by

exhibiting detailed facts and figures. He also motivates his student to

enhance their competence through knowledge sharing. The teacher is

generally concerned with passing on information and ensures that students

are well prepared.

The teacher described in this model is basically the know-

everything in the classroom. They are there to guide and direct their

students. Students are nothing more than empty vessels designed to

receive the knowledge being given by the teacher.

b. Formal Authority Style

This style is teacher-centered methodology where instructors are

responsible for provision and control the flow of contents. The formal

authority type keeps status among some students just because of control

over content and their role as a faculty member. The faculty member is

also concerned and tries to get constructive feedback, developing learning

objectives, opportunities and rules of business for students.

These kinds of teachers are the sole person of authority and

leadership. They have more knowledge than the students and hold a higher

status over their students. Classroom management is usually based on

traditional methods involving teacher-designed rules and expectations.

c. Role Model Style

This type is also a teacher-oriented style where the teacher displays

the skills that student should learn. This teaching methodology encourages

student’s involvement in class and addition of their presentation to

included different leaning styles. The teacher believes in “teaching by

personal” and establishes a code of conduct for students how to think and

behave. The teachers supervises, motivates and direct by demonstrates

how to do thing, cheering students to examine and then to follow the

teachers “approach”.

In this method, the teacher leads by example. They show the

student how to find information and how to understand it. The idea is that

the students will learn by watching and copying what the teacher does

exactly as the teacher does it.

d. Facilitator Style

This is considered student-centered approach. In this style, the

teacher acts as a facilitator and student are responsible to attain goal for

different tasks. This styles helps autonomous along with as two-way


learning. The teachers typically devise group activities which need active

learning, student-to-student cooperation and troubleshooting.

This model is just like the facilitator model under inquiry-based

learning. The only difference is that there is a higher focus on group

projects rather than individual work. The teacher still uses an open

classroom, and the focus is still on increasing students’ independence,

hands-on learning, and exploration. However, instead of the student

undergoing this process alone or with the teacher, he will also have a

group of his peers joining him in the learning process.

e. Delegator Style

This is also a student-centered style in which teacher passes on the

control and the obligation for learning to student. The teacher is concerned

with mounting students’ capability to work in a self-directed fashion. In

this way the students move autonomously on plans or as part of

independent teams. Thus, owing to the concreteness and distinctness.

Grasha’s (1994) teaching styles are preferred to differentiate among

English Language Teachers by their teaching style. The above mentioned

styles can be argument for their philosophical value but their abstractness

makes them challenging as far as their measurability is concerned. In

contrast Grasha’s model offer five teaching styles which are described in

term of measurable characteristics n teaching leading to conclude about

teaching styles. The described styles are also reasonable distinct having

empirically measurable.

The delegator style is best-suited for curriculum that requires lab

activities, such as chemistry and biology, or subjects that warrant peer

feedback, like debate and creative writing. Process this style to guided

discovery and inquiry-based learning places the teacher in an observer role

that inspires students by working in tandem toward common goals.

C. Learning Motivation

1. Definition of Motivation

The word “motivation” comes from Latin word “movere” that means to

move (Steers and Poster, in Udrus 2014). Motivation has a broad concept and

definition. It is often used to describe certain sorts of behavior. Campbell &

Kryszewska defines motivation as the reason that causes somebody to act or

behaves in a certain way. In detail, Huitt (2001) define motivation as:

a. An internal state or condition that activities behavior and gives it direction;

b. Desire or want that energize and directs goal-oriented behavior;

c. Influence of need and desire on the intensity and direction of behavior.

From the definition above, it can be concluded the motivation is an

internal state or condition (sometimes described as a need, desire, or want) that

serves to activate or energize behavior and give it direction.

As explained by Shaukat & Nasir (2013), motivation is an energy change

within the person characterized by effective arousal and anticipatory goal reaction.

In addition, Wang (2009) defines motivation as a process that involves three


variables, they are first, energizing which occurs when one has a need or desire, it

is also recognized as the reason for goal directed-behavior or for something and

the second variable is a behavior or action and the third is incentive or goal.

Motivation is a complex psychosomatic procedure. It is generally started

with a requirement and guides to attitude that helps people in attaining their goals.

It is also measured to be an uplifting non-intellectual issue that advances

individual’s excitement, readiness, and pleasure to do and learn thing, and

learning English is no exception. The various methods to figure out this

complexity and finally realize the matter of student motivation are valued as they

can support teachers to foresee and impact the students’ attitude positively.

Consequently, student motivation to learn a language has been examined,

particularly, in the area of second language acquisition (Mufta & Galea 2013).

Student’s motivation as probably the single most important element of

learning. Learning is inherently work; it is pushing the brain to its limits, and thus

can only happen with motivation. Highly motivate student will learn readily and

make any class fun to teach, while unmotivated student will learn very little and

generally make teaching painful and frustrating. Fortunately, research shows that

there is a lot an instructor could do to motivate their student to learn.

It is important to recognize that motivating learning is a central of good

teaching. Often, it is assumed that university student should be motivate to learn

in every class, but that is not a reasonable expectation. Course, requirement,

assignment, and exams exits because the student do not yet have the experience

and wisdom to recognizes which courses to take and what activities they need to

complete in those courses to achieve appropriate educational goal.

Educator, Glenn, (2000) defined motivation as an internal drive that direct

behavior toward some end. According to her statement, there factor that influence

the development of students’ motivation to learn is a competence acquired

through general experience but stimulated most directly through modeling

communication of expectation and direct instructor or socialization by parents and


2. The Achievement of Motivation

The class of motivation differentiates among achievement, power, and

social factors, in the area of achievement of motivation, the work on the goal has

differentiated three separate types of goal, there are mastery goal which focus on

gaining competence or mastering a new set of knowledge or skills; performance

goals which focus on achieving normative-based standards, doing better than

others, or doing well without a lot of effort; and social goals which focus on

relationship among people.

One aspect of this theory is that individuals are motivated to either avoid

failure or achieve success, in the former situation, the individual is more likely to

select easy or diffacult tasks, there by either achieving success or having a good

excuse for way failure occurred. In the latter situation, the individual is more

likely to select moderately difficult tasks which will provide an intersting

challenge, but still keep the high expectation for success.


3. Impacting Motivation in the Class

Shaukat & Natsir (2013) suggested that are a variety of reasons why

individuals may lack in motivation and Stipek provided a list of specific behaviors

associated with high academic achievement. This is an excellent check list to help

students develop the cognitive or self-regulation component of their lives. In

iddition, techer efficacy is a fowerful input variable related to student achievement

as it impacts a teacher’s motivation to engage students in the teaching/learning

process (Proctor, as cited in Huitt, 2000).

4. Kinds of Motivation

Motivation can be differentiated according to its types, needs and

influences. In general, Brown (2000) separates the source of motivation into two

groups, namely intrinsic motivation (behavior and need) and extrinsic motivation

(cognitive, humanistic, and reinforcement).

a. Intrinsic motivation

Intrinsic motivation is generally processed by people having

personal interests in doing something and helping to set their goals. people

ae intrinsically motivated not because accomplishing the activity they do

bring a reward, but because doing the activity itself is a reward. People

seem to engage in the activities for their own sake and not because they

lead to an extrinsic reward (Brown 2000). It means that people do their

activities not because of a reward, for their own sake. They have a

personal interest in doing their activity.


Lepper (cited in Huitt, 2000)notes that a student with intrinsic

motivation participates in his or her learning for its own sake, for the

enjoyment it provides, the learning it permits, or the feeling of

accomplishment it evokes.

b. Extrinsic motivation

According to Brown (2000) extrinsic motivation is if people do his

activity in order to obtain some punishment external to the activity itself

and this kind of motivation refers to learn situation where the reason for

doing task is something other than in interest in task or broader learning

endeavor itself. So, for this case, people will lose motivation and reason to

do something when reward are no longer available and that giving external

reward to them previously with intrinsic motivation can harm the good

effect of it.

However, researcher show that extrinsic motivation effective those

with no motivation and when it is a positive feedback. Comparing those

two types of motivation in a classroom, it becomes clear that intrinsic

motivation produces more potential benefits than make the extrinsic.

Intrinsically motivated student tends to try harder and think more deeply.

Children can be categorized as intrinsically or extrinsically

motivated. Children who are motivated intrinsically exhibit a desire to

learn. Usually they pursue a subject for the pleasure of learning or for a

feeling of accomplishment. Intrinsically motivated student tends to prefer

challenging task and to understanding information in depth. They are more


likely to choose projects that demand greater effort than extrinsically

motivated who usually work to receive some reward or to avoid a penalty.

5. Assessing Motivation

Assessing motivation is an important topic for researcher and practitioners

to know the level of motivation and how to optimize it. Motivation can be

assessed in various ways. Schunk (2008), describes three kinds of methods for

assessing motivation.

a. Direct Observations

It refers to behavioral instances of choice of tasks, effort, and persistence.

It is usually used to measure motivation. Motivated students can be seen

by the observation of students’ persostence at tasks, the effort they expend

to perform well, and how willingly they engage in tasks.

b. Rating by others

Another method to assess motivation is done by observers (teachers,

parents, researchers) to rate students. Rating by others is judgments by

observers of students on characteristics indicative of motivation. One of

the advantage of rating by others is observes may be more objective about

students rather than students do it themselves because it is done by others.

c. Self- reports

Self- reports involve people’s judgment and statement about themselves.

The types of self-reports instruments are questionnaires, interviews,

stimulated recalls, think-aloud and dialogues.


1). Questionnaires are consisted of a number of questions should be

answered by respondents asking about their action and beliefs.

2). An interview is a type of questionnaire in which the questions or points

to discuss are presented by an interviewer and participants answer


3). Stimulated recalls, recall of thoughts accompanying one’s

performances at various times.

4). Think-aloud refresh to students’ verbalizing aloud their thoughts,

actions, and emotions while working on a task.

5). Dialogues are conversation between two or more people.

In fact, self-reports are most commonly used in assessing motivation by

the researchers. For examples, Cameron, (2001) research about students’

motivation in learning English, she used questionnaires to know the students’

motivation. The questionnaires are consisted of some indicators that indicate

students’ extrinsic and intrinsic motivation. The result of the research shows that

questionnaires can measure the level of students’ motivation in learning English.

Besides, Schunk (2012) used interview instrument to know the motivation

of students at Basic Education grade two to speak English. He used it because he

was interested in understanding students’ views about speaking activities directly.

The interview is conducted in their mother tongue to avoid students’

nervous and to encourage the students to speak in more details and without

pressure using English. His interview was consisted of three specific issues. In the

first interview, he asked students to agree or disagree with number of statements

bout their feelings about learning English and about different types of skills and

activities. The second interview focused on their self confidence and the last is he

engaged the students in a self assessment exercise using a unit of material from

English for Me Grade 2. These three interviews allowed the research to collect in

depth information from each student about their motivation in relation to speaking

activities in learning English. Finally, the result of his study showed that

motivation took an important role to encourage students in speaking English. The

study also proved that most of the students thought that they were not ready to

speak English because they did not know English much yet.

Moreover, a number of research by Gardner (2004) also use self-reports to

assess motivation. The attitude/motivation Test Battery is the kind of technical

report to know students’ motivation and attitude toward language learning. It is

consisted of many statements describing students’ perception in learning a

language. AMTB is made to assess non-linguistic aspects in language learning.

Many researchers also adopted AMTB to assess study about attitude and

motivation because the questionnaires are quite and realizable to asses students

motivation. This study also adopted some questionnaires from international

AMTB Research Project by Gardner. This AMTB is the English-language version

for use with students studying English as a foreign language. However, the

researcher only took the questionnaires about motivation which re suitable with

this study.

To strengthen the result of motivation, this study also conducted

observation to the English teaching and learning process. It is done to confirm the

result of motivated students in questionnaires whether they truly have high

motivation or not. Motivated students can be seen by the observation of students’

persistence at tasks, the effort they expend to perform well, and how willingly

they engage in tasks.

6. The Characteristic of Motivated Students

The most successful students are not necessarily those to whom a language

comes very easily. However, they those who display certain characteristics, most

of them clearly associated with motivation, as follows:

The characteristics of motivated students according to Shams (2008) are:

a. Positive task orientation: the student is willing to do tasks and challenges,

and has confidence in his or her success,

b. Ego-involvement: the student finds the task important to succeed in

learning in order to maintain and proem his or her own self-image,

c. Need for achievement: the student has a need to achieve, to overcome

difficulties succeed in what he or she sets out to do

d. High aspirations: the student is ambitious, goes for demanding challenges,

high proficiency, top grades,

e. Goal orientation: the student is very aware of the goal of learning, or of

specific learning activities, and directs his or her efforts toward achieving


f. Perseverance: the student consistently invests a high level of effort in

learning, and is not discouraged by setbacks or apparent lack of progress,

g. Tolerance of ambiguity: the student is not disturbed and frustrated by

situations involving a temporary lack of understanding or confusion: he or

she can live with these patiently in the confidence that understanding will

come later.

D. Conceptual Framework

English Teaching and

Learning Process

Teachers’ Teaching Style

Students’ Motivation
1. Expert Style
2. Formal Authority style 1. Intrinsic Motivation
3. Role Model Style
4. Facilitator Style 2. Extrinsic Motivation
5. Delegator Style

Figure 2.1 Conceptual Framework

This research begins with observe the English teaching and learning

process. In this process, the researcher will analyze the correlation between
6. Facilitator Style
teachers’ teaching style and students’ motivation in learning. The teaching style
and the students’ motivation will analyze by using questionnaire.

E. Hypothesis

The hypothesis of this research is formulated as follows:

1. Null Hypothesis (H0): there is no significant correlation between

English teachers’ teaching style and students’ motivation in learning


2. Alternative Hypothesis (H1): there is a significant correlation between

English teachers’ teaching style and students’ motivation in learning




A. Research Design

The method used in this research was a correlation method in a

quantitative design. In correlation method, the researcher used the correlation

statical test to described and measure between two or more variables.

In the process of writing, researcher did field research. To get data of the

correlation between teachers’ teaching style and students’ motivation in learning,

the researcher distributed questionnaires. Then after data complete, the data

analyzed by the formula of correlation product moment.

B. Population and Sample

This research was focused on the students.

1. Population

The population was all of students at the Eleventh Grade of SMAN 10

Makassar. There were 10 classes that totally 250 students which each class

consisted of 25 students.

2. Sample

The researcher applied purposive sampling technique that only took one

class that consisted of 25 students.


C. Research Instrument

To fulfill the aims above, the study was carried out by descriptive methods

of data collection. The instrument that used in this research was questionnaire. In

this research, questionnaire was formed into close question. The questions were

given, covered 20 questions for teachers’ teaching style, and 20 questions for the

students’ motivation in learning English with five options, including, strongly

agree, agree, undecided, disagree, strongly disagree.

D. Procedure of Collection Data

In collecting the data, this research was focused on the students used

procedures as follows:

1. The researcher explained how to answer the questionnaire

2. The researcher gave the questionnaire to the students of the Eleventh

Grade of SMAN 10 Makassar.

3. The students answered and collected the questionnaire to the researcher.

E. Data Analysis

All of the data analyzed by correlation product to knew the correlation

between the English teachers’ teaching style and students’ motivation in learning.

The correlation product was one of techniques commonly used to seek the

correlation between two variables. Overall the data computing were carried out

with the aid of computer facilities (SPSS) version 16.0. SPSS is application that

use to find out the Person correlation.


The questionnaire was given to students by using Likert scale. It aimed to

asking the sample to respond to a series on statements by indicating whether one

strong agrees (SA), agrees (A), undecided (U), Disagrees (D), or strongly

disagrees (SD) with the statements. Each response was associated with a point

value and an individual’s score was determined by summing the point values for

each statements. The points were values assigned to response to the positive

statements. For the negative statements, the point value will be reverse, SA-5, A-

4, U-3, D-2, and SD-1 for positive statements. For negative statements the point

values were reversed. The data were analyzed as follows:

Tabel 3.1 Likert Scale

Positive Statemnets Negative Statements
Score Score
5 Strongly Agree 1

4 Agree 2

3 Undecided 3

2 Disagree 4

1 Strongly Disagree 5

(Sugiyono, 2008)

To interprete the teachers’ teaching style and students’ motivation in

learning English, the researcher used classification system. The questionnaire

employs 5 categories and rating score range from 20 to 100 in determining the

level of students’ motivation. The interval rating score of the students’ responses

can be shown in the table as follows:


Table 3.2 Scoring Classification of the Teachers’ Teaching Style and

Students’ Motivation in Learning English
No Interval Score Classification
1 85-100 Very High

2 69-84 High

3 52-68 Moderate

4 36-51 Low

5 20-35 Very Low

(Sugiyono, 2008: 135)




A. Finding

1. Teachers’ Teaching Style

The data were obtained by giving questionnaire to the students and

analyzed by using Likert Scale. After analyzing the data, below was the result of

data analyzing. The data were served table which consisted of some forms of

analysis namely classification, frequency, and percentage.

Table 4.1 Classification of the teachers’ teaching style

Data Analysis
No. Classification Frequency Percentage
1 Very High 85-100 8 32%
2 High 69-84 16 64%
3 Moderate 52-68 1 4%
4 Low 36-51 0 0%
5 Very low 20-35 0 0%
Total 25 100%

Based on the table percentage above, there were 25 students who involved

responding all the statements in questionnaire about the teachers’ teaching style.

None or 0% of them from the total number of the students got low score and very

low score. The other 1 student or 4% from the total number of students got

moderate score and there were 16 (64%) from the total number of participants got

high score. Otherwise, there were 8 students or 32% got very high score. To see

clearly the teacher teaching style, the graphic and classification of students’

answer would be shown the result:

Graphic 4.1. The Frequency of the Distribution of Students’ Motivation





2 64% 1
32% 4% 0 0% 0 0%
Very High High Moderate Low Very Low

Based on the graphic above shows that there were 16 (64%)from the total

number of participants got high score and none or 0% of them from the total n

umber of the students got low score and very low score.

a. Item 1

Guru banyak menjelaskan/menerangkan materi dikelas

Table 4.2 The Rate Percentage of Question 1

Data Analysis
No. Classification
Frequency Percentage (%)
1 Strongly Agree 3 12%
2 Agree 6 24%
3 Undecided 9 36%
4 Disagree 6 24%
5 Strongly Disagree 1 4%
Total 25 100%

The table percentage above shows that there were 25 students who

involved to respond all the statements in questionnaire about the teachers’

teaching style. 3 or 12% of them from the total number of the students

chose Strongly Agree and 6 (24%) who chose Agree. There were 9 students

or 36% from the total number of the students who chose Undecided and

there 6 students or 24% from the total number of the students who chose

Disagree. Otherwise, there was 1 student or 4% chose Strongly Disagree.

b. Item 2

Guru memberikan kesimpulan mengenai materi yang telah dipelajari.

Table 4.3 The Rate Percentage of Question 2

Data Analysis
No. Classification
Frequency Percentage (%)
1 Strongly Agree 15 60%
2 Agree 6 24%
3 Undecided 3 12%
4 Disagree 2 8%
5 Strongly Disagree 1 4%
Total 25 100%

Based on the table percentage above, that there were 25 students

who involved responding all the statements in questionnaire about the

teachers’ teaching style. 15 or 60% of them from the total number of the

students chose Strongly Agree and 6 (24%) who chose Agree. There were 3

students or 12% from the total number of students who chose Undecided

and there were 2 students or 8% from the total number of the students who

chose Disagree. Otherwise, there was 1 student or 4% chose Strongly


c. Item 3

Ketika siswa tidak dapat menjawab pertanyaan guru, guru mengjelaskan

kembali materi pelajaran tersebut

Table 4.4 The Rate Percentage of Question

Data Analysis
No. Classification
Frequency Percentage (%)
1 Strongly Agree 12 48%
2 Agree 10 40%
3 Undecided 3 12%
4 Disagree 0 0%
5 Strongly Disagree 0 0%
Total 25 100%

The table percentage above shows that there were 25 students who

involved to respond all the statements in questionnaire about the teachers’

teaching style. 12 or 48% of them from the total number of the students

chose Strongly Agree and 10 (40%) who chose Agree. There were 3

students or 12% from the total number of the students who chose Undecided

and none from the total number of the students who chose Disagree and

Strongly Disagree.

d. Item 4

Ketika menjelaskan materi, guru membimbing siswa untuk dapat melihat

keadaaan lingkungan sekitar yang berkaitan dengan pelajaran

Table 4.5 The Rate Percentage of Question 4

Data Analysis
No. Classification
Frequency Percentage (%)
1 Strongly Agree 0 0%
2 Agree 2 8%
3 Undecided 3 12%
4 Disagree 11 44%
5 Strongly Disagree 9 36%
Total 25 100%

The table percentage above shows that there were 25 students who

involved responding all the statements in questionnaire about the teachers’

teaching style. None of them from the total number of the students chose

Strongly Agree and 2 (8%) who chose Agree. There were 3 students or

12% from the total number of the students who chose Undecided and 11

(44%) from the total number of the students who chose Disagree and 9

(36%) of them chose Strongly Disagree.

The data obtained from the students related with the teachers’ teaching
style especially for expert style
Table 4.6 Classification of Expert Style
Data Analysis
No. Classification
Frequency Percentage (%)
1 Strongly Agree 3,15,12,0 30%
2 Agree 6,6,10,2 24%
3 Undecided 9,6,3,3 18%
4 Disagree 6,2,0,11 19%
Strongly Disagree 1,1,0,9 11%

Based on the table percentage shows that there were 25 students who

involved to respond all the statements in questionnaire about expert style.

There were 30% of them from the total number of the students who chose

Strongly Agree and 24% who chose Agree. There 18% who chose Undecided

and 18% who chose Disagree and 11% Strongly Disagree.

e. Item 5

Ketika belajar, guru mewajibkan siswa untuk fokus mengdengarkan materi

Table 4.7 The Rate Percentage of Question 5
Data Analysis
No. Classification
Frequency Percentage (%)
1 Strongly Agree 8 32%
2 Agree 16 64%
3 Undecided 1 4%
4 Disagree 0 0%
5 Strongly Disagree 0 0%
Total 25 100%

The table percentage above shows that there were 25 students who

involved to respond all the statements in questionnaire about the teachers’

teaching style. There were 8 (32%) of them from the total number of the

students who chose Strongly Agree and 16 (64%) who chose Agree. There

was 1 student or 4% from the total number of the students who chose

Undecided and none from the total number of the students who chose

Disagree and Strongly Disagree.


f. Item 6

Guru selalu meminta siswa untuk bertanya jika ada yang belum dipahami
Table 4.8 The Rate Percentage of Question 6
Data Analysis
No. Classification
Frequency Percentage (%)
1 Strongly Agree 18 72%
2 Agree 6 24%
3 Undecided 0 0%
4 Disagree 0 0%
5 Strongly Disagree 0 0%
Total 25 100%

The table percentage above shows that there were 25 students who

involved to respond all the statements in questionnaire about the teachers’

teaching style. There were 18 (72%) of them from the total number of the

students who chose Strongly Agree and 6 (24%) who chose Agree. None

from the total number of the students who chose Undecided, Disagree, and

Strongly Disagree.

g. Item 7

Ketika menjelaskan, guru memberikan contoh yang mudah dimengerti

Table 4.9 The Rate Percentage of Question 7

Data Analysis
No. Classification
Frequency Percentage (%)
1 Strongly Agree 12 48%
2 Agree 12 48%
3 Undecided 0 0%
4 Disagree 1 4%
5 Strongly Disagree 0 0%
Total 25 100%

The table percentage above shows that there were 25 students who

involved to respond all the statements in questionnaire about the teachers’

teaching style. There were 18 (72%) of them from the total number of the

students who chose Strongly Agree and 6 (24%) who chose Agree. None

from the total number of the students who chose Undecided, Disagree, and

Strongly Disagree.

h. Item 8

Guru menerangkan materi lebih rincih agar mudah dipahami oleh siswa
Table 4.10 The Rate Percentage of Question 8
Data Analysis
No. Classification
Frequency Percentage (%)
1 Strongly Agree 10 40%
2 Agree 13 52%
3 Undecided 2 8%
4 Disagree 0 0%
5 Strongly Disagree 0 0%
Total 25 100%

The table percentage above shows that there were 25 students who

involved to respond all the statements in questionnaire about the teachers’

teaching style. There were 10 (40%) of them from the total number of the

students who chose Strongly Agree and 13 (52%) who chose Agree. There

were 2 students or 8% from the total number of the students who chose

Undecided and none from the total number of the students who chose

Disagree and Strongly Disagree.


The data obtained from the students related with the teachers’ teaching

style especially for formal authority style

Table 4.11 Classification of Formal Authority Style

Data Analysis
No. Classification
Frequency Percentage (%)
1 Strongly Agree 8,18,12,10 48%
2 Agree 16,6,12,13 47%
3 Undecided 1,0,0,2 3%
4 Disagree 0,0,1,0 1%
5 Strongly Disagree 0,0,0,0 0%
Based on the table percentage shows that there were 25 students who

involved to respond all the statements in questionnaire about formal authority

style. There were 48% of them from the total number of the students who

chose Strongly Agree and 47% who chose Agree. There 3% who chose

Undecided and 1% who chose Disagree and 0% Strongly Disagree.

i. Item 9

Ketika menjelaskan materi, guru menggunakan gambar yang sesuai dengan

materi yang dipelajari

Table 4.12 The Rate Percentage of Question 9

Data Analysis
No. Classification
Frequency Percentage (%)
1 Strongly Agree 9 36%
2 Agree 13 52%
3 Undecided 2 8%
4 Disagree 1 4%
5 Strongly Disagree 0 0%
Total 25 100%

The table percentage above shows that there were 25 students who

involved to respond all the statements in questionnaire about the teachers’

teaching style. There were 9 (36%) of them from the total number of the

students who chose Strongly Agree and 13 (52%) who chose Agree. There

were 2 students or 8% from the total number of the students who chose

Undecided. There was 1 (4%) student who chose Disagree and none from

the total number of the students who chose Strongly Disagree.

j. Item 10

Ketika menjelaskan materi, guru menggunakan gambar yang sesuai

dengan materi yang dipelajari
Table 4.13 The Rate Percentage of Question 10
Data Analysis
No. Classification
Frequency Percentage (%)
1 Strongly Agree 7 28%
2 Agree 4 16%
3 Undecided 12 48%
4 Disagree 2 8%
5 Strongly Disagree 0 0%
Total 25 100%

The table percentage above shows that there were 25 students who

involved to respond all the statements in questionnaire about the teachers’

teaching style. There were 7 (28%) of them from the total number of the

students who chose Strongly Agree and 4 (16%) who chose Agree. There

were 12 students or 48% from the total number of the students who chose

Undecided. There were 2 (8%) student who chose Disagree and none from

the total number of the students who chose Strongly Disagree.


k. Item 11

Guru menugaskan kepada siswa untuk mencari materi lengkap yang

berkaitan dengan materi tang telah dipelajari
Table 4.14 The Rate Percentage of Question 11
Data Analysis
No. Classification
Frequency Percentage (%)
1 Strongly Agree 22 88%
2 Agree 2 8%
3 Undecided 1 4%
4 Disagree 0 0%
5 Strongly Disagree 0 0%
Total 25 100%
The table percentage above shows that there were 25 students who

involved to respond all the statements in questionnaire about the teachers’

teaching style. There were 22 (88%) of them from the total number of the

students who chose Strongly Agree and 2 (8%) who chose Agree. There

was 1 student or 4% from the total number of the students who chose

Undecided. None from the total number of the students who chose

Disagree and Strongly Disagree.

l. Item 12

Ketika belajar, guru memberikan beberapa pertanyaan kepada siswa

tentang materi yang sedang dipelajari
Table 4.15 The Rate Percentage of Question 12
Data Analysis
No. Classification
Frequency Percentage (%)
1 Strongly Agree 1 4%
2 Agree 14 56%
3 Undecided 6 24%
4 Disagree 4 16%
5 Strongly Disagree 0 0%
Total 25 100%

The table percentage above shows that there were 25 students who

involved to respond all the statements in questionnaire about the teachers’

teaching style. There was 1 (4%) of them from the total number of the

students who chose Strongly Agree and 14 (56%) who chose Agree. There

were 6 student or 24% from the total number of the students who chose

Undecided. There were 4 (16%) from the total number of the students who

chose Disagree and none chose Strongly Disagree.

The data obtained from the students related with the teachers’ teaching

style especially for role model/personal style

Table 4.16 Classification of Role Model Style

Data Analysis
No. Classification
Frequency Percentage (%)
1 Strongly Agree 9,7,22,1 39%
2 Agree 13,4,2,14 33%
3 Undecided 2,12,1,6 21%
4 Disagree 1,2,0,4 7%
5 Strongly Disagree 0,0,0,0 0%
Based on the table percentage shows that there were 25 students who

involved to respond all the statements in questionnaire about role

model/personal style. There were 39% of them from the total number of the

students who chose Strongly Agree and 33% who chose Agree. There 21%

who chose Undecided and 7% who chose Disagree and 0% Strongly Disagree.

m. Item 13

Ketika siswa tidak dapat menjawab pertanyaan guru, siswa dapat

meminta bantuan teman lainnya untuk menjawab
Table 4.17 The Rate Percentage of Question 13
Data Analysis
No. Classification
Frequency Percentage (%)
1 Strongly Agree 1 4%
2 Agree 4 16%
3 Undecided 2 8%
4 Disagree 10 40%
5 Strongly Disagree 8 32%
Total 25 100%

The table percentage above shows that there were 25 students who

involved to respond all the statements in questionnaire about the teachers’

teaching style. There was 1 (4%) of them from the total number of the

students who chose Strongly Agree and 4 (16%) who chose Agree. There

were 2 student or 8% from the total number of the students who chose

Undecided. There were 10 (40%) from the total number of the students

who chose Disagree and there were 8 (32%) students who chose Strongly


n. Item 14

Sebelum belajar, guru memberikan beberapa pertanyaan tentang materi

yang lalu
Table 4.18 The Rate Percentage of Question 14
Data Analysis
No. Classification
Frequency Percentage (%)
1 Strongly Agree 10 40%
2 Agree 8 32%
3 Undecided 5 20%
4 Disagree 2 8%
5 Strongly Disagree 0 0%
Total 25 100%

The table percentage above shows that there were 25 students who

involved to respond all the statements in questionnaire about the teachers’

teaching style. There were 10 (40%) of them from the total number of the

students who chose Strongly Agree and 8 (32%) who chose Agree. There

were 5 students or 20% from the total number of the students who chose

Undecided. There were 2 (8%) from the total number of the students who

chose Disagree and there none students who chose Strongly Disagree.

o. Item 15

Ketika siswa tidak dapat menyimpulkan materi yang telah disampaikan,

guru mengarahkan siswa untuk dapat menyimpulkan materi tersebut

Table 4.19 The Rate Percentage of Question 15

Data Analysis
No. Classification
Frequency Percentage (%)
1 Strongly Agree 23 92%
2 Agree 5 20%
3 Undecided 3 12%
4 Disagree 3 12%
5 Strongly Disagree 3 12%
Total 25 100%
The table percentage above shows that there were 25 students who

involved to respond all the statements in questionnaire about the teachers’

teaching style. There were 23 (92%) of them from the total number of the

students who chose Strongly Agree and 5 (20%) who chose Agree. There

were 3 students or 12% from the total number of the students who chose

Undecided. There were 3 (12%) from the total number of the students who

chose Disagree and there were 3 (12%) students who chose Strongly


p. Item 16

Guru menggunakan media pembelajaran yang menarik agar siswa

bersemangat dalam belajar
Table 4.20 The Rate Percentage of Question 16
Data Analysis
No. Classification
Frequency Percentage (%)
1 Strongly Agree 13 52%
2 Agree 9 36%
3 Undecided 3 12%
4 Disagree 0 0%
5 Strongly Disagree 1 4%
Total 25 100%

The table percentage above shows that there were 25 students who

involved to respond all the statements in questionnaire about the teachers’

teaching style. There were 13 (52%) of them from the total number of the

students who chose Strongly Agree and 9 (36%) who chose Agree. There

were 3 students or 12% from the total number of the students who chose

Undecided. None from the total number of the students who chose

Disagree and there was 1 (4%) students who chose Strongly Disagree.

The data obtained from the students related with the teachers’ teaching

style especially for facilitator/activity style

Table 4.20 Classification of Facilitator/Activity Style

Data Analysis
No. Classification
Frequency Percentage (%)
1 Strongly Agree 1,10,23,13 47%
2 Agree 4,8,5,9 26%
3 Undecided 2,5,3,3 13%
4 Disagree 10,2,3,0 15%
5 Strongly Disagree 8,0,3,1 12%

Based on the table percentage shows that there were 25 students who

involved to respond all the statements in questionnaire about

facilitator/activity style. There were 47% of them from the total number of the

students who chose Strongly Agree and 26% who chose Agree. There 13%

who chose Undecided and 15% who chose Disagree and 12% Strongly


q. Item 17

Guru menganjurkan siswa untuk berdiskusi kelompok mengenai materi

yang akan dipelajari
Table 4.21 The Rate Percentage of Question 17
Data Analysis
No. Classification
Frequency Percentage (%)
1 Strongly Agree 14 56%
2 Agree 11 44%
3 Undecided 0 0%
4 Disagree 0 0%
5 Strongly Disagree 0 0%
Total 25 100%

The table percentage above shows that there were 25 students who

involved to respond all the statements in questionnaire about the teachers’

teaching style. There were 14 (5%) of them from the total number of the

students who chose Strongly Agree and 11 (44%) who chose Agree. None

from the total number of the students who chose Undecided, Disagree and

Strongly Disagree.

r. Item 18
Guru hanya memberikan intruksi pada siswa agar memahami sendiri
materi yang akan depelajari
Table 4.22 The Rate Percentage of Question 18
Data Analysis
No. Classification
Frequency Percentage (%)
1 Strongly Agree 10 40%
2 Agree 10 40%
3 Undecided 5 20%
4 Disagree 0 0%
5 Strongly Disagree 0 0%
Total 25 100%
The table percentage above shows that there were 25 students who

involved to respond all the statements in questionnaire about the teachers’

teaching style. There were 10 (40%) of them from the total number of the

students who chose Strongly Agree and 10 (40%) who chose Agree. There

were 5 students or 20% from the total number of the students who chose

Undecided. None from the total number of the students who chose

Disagree and Strongly Disagree.

s. Item 19

Guru memberikan kesempatan kepada siswa untuk memberikan kritik dan

saran mengenai pelajaran yang telah depelajari
Table 4.23 The Rate Percentage of Question 19
Data Analysis
No. Classification
Frequency Percentage (%)
1 Strongly Agree 12 48%
2 Agree 10 40%
3 Undecided 2 8%
4 Disagree 0 0%
5 Strongly Disagree 1 4%
Total 25 100%

The table percentage above shows that there were 25 students who

involved to respond all the statements in questionnaire about the teachers’

teaching style. There were 12 (49%) of them from the total number of the

students who chose Strongly Agree and 10 (40%) who chose Agree. There

were 2 students or 8% from the total number of the students who chose

Undecided. None from the total number of the students who chose

Disagree and there was 1 (4%) student who chose Strongly Disagree.

t. Item 20

Guru memerintahkan kepada siswa agar membawa bahan pelajaran yang

dapat membantu siswa dalam proses pembelajaran contoh lain adalah
Table 4.24 The Rate Percentage of Question 20
Data Analysis
No. Classification
Frequency Percentage (%)
1 Strongly Agree 15 60%
2 Agree 3 12%
3 Undecided 5 20%
4 Disagree 2 8%
5 Strongly Disagree 0 0%
Total 25 100%

The table percentage above shows that there were 25 students who

involved to respond all the statements in questionnaire about the teachers’

teaching style. There were 15 (60%) of them from the total number of the

students who chose Strongly Agree and 3 (12%) who chose Agree. There

were 5 students or 20% from the total number of the students who chose

Undecided. There were 2 (8%) from the total number of the students who

chose Disagree and none of them who chose Strongly Disagree.


The data obtained from the students related with the teachers’ teaching

style especially for delegator/group style

Table 4.25 Classification of Delegator/Group Style

Data Analysis
No. Classification
Frequency Percentage (%)
1 Strongly Agree 14,10,12,20 56%
2 Agree 11,10,10,3 34%
3 Undecided 0,5,2,5 12%
4 Disagree 0,0,0,2 2%
5 Strongly Disagree 0,0,1,0 1%

Based on the table percentage shows that there were 25 students who

involved to respond all the statements in questionnaire about delegator/group

style. There were 56% of them from the total number of the students who

chose Strongly Agree and 34% who chose Agree. There 12% who chose

Undecided and 2% who chose Disagree and 1% Strongly Disagree.

Based on the data analysis above, the researcher found that the

students most interested with the Delegator/Group model styles. The data

showed that there were 56% of students who chose strongly agree for

Delegator/Group styles. There were 47% who chose strongly agree for

Facilitator/Activity styles. The others, there were 48% of students who chose

strongly agree for Authority style. 39% of the students who chose strongly

agree for Role model/Personal style and there were 30% out of the students

who chose strongly agree for Expert style.


2. The Students’ Motivation in Learning English

Table 4.26 Classification of the Students’ Motivation

Data Analysis
No. Classification Frequency Percentage
1 Very High 85-100 3 12%
2 High 69-84 13 52%
3 Moderate 52-68 8 32%
4 Low 36-51 1 4%
5 Very low 20-35 0 0%
Total 25 100%

Based on the table percentage above, there were 25 students who involved

to respond all the statements in questionnaire about the students’ motivation in

learning English. None or 0% of them from the total number of the students got

Very Low score and the was 1 (4%) student who got Low score. There were 8

(32%) students who got Moderate score. There were 13 (52%) from the total

number of participants got High score. Otherwise, there were 3 students or 12%

got Very High score. To see clearly the teacher teaching style, the graphic and

classification of students’ answer would be shown the result


Graphic 4.2 The Frequency of the Distribution of Students’ Motivation

14 13


6 Percentage

4 3

2 52%
12% 32% 4% 0 0%
Very High High Moderate Low Very Low

Based on the graphic above shows that there were 13 (52) from the total

number of participants got high score and none or 0% got very low score.

a. Item 1

Saya suka pelajaran bahasa Inggris

Table 4.27 The Rate Percentage of Question 1

Data Analysis
No. Classification
Frequency Percentage (%)
1 Strongly Agree 8 32%
2 Agree 9 36%
3 Undecided 8 32%
4 Disagree 0 0%
5 Strongly Disagree 0 0%
Total 25 100%

The table percentage above shows that there were 25 students who

involved to respond all the statements in questionnaire about the students’


motivation in learning English. There were 8 (32%) of them from the total

number of the students who chose Strongly Agree and 9 (36%) who chose

Agree. There were 8 students or 32% from the total number of the students

who chose Undecided. None from the total number of the students who

chose Disagree and Strongly Disagree.

b. Item 2

Belajar bahasa Inggris adalah hobby saya

Table 4.28 The Rate Percentage of Question 3

Data Analysis
No. Classification
Frequency Percentage (%)
1 Strongly Agree 3 12%
2 Agree 6 24%
3 Undecided 15 60%
4 Disagree 1 4%
5 Strongly Disagree 0 0%
Total 25 100%

The table percentage above shows that there were 25 students who

involved to respond all the statements in questionnaire. There were 3

(12%) of them from the total number of the students who chose Strongly

Agree and 6 (24%) who chose Agree. There were 15 students or 60% from

the total number of the students who chose Undecided. There was 1 (4%)

the total number of the students who chose Disagree and and none of them

chose Strongly Disagree.


c. Item 3

Saya merasa tertantang untuk mempelajari bahasa Inggris

Table 4.29 The Rate Percentage of Question 3

Data Analysis
No. Classification
Frequency Percentage (%)
1 Strongly Agree 9 36%
2 Agree 11 44%
3 Undecided 4 16%
4 Disagree 1 4%
5 Strongly Disagree 0 0%
Total 25 100%

The table percentage above shows that there were 25 students who

involved to respond all the statements in. There were 9 (36%) of them

from the total number of the students who chose Strongly Agree and 11

(44%) who chose Agree. There were 4 students or 16% from the total

number of the students who chose Undecided. There was 1 (4%) the total

number of the students who chose Disagree and and none of them chose

Strongly Disagree.

d. Item 4

Belajar bahasa Inggris itu sangat menyenangkan

Table 4.30 The Rate Percentage of Question 4
Data Analysis
No. Classification
Frequency Percentage (%)
1 Strongly Agree 4 16%
2 Agree 14 56%
3 Undecided 5 20%
4 Disagree 2 8%
5 Strongly Disagree 0 0%
Total 25 100%

The table percentage above shows that there were 25 students who

involved to respond all the statements in the questionnaire. There were 4

(16%) of them from the total number of the students who chose Strongly

Agree and 14 (56%) who chose Agree. There were 5 students or 20% from

the total number of the students who chose Undecided. There were 2 (8%)

the total number of the students who chose Disagree and and none of them

chose Strongly Disagree.

e. Item 5

Saya lebih suka belajar bahasa Inggris daripada bahasa yang lain

Table 4.31 The Rate Percentage of Question 5

Data Analysis
No. Classification
Frequency Percentage (%)
1 Strongly Agree 3 12%
2 Agree 4 16%
3 Undecided 11 44%
4 Disagree 6 24%
5 Strongly Disagree 1 4%
Total 25 100%

The table percentage above shows that there were 25 students who

involved to respond all the statements in the questionnaire. There were 3

(12%) of them from the total number of the students who chose Strongly

Agree and 4 (16%) who chose Agree. There were 11 students or 44% from

the total number of the students who chose Undecided. There were 6

(24%) the total number of the students who chose Disagree and and 1

(4%) of them chose Strongly Disagree.


f. Item 6

Menurut saya, belajar bahasa Inggris itu mudah

Table 4.32 The Rate Percentage of Question 6

Data Analysis
No. Classification
Frequency Percentage (%)
1 Strongly Agree 1 4%
2 Agree 7 28%
3 Undecided 9 36%
4 Disagree 6 24%
5 Strongly Disagree 2 8%
Total 25 100%

The table percentage above shows that there were 25 students who

involved to respond all the statements in questionnaire about the students’

motivation. There was 1 (4%) of them from the total number of the

students who chose Strongly Agree and 7 (28%) who chose Agree. There

were 9 students or 36% from the total number of the students who chose

Undecided. There were 6 (24%) the total number of the students who

chose Disagree and and 2 (8%) of them chose Strongly Disagree.

g. Item 7

Saya ingin bisa berbicara menggunakan bahasa Inggris dengan orang

luar negeri
Table 4.33 The Rate Percentage of Question 7
Data Analysis
No. Classification
Frequency Percentage (%)
1 Strongly Agree 17 68%
2 Agree 7 28%
3 Undecided 1 4%
4 Disagree 0 0%
5 Strongly Disagree 0 0%
Total 25 100%

The table percentage above shows that there were 25 students who

involved to respond all the statements in questionnaire about the students’

motivation in learning English. There were 17 (68%) of them from the

total number of the students who chose Strongly Agree and 7 (28%) who

chose Agree. There was 1 students or 4% from the total number of the

students who chose Undecided. None of them who chose Disagree and

Strongly Disagree.

h. Item 8

Menurut saya bahasa Inggris sangat penting untuk dipelajari

Table 4.34 The Rate Percentage of Question 8
Data Analysis
No. Classification
Frequency Percentage (%)
1 Strongly Agree 15 60%
2 Agree 7 28%
3 Undecided 3 12%
4 Disagree 0 0%
5 Strongly Disagree 0 0%
Total 25 100%

Based on the table percentage above, that there were 25 students

who involved responding all the statements in questionnaire about the

students’ motivation. 15 or 60% of them from the total number of the

students chose Strongly Agree and 7 (28%) who chose Agree. There were 3

students or 12% from the total number of students who chose Undecided

and none from the total number of the students who chose Disagree and

Strongly Disagree.

i. Item 9

Saya mencoba berbicara dengan menggunakan bahasa Inggris sesering

mungkin didalam kelas.

Table 4.35 The Rate Percentage of Question 9

Data Analysis
No. Classification
Frequency Percentage (%)
1 Strongly Agree 3 12%
2 Agree 6 24%
3 Undecided 10 40%
4 Disagree 5 20%
5 Strongly Disagree 1 4%
Total 25 100%

Based on the table percentage above, that there were 25 students

who involved responding all the statements in questionnaire about the

students’ motivation. 3 or 12% of them from the total number of the

students chose Strongly Agree and 6 (24%) who chose Agree. There were

10 students or 20% from the total number of students who chose Undecided

and there were 5 students or 20% from the total number of the students who

chose Disagree. Otherwise, there was 1 student or 4% chose Strongly


j. Item 10

Belajar bahasa Inggris memungkinkan agar bisa mengtransfer

pengetahuan saya seperti memberikan intruksi kepada turis.
Table 4.36 The Rate Percentage of Question 10
Data Analysis
No. Classification
Frequency Percentage (%)
1 Strongly Agree 8 32%
2 Agree 11 44%
3 Undecided 5 20%
4 Disagree 1 4%
5 Strongly Disagree 0 0%
Total 25 100%
The table percentage above shows that there were 25 students who

involved to respond all the statements in questionnaire about students’

motivation. There were 8 (32%) of them from the total number of the

students who chose Strongly Agree and 11 (44%) who chose Agree. There

were 5 students or 20% from the total number of the students who chose

Undecided. There was 1 (4%) student who chose Disagree and none from

the total number of the students who chose Strongly Disagree.

k. Item 11

saya senang belajar bahasa Inggris karena ingin mendapatkan nilai yang
Table 4.37 The Rate Percentage of Question 11
Data Analysis
No. Classification
Frequency Percentage (%)
1 Strongly Agree 8 32%
2 Agree 7 28%
3 Undecided 6 24%
4 Disagree 3 12%
5 Strongly Disagree 1 4%
Total 25 100%

The table percentage above shows that there were 25 students who

involved to respond all the statements in questionnaire about the students’

motivation. There were 8 (32%) of them from the total number of the

students who chose Strongly Agree and 7 (28%) who chose Agree. There

were 6 student or 24% from the total number of the students who chose

Undecided. There were 3 (12%) from the total number of the students who

chose Disagree and there was 1 (4%) students who chose Strongly


l. Item 12

Saya senang berdiskusi di kelas dengan menggunakan bahasa Inggris

supaya teman-teman memuji saya.

Table 4.38 The Rate Percentage of Question 12

Data Analysis
No. Classification
Frequency Percentage (%)
1 Strongly Agree 0 0%
2 Agree 1 4%
3 Undecided 4 16%
4 Disagree 13 52%
5 Strongly Disagree 7 28%
Total 25 100%
Based on the table percentage above, that there were 25 students who

involved responding all the statements in questionnaire about the students’

motivation. None from the total number of the students chose Strongly Agree and

1 (4%) who chose Agree. There were 14 students or 16% from the total number of

students who chose Undecided and there were 13 students or 52% from the total

number of the students who chose Disagree. Otherwise, there were 7 students or

28% chose Strongly Disagree.


m. Item 13

Belajar bahasa Inggris membuat saya bisa disukai oleh guru.

Table 4.39 The Rate Percentage of Question 13

Data Analysis
No. Classification
Frequency Percentage (%)
1 Strongly Agree 3 12%
2 Agree 6 24%
3 Undecided 8 32%
4 Disagree 9 36%
5 Strongly Disagree 0 0%
Total 25 100%
The table percentage above shows that there were 25 students who

involved to respond all the statements in questionnaire about studensts’

motivation. There were 3 (12%) of them from the total number of the

students who chose Strongly Agree and 6 (24%) who chose Agree. There

ware 8 students or 32% from the total number of the students who chose

Undecided. There were 9 (36%) students who chose Disagree and none

from the total number of the students who chose Strongly Disagree.

n. Item 14

saya suka mengikuti kegiatan-kegiatan yang menganjurkan berbicara

bahasa Inggris supaya bisa memiliki banyak teman.
Table 4.40 The Rate Percentage of Question 14
Data Analysis
No. Classification
Frequency Percentage (%)
1 Strongly Agree 2 8%
2 Agree 7 28%
3 Undecided 8 32%
4 Disagree 8 32%
5 Strongly Disagree 0 0%
Total 25 100%

The table percentage above shows that there were 25 students who

involved to respond all the statements in questionnaire about studensts’

motivation. There were 2 (8%) of them from the total number of the

students who chose Strongly Agree and 7 (28%) who chose Agree. There

were 8 students or 32% from the total number of the students who chose

Undecided. There were 8 (32%) students who chose Disagree and none

from the total number of the students who chose Strongly Disagree.

o. Item 15

Saya berusaha untuk menghafal kosakata bahasa Inggris sebanyak

mungkin supaya guru mengenal saya.

Table 4.41 The Rate Percentage of Question 15

Data Analysis
No. Classification
Frequency Percentage (%)
1 Strongly Agree 1 4%
2 Agree 6 24%
3 Undecided 9 36%
4 Disagree 9 36%
5 Strongly Disagree 0 0%
Total 25 100%

Based on the table percentage above, that there were 25 students

who involved responding all the statements in questionnaire about the

students’ motivation. 1 or 4% of them from the total number of the students

chose Strongly Agree and 6 (24%) who chose Agree. There were 9 students

or 39% from the total number of students who chose Undecided and 9 or

36% from the total number of the students who chose Disagree and none

from the total number of the students who chose Strongly Disagree.

p. Item 16

saya termotivasibelajar bahasa Inggris agar bisa berprestasi di sekolah.

Table 4.41 The Rate Percentage of Question 16

Data Analysis
No. Classification
Frequency Percentage (%)
1 Strongly Agree 7 28%
2 Agree 14 56%
3 Undecided 2 8%
4 Disagree 1 4%
5 Strongly Disagree 1 4%
Total 25 100%
Based on the table percentage above, that there were 25 students

who involved responding all the statements in questionnaire about the

students’ motivation. There were 7 students or 28% from the total

number of the students chose Strongly Agree and 14 (56%) who chose

Agree. There were 14 students or 56% from the total number of students

who chose Undecided and there was 1 students or 4% from the total

number of the students who chose Disagree. Otherwise, there was 1

student or 4% chose Strongly Disagree.


q. Item 17

Orang tua saya menganjurkan agar menguasai bahasa Inggris.

Table 4.43 The Rate Percentage of Question 17

Data Analysis
No. Classification
Frequency Percentage (%)
1 Strongly Agree 7 28%
2 Agree 5 20%
3 Undecided 8 32%
4 Disagree 3 12%
5 Strongly Disagree 2 8%
Total 25 100%

The table percentage above shows that there were 25 students who

involved to respond all the statements in questionnaire about the teachers’

teaching style. 7 or (28%) of them from the total number of the students

chose Strongly Agree and 5 (20%) who chose Agree. There were 8 students

or 32% from the total number of the students who chose Undecided and 3

(12%) from the total number of the students who chose Disagree and 2 (8%)

of them chose Strongly Disagree.

r. Item 18

Saya selalu antusias dalam belajar bahasa Inggris karena ingin bersaing
dengan teman-teman.
Table 4.44 The Rate Percentage of Question 18
Data Analysis
No. Classification
Frequency Percentage (%)
1 Strongly Agree 2 8%
2 Agree 6 24%
3 Undecided 9 36%
4 Disagree 6 24%
5 Strongly Disagree 2 8%
Total 25 100%

Based on the table percentage above, that there were 25 students

who involved responding all the statements in questionnaire about the

students’ motivation. There were 2 or 8% of them from the total number of

the students chose Strongly Agree and 6 (24%) who chose Agree. There

were 9 or 36% from the total number of students who chose Undecided and

6 or 24% from the total number of the students who chose Disagree and 2 or

(8%) from the total number of the students who chose Strongly Disagree.

s. Item 19

Saya selalu berusaha mencari arti kosakata yang sulit dalam proses

pembelajaran supaya bisa menjawab jika ada pertanyaan dari guru.

Table 4.45 The Rate Percentage of Question 19

Data Analysis
No. Classification
Frequency Percentage (%)
1 Strongly Agree 13 52%
2 Agree 8 32%
3 Undecided 1 4%
4 Disagree 8 32%
5 Strongly Disagree 0 0%
Total 25 100%

Based on the table percentage above, that there were 25 students

who involved responding all the statements in questionnaire about the

students’ motivation. There were 15 or 52% of them from the total number

of the students chose Strongly Agree and 8 (32%) who chose Agree. There

was 1 student or 4% from the total number of students who chose


Undecided and 8 or 32% from the total number of the students who chose

Disagree and none from the total number of the students who chose

Strongly Disagree.

t. Item 20

Saya termotivasi belajar bahasa Inggris karena ingin kuliah diluar negeri.

Table 4.46 The Rate Percentage of Question 20

Data Analysis
No. Classification
Frequency Percentage (%)
1 Strongly Agree 15 60%
2 Agree 2 8%
3 Undecided 5 20%
4 Disagree 2 8%
5 Strongly Disagree 1 4%
Total 25 100%
Based on the table percentage above, that there were 25 students

who involved responding all the statements in questionnaire about the

students’ motivation. There were 15 or 52% of them from the total number

of the students chose Strongly Agree and 2 (8%) who chose Agree. There

were 5 or 20% from the total number of students who chose Undecided

and 2 or 8% from the total number of the students who chose Disagree and

1 or (4%) from the total number of the students who chose Strongly


3. The Correlation between the Teachers’ Teaching Style and the Students’

Motivation in Learning English

Table 4.47 The Correlation Product Between teachers’ style and

Students’ Motivation

Teaching Style Students’ motivation
Teachers’ Pearson Correlation
1 .082
Teaching style
Sig. (2-tailed) .695
N 25 25
Students’ Pearson Correlation
.082 1
Sig. (2-tailed) .695
N 25 25

The result of Pearson correlation shown that there was no a significant

correlation between teachers’ teaching style and students’ motivation in learning

English as described significant value is 0.695.

B. Discussion

As the researcher wrote at the first chapter, this research purposed to find

out the correlation between the English teachers’ teaching style and students’

motivation in learning English at the eleventh grade of SMAN 10 Makassar. We

have to knew that the students’ motivation was one of the factor that could be

influence in learning at the class and mostly the students more motivated to

studying depends on the ways of the teachers’ teaching style when they teach in

class. This section discusses the result of the data analysis. It consists of teachers’

teaching style, the students’ motivation and the correlation between teachers’

teaching style and students’ motivation.

1. Teachers’ Teaching Style

Pratt (2002) investigated the influence of teacher behavior in relation to

teaching styles on motivational climate and showed that the pupil centered

reciprocal and guided discovery styles resulted in more mastery and less

performance focused teaching behavior than traditional command practice styles.

Based on the theory above, showed that there was correlation with the

result. Because the questionnaire has given to the students, and then the researcher

counted the data related with the students’ answer. After analyzing the data

showed that there were 35 students who involved responding all the statements in

questionnaire about the teachers’ teaching style. None or 0% of them from the

total number of the students got low score and very low score. The other 1 student

or 4% from the total number of students got moderate score and there were 16

(64%) from the total number of participants got high score. Otherwise, there were

8 students or 32% got very high score.

Addition, from the data showed that the student mostly like or interest

with delegator style there were 56% chose strongly agree.

2. Students’ Motivation

The questionnaire has given to the students, and then the researcher

counted the data related with the students’ answer. After analyzing the data

showed that out of 25 students who involved responding all the statements in

questionnaire about the students’ motivation in learning English. None or 0% of

them from the total number of the students got Very Low score and there was 1 or

(4%) student who got Low score. There were 8 (32%) students who got Moderate

score. There were 13 (52%) from the total number of participants got High score.

Otherwise, there were 3 students or 12% got Very High score.

The researcher was found out that the result was appropriate with one of

the theory about motivation in learning English as expert explained following.

Siriluck Wechsumangkalo and Sirithip Prasertrattanadecho (2004) conducted a

study which indicated clearly that high English proficiency subjects are more

integrative motivated than low English proficiency subjects. However, there was

no significant difference in the level of instrumental motivation between two

groups of subjects. Moreover, the study showed that high English proficiency

subjects are more motivated than low English proficiency subjects with low

English achievement.

1. The Correlation between Teachers’ Teaching Style and Students’


The result was very different between previous finding that showed that

the teachers’ teaching style influence the students’ motivation as Gardner and

Mahmood explained.

Gardner (2004) describes as the teacher’s presences and the nature and

quality of the encounter with students. The teaching styles either motivate the

student towards the subject. In particular, teaching styles have greater impact,

when a foreign language is taught. Teaching styles have great impact on students’

motivation and their achievement in the subject.

Mahmood, (2014) states that the demonstrated effect on teachers teaching

style on student motivation suggests a clear understanding among teachers can be

of use to motivate students. Teacher consciously is given expertise in more than

one teaching styles and skill to shift teaching styles considering the nature of


Based on the Pearson correlation analysis, there is no a significant

correlation between teachers’ teaching style and students’ motivation in learning

English as described significant value is 0.695. This data was analyzed by using

SPSS version 16.0.




A. Conclusion

1. Based on the data analysis, the researcher found that the teachers’ teaching

style which the students mostly interested was delegator style that got high

score were 56% chose strongly agree.

2. The result of teachers’ teaching style showed that most of the students of

SMAN 10 Makassar got high score 16 (64%) from the total number of

participants and there were 8 students or 32% got very high score.

Otherwise, the result of motivation showed that there were 13 (52%) from

the total number of participants got High score and there were 3 students

or 12% got very high score. The last the researcher concluded that there

was no a significant correlation between teachers’ teaching style and

students’ motivation in learning English as described significant value is


B. Suggestion

Based on the conclusion above, there are some suggestions given.

1. For the Students at SMAN 10 Makassar

The students should be more creative to find a way and should to improve

their English in all aspects in order to the students’ more easy to learning English

from the book, because nowadays many good that written in English and easy to


2. For the English Teacher at SMAN 10 Makassar

In teaching English, the teacher must be creative in developing the

students’ motivation in learning and the teacher should arrange one method of

teaching to make the students motivated in learning.

3. For the Next Researcher

The next researcher could learn this study and get motivation to looking

for the similarity topic and try to get the problem solving and use this thesis as

additional reference.


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 Isilah kolom yang disediakan dengan memberi tanda (√)

 Apabila ada yang kurang jelas, maka tanyakanlah pada peneliti.


SS: Sangat setuju TS: Tidak setuju

S: Setuju STS: Sangat tidak setuju
RR: Ragu-ragu
No Pertanyaan SS S RR TS STS
1 Saya suka pelajaran bahasa Inggris
2 Belajar bahasa Inggris adalah hobby saya
3 Saya merasa tertantang untuk mempelajari
bahasa Inggris
4 Belajar bahasa Inggris itu sangat
5 Saya lebih suka belajar bahasa Inggris
daripada bahasa yang lain
6 Menurut saya, belajar bahasa Inggris itu
7 Saya ingin bisa berbicara menggunakan
bahasa Inggris dengan orang luar negeri
8 Menurut saya bahasa Inggris sangat penting
untuk dipelajari
9 Saya mencoba berbicara dengan
menggunakan bahasa Inggris sesering
mungkin di dalam kelas
10 Belajar bahasa Inggris memungkinkan saya
bisa mentransfer pengetahuan seperti

memberikan intruksi kepada turis
11 Saya senang belajar bahasa Inggris karena
ingin mendapatkan nilai yang tinggi
12 Saya senang berdiskusi di kelas dengan
menggunakan bahasa Inggris supaya teman-
teman memuji saya
13 Belajar bahasa Inggis membuat saya bisa
disukai guru

14 Saya suka mengikuti kegiatan-kegiatan yang

menganjurkan berbicara bahasa Inggris
supaya bisa memiliki banyak teman
15 Saya berusaha untuk menghapal kosakata
bahasa Inggris sebanyak mungkin supaya
guru mengenal saya
16 Saya termotivasi belajar bahasa Inggris agar
bisa perprestasi di sekolah
17 Orang tua saya menganjurkan agar
menguasai bahasa Inggris
18 Saya selalu antusias dalam belajar bahasa
Inggris karena ingin bersaing dengan teman-
19 Saya selalu berusaha mencari arti kosakata
yang sulit dalam proses pembelajaran supaya
bisa menjawab jika ada pertanyaan dari guru
20 Saya termotivasi belajar bahasa Inggris
karena ingin kuliah di luar negeri




 Isilah kolom yang disediakan dengan memberi tanda (√)

 Apabila ada yang kurang jelas, maka tanyakanlah pada peneliti.

SS: Sangat setuju TS: Tidak setuju
S: Setuju STS: Sangat tidak setuju
RR: Ragu-ragu

Teachers’ No Pertanyaan SS S RR TS SS
teaching Item
Expert 1 Guru banyak
Style menjelaskan/menerangkan
materi dikelas
2 Guru memberikan kesimpulan
mengenai materi yang telah
3 Ketika siswa tidak dapat
menjawab pertanyaan guru,
guru mengjelaskan kembali
materi pelajaran tersebut
4 Ketika menjelaskan materi,
guru membimbing siswa
untuk dapat melihat keadaaan
lingkungan sekitar yang
berkaitan dengan pelajaran
Formal 5 Ketika belajar, guru
Authority mewajibkan siswa untuk
Style focus mengdengarkan materi
6 Guru selalu meminta siswa
untuk bertanya jika ada yang
belum dipahami
7 Ketika menjelaskan, guru
memberikan contoh yang
mudah dimengerti
8 guru menerangkan materi
lebih rincih agar mudah
dipahami oleh siswa
Role 9 Ketika menjelaskan materi,
Model/ guru menggunakan gambar
Personal yang sesuai dengan materi
Style yang dipelajari
10 Ketika belajar, guru
menggukan rekaman suara
yang sesuai dengan materi
yang dipelajari
11 Gurur menugaskan kepada
siswa untuk mencari materi
lengkap yang berkaitan
dengan materi tang telah
12 Ketika belajar, guru
memberikan beberapa
pertanyaan kepada siswa
tentang materi yang sedang
Facilitator 13 Ketika siswa tidak dapat
/Activity menjawab pertanyaan guru,
Style siswa dapat meminta bantuan
teman lainnya untuk
14 Sebelim belajar, guru
memberikan beberapa
pertanyaan tentang materi
yang lalu
15 Ketika siswa tidak dapat
menyimpulkan materi yang
telah disampaikan, guru
mengarahkan siswa untuk
dapat menyimpulkan materi
16 Guru menggunakan media
pembelajaran yang menarik
agar siswa bersemangat dalam
Delegator/ 17 Guru menganjurkan siswa
Group untuk berdiskusi kelompok
Style mengenai materi yang akan
18 Guru hanya memberikan
intruksi pada siswa agar
memahami sendiri materi
yang akan depelajari
19 Guru memberikan
kesempatan kepada siswa
untuk memberikan kritik dan
saran mengenai pelajaran
yang telah depelajari
20 Guru memerintahkan kepada
siswa agar membawa bahan
pelajaran yang dapat
membantu siswa dalam proses
pembelajaran contoh lain
adalah kamus.

The researcher, Farida was born on October 05th 1994 in

Galagang, south Sulawesi. She is the first daughter from

marriage of parents Supardi and Johoriah. She started her study

at SDN 272 Galagang of Bulukumba in 2002-2007. Then she

continued Junior High School at SMPN 3 Herlang of Bulukumba in 2008-2010

and her Senior High School at SMAN 1 Herlang of Bulkumba in 2010-2012. In

2012 she was accepted as a student of English Department of Teacher Training

and Education Faculty of Makassar Muhammadiyah University.

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