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(A Quasi-experimental Study at the Ninth Grade of MTs Ma’arif Sabilul Huda

A Skripsi

Presented to the Faculty of Educational Sciences

in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of S.Pd. (S-1)
in the Department of English Education

Ahmad Darussalam



In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

All praise and gratitude be to Allah, the Almighty, for giving the writer
strength, knowledge, ability, guidance and His showers of blessings to finish the
research study. Peace and blessings be upon Prophet Muhammad PBUH and on
his family, all of his Companions, and his followers.
It is such an honour for the writer to accomplish this skripsi entitled “The
Influence of Total Physical Response Method on Students’ Reading Ability of
Procedure Text” (A Quasi-experimental Study at the Ninth Grade of MTs Ma’arif
Sabilul Huda Bogor in the Academic Year 2018/2019). Then, this skripsi is a
scientific paper submitted to the Department of English Education as one of the
requirements for the Degree of S.Pd. (S-1).
In this opportunity, the writer would like to express his special appreciation,
honour and sincere gratitude to his beloved parents Mr. Risman Suwandi, S.Pd.
and Mrs. Siti Mukhlisinah, S.Pd. for giving their pray, guidance, love, motivation
and support all the time without getting tired to hold the writers’ need in order to
finish his study. Also, the special appreciation and great gratitude is addressed to
the writer’s beloved brothers and sisters, Ats-Tsauratul Maimanah, S.Pd., Ats-
Tsauratus Salamah, Ahmadinejad Khadafi and Ats-Tsauratus Sultoh who always
give their pray, support and laughter which is always motivated the writer in
finishing his study.
Then, the writer would also like to address his thank and great appreciation to
his research advisors, Dr. Ratna Sari Dewi, M.Pd., and Zaharil Anasy, M.Hum.,
for all their valuable guidance, help, advice, correction, motivation, trust, and a lot
of patience during the whole process in accomplishing this skripsi.
Moreover, the writer also realizes that he will never finish his skripsi without
the help and contribution of people around him. Therefore, the sincere gratitude
and appreciation would also be addressed to:

1. Dr. Sururin, M.Ag., as the Dean of Faculty of Educational Sciences, Syarif
Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta.
2. Dr. Alek, M.Pd., as the Head of Department of English Education.
3. Zaharil Anasy, M.Hum., as the Secretary of Department of English
4. Neneng Sunengsih, M.Pd., as the Advisor of Class A in academic year
5. All lecturers in the Department of English Education for the precious
knowledge, motivation and inspiration to the writer during his study at Syarif
Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta.
6. Romli, S.Pd., as the Headmaster of MTs Ma’arif Sabilul Huda for giving
permission to the writer to conduct the research.
7. Muhammad Ikbal, S.Pd., as the English teacher of MTs Ma’arif Sabilul Huda
for all sincere help, time and guidance.
8. The students of IX-B and IX-C class for the willingness and contribution to
be the participants in the study.
9. His big family who always give their pray, advice, support, love and
motivation to the writer to finish his study.
10. All teachers of PPT Al-Istiqomah Sukabumi for giving their support and
inspiration to the writer.
11. The writer’s closest friends, Andi Nur Hidayat, S.Pd., Mevin Erza Mafazi,
S.Pd., Ahmad Gojali Sahlan, S.Pd., Maulana Yusup Irwansyah, S.Pd., and
Saktiwan Temas, S.Peng. for their support, motivation, help, friendship,
laughter and happiness during seven years.
12. All friends of DEE A 2012 for the great friendship during seven years,
especially for Nur Millah Mutsliah, S.Pd. and Akira Puteri, S.Pd., for their
support and motivation during the hard time in order to start this final mission
of the study.
13. All friends of Al-Istiqomah Islamic Boarding School 2012 for the great
experience in the story of the writer’s life and never ending friendship.

14. All friends of IMM Ciputat, especially Belati 12 for the great friendship and
never ending humour.
15. All friends of Zona Family, especially Ammar Zaki Siregar, S.H., Arif
Matondang, S.Pd. for the togetherness during finishing this study.
16. Everyone who has helped and contributed in finishing this skripsi and whose
names cannot be mentioned one by one.

Finally, the words are not enough to say many appreciations for their pray,
support and contribution in this skripsi. May Allah always bless them in the world
and hereafter. Moreover, the writer realizes that this skripsi is far from perfect. It
is a great pleasure for the writer to receive critics and suggestions in developing
this research. Hopefully, this skripsi may be useful and give advantages for further

Jakarta, January 15th, 2019

The Writer

Ahmad Darussalam

AHMAD DARUSSALAM (1112014000007). The Influence of Total Physical
Response Method on Students’ Reading Ability of Procedure Text (A Quasi-
experimental Study at the Ninth Grade Students of MTs Ma’arif Sabilul
Huda Bogor in the Academic Year 2018/2019). A Skripsi of Department of
English Education, Faculty of Educational Sciences, State Islamic University of
Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2019.
Advisor I : Dr. Ratna Sari Dewi, M.Pd.
Advisor II : Zaharil Anasy, M.Hum.
Keywords : Total Physical Response, Reading Ability, Procedure Text
The aim of this study is to obtain empirical evidence about the influence of using
total physical response method on students’ reading ability of procedure text at the
ninth grade of MTs Ma’arif Sabilul Huda Bogor. The method applied in this study
was quantitative method that is dealing with quasi-experimental design. The
sample of this study was the students of grade IX-B consisting of 25 students as
an experiment class and the students of grade IX-C consisting of 25 students as a
control class. The experiment class was taught by using TPR method while the
control class was taught without using TPR method. The data was collected
through pre-test and post-test. The data analysed was gained through reading test.
The data of the tests were then calculated by using t-test with significance level of
5% (0.05). The t-test was done by calculating the gained scores between pre-test
and post-test in both classes showing that the t0 in gained scores (1.6837) is higher
than the ttable (1.6772) with df=25 in the significance level of 5% (0.05).
Therefore, the t0 result > ttable which means that the H0 (null hypothesis) is rejected
and Ha (alternative hypothesis) is accepted. The effect size calculation was 0.48
where the range of effect criteria includes to the modest effect. Thus, it can be
concluded that total physical response method has modest effect on students’
reading ability of procedure text at the ninth grade of MTs Ma’arif Sabilul Huda

AHMAD DARUSSALAM (1112014000007). Pengaruh Metode Total Physical
Response Terhadap Kemampuan Membaca Teks Prosedural Siswa
(Penelitian Kuasi-eksperimental pada Kelas Sembilan MTs Ma’arif Sabilul
Huda Bogor Tahun Ajaran 2018/2019). Skripsi, Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa
Inggris, Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan, Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif
Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2019.
Dosen Pembimbing I : Dr. Ratna Sari Dewi, M.Pd.
Dosen Pembimbing II : Zaharil Anasy, M.Hum.
Kata Kunci : Kemampuan Membaca, Teks Prosedural, Metode TPR
Penelitian ini bertujuan mendapatkan bukti empiris tentang pengaruh penggunaan
metode total physical response dalam kemampuan membaca teks prosedural
siswa kelas sembilan MTs Ma’arif Sabilul Huda. Metode yang digunakan dalam
penelitian ini adalah metode kuantitatif dengan desain penelitian eksperimen semu
(quasi-experimental study). Sampel pada penelitian ini adalah siswa/siswi kelas
sembilan MTs Ma’arif Sabilul Huda. Mereka dari kelas IX-B sebagai kelas
eksperimen, sedangkan kelas IX-C sebagai kelas kontrol. Masing-masing kelas
terdiri dari 25 siswa. Kelas eksperimen adalah kelas yang diajarkan dengan
menggunakan metode TPR, sedangkan kelas kontrol diajarkan dengan presentasi
guru atau tanpa menggunakan metode TPR. Data didapatkan melalui pre-test dan
post-test. Data yang dianalisis dalam penelitian ini didapatkan dari tes
bacaan/reading. Data yang diperoleh melalui tes kemudian dihitung menggunakan
t-test dengan level signifikansi 5% (0.05). Penghitungan t-test dilakukan dengan
menghitung skor perolehan antara tes akhir dan tes awal pada kedua kelas (baik
eksperimen maupun kontrol), hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa skor perolehan t0
(1.6837) lebih tinggi dari skor ttable (1.6772) dengan derajat kebebasan (df)=25
pada level signifikansi 5% (0.05). Dengan demikian, hasil t0 > ttable yang berarti
bahwa H0 ditolak dan Ha diterima. Kemudian, perhitungan pengaruh dengan
menggunakan teori Cohen’s d adalah 0.48 poin, dimana rentang pengaruh kriteria
termasuk pada pengaruh cukup. Oleh karena itu, dapat disimpulkan bahwa
penggunaan metode total physical response cukup berpengaruh pada kemampuan
membaca teks prosedural siswa, khususnya pada siswa kelas sembilan MTs
Ma’arif Sabilul Huda Bogor.


APPROVAL SHEET ............................................................................................ ii

ENDORSEMENT SHEET .................................................................................. iii
SURAT PERNYATAAN KARYA SENDIRI .................................................... iv
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .....................................................................................v
ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................ viii
ABSTRAK ............................................................................................................ ix
TABLE OF CONTENTS.......................................................................................x
LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................. xiii
LIST OF FIGURES ........................................................................................... xiv
LIST OF APPENDICES .....................................................................................xv

CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION .....................................................................1

A. Background of the Study.........................................................1
B. Identification of the Problem ..................................................4
C. Limitation of the Problem .......................................................4
D. Formulation of the Problem ....................................................4
E. Objective of the Study.............................................................4
F. Significance of the Study ........................................................4

CHAPTER II. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK ...........................................6

A. Reading ...................................................................................6
1. The General Concept of Reading .......................................6
2. Purposes of Reading ...........................................................7
3. Kinds of Reading ................................................................9
4. Techniques of Reading .....................................................12
5. Principles of Reading .......................................................13
6. The Definition of Reading Ability ...................................14
B. Procedure Text ......................................................................16
1. The Definition of Procedure Text ....................................16
2. The Purpose of Procedure Text ........................................17

3. Genre of Procedure Text ..................................................18
4. Types of Procedure Text ..................................................18
5. Grammatical Features of Procedure Text.........................19
6. Generic Structure of Procedure Text ................................19
7. Examples of Procedure Text ............................................20
C. Total Physical Response (TPR) Method ...............................21
1. Background of TPR Method ............................................21
2. Characteristics of TPR Method ........................................23
3. Principles of TPR Method ................................................23
4. Design of TPR Method ....................................................24
5. Advantages and Disadvantages of TPR Method ..............26
D. Related Previous Study .........................................................27
E. Thinking Framework.............................................................29
F. Theoretical Hypothesis .........................................................29

CHAPTER III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ...........................................30

A. Place and Time of the Study .................................................30
B. Method and Design of the Study...........................................30
C. Population and Sample of the Study .....................................31
D. Instrument of the Study .........................................................32
E. Technique of Data Collecting ...............................................32
F. Technique of Data Analysis ..................................................33
1. Normality Test..................................................................34
2. Homogeneity Test ............................................................34
3. Hypothesis Test ................................................................34
4. Effect Size Formulation ...................................................37
G. Statistical Hypothesis ............................................................39


A. Research Finding...................................................................40
1. Data Description ...............................................................40
a. Experiment Class .........................................................40

b. Control Class ...............................................................43
2. The Analysis of the Data ..................................................47
a. Normality Test .............................................................47
b. Homogeneity Test........................................................49
c. Hypothesis Test ...........................................................49
3. Effect Size Formulation ...................................................52
B. Discussion .............................................................................54

CHAPTER V. CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ...................................56

A. Conclusion ............................................................................56
B. Suggestion .............................................................................57

REFERENCES .....................................................................................................58
APPENDICES ......................................................................................................61


Table 3.1 Quasi-experimental Design ............................................................31

Table 3.2 The Criteria of Size Effect .............................................................38
Table 4.1 Pre-test and Post-test Score of Experiment Class ..........................40
Table 4.2 Pre-test and Post-test Score of Control Class .................................43
Table 4.3 The Gained Score between Experiment and Control Class ...........45
Table 4.4 Normality Test of Pre-test Using Liliefors.....................................48
Table 4.5 Normality Test of Post-test Using Lilliefors ..................................48
Table 4.6 Homogeneity Test of Pre-test.........................................................49
Table 4.7 Homogeneity Test of Post-test .......................................................49


Figure 4.1 Diagram of Frequency Distribution of Pre-Test Score

in Experiment Class .......................................................................42
Figure 4.2 Diagram of Frequency Distribution of Post-Test Score
in Experiment Class .......................................................................42
Figure 4.3 Diagram of Frequency Distribution of Pre-Test Score
in Control Class ..............................................................................44
Figure 4.4 Diagram of Frequency Distribution of Post-Test Score
in Control Class ..............................................................................45
Figure 4.5 The Difference between Students’ Score in Experiment
and Control Class ...........................................................................47


Appendix 1 Silabus ............................................................................................61

Appendix 2 Instrument for Validity Test ...........................................................67
Appendix 3 Tabel Titik Persentase Distribusi t .................................................85
Appendix 4 The Result of Validity Test using ANATES..................................86
Appendix 5 Steps to Perform Normality and Homogeneity Test ....................100
Appendix 6 Kisi-kisi Soal Pre-test...................................................................102
Appendix 7 Instrument Soal Pre-test ...............................................................103
Appendix 8 Kisi-kisi Soal Post-test .................................................................115
Appendix 9 Instrument Soal Post-test .............................................................116
Appendix 10 RPP Kelas Experimen ..................................................................128
Appendix 11 RPP Kelas Kontrol .......................................................................144
Appendix 12 Surat Bimbingan Skripsi ..............................................................160
Appendix 13 Surat Permohonan Izin Penelitian ................................................162
Appendix 14 Surat Keterangan Penelitian .........................................................163


This chapter presents the general discussion of the study. It covers the
background of the study, the identification of the problem, the limitation of the
problem, the formulation of the problem, the objective of the study and the
significance of the study.

A. Background of the Study

Reading is categorized a receptive skill which important in learning English
as a foreign language. Simply put, reading is a skill to make meaning from the
print and visual information appropriately.1 However, it is not that simple, as
reading is an active process that requires a great deal of practice and skill. In order
to be good readers, students must take their ability to pronounce words and to read
pictures and then make the words and images mean something.2 Therefore,
reading is an active skill in which to get the appropriate meaning from both words
and image provided from the text. Beside of that, reading could be determined as
a difficult skill to learn for foreign language students because they have to transfer
their mother tongue language to the foreign language to read and understand the
In addition, some reasons that make reading quite difficult to be learnt by the
students are lack of vocabulary mastery, difficulty in generating the idea, poor in
grammar comprehension, et cetera. It is stated that “reading is the process of
receiving and interpreting information encoded in language form via the medium
of print.”3 Moreover, another definition stated that reading is a complex process of
human’s activity. The complex process means when students read something, they
need to focus their eyes and brain to read and to understand the author’s message
from the text. Students cannot access the meaning unless their brains are fully

Judi Moreillon, Collaborative Strategies for Teaching Reading Comprehension, (Chicago:
American Library Association, 2007), p. 10.
Judi Moreillon, Ibid.
William Grabe, Reading in a Second Language Moving from Theory to Practice, (New
York: Cambridge University Press, 2009), p. 14.


engaged with the text they read, which means they also have to understand using
any of their language knowledge to get the meaning from what they read. 4 Based
on these statements, it can be considered that reading is the process of receiving
message and information through eyes, and then the brain works to interpret the
messages until the reader understands about the information from the text.
Discussing about reading ability, it cannot be separated from the reader’s
understanding on the text. In other words, it is discussed about the reader’s
capability to understand at certain levels. The level of understanding can be
distinguished as when a reader is possible to comprehend the words but not the
meaning of a sentence, and comprehend a sentence but not the organization of the
text.5 Additionally, reading ability involves many aspects. Because reading ability
is a multicomponent and highly process, in which involves the interaction
between the reader and his previous knowledge, strategy use, interesting in the
text and the understanding of the text.6 It means that the students’ understanding
occurs when they get the main idea of information or the messages and then they
combine with their background knowledge.
In Indonesia, reading is one of the competencies that should be taught at first
grade of Junior High School. Furthermore, the students are expected to understand
the meaning, general and/or schematic structure, and linguistic features in the
form of procedure text about how to operate something (i.e. to activate a hand-
phone, turn on and off a computer, etc.), how to make something (i.e. to make
fried rice, make fruit salad, etc.). It means that the students of junior high school
should be able to understand and read a procedure text.
In addition, procedure text is one of the texts that need to be learned by
students, especially for students at ninth grade. Procedure text is a text which has

Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching, Fourth Edition, (Edinburgh:
Pearson Education Limited, 2007), p. 265.
J. Charles Alderson, Assessing Reading, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000),
p. 9.
Janette K. Klingner, et., al., Teaching Reading Comprehension to Students with Learning
Difficulties, (New York: The Guildford, 2007), p. 8.

a purpose to instruct someone on how something is done.7 Many students consider

that it is easy to explain verbally to people who ask a way of making or doing
something rather than make it in a written form.
In learning reading procedure text, students may find some difficulties. For
instance, the students cannot understand the idea, do not know how to remember
the steps, and often difficult to remember the verb used in procedure text. Beside
the problem of students’ capability in reading a procedure text, another reason of
students’ difficulties in reading is on the teaching method, technique and media.
Many students get bored in the classroom because the teacher does not provide
varied method which can catch students’ attention and to make them understand
easily the materials given. Because of that, the students were not quite motivated
to study reading procedure text.
To solve this problem, the writer gives an alternative method for the teachers
to make the teaching and learning process of procedure text become more
attractive and effective in order to help the students easy to understand and
reading the procedure text. It is called as “Total Physical Response (TPR).” TPR
method is “a language teaching method build around the coordination of speech
and action.”8 It means that the learning of reading procedure text is served through
physical activity, so that the students also get the real demonstration and
visualization of the text in which can make them understand and remember the
meaning easily.
Finally, based on the background explained above, it is an interesting research
to find whether the TPR method can help students to learn reading procedure text
as well or not. The researcher intends to conduct a study entitled: “The Influence
of Total Physical Response Method on Students’ Reading Ability of Procedure
Text (A Quasi-Experimental Study at the Ninth Grade of MTs Ma’arif Sabilul
Huda Bogor).”

Mark Anderson and Kathy Anderson, Text Types in English 1, (South Yarra: MacMillan
Education, 1997), p. 7.
Jack C. Richards and Theodore S. Rodgers, Approaches and Methods in Language
Teaching, (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2001), p. 87.

B. Identification of the Problem

Based on the background above, the problems were identified as follows:
1. The ninth-grade students of MTs Ma’arif Sabilul Huda Bogor have low
ability of reading, especially in reading procedure text.
2. Students often cannot understand and remember the steps of procedure
3. The teachers do not use various methods in teaching reading procedure
4. To what extent Total Physical Response method influences the students’
reading ability of procedure text.

C. Limitation of the Problem

The problem of this research was limited on the influence of total physical
response method on students’ reading ability of procedure text at ninth grade of
MTs Ma’arif Sabilul Huda Bogor.

D. Formulation of the Problem

Based on the problems which have been identified above, the research
problem was formulated as: “Was there any significant influence of using TPR
method on students’ reading ability of procedure text at ninth grade of MTs
Ma’arif Sabilul Huda Bogor?

E. Objective of the Study

The objective of this study was to obtain the empirical evidence of the
influence of using TPR method on students’ reading ability of procedure text at
ninth grade of MTs Ma’arif Sabilul Huda Bogor.

F. Significance of the Study

By the result of the study, the writer expects, firstly it can encourage English
teachers to teach reading procedure text in interesting way, and to be more
creative in elaborating the material. Secondly, it can help students to improve their
language skills and increase their motivation in learning reading procedure text.
By applying TPR method, students can get a concrete visualization and

demonstration in learning procedure text and avoid boredom in a classroom, so

the material can be easily accepted and understood by them. The last for other
researchers, it is hoped that this study could give addition information or
references for conducting similar study.

This chapter presents theoretical framework, which covers the explanations of

reading, procedure text, total physical response method, related previous study,
thinking framework and theoretical hypothesis.

A. Reading
1. The General Concept of Reading
Reading is categorized a receptive skill which important in learning English
as a foreign language. Simply put, reading is a skill to make meaning from the
print and visual information appropriately.1 However, it is not that simple, as
reading is an active process that requires a great deal of practice and skill. In order
to be good readers, students must take their ability to pronounce words and to read
pictures and then make the words and images mean something.2 Therefore,
reading is an active skill in which to get the appropriate meaning from both words
and image provided from the text. So that, reading could be determined as a
difficult skill to learn for foreign language students because they have to transfer
their mother tongue language to the foreign language to read and understand the
Another definition stated that reading is a complex process of human’s
activity. The complex process means when students read something, they need to
focus their eyes and brain to read and to understand the author’s message from the
text. Students cannot access the meaning unless their brains are fully engaged with
the text they read, which means they also have to understand using any of their
language knowledge to get the meaning from what they read.3 In addition, it
means that the activity of reading is an interaction between what the reader looks
of the text and what the author writes into printed symbols.

Judi Moreillon, Collaborative Strategies for Teaching Reading Comprehension, (Chicago:
American Library Association, 2007), p. 10.
Judi Moreillon, Ibid.
Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching, Fourth Edition, (Edinburgh:
Pearson Education Limited, 2007), p. 265.


Based on statement above, reading as defined as an interaction with a printed

message, means that it is not a passive action; there is some intellectual energy to
be expanded. Basically, these points below mention the definition of reading
briefly, they are:
a. Reading is a complex process.
b. Reading means to get information from the printed page.
c. Reading is the ability to receive ideas and impression from an author via
printed words.
d. Reading is the ability to pronounce and comprehend the printed word.
e. Reading is interpreting sounds, letters, or symbols by assigning meanings
to them.

Moreover, reading is also defined as the activity of assigning meaning and

extracting information from written texts.4 It means reading requires some
abilities to extract information from a text and construct new understanding. As
well as that, reading requires the ability to recognize symbol or printed words and
to construct a meaning from the text.
From some definitions above, the writer concludes that reading is an active
complex process to understand and to get ideas and messages from the author in a
printed or written language.

2. Purposes of Reading
Generally, the purpose of reading is to make the readers understand the
message of the author which represented by written language form or a text.
When the students read a text and they get the meaning and understand what the
author likely to deliver in a written form, then the general purpose of reading is
already achieved.
However, there are many purposes of reading, such as reading for pleasure,
reading for studying about something, et cetera. According to William Grabe and

Fajar Furqon, Correlation between Students’ Vocabulary Mastery and Their Reading
Comprehension, (English Education Study Program of Indonesia University of Education, Journal
of English Education, 2013, vol. 1, issue 1), p. 68.

Fredricka L. Stoller, reading purposes are divided and classified into four main
headings as follows:5
a. Reading to search for simple information; it is a kind of common reading
ability, though some researchers see it as a relatively cognitive process. It
is used so often in reading tasks.
b. Reading to learn from texts; it usually occurs in academic and professional
context when people need to learn a considerable amount of information
from a text.
c. Reading to integrate information, write and critique texts; it requires
additional decisions about the relative importance of complementary,
mutually supporting or conflicting information and the likely restructuring
of a rhetorical frame to accommodate information from multiple sources.
d. Reading for general comprehension; it requires very rapid and automatic
processing of words, strong skills in informing a general meaning
representation of main ideas, and efficient coordination of many processes
under very limited time constraints.

From the four main headings above, it can be described that the essential
purpose of all reading generally is to get new information and/or pleasure, not to
go over what is known already or what is inconsequential to the reader.6
Meanwhile, another experts classified reading purposes into three kinds, they
are: reading for general information (such as reading news to know the event
today); reading for specific information (such as reading science book, articles to
get particular information); and reading for pleasure and for interest (such as
reading novels, comicbooks for enjoyment).7 It means that reading also purposes
based on the reader’s need, interest and even mood.

William Grabe, Fredricka L. Stoller, Teaching and Researching Reading: Reading,
(Edinburgh: Pearson Education Limited, 2011), p. 11.
Nida Husna, Step by Step to Reading Skills: Step 1, (Jakarta: English Department, Faculty
of Tarbiya and Teachers Training ―Syarif Hidayatullah‖ State Islamic University), p. 7.
Jo McDonough, Christopher Shaw and Hitomi Masuhara, Material and Methods in ELT:
Third Edition, A Teacher’s Guide, (Malden: Blackwell Publishing, 2003), p. 111.

Based on the purposes that stated by many linguists above, the writer views
that the reader has their own purposes in reading a text. It could be aimed for
academic purposes, and it also could be aimed for enjoyment or for entertaining
readers. Consequently, the purposes for reading can affect the way readers read
the text.

3. Kinds of Reading
The kinds of reading are depended upon its purpose. In the classroom
activity, there are two kinds of reading that students usually do; silent reading and
oral reading.
a. Silent Reading, it emphasizes meaning rather than sound. In this kind of
reading, students must recognize the word and know its meaning.
Nevertheless, it is not essential that they should know how to pronounce it.
b. Oral Reading, it is essential for the students to know the way to pronounce
the word. It is much emphasized on sound besides meaning. Clear
articulation, a pleasing and well-modulated voice are additional concern of
this kind of reading.

Furthermore, depending on the purposes of reading, it also can be classified

into two types of activity: intensive and extensive reading.8

a. Intensive Reading
Intensive reading means reading shorter texts to extract specific information.
This type of reading is used to gain a deep understanding of the text, which is
important for readers. At its worst, intensive reading focuses on comprehension of
a particular text with no thought being given to whether the features studied in the
text will be useful when reading other texts.9
Due to its focus on comprehension, the process of scanning takes more
prominent role than skimming in intensive reading. It is because the readers try to

Jeremy Harmer, How to Teach English, New Edition with DVD, (Edinburgh Gate: Pearson
Education Limited, 2007), p. 99.
I.S.P. Nation, Teaching ESL/EFL: Reading and Writing, (New York: Routledge Taylor &
Francis, 2009), p. 25.

absorb all the information given. The simple instance for this kind of reading
activity is reading for dosage instruction in the label of medicine.
Moreover, intensive work on a reading text can focus on the following
aspects.10 They are:
1) Comprehension. Intensive reading can aim at understanding a particular
2) Regular and irregular sound-spelling relations. This can be done through
the teaching of phonics, through teaching spelling rules, and through
reading aloud.
3) Vocabulary. The attention of students can be drawn to useful words, and
the underlying meaning. Words from the text could be assigned for later
4) Grammar. Difficult grammatical features can be explained and analysed.
5) Cohesion. Students can practice interpreting what pronouns refer to in the
text, what the conjunction relationships between sentences are, and how
different words are used to refer to the same idea.
6) Information structure. Certain texts contain certain kinds of information.
For instance, newspaper reports can describe what happened, what the
likely effects will be, who was involved, etc. Students can be helped to
identify these different kinds of information.
7) Genre features. Vocabulary, grammatical features, cohesive features and
information all contribute to the communicative effect of a text. Intensive
reading can focus on how the text achieves its communicative purpose
through these features and what this communicative purpose is.
8) Strategies. Intensive reading can be used to help students develop useful
reading strategies. By working intensively, on a text, students can also
practice the steps in guessing from context, using a dictionary, simplifying
difficult sentences and taking notes.

I.S.P. Nation, Ibid., pp. 27 – 28.

Therefore, intensive reading is a kind of reading activity that aims to extract

specific information. Also, intensive reading is more on accuracy activity
involving reading for detail. In this course, each text is read carefully and
thoroughly for maximum comprehension.

b. Extensive Reading
In this type of reading activity, the students deal with a longer text as a whole
which requires the ability to understand the component part of texts and their
contribution to the overall meaning. Harmer states that extensive reading refers to
reading which students do often (but not exclusively) away from the classroom.
Where possible, extensive reading should involve reading for pleasure.11 This is
enhanced if students have a chance to choose what they want to read, if they are
encouraged to read by the teacher, and if some opportunity is given for them to
share their reading experiences.
Extensive reading is a form of learning from meaning-focused input. It means
that during extensive reading, students should be interested in what they are
reading and should be reading with their attention on the meaning of the text
rather than on learning the language features of the text.12 One of the fundamental
conditions of a successful extensive reading programme is that students should be
reading material which they can understand. If they are struggling to understand
every word, they can hardly be reading for pleasure – the main goal of this
There two major language-based reasons for this reading activity. First,
extensive reading requires considerable knowledge and skill. This knowledge
includes recognising the letters and words of the language, having a large
vocabulary and substantial grammatical and textual knowledge, being able to
bring knowledge of the world to the reading task, and developing a degree of

Jeremy Harmer, How to Teach English, New Edition with DVD, (Edinburgh Gate: Pearson
Education Limited, 2007), p. 99.
I.S.P. Nation, Teaching ESL/EFL: Reading and Writing, (New York: Routledge Taylor &
Francis, 2009), p. 50.
Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching, Fourth Edition, (Edinburgh:
Pearson Education Limited, 2007), p. 283.

fluency with the reading skill. Second, learning through extensive reading is
largely incidental learning, that is, the students’ attention is focused on the story
not on items to learn.14 This is why most students’ will not do a lot of extensive
reading by themselves unless they are encouraged to do so by the teachers, which
means the role of teacher is crucial for this kind of reading activity. Teachers need
to promote reading and by their own espousal of reading as a valid occupation,
persuade students to its benefits. Having persuaded students of the benefits of
extensive reading, teachers can organise reading programmes where they indicate
to students how many books are expected to be read over given a period.
Based on explanations above, it could be concluded that extensive reading is
considered as a fluency activity which mainly involves global understanding. It is
a reading activity which requires students’ knowledge, skill and interest to
understand the meaning of the text.

4. Techniques of Reading
Different readers may have their own ways and techniques in reading in
accordance with their favour and purpose. Some linguists have proposed many
ways and techniques of reading, which are summarized as follows:
a. Skimming: reading for gist, it is a technique of rapid reading which is used
when the reader wants to get the main idea from a text. When skimming,
the readers usually explore the reading text extremely quickly to take the
main idea by collecting words, phrases and main sentences.
b. Scanning: reading selectively to achieve very specific reading goals, e.g.
finding a telephone number. It is used when the reader wants to locate a
particular piece of information without necessarily reading and
understanding the rest of a text.15
c. Search reading: locating information on predetermined topics. The reader
wants information to answer set questions or to provide data. Search
reading differs from scanning, in that in search reading, certain key ideas

I.S.P. Nation, Op.Cit., p. 50.
Jeremy Harmer, How to Teach English, New Edition with DVD, (Edinburgh Gate: Pearson
Education Limited, 2007), pp. 100 – 101.

will be sought while there is no such attempt in scanning. It also differs

from skimming, in which the search for information is guided by
predetermined topics, so the reader does not necessarily have to get the
gist of the text.
d. Careful reading: this is the kind of reading favoured by many educationists
and psychologists to the exclusion of all other types. It is associated with
reading to learn, hence with the reading of textbooks. The defining
features of careful reading are: (a) the reader attempts to handle the
majority of the information in a text; (b) the reader adopts a submissive
role and accept the writer’s organization; and (c) the reader attempts to
build up a macrostructure – global understanding.
e. Browsing: it is a sort of reading where goals are not well defined, parts of
a text may be skipped fairly randomly, and there is a little attempt to
integrate the information into a macrostructure.16

There is no necessary correlation between a particular reading behaviour and

a particular genre of text. It means that readers may switch from one technique of
reading to another during reading a passage, as there is no obligation to maintain a
particular technique of reading throughout the length.

5. Principles of Reading
According to the principles of reading, Harmer makes a list of contains six
points that should be applied in the classroom of teaching reading.17 Those six
principles are summarized as below.
a. Principle 1: Encourage students to read as often and as much as possible.
b. Principle 2: Students need to be engaged with what they are reading.
c. Principle 3: Encourage students to respond to the content of a text (and
explore their feelings about it), not just concentrate on its construction.
d. Principle 4: Prediction is a major factor in reading.

Feng Liu, Reading Abilities and Strategies: A Short Introduction, (School of Foreign
Language, Qingdao University of Science and Technology, Journal of International Education
Studies, August 2010, Vol. 3, No. 3) pp. 153 – 157.
Jeremy Harmer, How to Teach English, Op.Cit., pp. 101 – 102.

e. Principle 5: Match the task to the topic when using intensive reading texts.
f. Principle 6: Good teachers exploit reading texts to the full.

Thus, in the classroom of teaching and learning reading, those six principles
of reading by Harmer have to be applied in order to maintain the focus and
purpose of teaching and learning.

6. The Definition of Reading Ability

According to Janette K. Klingner, reading ability involves many aspects.
Because reading ability is a multicomponent and highly process, in which
involves the interaction between the reader and his previous knowledge, strategy
use, interesting in the text and the understanding of the text.18 Thus, reading
ability needs the interaction of students and their background knowledge to
understand the text. In addition, a reading skill can be described as a cognitive
ability which a reader is able to use when interacting with texts.19 Therefore,
unlike comprehension, which can be viewed as the product of reading a particular
text, skills are seen as parts of the generalized reading process.
Discussing about reading ability, it cannot be separated from the reader’s
understanding on the text. In other words, it is discussed about the reader’s
capability to understand at certain levels. The level of understanding can be
distinguished as when a reader is possible to comprehend the words but not the
meaning of a sentence, and comprehend a sentence but not the organization of the
text.20 Moreover, reading ability can be interpreted as the skills that must be
mastered by students to achieve at expected level of understanding. As cited from
J. Charles Anderson, eight skills based on the level of understanding are defined
as follows:21
a. Recalling words meaning.
b. Drawing inferences about the meaning of a word in context.

Janette K. Klingner, et., al., Teaching Reading Comprehension to Students with Learning
Difficulties, (New York: The Guildford, 2007), p. 8.
Feng Liu, Ibid., p. 153.
J. Charles Alderson, Assessing Reading, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000),
p. 9.
J. Charles Alderson, Ibid., p. 10.

c. Finding answers to questions answered explicitly or in paraphrase.

d. Weaving together ideas in the content.
e. Drawing inferences from the content.
f. Recognizing a writer’s purpose, attitude, tone and mood.
g. Identifying a writer’s technique.
h. Following the structure of a passage.

Therefore, in order to comprehend, students must use information they

already possess to filter, interpret, organize and reflect upon the incoming
information from the text.22 Additionally, reading ability is often conceptualized
as functioning at different levels of sophistication and referred to, for example, as
literal, inferential and critical.23
a. The most basic level (literal) is where students are able to understand the
factual information presented in a passage of the text – for instance,
students can tell the name of main character and what he does for which is
explicitly stated in the text.
b. The next level is referred to as the inferential level. At this level, students
need to be able to go beyond the words on the page and infer other details
– for example, to realize that the main character is angry from what he
does. Being able to operate at this level means that students are using
information effectively to deduce cause and effect, also to anticipate what
may come next.
c. Then, at a more demanding level (critical reading), students are able to
appraise what they are reading, e.g. detecting good writing style from the
author, recognising when some statements in the text are biased or
incorrect, appreciating the writer’s viewpoint, comparing and contrasting
information with other facts they have read elsewhere, and reflecting upon
the importance or otherwise of the opinions presented in the text.

Peter S. Westwood, What Teachers Need to Know About Reading and Writing Difficulties,
(Victoria: Acer Press, 2008), p. 31.
Peter S. Westwood, Ibid., p. 32.

Based on the levels above, reading ability on procedure text is not merely
measured by the ability to answer the question about the text being read, but also
to draw inferences until identify a writer’s purpose, mood and attitude. In other
words, students must have the skills that are mentioned above and combine the
skills with their purpose and motivation to read the text.
In this case, reading ability on procedure text is measured by the
comprehension of procedure text. It means that students’ ability in comprehending
procedure text is characterized from their ability to identify the topic, grammatical
features and the generic structure of the text, also to understand the meaning of the
words written in the text.

B. Procedure Text
Reading procedure text is an objective in language learning for high school,
especially in Junior High School. The students are asked to create their own
procedure text by following the generic structures.24 In reading procedure text,
students should know the goal or the purpose of the text. For example, the goal
that need to be decided by students are such as how to make a fried rice, how to be
a healthy person, how to get a passive income in five years, et cetera. Then,
students should get the information of the materials used in the text. They can
scan list of things used, equipment needed or any substances required from the
text. The last but not least, the students should understand the steps to achieve the
goal. In this part, it includes the actions necessary which are listed in order to
complete the experiment or procedure. The steps are usually written on a separate
lines and each of them is written as a command.

1. The Definition of Procedure Text

One of texts in English which is learnt by students in Junior High School is
Procedure Text. Procedure text is a text which tells the readers how to do or how
to make something. Mark and Kathryn Anderson added that examples of

Mark Anderson and Kathryn Anderson, Text Types 2 in English, (South Yarra: MacMillan
Education Ltd, 1998), p. 84.

procedure text are recipes, itineraries, instruction manuals and direction.25 The
procedure text usually consists of what tools or ingredients that should be
prepared. Next, there are some steps. The steps can inform the readers on how to
make something, or how to operate something. The steps are made to give
information to the readers so they can get a good outcome at the end.
Procedure text is to describe how something is accomplished through a
sequence of actions or steps. The information is presented in a logical sequence of
events which is broken up into small sequence steps.26 It means that a procedure
text enable people to know how to make something and it also makes sure that
they should do the steps in correct order. Therefore, every step in procedure text
should be done.
Procedure text, in material for Junior High School, consists of various kinds
of procedure. It is not only talk about how to make some food or handcraft, but
also how to operate something. But in this study, the writer will be focus on the
improving students’ ability in reading procedure text because regarding to the
research question, the writer would like to seek the information whether the TPR
method can be effective in teaching reading procedure text.
The procedure text has a goal that will create the result. The result of the
procedure is the reflection of the goal. If you want to make fried rice, you will
give what the ingredients and the steps to make fried rice. So, the result of what
you did through the steps of procedure, it will serve fried rice as a sign that you
have done.

2. The Purpose of Procedure Text

Every text has its own purpose and it is different each other. According to
Anderson, the purpose of procedure text is to provide information and some
instructions to make something, do something or go somewhere.27 It is also
mentioned that there are four purposes of the texts, in which to persuade, to
instruct or advice, to entertain and to inform.
Mark Anderson and Kathryn Anderson, Text Types in 3 English, (South Yarra: MacMillan
Education Ltd., 1998), p. 28.
Rudi Hartono, How Genre-Based Writing, (Semarang: UNES, 2005), pp. 6 – 9.
Mark Anderson and Kathryn Anderson, Op.Cit., p. 28.

Procedure text persuades the reader to follow the step or instruction in order
to reach or to get the purpose. Moreover, the reader also can get advices in making
something, so that the reader can do the step correctly. Also, procedure text
provides information about how to do something. In addition, Carlene Walter
stated that procedure text’s aim is to ensure that something is done correctly, and
achieve a good outcome in the end.28 Thus, it can be concluded that procedure text
provides information and instruction in order to persuade, to advice, to entertain
and to inform the readers about how to make or how to do something which are
important to help the readers achieve a successful outcome.

3. Genre of Procedure Text

It is previously stated by Harmer that any kinds of text are often heavily
influenced by constraints of genres, and these elements have to be presented in
learning activities.29 There are various genres in procedure text which explains
certain types of activities. Genre in procedure text includes recipes, directions,
instruction manuals, administrative procedures, maintenance notices, advice texts,
rules, et cetera.

4. Types of Procedure Text

According to Walter, there are different procedural texts for different
purposes, as follows:30
a. Texts that instruct how to do a particular activity.
For example: recipes, rules of games, road safety rules, et cetera.
b. Texts that explain how something works and how to use instruction or
operation manuals.
For example: how to use the camera, the computer, et cetera.
c. Texts that deals with human behaviour.
For example: how to live happily, how to succeed.

Carlene Walter, Procedural Writing Grade Three, (New York: The Medium, 2015), p. 2.
Jeremy Harmer, How to Teach Writing, (Edinburgh Gate: Pearson Education Limited,
2004), p. 86.
Carlene Walter, Op.Cit., p. 2.

It is described that types of procedure text are also influenced by its purpose
and need. It is also determined by the level of students who learn the text.
Moreover, in this study, only the first and second types are used in teaching
procedure text.

5. Grammatical Features of Procedure Text

According to Anderson, procedure text includes grammatical features, as
a. Sentences that begin with verbs and are states as commands.
Examples: pour hot water into the cup, mix the ingredients.
b. Time words or numbers that show the order for carrying out the procedure.
Examples: firstly, secondly, next, then and numbers (i.e. 1, 2, 3) that show
the order for carrying out the procedure.
c. Adverbs of manner to describe how the actions should be performed.
Examples: quickly, firmly, slowly.
d. Precise terms and technical language.
Examples: ml, grams, kilos, et cetera.31

Those grammatical features mentioned above are highly involved in teaching

procedure text, especially in reading skill. It is because students’ understanding in
grammatical features of procedure text could influence their ability to get the
meaning of the text.

6. Generic Structure of Procedure Text

In learning procedure text, the students need to pay attention to its generic
structure. The generic structure of procedure text means the characteristic which is
showed the procedure or explain how to make, how to do, or how to operate
something in sequences.
The generic structure should be related to the topic discussed. It means the
text should be focused on the goal. These are the generic structures of procedure
text according to Walter.32

Mark Anderson and Kathryn Anderson, Text Types in English 3, (South Yarra: MacMillan
Education Ltd., 1998), p. 28.

a. Goal
Goal is a statement of what is to be achieved. For example: How to make
black forest cake, how to make spicy fried rice, et cetera.
b. Materials / Equipment needed
The materials should be listed in order. For example: 2 eggs, flour, ½ kg of
sugar, et cetera.
c. Sequenced steps
Sequenced steps are needed in order to be able to achieve the goal and get
a successful outcome.

In conclusion, the structure of procedure text is what students need to know

and understand in reading procedure text. That is because students need to know
the topic discussed in procedure text they read, and the topic is what related to the
generic structure of the text.

7. Examples of Procedure Text

Example 1:
How to Make Fried Rice

 2 plates of rice
 1 clove of garlic and union
 1 tablespoon of tomato sauce
 1 egg, beaten
 100 grams of chicken meat
 1 tablespoon of cooking oil
 Salt

 Frying pan
 Spatula
 Gas stove
 Spoons
 Plates

Carlene Walter, Op.Cit., p. 2.

 Knife

 Firstly, heat oil and sauté garlic until the garlic smell out, and sauté the
 After that, add 100 grams of chicken meat, stir briefly until slightly cooked.
 Next, add the egg and stir until the egg is cooked and cracked.
 Then, pour the rice, insert tomato sauce and salt, then mix well with the
 Finally, pour the fried rice into a plate and the fried rice is ready to serve.

Example 2:
The Ways to Activate a Hand Phone

1. First, open the back cover of the hand phone.

2. Secondly, open the battery part of the phone and you can find sim-card slot
3. Third, insert the sim-card to its slot and put back the battery.
4. Fourth, close the battery with the cover of the hand phone.
5. Fifth, connect the charger to a hole in the bottom of the phone. Charging the
battery may take three up to five hours.
6. Next, when the battery is fully charged, the bar will stop scrolling.
7. Then, activate the hand phone by pushing the power button.
8. Finally, the hand phone is activated and ready to use.

The first example of procedure text above is based on the first type which in
consisted the instruction of how to do a particular activity (in this occasion, it is
how to make fried rice). Meanwhile, the second example is based on the second
type which is consisted the instruction of operation manuals (in this case, it is the
ways to activate a hand phone). These two examples are the material of procedure
text which is taught to the students in this research.

C. Total Physical Response Method

1. Background of Total Physical Response Method
The term method is often mixed with approach and technique, though there
are differences among one with the others. Edward Anthony gave us a definition
that has admirably withstood the test of the time. His concept of method was the

second of three hierarchical elements, namely approach, method and technique. It

was said that an approach is a set of assumption dealing of the nature of the
language, learning and teaching. Method is described as an overall plan for
systematic presentation of the language base upon a selected approach.
Techniques are specific manifested in the classroom that are consistent with a
method and therefore are in harmony with an approach as well.33
Total Physical Response (TPR) method as Jack C. Richards and Theodore S.
Rodgers defined is Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching is ―a
language teaching method built around the coordination of speech and action; in
attempts to teach language through physical/motor activity.‖34 In other words,
TPR method takes body movement to know the understanding of the students
about the material; it must take an action when the teacher says a word as a
command to students. The teacher tries to speak in the target language and the
students keep silent but only do what the teacher said. Moreover, TPR is the
method that the students have fun with the activity in the learning, because the
students have to follow all creative activities from the teacher, to make students
remember the material.
Moreover, physical response in linked to the trace theory of memory of
psychology, which hold the more often memory connection is traced, the stronger
the memory association will be recalled.35 Therefore, this method takes relation
with the memory, which means that the more the student remembers the material
the better he does. In other words, the student has to recall his memory to get the
best understanding of the material.

H. Douglas Brown, Teaching by Principles—An Interactive Approach to Language
Pedagogy, (San Fransisco: Longman, 2001), p. 14.
Jack C. Richards and Theodore S. Rodgers, Approaches and Methods in Language
Teaching, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001), p. 87.
Jack C. Richards, Ibid.

2. Characteristics of Total Physical Response Method

According to Diane Larsen and Stephen Mark Silvers, there are several
characteristics of Total Physical Response (TPR) method which need to be
concerned in the teaching and learning activity.36 They are:
a. Target language used to present the material.
b. The material is used imperative form.
c. The evaluation will take after acting out.
d. Students do not speak at first; just listen to the teacher.
e. No taking homework.
f. It does not need translation into students’ language.
g. The students develop a high level of listening competency.
h. It gives some attention to right-brained learning.

As the characteristics above, TPR is considered as a method which provides

target language-based learning. It means that the translation is not really necessary
when the learning activity, because this method gives a visual performance of the
material given (which specialized in imperative form). Therefore, both the teacher
and students need to be more creative in the learning activity using this method.

3. Principles of Total Physical Response Method

Beside the characteristics, the principles of TPR method are also important to
be noticed in teaching and learning activity. And here are several of them that
cited from Diane Larsen-Freeman.37
a. Meaning in the target language can be often conveyed through action.
Memory is activated through learners’ response. Beginning foreign
language instruction should address the right hemisphere of the brain, the
part which controls nonverbal behavior. The target language should be
presented in the chunks, not just word by word.
b. The students’ understanding of the target language should be developed
before speaking.
Diane Larsen-Freeman, Technique and Principles in Language Teaching, (New York:
Oxford University Press, 2002), p. 108.
Diane Larsen-Freeman, Ibid., p. 113.

c. Students can initially learn one part of the language rapidly by moving
their bodies.
d. The imperative is a powerful linguistic device through which the teacher
can direct students’ behavior.
e. Students can learn through observing action as well as by performing the
action themselves.
f. It is very important that students feel successful. Feeling of success and
low anxiety facilitate learning.
g. Students should not be made to memorize fixed routines.
h. Correction should be carried out in an unobtrusive manner.
i. Students must develop flexibility in understanding novel combinations of
the target language chunks. They need to understand more than the exact
sentences used in training. Novelty is also motivating.
j. Language learning is more effective when it is fun.
k. Spoken language should be emphasized over written language.
l. Students will begin to speak when they are ready.
m. Students are expected to make errors when they first begin speaking.
Teacher should be tolerant of them. Work on the fine details of the
language should be postponed until students have become somewhat

These principles explain that this method tends to make the teaching and
learning activity more active and creative. All of principles above are highly
recommended to be involved in teaching material using this method.

4. Design of Total Physical Response Method

In teaching, the classroom has some rules; the rule of teacher and the method
which used in the class and the language presented by the teacher. They are:

a. Method
Total Physical Response method is in harmony with the human biological
program, because it uses body movement before and after speech appears it does

not require the learner to speak before he is ready. When students can all respond
to commands correctly, one of them can start to give instructions to other
This harmony minimizes stress. Low anxiety relates positively to success in
second language acquisition. This method enlivens a class by creating stimulating
experiences, so that students can be in a more lively state and the learning has a
strong emotional base as well as a physical base.

b. Objectives
Here are some objectives of Total Physical Response method:
1) Teaching oral proficiency at beginning level
According to Jack C. Richards and Theodore S. Rodgers, ―The objectives of
Total Physical Response are to teach oral proficiency at the beginning level.‖ The
students should be capable to communicate with a native language. It is necessary
to do a lot of choral drilling and mechanical pattern practice to give the children
enough chances to speak, but it is not effective if we want the children to use
English communicatively and spontaneously. They definitely need to repeat many
times, but they can do this in meaningful ways with genuine emotion.

2) Reduction of stress
Language learning is more effective when it is fun.39 An important condition
for successful language learning is the absence of stress. By focusing on meaning
interpreted through movement, rather than on language form studied in the
abstract, the learner is said to be liberated from self-conscious and stressful
situation and is able to devote full energy of learning.

3) Meaning of target language can often be conveyed through action

Memory is activated through learner response. Beginning foreign language
instruction should address the right hemisphere of the brain, the part which
controls nonverbal behavior whereas most second language teaching methods are
Jeremy Harmer, English Language Teaching, (Edinburgh: Pearson Education Limited,
2001), p. 90.
Diane Larsen-Freeman, Technique and Principles in Language Teaching, (New York:
Oxford University Press, 2002), p. 115.

directed to left-brain learning. The target language should be presented in chunks,

not just word by word.

c. Roles of teacher and learner

1) Teacher
The teacher directs the learning through the use of basic commands. As the
commands become more sophisticated the teacher is like the director of a play and
the students are the actors. The teacher is hoped to be aware of the anxiety level at
all times and keep it low to ensure the student confidence and success. The teacher
also keeps it fun, active, and student-centered.

2) Learner
The students’ main role is that of listening and acting through the use of
teacher based commands, and eventually through student based commands. They
are literally sponges and in essence actors. They monitor and evaluate their own
progress. They are encouraged to speak when they feel ready to speak— that is,
when a sufficient basic in the language has been internalized.40

5. Advantages and Disadvantages of Total Physical Response Method

There is no method could be claimed as the best in teaching in the classroom,
because every method has the advantages and disadvantages, and so does Total
Physical Response method. There are some advantages and disadvantages in
process of teaching and learning by using TPR method.

a. Advantages:
1) The students follow the activity more actively.
2) The students more comprehend the subject.
3) The students are not bored, because they follow all creative activities.
4) It is good for increasing students’ ability to understand active vocabulary.
5) Students more remember what the teacher gave, because it took students’

Jack C. Richards and Theodore S. Rodgers, Approaches and Methods in Language
Teaching, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001), p. 93.

6) Responding physically rather than verbally eliminates the students’ fear of


b. Disadvantages:
1) It was only for very beginner learning.
2) It takes long time to make students understand the material with drill.
3) Not all students have a strong memory to remember the material.
4) The students may not know the errors they made in learning.

Based on explanation above, TPR is a suitable method applied in teaching

and learning activity in order to make students more active and creative in the
classroom, also make them more to remember the materials taught. Nevertheless,
this method is only suitable for students at beginner level and sometimes makes
students ignore they mistake in the learning activity, in which needs more
attention by the teacher of students’ error making in learning.

D. Related Previous Study

The followings are the overviews of the previous studies related to the present
First, a study was conducted by Lia Nurshohifah under the title The
Relationship between Students’ Reading Interest, Vocabulary Mastery and Their
Reading Ability on Descriptive Text at the Eighth Grade Students in Kecamatan
Banjar Pandeglang, Banten. This research was aimed to find out the relationship
among the variables: (1) students’ reading interest (X1) and students’ reading
ability on descriptive text (Y), (2) students’ vocabulary mastery (X2) and their
reading ability on descriptive text, and (3) students’ reading interest, vocabulary
mastery and their reading ability on descriptive text. It was carried out to the
eighth grade students in Kecamatan Banjar Pandeglang, academic year
2012/2013. The finding of the research indicated: firstly, there was a positive
relationship between X1 and Y variables which was proved by 6.90% of variance
of students’ reading ability on descriptive text is determined by their interest.
Secondly, there was a positive relationship between X2 and Y variable which was

proved by 18.2% of variance of students’ reading ability on descriptive text is

determined by their vocabulary mastery. Thirdly, there was a positive relationship
between X1, X2 and Y altogether. It was proved by 22% of variance of students’
reading ability on descriptive text is determined by the students’ reading interest
and vocabulary mastery.41
Second, the study was conducted by Nur Hikmah Laila by the title Improving
Students’ Reading Ability by Using Printed Mass Media in the Eighth Grade
Students of SMPN 3 Colomadu Karanganyar in Academic Year 2008/2009. The
objective of this study is to improve students’ reading comprehension ability by
using text from magazines. The research design used in this study was action
research with the subject of the study was the students of class VII-G. Based on
the reading comprehension test, the students’ pre-test mean score was 5.8,
increasing to 6.5 in the first post-test and increasing again to 7.6 in the final post-
test. Thus, it can be concluded that teaching reading by using text from magazines
can improve the students’ reading ability, especially at the eighth grade students
of SMPN 3 Colomadu Karanganyar in academic year of 2008/2009.42
Based on the two previous studies, there are similarities and differences that
can be found. First, the implementation of the treatment of the previous study still
relates to teach the material of reading ability. Also, another similarity is the level
of subject which the writer used high school students as a sample. Nevertheless,
the difference with the first previous study is that this study was quantitative while
the previous study was a correlation study. Moreover, another difference between
this study and the second previous study is the writer used Total Physical
Response as a method in teaching reading ability, while the previous study used
printed mass media as a treatment in improving students’ reading ability.

Lia Nurshohifah, ―The Relationship between Students’ Reading Interest, Students’
Vocabulary Mastery and Their Reading Ability on Descriptive Text at the Eighth Grade Students
in Kecamatan Banjar Pandeglang, Banten in Academic Year 2012/2013,‖ Thesis, Magister of the
Department of English Education, Faculty of Tarbiya and Teachers’ Training of State Islamic
University Syarif Hidayatullah of Jakarta, Jakarta, 2014, p. i.
Nur Hikmah Laila, ―Improving Students’ Reading Ability by Using Printed Mass Media at
the Eighth Students of SMPN 3 Colomadu Karanganyar in 2008/2009 Academic Year,‖ Thesis of
English Department, Faculty of Teachers’ Traning and Education, Sebelas Maret University,
Surakarta, 2009, p. v.

E. Thinking Framework
Reading is one of four basic skills in English that should be learnt by students
in Junior High School. One of reading texts that should be mastered is procedure
text. Teaching procedure text is aimed to make students able to read the simple
procedure text. However, in learning procedure text, students often find
difficulties, such as lack of vocabulary, lack of knowledge about procedure text,
and feel bored with the learning activity. It can truly said that one of the factors
which make Junior High School students have a low ability in reading is, that the
teacher does not use the interactive and attractive method in teaching reading,
especially on procedure text.
Based on those students’ difficulties in learning, the writer considered about
applying TPR method in teaching procedure text. Total Physical Response is a
method that requires a physical activity. This method takes body movement in
learning in order to know the understanding of the students about the material; it
must take an action especially to visualize every command in steps of procedure
text. Finally, the TPR method is that the students have fun with the physical
performance in the learning activity, because the students have to follow all
creative activities from the learning activity in order to make the students
remember the material longer.
Based on the statement above, the writer assumes that TPR is an effective
way to teach procedure text, and it is also influence students’ creativity in
learning. Because the students are involved directly with the physical performance
and simulation, the method can improve the students’ ability to understand the
procedure text effectively.

F. Theoretical Hypothesis
According to the theories discussed above, the writer assumes that there is a
significant influence of Total Physical Response method on students’ reading
ability of procedure text at the ninth grade of MTs Ma’arif Sabilul Huda Bogor.

This chapter presents information relating to place and time of the study,
method and design of the study, population and sample of the study, instrument of
the study, technique of data collecting, technique of data analysis and statistical

A. Place and Time of the Study

The study was conducted at MTs Ma’arif Sabilul Huda which is located on
Kp. Bojong Jengkol RT 03/10, Desa Cilebut Barat, Sukaraja, Kabupaten Bogor.
The focus was on ninth grade of MTs Ma’arif Sabilul Huda Bogor, academic year
2018/2019. It was conducted for three weeks or six meetings from November 5th
until December 1st 2018.

B. Method and Design of the Study

This research was conducted using quantitative method which is related to the
calculation and analysis of numerical data.1 Then, the quasi-experimental study
was applied as the design of this research, in which because experimental design
is purposed to obtain the cause-effect between two variables.2 In this research, the
Total Physical Response method was the dependent variable, and reading ability
of procedure text was the independent variable.
Furthermore, the writer took two classes: experiment class, and control class.
As Bowling stated, in the experiment research there are experimental group which
is exposed to the treatment and controlled group which is not exposed.3 In the
other words, as the statement before, experiment class was the class which the
TPR method was applied in learning reading procedure text, while control class
was learned reading procedure text without applying TPR method. However,

C. R. Kothari, Research Methodology: Research and Techniques, (New Delhi: New Age
International, 2002), p. 3.
John W. Creswell, Educational Research: Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating
Quantitative and Qualitative Research, Fourth Edition, (Boston: Pearson Education, 2011), p. 293.
Loraine Blaxter, et al., How to Research; 3rd Edition, (New York: Open University Press,
2006), p. 75.


before the treatment began, both classes were given a pre-test that was used to get
the beginning score of students’ reading ability of procedure text. Then, the
treatment of TPR method was applied in experiment class on learning reading
procedure text, while in control class the treatment was not applied. After the
treatment period, post-test was given to the both classes in order to know the
influence of TPR method on students’ reading ability of procedure text. Lastly,
the writer analyzed the data which was collected from both experiment and
control class. The process of this research could be described by the design
Table 3.1
Quasi-experimental Design

Pre and Post-test Design Time

Experiment Class Pre-test Experimental Post-test

Control Class Pre-test No Treatment Post-test

In this research, the writer conducted 6 meetings in each class. They consisted
of one first-meeting for pre-test, four meetings for meetings for the treatment, and
one last meeting for post-test.

C. Population and Sample of the Study

The population of this study was the ninth-grade students of MTs Ma’arif
Sabilul Huda Bogor in the academic year of 2018/2019. The total class of ninth
grade was three classes, and the total population was 75 students. However, the
sample of this research was two classes. They were divided into one experiment
class that was taught reading procedure text by using TPR method, and one
control class which was taught without using the method. Therefore, the writer
used purposive sampling which based on his knowledge of the population to

John W. Creswell, Op.Cit., p. 310.

determine whether or not a particular sample will be representative.5 The writer

discussed with the English teacher in that school to choose the two appropriate
classes that would be the sample in this study.
Further, the two classes chosen were IX-B and IX-C, with the total students
of each class was 25 students. The class of IX-B was the experiment class which
was taught by using TPR method. Meanwhile, the class of IX-C was the control
class which was taught without using TPR method.

D. Instrument of the Study

In this study, a test was chosen as research instrument for measuring students’
reading ability of procedure text. The writer chose multiple-choice test to be given
for pre-test and post-test to the students of both experiment and control class. The
multiple-choice test which were designed with four options (A, B, C or D) and
involved schematic structure and linguistic features of procedure text. For the
printed sheet of the instrument could be seen on appendix.
The pre-test was given to the students of both classes (experiment and control
class), in order to know the measurement of their reading ability of procedure text
before applying the treatment of TPR method in the experiment class.
Then, post-test was given to the students of both classes (experiment and
control class) after the treatment was applied in the experiment class. It was
purposed to identify the influence of TPR method on students’ reading ability of
procedure text. Also, the test was aimed to see the differences and to compare the
result between experiment class and control class.

E. Technique of Data Collecting

Before the pre-test were given to both experiment and control class, a pilot
study was conducted at the class IX-A in MTs Ma’arif Sabilul Huda. It was aimed
to check validity and reliability of the instrument. After the instrument test was
given to the class of IX-A, the writer had measured the validity and reliability of
the instrument. Validity is concerned with the extent to which an instrument

Louis Cohen, Lawrence Manion, and Keith Morrison, Research Methods in Education,
sixth edition, (New York: Routledge, 2007), pp. 114 – 115.

measures what it is intended to measure. Reliability is concerned with the ability

of the instrument to measure consistently. Both validity and reliability are two
important elements that used for evaluate the measurement of instrument tests in
the research.6 The reliability of the instrument is closely associated with its
validity, means that an instrument cannot be valid unless it is reliable. However,
the reliability of an instrument does not depend on its validity.
To measure the validity and reliability of the test, the writer used ANATES.
The result of validity and reliability test were 35 questions from 50 questions in
total. It means that 15 out of 50 questions were not valid and reliable. For the
analysis details, it could be checked on appendix.
After measuring the validity and reliability of the instrument, the pre-test was
given to experiment and control class at the first meeting. The pre-test instrument
consisted of 35 questions of multiple choices of reading test. Then, after the pre-
test, the treatment of TPR method was implemented in experiment class of
learning reading procedure text, while in control class the treatment was not
implemented in the learning process.
Furthermore, after the treatment was done in experiment class, the post-test
was given to both experiment and control class. The post-test also consisted of 35
questions of multiple choices of reading test which were different with the pre-
test. It was conducted to know the significant effect or influence between students
who were taught reading procedure text by applying TPR method and students
who were taught without applying the method. From the result of the post-test, the
writer wanted to know the students’ reading ability of procedure text between the
two classes.

F. Technique of Data Analysis

In analysing the data, the writer used the data from the tests of students’ in
both experiment and control class to find out the result of their reading ability of
procedure text. After all students’ score were obtained, the writer conducted
normality and homogeneity test of the data in order to see whether the data was

Mohsen Tavakol & Reg Dennick, Making Sense of Cronbach’s Alpha, (International
Journal of Medical Education, 2, 2011), p. 53.

normally distributed and homogenous or not. Both normality and homogeneity

test were measured by using IBM SPSS Statistic v.24 for Windows.
After analysing normality and homogeneity test, the writer used t-test
hypothesis testing to figure out the differences between students’ score which
were taken from pre-test and post-test in both experiment class and control class.
Also, the t-test result was used to support the hypothesis of this study.

1. Normality Test
In this study, normality test was one of some requirements that should be
fulfilled before conducting t-test. It was required to figure out whether or not the
data from two classes had been normally distributed. The normality test was tested
by using Lilliefors table with the data of pre-test and post-test score from both
experiment and control class. The data could be concluded as normally distributed
if the significant score > 0.05. Nevertheless, if the significant score < 0.05, it
meant that the data were not normally distributed.7 The normality test was
measured with IBM SPSS (Special Package for the Social Sciences) Statistic v.24
for Windows. The result of normality test could be checked in Chapter IV.

2. Homogeneity Test
The homogeneity test was aimed to know whether the data from both
experiment class and control class had the same or different variants. The test of
homogeneity was measured using Levene’s table. To determine if the data were
homogenous, the significant level of the test in Levene’s table should be higher
than 0.05. As same as normality test, this test was also conducted in pre-test and
post-test score from both experiment and control class. The homogeneity test was
also done using IBM SPSS Statistic v.24 with the step as follows: Analyze –
Compare Means – One Way Anova. Additionally, the result of homogeneity test
could also be checked in Chapter IV.

Budi Susetyo, Statistika untuk Analisis Data Penelitian, (Bandung: PT. Refika Aditama,
2010), pp. 144 – 148.

3. Hypothesis Test
In doing hypothesis test, the writer used t-test to find the differences between
the students’ score that are taken from pre-test and post-test in experimental class
(X) and control class (Y) after analyzing normality test and homogeneity test. In
measuring t-test, the writer used statistical analysis to analyze the data. The writer
used t-test formula to calculate the data with the significance degree of 5% (0.05),
as adopted from Anas Sudijono.8 The formula used as follows:

: The value of t-count
M1 : Mean Variable of Experiment Class
M2 : Mean Variable of Control Class
: Standard Error of Experiment Class
: Standard Error of Control Class

The t-test formula above is main formula. Before using that formula, there are
several calculation procedures to be taken. The steps are:9

a. Formula to determine variable X;

M1 : the average of gained score (mean of variable x)

∑ : sum of gained score (variable x)
N1 : total number of students (variable x)

b. Formula to determine variable Y;

Anas Sudijono, Pengantar Statistik Pendidikan, (Jakarta: Raja Grafindo Persada, 2010), pp.
315 – 316.
Budi Susetyo, Op.Cit., p. 205.

M2 : the average of gained score (mean of variable y)

∑ : sum of gained score (variable y)
N2 : total number of students (variable y)

c. Formula to determine Standard of Deviation of variable X;

SD1 : standard deviation of variable x

∑ : sum of squared gained score of variable x
N1 : total number of students (variable x)

d. Formula to determine Standard of Deviation of variable Y;

SD2 : standard deviation of variable y

∑ : sum of squared gained score of variable y
N2 : total number of students (variable y)

e. Formula to determine Standard Error of Mean of variable X;

: standard error of mean variable x

SD1 : standard deviation of variable x
N1 : total number of students (variable x)

f. Formula to determine Standard Error of Mean of variable Y;

: standard error of mean variable y


SD2 : standard deviation of variable y

N2 : total number of students (variable y)

g. Formula to determine Standard Error of Mean of variable X and variable Y;

h. Determining with formula;

M1 : mean of experiment group (variable x)

M2 : mean of control group (variable y)
: standard error of mean variable x and variable y

i. Determining t-table in significance level 5% (0.05) with degree of freedom;

( )

Df : degree of freedom
N1 : total number of students variable x
N2 : total number of students variable y

j. Criteria:
 If ˃ with the Sig. (2-tailed) 5% (0.05): there is significance and
Ha is accepted, H0 is rejected.
 If ˂ with the Sig. (2-tailed) 5% (0.05): there is no significance
and Ha is rejected, H0 is accepted.

4. Effect Size Formulation

In addition, after all calculation of the analysis test finished, it is important to
know the effect size of this study. The effect size is used to identify the strength of
the final part of two group differences or the relation of two variables in a

quantitative study.10 To identify the effect size of this study whether it is strong or
weak, the theory of Cohen’s d could be used. The effect size of Cohen’s d has
formula as follows:11
( )

: pooled standard deviation
SD1 : standard deviation of experiment group
SD2 : standard deviation of control group

d : the effect size

M1 : mean of experiment group
M2 : mean of control group
: pooled standard deviation

After knowing the result, there are some guidelines for determining whether
the effect is weak, modest, moderate or strong. The guidelines are shown in the
table 3.2 as follows.12
Table 3.2
The Criteria of Size Effect
Effect Size Range Category
0 – 0.20 Weak effect
0.21 – 0.50 Modest effect
0.51 – 1.00 Moderate effect
> 1.00 Strong effect

John W. Creswell, Educational Research: Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating
Quantitative and Qualitative Research, Fourth Edition, (Boston: Pearson Education, 2011), p. 203.
Barry H. Cohen and R. Brooke Lea, Essentials of Statistics for the Social and Behavioural
Sciences, (New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, 2004), p. 124.
Daniel Muijs, Doing Quantitative Research in Education with SPSS, (London: Sage
Publications Ltd, 2004), p. 136.

G. Statistical Hypothesis
Statistical analysis used as follows:
H0 : Null Hypothesis
Ha : Alternative Hypothesis
H0 : There is no significant effect of TPR method on teaching procedure text
at the ninth grade students of SMP Islamiyah Sawangan.
Ha : There is significant effect of TPR method on teaching procedure text at
the ninth grade students of SMP Islamiyah Sawangan.

Then, the criteria of the hypothesis used as follows:

a. If t-test (t0) > t-table (ttable) in the significant degree of 0.05, H0 (null
hypothesis) was rejected. It meant the mean scores of the experimental class
are higher than the control class. The applying TPR method gave the effect on
teaching procedure text at the ninth grade students of SMP Islamiyah
b. If t-test (t0) < t-table (ttable) in the significant degree of 0.05, H0 (null
hypothesis) was accepted. It meant the mean scores of the experimental class
are same as or lower than the control class. The applying TPR method did not
give the effect on teaching procedure text at the ninth grade students of SMP
Islamiyah Sawangan.

A. Research Finding
1. Data Description
In this part, the researcher shows the result of pre-test and post-test data that
had been collected from students’ in both experiment class and control class at the
ninth grade of MTs Ma’arif Sabilul Huda Bogor. The researcher measured
students’ reading ability of procedure text by using a test in multiple choices form.
The pre-test was given before the treatment began and the post-test was given
after the treatment was done. The result of the study is presented as data
description based on the test result.

a. Experiment Class
Table 4.1 below shows the result of the students’ pre-test and post-test score
in experiment class.

Table 4.1
Pre-test and Post-test Score of Experiment Class

Students’ Gained
No Pre-test Post-test
Number Score
1 S1 49 58 9
2 S2 64 73 9
3 S3 64 70 6
4 S4 55 61 6
5 S5 52 49 -3
6 S6 64 61 -3
7 S7 31 46 15
8 S8 34 46 12
9 S9 64 52 -12
10 S10 70 85 15


Students’ Gained
No Pre-test Post-test
Number Score
11 S11 67 67 0
12 S12 49 70 21
13 S13 43 55 12
14 S14 49 67 18
15 S15 55 67 12
16 S16 58 67 9
17 S17 46 61 15
18 S18 61 61 0
19 S19 61 58 -3
20 S20 64 58 -6
21 S21 40 55 15
22 S22 49 58 9
23 S23 46 58 12
24 S24 58 70 12
25 S25 55 67 12
Total 25 Students 1348 1540 192
Average Score 53,92 61,6 7,68
Max Score 70 85 21
Min score 31 46 -12

Based on the data in the Table 4.1, it could be seen the lowest and the highest
score from students of experiment class. The lowest score of the pre-test was 31
and the highest score was 70. After the writer gave the treatment using TPR
method, the writer gave the students post-test. The data showed the lowest score
of the post-test was 46 and the highest score was 85. Also, the average of pre-test
score was 53.92 and the average of post-test score was 61.6. Additionally, gained
score in experiment class was 7.68.

Moreover, the following diagrams described the frequency distribution score

from the result of the students’ pre-test and post-test score in experiment class.

Figure 4.1
Diagram of Frequency Distribution of Pre-test Score in Experiment Class

Figure 4.2
Diagram of Frequency Distribution of Post-test Score in Experiment Class

b. Control Class
Table 4.2 below showed the result of the students’ pre-test and post-test score
in control class.

Table 4.2
Pre-test and Post-test Score of Control Class

Students’ Gained
No Pre-test Post-test
Number Score
1 S1 76 79 3
2 S2 67 73 6
3 S3 67 76 9
4 S4 70 82 18
5 S5 52 70 18
6 S6 70 70 0
7 S7 52 64 12
8 S8 55 64 9
9 S9 64 64 0
10 S10 61 64 3
11 S11 79 82 3
12 S12 70 67 -3
13 S13 70 64 -6
14 S14 73 73 0
15 S15 67 73 6
16 S16 64 70 6
17 S17 58 61 3
18 S18 58 64 6
19 S19 49 61 12
20 S20 67 61 -6
21 S21 82 88 6
22 S22 79 70 -9

Students’ Gained
No Pre-test Post-test
Number Score
23 S23 82 88 6
24 S24 64 64 0
25 S25 67 64 -3
Total 25 Students 1663 1756 93
Average Score 66,52 70,24 3,72
Max Score 82 88 18
Min score 49 61 -9

Based on the data in the Table 4.2 above, it described the lowest and the
highest score from students in the control class. The data showed the lowest score
of pre-test was 49 and the highest score was 82. The lowest score of the post-test
score was 61 and the highest score was 88 Also, the average of pre-test score in
control class was 66.52 and the average of post-test score was 70.24. In addition,
gained score in control class was 3.72.
Moreover, the following diagrams described the frequency distribution score
from the result of the students’ pre-test and post-test score in control class.

Figure 4.3
Diagram of Frequency Distribution of Pre-test Score in Control Class

Figure 4.4
Diagram of Frequency Distribution of Post-test Score in Control Class

Next, to see the result of gained score of the experiment class (X) and the
control class (Y), Table 4.3 presented the gained score of both classes as follows:

Table 4.3
The Gained Score between Experiment and Control Class

X Y x (X-MX) y (Y-MY) x2 y2
1 9 3 1,32 -2,4 1,74 5,76
2 9 6 1,32 1,32 1,74 1,74
3 6 9 -1,68 -1,68 2,82 2,82
4 6 12 -1,68 -1,68 2,82 2,82
5 -3 18 -10,68 -10,68 114,06 114,06
6 -3 0 -10,68 -10,68 114,06 114,06
7 15 12 7,32 7,32 53,58 53,58
8 12 9 4,32 4,32 18,66 18,66
9 -12 0 -19,68 -19,68 387,30 387,30

X Y x (X-MX) y (Y-MY) x2 y2
10 15 3 7,32 7,32 53,58 53,58
11 0 3 -7,68 -7,68 58,98 58,98
12 21 -3 13,32 13,32 177,42 177,42
13 12 -6 4,32 4,32 18,66 18,66
14 18 0 10,32 10,32 106,50 106,50
15 12 6 4,32 4,32 18,66 18,66
16 9 6 1,32 1,32 1,74 1,74
17 15 3 7,32 7,32 53,58 53,58
18 0 6 -7,68 -7,68 58,98 58,98
19 -3 12 -10,68 -10,68 114,06 114,06
20 -6 -6 -13,68 -13,68 187,14 187,14
21 15 6 7,32 7,32 53,58 53,58
22 9 -9 1,32 1,32 1,74 1,74
23 12 6 4,32 4,32 18,66 18,66
24 12 0 4,32 4,32 18,66 18,66
25 12 -3 4,32 4,32 18,66 18,66
Total 192 93 1657,44 1661,46
Mean 7,68 3,72

From the data in the Table 4.3, it could be seen that the total gained score of
the experiment class was 192, and the control class was 93. It indicates that there
is any significant difference between the two classes.
Based on the data above, the average score of both experiment and control
class was increased. However, rather than the control class, the experiment class’
score had increased more slightly. The experiment class’ mean score increased
7.68 points, while the control class increased only 3.72 points. The progress of
both classes could be seen in the diagram below:

Figure 4.5
The Difference between Students’ Score in Experiment Class
and Control Class




40 Experiment



Pre-test Post-test

2. The Analysis of the Data

In this study, the normality test was performed before the calculation of t-test
value to determine if the data set is well-modelled by a normal distribution and to
compute how likely it is for a random variable underlying the data set to be
normally distributed. After the normality test, the homogeneity test is needed to
know whether or not the data were homogeneous. The data was analysed by the
use of IBM SPSS Statistic 24.

a. Normality Test
In this research, normality test is one of some requirements that should be
fulfilled before conducting t-test. It is required to figure out whether or not the
data from two classes had been normally distributed. The normality test was tested
by using Lilliefors table. The data is normally distributed if it has significance 5%
(0.05). The result of normality test can be seen as follows:

Table 4.4
Normality Test of Pre-test between Experiment Class and Control Class
Using Lilliefors

Tests of Normality
Kolmogorov-Smirnov Shapiro-Wilk
Class Statistic Df Sig. Statistic df Sig.
Pretest Experiment ,117 25 ,151 ,952 25 ,282
Control ,121 25 ,200 ,962 25 ,466
a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

From the data in Table 4.4 above, it could be seen that the significance of pre-
test score in experiment class was 0,151. Meanwhile, the significance of pre-test
score in control class was 0,200. The data of both classes could be defined as
normally distributed as the significance score of both classes were higher than

Table 4.5
Normality Test of Post-test between Experiment Class and Control Class
Using Lilliefors
Tests of Normality
Kolmogorov-Smirnov Shapiro-Wilk
Class Statistic Df Sig. Statistic df Sig.
Posttest Experiment ,127 25 ,200 ,957 25 ,364
Control ,216 25 ,069 ,875 25 ,140
a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

Based on the data in Table 4.5 above, it showed that the significance of post-
test score in experiment class was 0.200. It meant that the data were normally
distributed because 0.200 were higher than 0.05. Moreover, the significance of
post-test score in control class was 0.069. The data of post-test score in control
class was also normally distributed. In short, the both data of pre-test and post-test
form experiment class and control class were normally distributed.

b. Homogeneity Test
After doing the normality test, the homogeneity test was also measured. It is
purposed to test the similarity of the both classes; experiment and control class.
To calculate the homogeneity test, Levene statistic was used. The data would be
determined as homogenous if the result of the data calculation is higher than 0.05.
The result could be seen as follows:

Table 4.6
Homogeneity Test of Pre-test between Experiment and Control Class
Test of Homogeneity of Variances
Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.
,709 1 48 ,404

The writer used One-Way Anova test. The result of the data above showed
that the significance of pre-test between experiment and control class was 0.404.
Therefore, the data of pre-test was homogenous because it was higher than 0.05.

Table 4.7
Homogeneity Test of Post-test between Experiment and Control Class
Test of Homogeneity of Variances
Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.
,081 1 48 ,777

The data in the Table 4.7 showed that the significance of post-test between
experiment and control class was 0.777. Therefore, the data of post-test both
experiment and control class was higher than 0.05.

c. Hypothesis Test
In order to figure out the significant different between experiment and control
class, the data were calculated using t-test formula with significance level 5%
(0.05) in some steps as follows:
a) Determining the mean of variable X by using formula:

b) Determining the mean of variable Y by using formula:

c) Determining the standard deviation score of variable X by using formula:

√ √ √

d) Determining the standard deviation score of variable Y by using formula:

√ √ √

e) Determining the standard error mean of the different mean of variable X by

using formula:

√ √ √

f) Determining the standard error mean of the different mean of variable Y by

using formula:

√ √ √

g) Determining the standard error mean of variable X and variable Y by using


√( ) ( )

h) Determining t0 with formula:

i) Determining ttable in significant level 5% (0.05) with degree of freedom (df)

with formula:

( )

( )

The result from the data calculation was t0 = 1.6837. Then the value of df was
48 at degrees of significance 5% (0.05), so the data from the ttable was 1.6772. By
comparing the result of t0 was 1.6837 and ttable on the degree of significance 5%
(0.05) = 1.6772, thus the writer summarized that t0 was higher than the ttable.
Due to this research was aimed to answer the problem formulation whether
there is significant difference between students’ reading ability of procedure text
with using TPR method and students’ reading ability of procedure text without
using TPR method, then hypothesis test was conducted. In order to provide the

answer, the alternative hypothesis (Ha) and Null Hypothesis (H0) are proposed as
a) H0 (Null Hypothesis): there was no influence of TPR method on students’
reading ability of procedure text.
b) Ha (Alternative Hypothesis): there was an influence of TPR method on
students’ reading ability of procedure text.

To prove the hypothesis, the obtained data from experiment class and control
class were calculated by using t-test formula with assumption as follows:
a) If t0 < ttable, in significant degree of 5% (0.05), the Null Hypothesis (H0) is
accepted and the Alternative Hypothesis (Ha) is rejected. It means that TPR
method does not have any influences on students’ reading ability of procedure
b) If t0 > ttable, in significant degree of 5% (0.05), the Null Hypothesis (H0) is
rejected and the Alternative Hypothesis (Ha) is accepted. It means that TPR
method has an influence on students’ reading ability of procedure text.

According to the statistical calculation above, the value of t0 was 1.6837.

Then, it could be seen that on df = 48 in significance 5% (0.05) the value of the
ttable is 1.6772. By comparing the result of ttable and t0 in the degree of significance
of 5% (0.05), t0 > ttable = 1.6837 > 1.6772.
Thus, it could be concluded that the Null Hypothesis (H0) is rejected and the
Alternative Hypothesis (Ha) is accepted. In other words, it meant that TPR method
has an influence on students’ reading ability of procedure text at ninth grade of
MTs Ma’arif Sabilul Huda Bogor.

3. Effect Size Formulation

The effect size formulation was used in order to know whether the treatment
had a strong influence or not. To find the calculation, the writer used Cohen’s
formulation as utilized below:

( ) ( )

In which:
: pooled standard deviation
SD1 : standard deviation of experiment class
SD2 : standard deviation of control class
d : the effect size
M1 : average of experiment class
M2 : average of control class

The criteria of the effect size level:

 0 – 0.20 = Weak effect
 0.21 – 0.50 = Modest effect
 0.51 – 1.00 = Moderate effect
 > 1.00 = Strong effect

According to the criteria of the effect size level above, it could be concluded
that this research had modest effect size level. It was determined as modest effect
size because the d score was 0.48, in which existed between interval 0.21 – 0.50.
Therefore, in other words, the influence of Total Physical Response (TPR) on
students’ reading ability of procedure text at ninth grade of MTs Ma’arif Sabilul
Huda Bogor was quite significant.

B. Discussion
According to the research finding and data analysis, the TPR method had
influenced students’ reading ability of procedure text at the ninth-grade of MTs
Ma’arif Sabilul Huda Bogor. Although the experiment class’ average score of
post-test did not pass the average score of control class’ post-test, but it was
proved by the better performance of the students’ average gained score between
the two classes. The average of pre-test score in experiment class was 53.92, and
the average of post-test score in experiment class was 61.6. Meanwhile, the
average of pre-test score in control class was 66.52, and the average of post-test
score was 70.24. However, the average of gained score in experimental class was
7.68, while the average of gained score in control class was 3.72.
Based on the data calculation above, it also showed the result of the ttable in
significance level of 5% (0.05) was 1.6772, whereas the result of t0 was 1.6837.
Therefore, it could be determined that H0 (Null Hypothesis) was rejected and Ha
(Alternative Hypothesis) was accepted. In addition, the effect size of TPR method
toward students’ reading ability of procedure text was 0.48, it could be known as a
modest effect size based on the criteria of effect size formulation.
As a result, the TPR method promotes the learning process which facilitates
students to practice their reading ability. TPR method makes students take a part
in the learning process and makes them to balance their own types of learning
such as auditory, visual, and kinaesthetic. Moreover, the method also provides the
students to create collaborative learning which the students will work together
with their friends.
Moreover, comparing to previous study, this study proves that TPR method
was found effective to improve students’ reading ability; in case the material of
procedure text. The previous study took a research in improving students’ reading
ability by using printed mass media; magazines. The result of the research was
found successfully effective as the pre-test mean score was 5.8, increasing to 6.5
in the first post-test, and increasing again to 7.6 in the final post-test. From this
comparison, it can be concluded that there are many ways, methods and
techniques in teaching reading ability. However, the implementation of the

methods in teaching reading ability should be chosen appropriately depends on the

material of reading.
Based on the implementation above, it can be summed up that applying Total
Physical Response method is effective toward students’ reading ability of
procedure text, especially for the ninth-grade students at MTs Ma’arif Sabilul
Huda Bogor.

A. Conclusion
This study was conducted to get the empirical evidence about the influence of
Total Physical Response (TPR) at the ninth grade students’ of MTs Ma’arif
Sabilul Huda. After doing the experiment in teaching reading procedure text using
TPR method in experiment class and without using TPR method in control class,
the writer analyzed the data of the experiment, and continued to conclude the
Based on finding and result of this study, teaching reading procedure text
using TPR method was appropriate to be implemented in the classroom. It shows
from the result of t-test formula to test the hypothesis of this study in the
significance degree of 5% (0.05) is t0 ˃ ttable (1.6873 ˃ 1.6772). Besides, it could
be seen from the comparison between the average of gained score of experiment
class was 7.68 points, which was higher than the average of gained score of
control class which was only 3.72 points. Therefore, the alternative hypothesis
(Ha) was accepted. It means that there was a positive influence of TPR method on
students’ reading ability of procedure text. Moreover, after calculating the data to
know how significant the effect was, then the result showed that the effect of TPR
method towards students’ reading ability of procedure text was modest. Therefore,
it could be concluded that Total Physical Response method had influenced the
students’ reading ability of procedure text, especially at the ninth grade students of
MTs Ma’arif Sabilul Huda Bogor.

B. Suggestion
Based on the conclusion of the research, the writer would like to give some
suggestions for students, teachers and other researchers who are interested in this
particular. Some suggestions are presented as follows:


1. English teachers should be more creative in choosing any methods which is

appropriate with the instructional material, especially in reading material of
procedure text.
2. Teachers should use various teaching methods, techniques and media to make
an improvisation in teaching reading materials, especially in procedure text.
3. Students need to be more active and have a high motivation in learning
process because they have important roles in achieving their success in
4. For other researchers, the result of this study can give information or
reference about implementation of TPR Method in teaching reading
procedure text for other research in conducting the similar study.

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Sekolah : SMP MTs Ma’arif Sabilul Huda

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas :9

Kompetensi Inti :
KI 1: Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya
KI 2: Menghargai dan menghayati perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab, peduli (toleransi, gotong royong), santun, percaya diri,
dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam dalam jangkauan pergaulan dan keberadaannya.
KI 3: Memahami pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural) berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan,
teknologi, seni, budaya terkait fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata.
KI 4: Mencoba, mengolah, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret (menggunakan, mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat)
dan ranah abstrak (menulis, membaca, menghitung, menggambar, dan mengarang) sesuai dengan yang dipelajari di
sekolah dan sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut pandang/teori.

Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pokok Kegiatan Pembelajaran Penilaian Sumber Belajar
Mensyukuri kesempatan
dapat mempelajari
bahasa Inggris sebagai
bahasa pengantar
internasional yang
diwujudkan dalam
semangat belajar.

Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pokok Kegiatan Pembelajaran Penilaian Sumber Belajar
2.1 Menunjukkan
perilaku santun
dan peduli dalam
dengan guru dan
2.2 Menunjukkan
perilaku jujur,
disiplin, percaya
diri, dan
bertanggung jawab
dengan guru dan
2.3 Menunjukkan
perilaku tanggung
jawab, peduli,
kerjasama, dan
cinta damai, dalam

3.7 Menerapkan Teks lisan dan tulis teks Masing-masing menggunakan KRITERIA PENILAIAN 16 JP  Buku Teks wajib
struktur teks dan prosedur berbentuk (a) prosedur yang sama
unsur kebahasaan resep dan (b) manual  Keteladanan
 Tingkat ketercapaian
untuk pendek dan sederhana. Mengamati ucapan dan
fungsi sosial (a) resep
melaksanakan tindakan guru
dan (b) manual pendek
Masing-masing  Siswa menyalin dengan tulisan menggunakan
fungsi sosial teks dan sederhana.
diajarkan secara tangan yang rapi beberapa (a) setiap tindakan
prosedur dengan
terpisah resep dan (b) manual pendek  Tingkat kelengkapan komunikasi
menyatakan dan
dan sederhana dari beberapa
Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pokok Kegiatan Pembelajaran Penilaian Sumber Belajar
menanyakan Fungsi sosial sumber, dengan menggunakan dan keruntutan dalam interpersonal/
tentang resep dan ejaan dan tanda baca dengan menyebutkan dan transaksional
Mencapai hasil terbaik
manual, pendek benar. menanyakan tentang dengan benar dan
secara efisien,
dan sederhana, cara pembuatan akurat
menghindari kecelakaan,  Siswa membaca dan
sesuai dengan makanan, minuman
kerusakan, pemborosan, mendengarkan teks-teks  Contoh teks dari
konteks dalam (a) resep dan
dsb. tersebut untuk memahami isi sumber otentik
penggunaannya. pengoperasian alat
Struktur text dalam (b) manual.  Sumber dari
4.7 Menangkap makna
(gagasan utama dan  Dengan bimbingan guru, siswa internet, seperti:
teks prosedur, lisan  Tingkat ketepatan
informasi rinci) mengidentifikasi ciri-ciri (fungsi
dan tulis, unsur kebahasaan: - www.dailyenglis
berbentuk resep Ungkapan baku yang sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur
tata bahasa, kosa
dan manual, digunakan dalam (a) kebahasaan) dari setiap teks
kata, ucapan, tekanan
pendek dan resep dan (b) manual, tersebut. - http://america
kata, intonasi, ejaan,
sederhana. dari sumber-sumber tanda baca, kerapihan nenglish.state.g
otentik. Menanya tulisan tangan. ov/files/ae/res
4.8 Menyusun teks ource_files
prosedur, lisan dan a. Menyebutkan tujuan Dengan bimbingan dan arahan
 Sikap tanggung jawab,
tulis, pendek dan guru, siswa menanyakan dan - http://learneng
b. Menyebutkan bahan kerjasama, cinta
sederhana, mempertanyakan antara lain lish.britishcoun
damai, dan percaya
dan/atau peralatan tentang perbedaan dalam hal
berbentuk resep diri yang menyertai
(jika diperlukan, fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan
dan manual, tindakan menyebutkan - https://www.go
opsional) unsur kebahasaan, antara (a)
dengan dan menanyakan
memperhatikan c. Menyebutkan resep dan (b) manual pendek dan
tentang cara
fungsi sosial, serangkaian langkah sederhana, dalam bahasa Inggris
pembuatan makanan,
struktur teks, dan kerja secara urut dan dengan yang ada dalam bahasa
minuman dalam (a)
unsur kebahasaan runtut untuk Indonesia, kemungkinan
resep dan
yang benar dan mencapai tujuan menggunakan ungkapan lain,
pengoperasian alat
sesuai konteks. akibat jika tidak ada, dsb.
dalam (b) manual.
Unsur kebahasaan
Mengumpulkan Informasi
(1) Tata bahasa: kalimat
imperatif, negatif dan  Secara kolaboratif, siswa
mencari dan mengumpulan Kinerja (praktik)
beberapa (a) resep dan (b)
Tugas menganalisis dan
(2) Ungkapan dan kosa manual pendek dan sederhana
menghasilkan (a) resep
kata yang lazim dari berbagai sumber, termasuk
dan (b) manual pendek
digunakan dalam (a) dari internet, film, koran,
resep dan (b) manual dan sederhana tentang
majalah, buku teks, dsb.
makanan, minuman, dan
(3) Penggunaan nominal alat yang nyata di
Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pokok Kegiatan Pembelajaran Penilaian Sumber Belajar
singular dan plural  Siswa membaca rujukan dari lingkungan sekitar.
secara tepat, dengan berbagai sumber, termasuk
atau tanpa a, the, this, buku teks, untuk mengetahui Observasi:
those, my, their, dsb fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan
(penilaian yang
secara tepat dalam unsur kebahasaan dari (a) resep
bertujuan untuk
frasa nominal dan (b) manual.
memberikan balikan
(4) Ucapan, tekanan kata,  Siswa membaca semua (a) resep secara lebih cepat)
intonasi dan (b) manual pendek dan
 Observasi terhadap
(5) Ejaan dan tanda baca sederhana yang telah terkumpul
tindakan siswa
tsb., secara lebih cermat dengan
menggunakan bahasa
(6) Tulisan tangan cara mengidentifikasi dan
Inggris untuk
Topik menyebutkan dan cara
- fungsi sosial setiap teks pembuatan makanan,
Makanan, minuman, minuman dalam (a)
barang, yang lazim atau - tujuan setiap teks
resep dan
terkait dengan hidup - bahan dan/atau peralatan pengoperasian alat
siswa di sekolah, rumah, yang digunakan dalam (b) manual,
dan masyarakat, dengan ketika muncul
memberikan keteladanan - serangkaian langkah kerja
kesempatan, di dalam
tentang perilaku jujur, secara urut dan runtut untuk
dan di luar kelas.
disiplin, percaya diri, mencapai tujuan
kerjasama dan  Observasi terhadap
- kosa kata, tata bahasa,
bertanggung jawab. kesungguhan,
ucapan, tekanan kata, ejaan,
tanggung jawab, dan
tanda baca yang digunakan
kerja sama siswa
dalam proses
pembelajaran di setiap
 Siswa membandingkan fungsi tahapan.
sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur
 Observasi terhadap
kebahasaan dari berbagai (a)
kepedulian dan
resep dan (b) manual pendek
kepercayaan diri
dan sederhana yang telah
dalam melaksanakan
dikumpulkan dari berbagai
komunikasi, di dalam
sumber tersebut di atas.
dan di luar kelas.
 Siswa membandingkan fungsi
sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur Penilaian diri:

Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pokok Kegiatan Pembelajaran Penilaian Sumber Belajar
kebahasaan dari berbagai (a) Pernyataan siswa secara
resep dan (b) manual pendek tertulis dalam jurnal
dan sederhana yang telah belajar sederhana
dipelajari tersebut di atas berbahasa Indonesia
dengan yang ada di sumber- tentang pengalaman
sumber lain, atau dengan yang belajar memahami dan
digunakan dalam bahasa lain. menghasilkan (a) resep
dan (b) manual,
 Siswa memperoleh balikan
termasuk kemudahan
(feedback) dari guru dan teman
dan kesulitannya.
tentang hasil analisisnya.
Tes tertulis
Membaca dan menulis
 Siswa mempelajari lebih banyak teks (a) resep dan (b)
(a) resep dan (b) manual pendek manual yang menuntut
dan sederhana dalam bahasa pemahaman dan
Inggris untuk memberikan pemaparan tentang cara
komentar dan pandangannya pembuatan makanan
tentang fungsi sosial, struktur dan minuman dan
teks, dan unsur kebahasaannya. pengoperasian alat.
 Siswa berupaya berbicara secara
lancar dengan ucapan, tekanan Portofolio
kata, intonasi yang benar dan a. Kumpulan karya teks
menulis dengan ejaan dan tanda (a) resep dan (b)
baca yang benar, serta tulisan manual tentang cara
yang jelas dan rapi. pembuatan makanan
 Siswa membicarakan dan minuman dan
permasalahan yang dialami pengoperasian alat
dalam memahami (a) resep dan yang telah dibuat.
(b) manual pendek dan b. Kumpulan hasil
sederhana dan menuliskannya analisis tentang
dalam jurnal belajar sederhana beberapa (a) resep dan
dalam bahasa Indonesia. (b) manual tentang
cara pembuatan
makanan dan
minuman dan

Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pokok Kegiatan Pembelajaran Penilaian Sumber Belajar
pengoperasian alat.
c. Lembar soal dan hasil

Mengetahui, Bogor, Juli 2018

Kepala Sekolah Guru Mata Pelajaran

Romli, S.Pd. Muhammad Ikbal, S.Pd.

Questions for Validity Test

Read the following text to answer questions number 1 to 3.

How to Clean an LCD Screen

1. Shake up the detergent and put it 15 – 20 cm away from the LCD screen.
2. Spray on the LCD screen surface directly.
3. Cleanse gently using the fabric cleanser or brush.

You can also do the following steps:

1. Spray the detergent on the fabric cleanser.
2. Clean the LCD screen surface to make it as bright as a new one.

1. What should you do to detergent first?

a. Spray it
b. Clean it
c. Put it away
d. Shake it up

2. Before cleaning the surface, we spray the detergent on the screen surface
directly or spray it on …
a. Our fingers
b. The paper
c. The fabric cleanser
d. The brush

3. “Cleanse gently with the fabric cleanser or brush” (step 3). What does the
underlined word mean?
a. Carefully
b. Directly
c. Harshly
d. Cleanly

Read the following text to answer questions number 4 and 5.
How to Clean a Refrigerator

1. Remove all frozen foods and ice cube trays. Then, put the food in a cardboard
box and cover it with newspaper. Dump the ice cubes.
2. Remove all other food stuff and place on your kitchen counter or in cardboard
3. Either turn the temperature control “defrost” or unplug the electricity to the
refrigerator (or both).
4. Never scrape or jab at the ice with a sharp instrument, because you may cause
serious damage to the freezing unit. Allow it to melt.
5. Either put a flat pan under the freezer to catch the drips or put a large towel in
the bottom of the refrigerator.

4. What should we do after turn the temperature control “defrost”?

a. Scrape the ice with a sharp instrument
b. Remove all frozen foods and ice cube trays
c. Remove all other food stuff
d. Allow the ice to melt

5. “Allow it to melt” (step 4). The word “it” refers to …

a. The food
b. The refrigerator
c. The ice
d. The freezing unit

Read the following text to answer questions number 6 and 7.

Anzac Biscuits

You will need:

1. 2 cups of rolled oats
2. 1,5 cups of caster sugar
3. 4 tablespoons of golden syrup

4. 2 tablespoons of boiling water
5. 1 cup of plain flour
6. 250 grams of butter
7. 1 teaspoon of baking soda

1. Turn on the oven to 160 C.
2. Lightly grease an oven tray.
3. Mix oats, flour and sugar in a large bowl.
4. Melt butter and golden syrup in a pan.
5. Mix baking soda and boiling water in a cup.
6. Add this mixture to melted butter and golden syrup.
7. Add this to the oats mixture in the large bowl, mix together well.
8. Roll tablespoonful of the mixture into balls. Put on the tray 5cm apart.
9. Press lightly on top of each with a fork.
10. Bake for 20 minutes.

6. What is the purpose of the text?

a. To tell how to make Anzac Biscuits
b. To see the ingredients of Anzac Biscuits
c. To announce a new recipe of Anzac Biscuits
d. To prepare everything for cooking Anzac Biscuits

7. Why do we use a fork to make Anzac Biscuits?

a. To mix baking soda and boiling water
b. To press the balls of mixture
c. To put the balls on a tray
d. To roll the mixture

Read the following text to answer questions number 8 to 10.
How to Make a Pencil Case
1. Choose the size you want. If you want to put longer items, such as ruler
placed in your pencil case, then you will need a longer pencil case.
2. Find a box that suitable with your choice of size. It does not have to be nice
looking, but strong and clean.
3. Cover the box with paper, any colour.
4. Decorate the container. Try some or all of these following ideas.
 Put on same cool sticker.
 Decorate with your own art with markers: draw lines, shapes, animals,
people, etc.
 Cut some magazine pictures and stick them on it.
 Totally cover the box with wrapping paper.
 Then, glue on shells, buttons or anything else you want to decorate the
pencil case. Add glitter if you like.
5. Show to all your friends, and be proud of your unique pencil case.

8. The length of the pencil case depends on …

a. The items we are going to put there
b. The ruler we have
c. The size of the pen
d. The box that we find

9. From the text above, we can conclude that we have to be … in decorating the
box to have a good result.
a. Box
b. Careful
c. Creative
d. Risky

10. “… Add glitter if you like” (step 4). The synonym of the underlined word is

a. Haze
b. Becloud
c. Darken
d. Twinkle

The following text is for questions number 11 to 15.

Mixed Ice (Es Campur)
 1 serving

 ½ of avocado
 3 tbs of condensed milk
 1 can of coconut water and coconut shavings
 Some ice cubes

1. Cut the avocado into small pieces
2. Put ice cubes into the glass
3. Fill ½ of the glass with some coconut water and coconut shavings
4. Add the sliced avocado
5. Add the condensed milk on the top of avocado
6. Mixed Ice is ready to be served.

11. The text above tells you …

a. How to mix ice
b. How to make Mixed Ice
c. About avocado
d. How to eat Mixed Ice

12. You need the following things to make Mixed Ice, except …
a. Avocado
b. Ice cubes
c. Condensed milk
d. Sugar

13. How much coconut water and coconut shavings in the ingredients?
a. 1 glass
b. ½ glass
c. ½ can
d. ¼ glass

14. How many servings can you get from the recipe?
a. One
b. Two
c. Three
d. Four

15. “You need 3 tbs of condensed milk.” The underlined word is the abbreviation
of …
a. Spoon
b. Teaspoon
c. Tablespoon
d. Cup

The following text is for questions number 16 and 17.

How to turn on a computer
 Turn the power supply on.
 Turn the computer on.
 Turn the monitor on.

How to turn off a computer

 Click Start Menu.
 Click Turn Off.
 Click Turn Off again.
 Turn off the monitor and the power supply.

16. To turn on the computer, firstly we have to turn the … on.

a. Monitor
b. Power supply
c. Start menu
d. Computer

17. We must … the “Turn Off” after we click Start Menu to turn off the
a. Click
b. Press
c. Turn
d. Push

Read the following text to answer number 18 to 27.

How to Install CD-ROM

 Turn off the computer and unplug power cord from power outlet.
 Carefully remove the computer cover.
 Set the Master/Slave jumper on the rear panel of drive.
 (To get best result, it is strongly suggested that you connect your device to the
Secondary IDE port as the Master device).
 Connect the IDE cable to the drive.
 Connect the 4-pole power cable to the drive.
 Connect the audio cable (if applicable).
 Carefully slide the drive into the empty bay and mount it. Then, replace the
computer cover.
 Plug your computer back to power outlet and turn the power on.

18. The text above shows us how to …
a. Unpack CD-ROM
b. Install CD-ROM
c. Uninstall CD-ROM
d. Remove CD-ROM for computer

19. What is the purpose of the text?

a. To explain how to install CD-ROM.
b. To tell the readers how to connect computer using CD-ROM.
c. To discuss the influence of CD-ROM on computer work.
d. To measure the effectiveness of computer working with CD-ROM

20. What should be done first before installing the CD-ROM?

a. Remove the computer cover.
b. Unplug all other devices first.
c. Turn off the computer and unplug the power cable.
d. Turn on the computer before installing CD-ROM.

21. What does the writer strongly recommend in order to get the best result of the
CD-ROM installation?
a. That we remove the computer cover first.
b. That the computer should be turned off before installing CD-ROM.
c. That the CD-ROM is set as Master device in the Secondary IDE.
d. That CD-ROM is set as Master device in Primary IDE.

22. We have to connect the CD-ROM to the following types of cable, except …
a. Power cable
b. Audio cable
c. IDE cable
d. Monitor cable

23. What part of the CD-ROM should be set if you want to apply CD-ROM as
Master or Slave?
a. Motherboard slot
b. IDE slot
c. Cable power
d. Master/Slave jumper

24. “Connect the audio cable (if applicable).” The sentence implies …
a. You may not turn the computer on before connecting the cable.
b. Your CD-ROM may not work properly if you do not connect the cable.
c. It is not necessary to connect the cable if it is not valid.
d. Re-install the CD-ROM if you have not connected the cable.

25. “Connect the IDE cable to the drive.” The word drive refers to …
b. Jumper
c. Motherboard
d. Computer

26. “Carefully slide the drive into the bay and mount it.” The word bay has a
similar meaning to …
a. Jumper
b. Cable
c. Button
d. Compartment

27. “Plug your computer back to power outlet and turn the power on.” The word
outlet in the sentence is similar in meaning to …
a. Button
b. Channel
c. Cable
d. Port

The following text is for number 28 to 30.
Chicken Soup

- 3 pounds, whole fried chicken
- 6 to 8 cups of water
- 1 diced garlic clove
- 1 cup of sliced onion
- 1 cup of sliced celery
- ½ cup of sliced carrots
- 2 cups of chopped leeks
- 3 tablespoons of fresh chopped parsley
- Freshly ground black pepper
- Pinch of salt

- Rinse the chicken, and place it in a bowl.
- Add vegetables and enough water to cover them.
- Put the bowl into an oven and boil over medium-high heat.
- Reduce to low and simmer, cover for 90 minutes.
- Remove them from the heat.
- Garnish the steaming hot chicken with parsley, salt and ground black pepper.
- The chicken soup is already to be served.

28. What is the purpose of the text?

a. To describe about a chicken soup.
b. To explain what a chicken soup is.
c. To tell how to make a chicken soup.
d. To entertain the readers about the chicken soup.

29. What do we do first after rinsing the chicken?
a. Put the bowl into an oven.
b. Place the chicken in a bowl.
c. Reduce heat to low and simmer.
d. Add vegetables and enough water.

30. “…, and enough water to cover them.” (step 2)

What does the word them refer to?
a. Chicken and bowl
b. Vegetables and bowl
c. Vegetables and chicken
d. Bowl, chicken and vegetables

The following text is for number 31 to 33.

Sunrise Salad

- Some strawberries
- Some grapes
- A banana
- A cup of yoghurt
- Some mint leaves
1. Wash the fruit and let them dry on paper towels
2. Cut the strawberries and grapes in half on two slices
3. Slice the banana into chunks
4. Combine all the fruit in the large bowl and mix them
5. Take three spoonful of mixed fruit and put them in a small bowl
6. Add a bit of yoghurt on top of the fruit salad
7. Place a small bundle of mint leaves on the yoghurt as a garnish
8. Sunrise salad in ready to serve

31. What is a large bowl for?
a. To put the combination of all fruit
b. To place three spoonful of mixed fruit
c. To add some mixed fruit
d. To mix all the fruit

32. What should we do after we cut all the fruit?

a. Add a bit of yoghurt in it
b. Combine them in a large bowl
c. Garnish it with mint leaves
d. Serve it immediately

33. “Slice the banana into chunks.” (step 3)

The underlined word means …
a. Small pieces
b. Large amount
c. Thick pieces
d. Thin pieces

Read the following text and answer the questions number 34 to 38.
Making Coloured Egg
- Hard-boiled eggs (cooled)
- Paper towels
- Food colouring
- Glass jar
- Vinegar
- Salt
- 300ml of hot water
1. Rinse eggs in cold water and dry it with paper towels.
2. To make the dye, pour half a small bottle of food colouring into a glass jar

and add 300ml of hot water.
3. Add 300ml vinegar and 15ml salt.
4. Lower an egg into the jar of dye and leave it for a few minutes. Check the
colour of the egg regularly.
5. When the egg has reached the desire colour, lift it out and repeat the process
with the remaining eggs.

34. From the text above, we get the information on …

a. What colouring eggs are
b. How to make colouring eggs
c. Which the best colouring eggs
d. Where we can dry colouring eggs

35. What liquid do we need to make coloured eggs?

a. Salt
b. Vinegar
c. Glass jar
d. Paper towel

36. We use paper towels to …

a. Dry eggs
b. Rinse eggs
c. Repeat the process
d. Pour the food colouring

37. “Lower an egg into the jar of dye and …” (step 4)

What does the underlined word mean?
a. Crack
b. Water
c. Peel
d. Dip

38. “Add 300ml vinegar and 15ml salt. Lower an egg into the jar of dye and leave
it for a few minutes.” (step 3 and 4)
The word it refers to …
a. Vinegar
b. Salt
c. Egg
d. Jar

The following text is for number 39 to 40.

Making fried banana or pisang goreng is easy. The materials you need are:
- Bananas
- Flour (if needed)
- Vegetable oil

Then, you may follow these instructions:

- Slice bananas into pieces.
- Heat the vegetable oil until hot.
- Fry the bananas until they turn brown. (Otherwise, roll the bananas in flour
before frying them).
- Put them on a plate.
- If you like, you can sprinkle some sugar on top.
- Fried banana is already to serve.

39. The text above tells about …

a. You need some good bananas
b. Making fried banana or pisang goreng
c. Fry bananas in very hot oil until brown
d. If you like, sprinkle some sugar on top of fried bananas

40. The suitable title of the text above is …
a. How to fry bananas c. How to make fried bananas
b. How to roll bananas in flour d. How to slice bananas into pieces

Read the text carefully and answer questions number 41 to 45.

The ways to activate the hand phone

1. First, open the cover of the hand phone.

2. Secondly, open the battery part of the phone and you can find sim card slot
3. Third, insert the sim card to its slot and put back the battery.
4. Fourth, close the battery with the cover of the hand phone.
5. Fifth, connect the charger to a hole in the bottom of the phone. Charging the
battery may take three up to five hours.
6. Next, when the battery is fully charged, the bar will stop scrolling.
7. Then, activate the hand phone by pushing the power button.
8. Finally, the hand phone is activated and ready to use.

41. What kind of text is the text above?

a. Procedure text
b. Recount text
c. Narrative text
d. Descriptive text

42. What does the text describe about?

a. How to get a hand phone
b. How to activate a hand phone
c. The materials of a hand phone
d. How to put a sim card

43. What should we do after inserting the sim card?
a. Open the cover of the hand phone
b. Disconnect the charger
c. Close the battery with the cover of hand phone
d. Insert the battery inside

44. “The ways to activate the hand phone”

The synonym of the underlined word is …
a. Steps c. Ingredients
b. Performances d. Devices

45. “Fifth, connect the charger to a hole in the bottom of the phone.”
The antonym of the underlined word is …
a. The height
b. The case
c. The length
d. The upper

Read the following text to answer questions number 46 to 48.

Meat Floss Porridge

- 250cc hot water
- 50 gram instant porridge
- 1 spoon soya sauce
- 1 spoon chilli sauce
- Crackers
- 10 gram meat floss

- Put instant porridge into a bowl.
- Pour 250cc hot water, stir well. Leave it for about 3 minutes until porridge

- Add soya sauce and chilli sauce.
- Then, spread crackers and meat floss.
- The meat floss porridge is ready to be served.

46. Based on the text, how much instant porridge do you need?
a. 250cc
b. 1 spoon
c. 50 gram
d. 10 gram

47. What should we do after stirring the porridge?

a. Put the instant porridge into a bowl
b. Wait it for about 3 minutes
c. Add crackers and meat floss
d. Add soya sauce and chilli sauce

48. “… until the porridge thickened.”

What is the meaning of the underlined word?
a. To become solid
b. To get weak
c. To raise the volume
d. To become powder

Read the following text to answer questions number 49 to 50.

Rujak Buah

- 1 cucumber: peeled
- 1 papaya: cut into ½ inch cubes
- 1 pineapple: cut into ½ inch cubes
- 1 apple tart: cut into ½ inch cubes
- 1 mango: peeled, cubed.
- 3 tablespoons peanut: fry.

- 1 hot chilli pepper: seeded, sliced.
- ¼ cup brown sugar
- ½ tablespoon salt
- 1 tablespoon tamarind: dissolved in ½ cup of water, strained

- Mix all the fruit together
- Grind chilli and salt
- Add brown sugar
- Add dry roasted peanuts and grind completely
- Pour some tamarind liquid
- Mix the sauce and fruit together
- Rujak Buah is ready.

49. What should we do with the peanut before we grind them?

a. Peel them
b. Roast them
c. Cut into cubes
d. Add brown sugar on them

50. What should be dissolved?

a. The apple
b. The mango
c. The tamarind
d. The pineapple

The Result of Validity and Reliability Test (ANATES)


Jumlah Subyek = 25
Butir soal = 50
Bobot utk jwban benar = 1
Bobot utk jwban salah = 0
Nama berkas:

No Kode/Nama Benar Salah Kosong Skr Asli Skr Bobot

1 S1 37 13 0 37 37
2 S2 20 30 0 20 20
3 S3 30 20 0 30 30
4 S4 35 15 0 35 35
5 S5 15 35 0 15 15
6 S6 28 22 0 28 28
7 S7 32 18 0 32 32
8 S8 13 37 0 13 13
9 S9 26 24 0 26 26
10 S10 32 18 0 32 32
11 S11 19 31 0 19 19
12 S12 22 28 0 22 22
13 S13 26 24 0 26 26
14 S14 7 43 0 7 7
15 S15 32 18 0 32 32
16 S16 19 31 0 19 19
17 S17 21 29 0 21 21
18 S18 39 11 0 39 39
19 S19 15 35 0 15 15
20 S20 24 26 0 24 24
21 S21 30 20 0 30 30
22 S22 21 29 0 21 21
23 S23 20 30 0 20 20
24 S24 14 36 0 14 14
25 S25 42 8 0 42 42

Rata2= 24,76
Simpang Baku= 8,87
KorelasiXY= 0,87
Reliabilitas Tes= 0,93
Nama berkas:

No.Urut Kode/Nama Subyek Skor Ganjil Skor Genap Skor Total

1 S1 20 17 37
2 S2 10 10 20
3 S3 14 16 30
4 S4 18 17 35
5 S5 5 10 15
6 S6 12 16 28
7 S7 18 14 32
8 S8 7 6 13
9 S9 13 13 26
10 S10 15 17 32
11 S11 9 10 19
12 S12 9 13 22
13 S13 13 13 26
14 S14 5 2 7
15 S15 17 15 32
16 S16 10 9 19
17 S17 11 10 21
18 S18 19 20 39
19 S19 7 8 15
20 S20 11 13 24
21 S21 16 14 30
22 S22 9 12 21
23 S23 9 11 20
24 S24 7 7 14
25 S25 20 22 42

Kelompok Unggul
Nama berkas:

No.Urut Kode/Nama Skor 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 S25 42 1 1 1 - - 1 -
2 S18 39 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
3 S1 37 1 1 1 1 - - -
4 S4 35 1 1 1 1 1 - 1
5 S7 32 1 - - 1 1 - 1
6 S10 32 - 1 1 1 - - -
7 S15 32 1 - - 1 1 - 1
Jml Jwb
6 5 5 6 4 2 4

No.Urut Kode/Nama Skor 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

1 S25 42 1 - 1 1 1 1 1
2 S18 39 1 - 1 1 1 1 1
3 S1 37 - 1 - 1 1 1 1
4 S4 35 - 1 1 1 1 1 1
5 S7 32 - 1 - - 1 - -
6 S10 32 - 1 - - - 1 1
7 S15 32 - 1 - 1 1 - -
Jml Jwb
2 5 3 5 6 5 5

No.Urut Kode/Nama Skor 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 S25 42 1 1 1 1 1 1 -
2 S18 39 1 1 - 1 - 1 1
3 S1 37 - 1 1 1 1 - 1
4 S4 35 1 1 - 1 - 1 -
5 S7 32 1 - 1 1 1 1 1
6 S10 32 1 - 1 1 1 1 1
7 S15 32 - 1 1 1 1 - -
Jml Jwb
5 5 5 7 5 5 4

No.Urut Kode/Nama Skor 22 23 24 25 26 27 28


1 S25 42 1 1 - 1 1 1 1
2 S18 39 1 - 1 1 1 1 1
3 S1 37 1 1 1 1 1 1 -
4 S4 35 1 1 - 1 1 1 1
5 S7 32 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
6 S10 32 - 1 1 - 1 - 1
7 S15 32 1 - - 1 1 1 -
Jml Jwb
6 5 4 6 7 6 5

No.Urut Kode/Nama Skor 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

1 S25 42 1 1 1 1 - 1 1
2 S18 39 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
3 S1 37 1 1 - - 1 1 1
4 S4 35 1 1 - - - 1 1
5 S7 32 - 1 - - 1 1 1
6 S10 32 - - - 1 1 1 1
7 S15 32 1 1 - 1 - 1 1
Jml Jwb
5 6 2 4 4 7 7

No.Urut Kode/Nama Skor 36 37 38 39 40 41 42

1 S25 42 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 S18 39 - 1 - 1 - - 1
3 S1 37 1 1 1 1 1 1 -
4 S4 35 - 1 1 1 1 - -
5 S7 32 1 1 - - - 1 -
6 S10 32 1 1 1 - 1 1 -
7 S15 32 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Jml Jwb
5 7 5 5 5 5 3

No.Urut Kode/Nama Skor 43 44 45 46 47 48 49

1 S25 42 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 S18 39 1 - 1 - 1 1 -
3 S1 37 1 1 1 1 - - 1
4 S4 35 1 - 1 1 - 1 1
5 S7 32 1 1 1 - - 1 1
6 S10 32 1 1 1 1 - 1 1
7 S15 32 1 1 1 1 1 - -
Jml Jwb 7 5 7 5 3 5 5


No.Urut Kode/Nama Skor 50

1 S25 42 -
2 S18 39 1
3 S1 37 1
4 S4 35 -
5 S7 32 1
6 S10 32 1
7 S15 32 -
Jml Jwb

Kelompok Asor
Nama berkas:

No.Urut Kode/Nama Skor 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 S11 19 1 1 - 1 1 1 1
2 S16 19 - - 1 1 1 1 1
3 S5 15 - - - 1 - 1 -
4 S19 15 - - - - 1 1 1
5 S24 14 - - - 1 1 - 1
6 S8 13 - - - 1 - 1 -
7 S14 7 - - - - - - -
Jml Jwb
1 1 1 5 4 5 4

No.Urut Kode/Nama Skor 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

1 S11 19 1 1 1 - 1 1 -
2 S16 19 1 - 1 1 - - 1
3 S5 15 1 - 1 - - - -
4 S19 15 1 1 - - - - -
5 S24 14 - 1 - 1 - - -
6 S8 13 1 1 1 - - - -
7 S14 7 - 1 - - - - -
Jml Jwb
5 5 4 2 1 1 1

No.Urut Kode/Nama Skor 15 16 17 18 19 20 21


1 S11 19 - - - - - - 1
2 S16 19 - 1 - - - - -
3 S5 15 - - - 1 - - 1
4 S19 15 - - - 1 - - -
5 S24 14 - 1 - 1 - - -
6 S8 13 - - - - - - -
7 S14 7 - - - - - - -
Jml Jwb
0 2 0 3 0 0 2

No.Urut Kode/Nama Skor 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

1 S11 19 1 - 1 1 - 1 -
2 S16 19 - 1 - - - - -
3 S5 15 - - 1 - - - -
4 S19 15 - 1 - - - - -
5 S24 14 - - - - - - -
6 S8 13 - 1 - - 1 - -
7 S14 7 - - - - 1 - -
Jml Jwb
1 3 2 1 2 1 0

No.Urut Kode/Nama Skor 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

1 S11 19 - 1 1 - - - -
2 S16 19 1 - 1 - 1 - -
3 S5 15 - - 1 1 1 1 1
4 S19 15 - - 1 1 - 1 1
5 S24 14 1 - - - - 1 1
6 S8 13 - - 1 1 - - -
7 S14 7 - - - - - - -
Jml Jwb
2 1 5 3 2 3 3

No.Urut Kode/Nama Skor 36 37 38 39 40 41 42

1 S11 19 - - - - - - -
2 S16 19 - - 1 1 1 - -
3 S5 15 - - - - - - 1
4 S19 15 - - 1 - 1 - -
5 S24 14 - - 1 1 1 - -
6 S8 13 - 1 - - - - -
7 S14 7 - 1 - - - - 1
Jml Jwb
0 2 3 2 3 0 2

No.Urut Kode/Nama Skor 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
1 S11 19 - - - - - - -
2 S16 19 - - - 1 - - 1
3 S5 15 - - - - 1 - -
4 S19 15 - - - 1 - - 1
5 S24 14 - - - 1 - - -
6 S8 13 1 - 1 - - - 1
7 S14 7 1 - 1 - 1 - -
Jml Jwb
2 0 2 3 2 0 3

No.Urut Kode/Nama Skor 50

1 S11 19 1
2 S16 19 -
3 S5 15 1
4 S19 15 -
5 S24 14 -
6 S8 13 -
7 S14 7 -
Jml Jwb

Jumlah Subyek= 25
Klp atas/bawah(n)= 7
Butir Soal= 50
Nama berkas:

No Butir Kel. Atas Kel. Bawah Beda Indeks DP (%)

1 6 1 5 71,43
2 5 1 4 57,14
3 5 1 4 57,14
4 6 5 1 14,29
5 4 4 0 0,00
6 2 5 -3 -42,86
7 4 4 0 0,00
8 2 5 -3 -42,86
9 5 5 0 0,00
10 3 4 -1 -14,29

11 5 2 3 42,86
12 6 1 5 71,43
13 5 1 4 57,14
14 5 1 4 57,14
15 5 0 5 71,43
16 5 2 3 42,86
17 5 0 5 71,43
18 7 3 4 57,14
19 5 0 5 71,43
20 5 0 5 71,43
21 4 2 2 28,57
22 6 1 5 71,43
23 5 3 2 28,57
24 4 2 2 28,57
25 6 1 5 71,43
26 7 2 5 71,43
27 6 1 5 71,43
28 5 0 5 71,43
29 5 2 3 42,86
30 6 1 5 71,43
31 2 5 -3 -42,86
32 4 3 1 14,29
33 4 2 2 28,57
34 7 2 4 57,14
35 7 3 4 57,14
36 5 0 5 71,43
37 7 2 5 71,43
38 5 3 2 28,57
39 5 2 3 42,86
40 5 3 2 28,57
41 5 0 5 71,43
42 3 2 1 14,29
43 7 2 5 71,43
44 5 0 5 71,43
45 7 2 5 71,43
46 5 3 2 28,57
47 3 2 1 14,29
48 5 0 5 71,43
49 5 3 2 28,57
50 4 2 2 28,57

Jumlah Subyek= 25
Butir Soal= 50
Nama berkas:

No Butir Jml Betul Tkt. Kesukaran(%) Tafsiran

1 11 44,00 Sedang
2 12 48,00 Sedang
3 12 48,00 Sedang
4 14 56,00 Sedang
5 11 44,00 Sedang
6 13 52,00 Sedang
7 11 44,00 Sedang
8 13 52,00 Sedang
9 13 52,00 Sedang
10 12 48,00 Sedang
11 14 56,00 Sedang
12 11 44,00 Sedang
13 12 48,00 Sedang
14 12 48,00 Sedang
15 12 48,00 Sedang
16 14 56,00 Sedang
17 12 48,00 Sedang
18 17 68,00 Sedang
19 12 48,00 Sedang
20 12 48,00 Sedang
21 12 48,00 Sedang
22 11 44,00 Sedang
23 12 48,00 Sedang
24 12 48,00 Sedang
25 11 44,00 Sedang
26 11 44,00 Sedang
27 11 44,00 Sedang
28 12 48,00 Sedang
29 14 56,00 Sedang
30 11 44,00 Sedang
31 13 52,00 Sedang
32 11 44,00 Sedang
33 13 52,00 Sedang
34 17 68,00 Sedang
35 17 68,00 Sedang
36 12 48,00 Sedang
37 11 44,00 Sedang
38 14 56,00 Sedang
39 14 56,00 Sedang

40 14 56,00 Sedang
41 12 48,00 Sedang
42 10 40,00 Sedang
43 11 44,00 Sedang
44 12 48,00 Sedang
45 11 44,00 Sedang
46 14 56,00 Sedang
47 10 40,00 Sedang
48 12 48,00 Sedang
49 12 48,00 Sedang
50 12 48,00 Sedang



Jumlah Subyek= 15
Butir Soal= 50
Nama berkas:

No Butir Korelasi Signifikansi

1 0,720 Sangat Signifikan
2 0,552 Sangat Signifikan
3 0,459 Sangat Signifikan
4 0,013 -
5 0,080 -
6 -0,119 -
7 0,080 -
8 -0,119 -
9 -0,082 -
10 -0,075 -
11 0,513 Sangat Signifikan
12 0,720 Sangat Signifikan
13 0,552 Sangat Signifikan
14 0,459 Sangat Signifikan
15 0,588 Sangat Signifikan
16 0,513 Sangat Signifikan
17 0,395 Sangat Signifikan
18 0,405 Sangat Signifikan
19 0,395 Sangat Signifikan
20 0,588 Sangat Signifikan
21 0,119 -
22 0,720 Sangat Signifikan
23 0,165 -
24 0,119 -
25 0,720 Sangat Signifikan

26 0,442 Sangat Signifikan
27 0,720 Sangat Signifikan
28 0,588 Sangat Signifikan
29 0,513 Sangat Signifikan
30 0,720 Sangat Signifikan
31 -0,119 -
32 0,062 -
33 0,204 -
34 0,405 Sangat Signifikan
35 0,405 Sangat Signifikan
36 0,395 Sangat Signifikan
37 0,442 Sangat Signifikan
38 0,337 Signifikan
39 0,513 Sangat Signifikan
40 0,337 Signifikan
41 0,395 Sangat Signifikan
42 0,337 Signifikan
43 0,442 Sangat Signifikan
44 0,395 Sangat Signifikan
45 0,442 Sangat Signifikan
46 0,337 Signifikan
47 0,337 Signifikan
48 0,588 Sangat Signifikan
49 0,165 -
50 0,119 -

Catatan: Batas signifikansi koefisien korelasi sebagaai berikut:

df (N-2) P=0,05 P=0,01 df (N-2) P=0,05 P=0,01

10 0,576 0,708 60 0,250 0,325
15 0,482 0,606 70 0,233 0,302
20 0,423 0,549 80 0,217 0,283
25 0,381 0,496 90 0,205 0,267
30 0,349 0,449 100 0,195 0,254
40 0,304 0,393 125 0,174 0,228
50 0,273 0,354 >150 0,159 0,208

Bila koefisien = 0,000 berarti tidak dapat dihitung.

Jumlah Subyek= 15
Butir Soal= 50
Nama berkas:

No Butir A b c d *
1 4++ 6+ 4++ 11** 0
2 5++ 5++ 12** 3+ 0
3 12** 4++ 6+ 3+ 0
4 5+ 3++ 3++ 14** 0
5 5++ 4++ 11** 5++ 0
6 13** 3+ 4++ 5++ 0
7 5++ 4++ 11** 5++ 0
8 13** 3+ 4++ 5++ 0
9 6+ 3+ 13** 3+ 0
10 4++ 4++ 5++ 12** 0
11 2+ 14** 4++ 5+ 0
12 4++ 6+ 4++ 11** 0
13 5++ 5++ 12** 3+ 0
14 12** 4++ 6+ 3+ 0
15 4++ 4++ 12** 5++ 0
16 2+ 14** 4++ 5+ 0
17 12** 4++ 5++ 4++ 0
18 3++ 17** 2+ 3++ 0
19 12** 4++ 5++ 4++ 0
20 4++ 4++ 12** 5++ 0
21 3+ 5++ 12** 5++ 0
22 4++ 6+ 4++ 11** 0
23 3+ 5++ 5++ 12** 0
24 3+ 5++ 12** 5++ 0
25 4++ 6+ 4++ 11** 0
26 5++ 5++ 4++ 11** 0
27 4++ 6+ 4++ 11** 0
28 4++ 4++ 12** 5++ 0
29 2+ 14** 4++ 5+ 0
30 4++ 6+ 4++ 11** 0
31 13** 3+ 4++ 5++ 0
32 6+ 11** 2- 6+ 0
33 13** 3+ 5++ 4++ 0
34 3++ 17** 2+ 3++ 0
35 3++ 17** 2+ 3++ 0
36 12** 4++ 5++ 4++ 0
37 5++ 5++ 4++ 11** 0
38 3++ 4++ 14** 4++ 0
39 2+ 14** 4++ 5+ 0

40 3++ 4++ 14** 4++ 0
41 12** 4++ 5++ 4++ 0
42 5++ 10** 5++ 5++ 0
43 5++ 5++ 4++ 11** 0
44 12** 4++ 5++ 4++ 0
45 5++ 5++ 4++ 11** 0
46 3++ 4++ 14** 4++ 0
47 5++ 10** 5++ 5++ 0
48 4++ 4++ 12** 5++ 0
49 3+ 5++ 5++ 12** 0
50 3+ 5++ 12** 5++ 0

** : Kunci Jawaban
++ : Sangat Baik
+ : Baik
- : Kurang Baik
-- : Buruk
---: Sangat Buruk


Rata2= 24,76
Simpang Baku= 8,87
KorelasiXY= 0,87
Reliabilitas Tes= 0,93
Butir Soal= 50
Jumlah Subyek= 25
Nama berkas:

No. Butir D. Pembeda (%) T. Kesukaran Korelasi Sign. Korelasi

1 71,43 Sedang 0,720 Sangat Signifikan
2 57,14 Sedang 0,552 Sangat Signifikan
3 57,14 Sedang 0,459 Sangat Signifikan
4 14,29 Sedang 0,013 -
5 0,00 Sedang 0,080 -
6 -42,86 Sedang -0,119 -
7 0,00 Sedang 0,080 -
8 -42,86 Sedang -0,119 -
9 0,00 Sedang -0,082 -
10 -14,29 Sedang -0,075 -
11 42,86 Sedang 0,513 Sangat Signifikan
12 71,43 Sedang 0,720 Sangat Signifikan
13 57,14 Sedang 0,552 Sangat Signifikan

14 57,14 Sedang 0,459 Sangat Signifikan
15 71,43 Sedang 0,588 Sangat Signifikan
16 42,86 Sedang 0,513 Sangat Signifikan
17 71,43 Sedang 0,395 Sangat Signifikan
18 57,14 Sedang 0,405 Sangat Signifikan
19 71,43 Sedang 0,395 Sangat Signifikan
20 71,43 Sedang 0,588 Sangat Signifikan
21 28,57 Sedang 0,119 -
22 71,43 Sedang 0,720 Sangat Signifikan
23 28,57 Sedang 0,165 -
24 28,57 Sedang 0,119 -
25 71,43 Sedang 0,720 Sangat Signifikan
26 71,43 Sedang 0,442 Sangat Signifikan
27 71,43 Sedang 0,720 Sangat Signifikan
28 71,43 Sedang 0,588 Sangat Signifikan
29 42,86 Sedang 0,513 Sangat Signifikan
30 71,43 Sedang 0,720 Sangat Signifikan
31 -42,86 Sedang -0,119 -
32 14,29 Sedang 0,062 -
33 28,57 Sedang 0,204 -
34 57,14 Sedang 0,405 Sangat Signifikan
35 57,14 Sedang 0,405 Sangat Signifikan
36 71,43 Sedang 0,395 Sangat Signifikan
37 71,43 Sedang 0,442 Sangat Signifikan
38 28,57 Sedang 0,337 Signifikan
39 42,86 Sedang 0,513 Sangat Signifikan
40 28,57 Sedang 0,337 Signifikan
41 71,43 Sedang 0,395 Sangat Signifikan
42 14,29 Sedang 0,337 Signifikan
43 71,43 Sedang 0,442 Sangat Signifikan
44 71,43 Sedang 0,395 Sangat Signifikan
45 71,43 Sedang 0,442 Sangat Signifikan
46 28,57 Sedang 0,337 Signifikan
47 14,29 Sedang 0,337 Signifikan
48 71,43 Sedang 0,588 Sangat Signifikan
49 28,57 Sedang 0,165 -
50 28,57 Sedang 0,119 -

The Complete in Performing the Normality Test and Homogeneity Test

1. Normality Test
1. Open SPSS 24
2. The data editor page will show up displaying the toolbars
3. Choose Variable View on the bottom to add the necessary information
and give names to our numerical data as students’ number, pretest
experiment class, pretest control class, etc.
4. Next, move to Data View on the bottom next to Variable View and input
our data there
5. Our data will be displayed. To test the normality, click Analyze
>>Descriptive Text >>Explore >>move pretest/posttest to the Dependent
List and class to the Factor List
6. Click Plots >>checklist Normality plots with tests and Histogram
(optional) >>Continue >>OK
7. The output will be displayed along with the normality test result.

The data is considered normal if the Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) displayed is higher
than 0.05

2. Homogeneity Test
1. Open SPSS
2. Click Variable View
3. Input data information such as the name, label, value, etc.
Variable 1:
Name: pretest or posttest
Variable 2:
Name: class
Value: 1= Experiment
Value: 2= Control
4. Input the data in Data View

5. Click Analyze >>Comparre Means >>One-Way ANOVA
6. Move Pretest/Posttest to the Dependent List and Class to the Factor List
7. Click Option >>checklist Homogeneity of Variance Test >>Continue
8. Output will be displayed along with the normality test result.

The data is considered homogenous if the Sig. Displayed is higher than 0.05

Nama Sekolah : MTs Ma’arif Sabilul Huda
Kelas :9
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kurikulum : 2013

Kompetensi Isi Kompetensi Dasar Indikator Indikator Soal Jenis Soal Nomor Soal Jumlah
Memahami pengetahuan Menangkap makna teks Menentukan makna Menentukan makna bacaan PG 3, 7, 16, 19, 26, 32 6
(faktual, konseptual, dan prosedur, lisan dan tulis, bacaan dan struktur Menentukan tujuan teks PG 6, 13, 27, 31 4
prosedural) berdasarkan berbentuk resep dan teks prosedur berupa Menentukan bahan resep PG 1, 17, 18, 33 4
rasa ingin tahunya tentang manual, pendek dan resep dan manual, Menentukan peralatan manual PG 9, 10, 11, 12 4
ilmu pengetahuan, sederhana. pendek dan Menentukan serangkaian langkah PG 2, 15, 20, 21, 22, 7
teknologi, seni, budaya sederhana. kerja (steps) 24, 28
terkait fenomena dan Menentukan unsur Menentukan kalimat imperative PG 4, 8, 14, 23, 34 5
kejadian tampak mata. kebahasaan teks Menentukan kosakata PG 5, 25, 29, 30, 35 5
Jumlah 35

Instrument of Pre-test

Read the following text and answer the questions number 1 to 5.

Making Coloured Egg
- Hard-boiled eggs (cooled)
- Paper towels
- Food colouring
- Glass jar
- Vinegar
- Salt
- 300ml of hot water

1. Rinse eggs in cold water and dry it with paper towels.
2. To make the dye, pour half a small bottle of food colouring into a glass jar
and add 300ml of hot water.
3. Add 300ml vinegar and 15ml salt.
4. Lower an egg into the jar of dye and leave it for a few minutes. Check the
colour of the egg regularly.
5. When the egg has reached the desire colour, lift it out and repeat the process
with the remaining eggs.

1. What liquid do we need to make coloured eggs?

a. Salt
b. Vinegar
c. Glass jar
d. Paper towel

2. We use paper towels to …

a. Dry eggs
b. Rinse eggs
c. Repeat the process
d. Pour the food colouring

3. From the text above, we get the information on …
a. What colouring eggs are
b. How to make colouring eggs
c. Which the best colouring eggs
d. Where we can dry colouring eggs

4. “Add 300ml vinegar and 15ml salt. Lower an egg into the jar of dye and leave
it for a few minutes.” (step 3 and 4)
The word it refers to …
a. Vinegar
b. Salt
c. Egg
d. Jar

5. “Lower an egg into the jar of dye and …” (step 4)

What does the underlined word mean?
a. Crack
b. Water
c. Peel
d. Dip

Read the following text to answer number 6 to 12.

How to Install CD-ROM

 Turn off the computer and unplug power cord from power outlet.
 Carefully remove the computer cover.
 Set the Master/Slave jumper on the rear panel of drive.
 (To get best result, it is strongly suggested that you connect your device to
the Secondary IDE port as the Master device).
 Connect the IDE cable to the drive.
 Connect the 4-pole power cable to the drive.
 Connect the audio cable (if applicable).
 Carefully slide the drive into the empty bay and mount it. Then, replace the
computer cover.
 Plug your computer back to power outlet and turn the power on.

6. What is the purpose of the text?
a. To explain how to install CD-ROM.
b. To tell the readers how to connect computer using CD-ROM.
c. To discuss the influence of CD-ROM on computer work.
d. To measure the effectiveness of computer working with CD-ROM

7. The text above shows us how to …

a. Unpack CD-ROM
b. Install CD-ROM
c. Uninstall CD-ROM
d. Remove CD-ROM for computer

8. What should be done first before installing the CD-ROM?

a. Remove the computer cover.
b. Unplug all other devices first.
c. Turn off the computer and unplug the power cable.
d. Turn on the computer before installing CD-ROM.

9. We have to connect the CD-ROM to the following types of cable, except …

a. Power cable
b. Audio cable
c. IDE cable
d. Monitor cable

10. “Plug your computer back to power outlet and turn the power on.” The word
outlet in the sentence is similar in meaning to …
a. Button
b. Channel
c. Cable
d. Port

11. “Connect the IDE cable to the drive.” The word drive refers to …
b. Jumper
c. Motherboard
d. Computer

12. “Carefully slide the drive into the bay and mount it.” The word bay has a
similar meaning to …
a. Jumper
b. Cable
c. Button
d. Compartment

The following text is for number 13 to 15.

Chicken Soup

- 3 pounds, whole fried chicken
- 6 to 8 cups of water
- 1 diced garlic clove
- 1 cup of sliced onion
- 1 cup of sliced celery
- ½ cup of sliced carrots
- 2 cups of chopped leeks
- 3 tablespoons of fresh chopped parsley
- Freshly ground black pepper
- Pinch of salt

- Rinse the chicken, and place it in a bowl.
- Add vegetables and enough water to cover them.
- Put the bowl into an oven and boil over medium-high heat.
- Reduce to low and simmer, cover for 90 minutes.
- Remove them from the heat.
- Garnish the steaming hot chicken with parsley, salt and ground black
- The chicken soup is already to be served.

13. What is the purpose of the text?
a. To describe about a chicken soup.
b. To explain what a chicken soup is.
c. To tell how to make a chicken soup.
d. To entertain the readers about the chicken soup.

14. What do we do first after rinsing the chicken?

a. Put the bowl into an oven.
b. Place the chicken in a bowl.
c. Reduce heat to low and simmer.
d. Add vegetables and enough water.

15. “…, and enough water to cover them.” (step 2)

What does the word them refer to?
a. Chicken and bowl
b. Vegetables and bowl
c. Vegetables and chicken
d. Bowl, chicken and vegetables

The following text is for questions number 16 to 20.

Mixed Ice (Es Campur)
 1 serving

 ½ of avocado
 3 tbs of condensed milk
 1 can of coconut water and coconut shavings
 Some ice cubes

1. Cut the avocado into small pieces
2. Put ice cubes into the glass
3. Fill ½ of the glass with some coconut water and coconut shavings
4. Add the sliced avocado
5. Add the condensed milk on the top of avocado
6. Mixed Ice is ready to be served.

16. The text above tells you …
a. How to mix ice
b. How to make Mixed Ice
c. About avocado
d. How to eat Mixed Ice

17. You need the following things to make Mixed Ice, except …
a. Avocado
b. Ice cubes
c. Condensed milk
d. Sugar

18. How much coconut water and coconut shavings added in the 3rd step?
a. 1 glass
b. ½ glass
c. ½ can
d. 1 can

19. How many servings can you get from the recipe?
a. One
b. Two
c. Three
d. Four

20. “You need 3 tbs of condensed milk.” The underlined word is the abbreviation
of …
a. Spoon
b. Teaspoon
c. Tablespoon
d. Cup

Read the following text to answer questions number 21 to 23.
How to Clean an LCD Screen

1. Shake up the detergent and put it 15 – 20 cm away from the LCD screen.
2. Spray on the LCD screen surface directly.
3. Cleanse gently using the fabric cleanser or brush.

You can also do the following steps:

1. Spray the detergent on the fabric cleanser.
2. Clean the LCD screen surface to make it as bright as a new one.

21. What should you do to detergent first?

a. Spray it
b. Clean it
c. Put it away
d. Shake it up

22. Before cleaning the surface, we spray the detergent on the screen surface
directly or spray it on …
a. Our fingers
b. The paper
c. The fabric cleanser
d. The brush

23. “Cleanse gently with the fabric cleanser or brush” (step 3). What does the
underlined word mean?
a. Carefully
b. Directly
c. Harshly
d. Cleanly

The following text is for questions number 24 and 25.

How to turn on a computer
 Turn the power supply on.
 Turn the computer on.
 Turn the monitor on.

How to turn off a computer
 Click Start Menu.
 Click Turn Off.
 Click Turn Off again.
 Turn off the monitor and the power supply.

24. To turn on the computer, firstly we have to turn the … on.

a. Monitor
b. Power supply
c. Start menu
d. Computer

25. We must … the “Turn Off” after we click Start Menu to turn off the
a. Click
b. Press
c. Turn
d. Push

Read the text carefully and answer questions number 26 to 30.

The ways to activate the hand phone

1. First, open the cover of the hand phone.

2. Secondly, open the battery part of the phone and you can find sim-card slot
3. Third, insert the sim-card to its slot and put back the battery.
4. Fourth, close the battery with the cover of the hand phone.
5. Fifth, connect the charger to a hole in the bottom of the phone. Charging the
battery may take three up to five hours.
6. Next, when the battery is fully charged, the bar will stop scrolling.
7. Then, activate the hand phone by pushing the power button.
8. Finally, the hand phone is activated and ready to use.

26. What kind of text is the text above?
a. Procedure text
b. Recount text
c. Narrative text
d. Descriptive text

27. What does the text describe about?

a. How to get a hand phone
b. How to activate a hand phone
c. The materials of a hand phone
d. How to put a sim-card

28. What should we do after inserting the sim card?

a. Open the cover of the hand phone
b. Disconnect the charger
c. Close the battery with the cover of hand phone
d. Insert the battery inside

29. “The ways to activate the hand phone”

The synonym of the underlined word is …
a. Steps
b. Performances
c. Ingredients
d. Devices

30. “Fifth, connect the charger to a hole in the bottom of the phone.”
The antonym of the underlined word is …
a. The height
b. The case
c. The length
d. The upper

The following text is for number 31 to 32.

Making fried banana or pisang goreng is easy. The materials you need are:
- Bananas
- Flour (if needed)
- Vegetable oil

Then, you may follow these instructions:

- Slice bananas into pieces.
- Heat the vegetable oil until hot.
- Fry the bananas until they turn brown. (Otherwise, roll the bananas in flour
before frying them).
- Put them on a plate.
- If you like, you can sprinkle some sugar on top.
- Fried banana is already to serve.

31. The text above tells about …

a. You need some good bananas
b. Making fried banana or pisang goreng
c. Fry bananas in very hot oil until brown
d. If you like, sprinkle some sugar on top of fried bananas

32. The suitable title of the text above is …

a. How to fry bananas
b. How to roll bananas in flour
c. How to make fried bananas
d. How to slice bananas into pieces

Read the following text to answer questions number 33 to 35.

Meat Floss Porridge

- 250cc hot water
- 50 gram instant porridge
- 1 spoon soya sauce
- 1 spoon chilli sauce
- Crackers

- 10 gram meat floss

- Put instant porridge into a bowl.
- Pour 250cc hot water, stir well. Leave it for about 3 minutes until porridge
- Add soya sauce and chilli sauce.
- Then, spread crackers and meat floss.
- The meat floss porridge is ready to be served.

33. Based on the text, how much instant porridge do you need?
a. 250cc
b. 1 spoon
c. 50 gram
d. 10 gram

34. What should we do after stirring the porridge?

a. Put the instant porridge into a bowl
b. Wait it for about 3 minutes
c. Add crackers and meat floss
d. Add soya sauce and chilli sauce

35. “… until the porridge thickened.”

What is the meaning of the underlined word?
a. To become solid
b. To get weak
c. To raise the volume
d. To become powder

Answer Key of Pre-test

1. B 11. D 21. D 31. B

2. A 12. D 22. C 32. C
3. B 13. C 23. A 33. C
4. C 14. B 24. B 34. B
5. D 15. D 25. A 35. C
6. A 16. B 26. A
7. B 17. D 27. B
8. C 18. C 28. D
9. D 19. A 29. A
10. D 20. C 30. D

Nama Sekolah : MTs Ma’arif Sabilul Huda
Kelas :9
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kurikulum : 2013

Kompetensi Isi Kompetensi Dasar Indikator Indikator Soal Jenis Soal Nomor Soal Jumlah
Memahami pengetahuan Menangkap makna teks Menentukan makna Menentukan makna bacaan PG 1, 2, 16, 31 4
(faktual, konseptual, dan prosedur, lisan dan tulis, bacaan dan struktur Menentukan tujuan teks PG 8, 14, 21, 32 4
prosedural) berdasarkan berbentuk resep dan teks prosedur berupa Menentukan bahan resep PG 6, 12, 18, 23, 27, 7
rasa ingin tahunya tentang manual, pendek dan resep dan manual, 28, 30
ilmu pengetahuan, sederhana. pendek dan Menentukan peralatan manual PG 33 1
teknologi, seni, budaya sederhana. Menentukan serangkaian langkah PG 2, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 9
terkait fenomena dan kerja (steps) 22, 24, 29
kejadian tampak mata. Menentukan unsur Menentukan kalimat imperative PG 15, 20, 25, 26 4
kebahasaan teks Menentukan kosakata PG 4, 5, 9, 10, 34, 35 6
Jumlah 35

Instrument of Post-test

Read the following text and answer the questions number 1 to 5.

- 4 red potatoes
- 1 tablespoon olive oil
- 1 onion, chopped
- 1 green bell pepper, seeded and chopped
- 2 tablespoons olive oil
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 3/4 teaspoon paprika
- 1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
- 1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley

- Large skillet
- Plate
- Pot

1. Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil. Add potatoes and cook until
tender but still firm, about 15 minutes.
2. Drain the potatoes and cut them into 1/2 inch cubes when they are already
3. In a large skillet, heat 1 tablespoon olive oil over medium high heat. Add
onion and green pepper. Cook about 5 minutes stirring often, until soft.
Transfer to a plate and set aside.
4. Pour remaining 2 tablespoons of oil into the skillet and turn heat to medium-
5. Add potato cubes, salt, paprika and black pepper. Cook, stirring
occasionally, until potatoes are browned about 10 minutes.
6. Stir in the onions, green peppers and parsley and cook for another minute.
Serve hot

Preparation time: 20 minutes

Cooking time: 25 minutes

1. The text tells you about….
a. The Potatoes and Their Use
b. How to Make Fried Potatoes
c. Boiling Potatoes in Good Ways
d. Someone’s Experience in Cooking

2. Which one is not correct based on the text?

a. It takes 25 minutes to cook the food well.
b. You need 3 kinds of equipment to cook the meal.
c. You are supposed to serve the meal when it is hot.
d. The potatoes must be cut before they are getting cool.

3. How long do we need to try the recipe until it is ready to be served?

a. 45 minutes
b. 40 minutes
c. 25 minutes
d. 20 minutes

4. “Transfer to a plate and set aside.”

The word “transfer” in the sentence nearly means…
a. Bring
b. Move
c. Drain
d. Take

5. “Drain the potatoes and cut them into 1/2 inch cubes when they are already
cool.” (step 2)
What does the word “they” in the sentence refer to?
a. The utensils.
b. The cubes
c. The potatoes
d. ½ inch

Read the following text to answer number 6 to 10.
Making Coloured Egg
- Hard-boiled eggs (cooled)
- Paper towels
- Food colouring
- Glass jar
- Vinegar
- Salt
- 300ml of hot water

1. Rinse eggs in cold water and dry it with paper towels.
2. To make the dye, pour half a small bottle of food colouring into a glass jar
and add 300ml of hot water.
3. Add 300ml vinegar and 15ml salt.
4. Lower an egg into the jar of dye and leave it for a few minutes. Check the
colour of the egg regularly.
5. When the egg has reached the desire colour, lift it out and repeat the process
with the remaining eggs.

6. What liquid do we need to make coloured eggs?

a. Salt
b. Vinegar
c. Glass jar
d. Paper towel

7. We use paper towels to …

a. Dry eggs
b. Rinse eggs
c. Repeat the process
d. Pour the food colouring

8. From the text above, we get the information on …
a. What colouring eggs are
b. Making coloured eggs
c. Which the best colouring eggs
d. Where we can dry colouring eggs

9. “Add 300ml vinegar and 15ml salt. Lower an egg into the jar of dye and leave
it for a few minutes.” (step 3 and 4)
The word it refers to …
a. Vinegar
b. Salt
c. Egg
d. Jar

10. “Lower an egg into the jar of dye and …” (step 4)

What does the underlined word mean?
a. Crack
b. Water
c. Peel
d. Dip

The following text is for number 11 to 15.

How to Make Perkedel Tempe

- 150 grams tempe
- 1 tablespoon flour
- 1 egg
- 1 tablespoon of Royco
- 1 cup of vegetable oil

- Mash tempe with a fork
- Put the mashed tempe in a bowl and mix with the flour and Royco, followed
by an egg.
- Shape the tempe into the size of a golf ball and flatten a little with a fork.

- Heat the vegetable oil in a medium flame. When the oil is hot, drop the
tempe into the oil, five or six at a time.
- Fry until golden brown on both sides.
- Drain on absorbent paper and serve hot with chilli or sauce

11. Which statement is TRUE about the instruction?

a. We need the big fire to make oil become hot
b. We ought to drop the tempe around ten or twelve at two times
c. We use fork to flatten the shape of tempe
d. We fry the tempe before golden browm

12. What is the main ingredient of the perkedel tempe?

a. Tempe
b. Perkedel tempe
c. Tempe and egg
d. Tempe, flour and Royco

13. When we add the egg in making perkedel tempe?

a. Between we mash and shape the tempe
b. After we shape the tempe and before we mash the tempe
c. Before we shape the tempe and mix the tempe with Royco
d. While we shape the tempe

14. What is the social function of the text?

a. To inform the readers about Perkedel Tempe
b. To retell about Perkedel Tempe
c. To describe about Perkedel Tempe
d. To describe how to make Perkedel Tempe

15. The language feature of this text is …
a. Past Tense
b. Gerund
c. Imperative sentences
d. Passive sentences

The following text is for questions number 16 to 20.

How to Make Flannel Rose Ring
 Red Flannel around 10x10cm
 Scissors
 Glue

1. Cut round the flannel about 5x3cm and make spiral in it.
2. Glue each side of spiral flannel.
3. Twist it from central until the end (look like a rose).
4. Cut the flannel in a rectangle (the size depends on your finger).
5. Put the rose in a rectangle and glue it.
6. Flannel rose ring is ready to wear.

16. The text above tells you …

a. How to add a rose in a ring
b. How to make flannel rose ring
c. How to make a ring
d. How to cut flannel rose ring

17. Which statement is NOT TRUE about the instruction?

a. We must glue the rose in rectangle to get ring
b. The biggest the finger means the more flannel needed
c. All people have the same size of rectangle to make the ring
d. We make a rectangle after we make a rose form

18. Based on the text. How big the size of flannel needed?
a. Less than 10x10cm
b. Only 10x10cm
c. About 10x10cm
d. More than 10x10cm

19. What should we do after we cut round the flannel?

a. Glue each side of the flannel
b. Make it spiral form
c. Twist from the central until the end
d. Put the rose in rectangle and glue it

20. “Twist it form central until the end.” (step 3)

a. Pull
b. Fling
c. Ream
d. Coil

Read the following text to answer questions number 21 to 30.

How to Make an Ice Cream

- 2 cups of heavy cream
- 1 cup whole milk
- 2/3 cup sugar
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1. First, mix the ingredients.
2. Second, heat until the sugar is dissolved.
3. Third, chill the mixture in the refrigerator.
4. Next, freeze the ice cream in an ice cream maker.
5. After that, add chopped chocolate bar.
6. Finally, finish freezing the ice cream.

21. What is the purpose of the text?
a. How to make an ice cream
b. How to add chocolate in an ice cream
c. To make an ice cream freeze
d. To know about ice cream

22. What are ingredients needed to make an ice cream?

a. 2 cups heavy cream, 1 cup whole milk, 2 cups sugar, 1 teaspoon vanilla
b. 1 cup heavy cream, ½ cup whole milk, 2/3 cup sugar, 1 teaspoon vanilla
c. 2 cups heavy cream, ½ cup whole milk, 2 cups sugar, 1 teaspoon vanilla
d. 2 cups heavy cream, 1 cup whole milk, 2/3 cup sugar, 1 teaspoon vanilla

23. What should we do first to make an ice cream based on the text?
a. Buy the ingredients
b. Mix the ingredients
c. Heat the sugar until dissolved
d. Add the ingredients to dissolved sugar

24. What the second step to make an ice cream?

a. Mix the ingredients
b. Add chopped chocolate bar
c. Heat the sugar until dissolved
d. Heat the ice cream with sugar

25. After we heat until the sugar dissolved, what should we do next?
a. Freeze the ice cream in an ice cream maker
b. Freeze the ice cream a refrigerator
c. Add chopped chocolate bar
d. Chill the mixture in the refrigerator

26. What the next step after chill the mixture in the refrigerator?
a. Add chopped chocolate bar
b. Freeze the ice cream in an ice cream maker
c. Finish freezing the ice cream
d. Heat the cream with sugar

27. How much milk that we need to make an ice cream?

a. 2 cups
b. 1 cup
c. ½ cup
d. 2/3 cup

28. How much sugar needed?

a. 2/3 cup
b. 2 cups
c. 1 cup
d. 1/3 cup

29. What is the last step of making an ice cream?

a. Add chopped chocolate bar
b. Mix the ice cream with chocolate bar
c. Finish freezing the ice cream
d. Add vanilla extract

30. How much heavy cream needed?

a. 2 cups
b. 1 cup
c. 1/3 cup
d. 2/3 cup

Read the text carefully and answer questions number 31 to 35.
The ways to activate the hand phone

1. First, open the cover of the hand phone.

2. Secondly, open the battery part of the phone and you can find sim-card slot
3. Third, insert the sim-card to its slot and put back the battery.
4. Fourth, close the battery with the cover of the hand phone.
5. Fifth, connect the charger to a hole in the bottom of the phone. Charging the
battery may take three up to five hours.
6. Next, when the battery is fully charged, the bar will stop scrolling.
7. Then, activate the hand phone by pushing the power button.
8. Finally, the hand phone is activated and ready to use.

31. What kind of text is the text above?

a. Procedure text
b. Recount text
c. Narrative text
d. Descriptive text

32. What does the text describe about?

a. How to get a hand phone
b. How to activate a hand phone
c. The materials of a hand phone
d. How to put a sim-card

33. What should we do after inserting the sim card?

a. Open the cover of the hand phone
b. Disconnect the charger
c. Close the battery with the cover of hand phone
d. Insert the battery inside

34. “The ways to activate the hand phone”
The synonym of the underlined word is …
a. Steps
b. Performances
c. Ingredients
d. Devices

35. “Fifth, connect the charger to a hole in the bottom of the phone.”
The antonym of the underlined word is …
a. The height
b. The case
c. The length
d. The upper

Answer Key of Post-test

1. B 11. B 21. A 31. A

2. D 12. A 22. D 32. B
3. A 13. A 23. B 33. D
4. B 14. D 24. C 34. A
5. C 15. C 25. D 35. D
6. B 16. B 26. B
7. A 17. C 27. B
8. B 18. C 28. A
9. C 19. B 29. C
10. D 20. D 30. A

Pertemuan ke 1 & 2

Sekolah : Mts Ma’arif Sabilul Huda

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : IX-B/I
Materi : Procedure Text
Alokasi Waktu : 4 x 40 Menit (2 Pertemuan)

A. Kompetensi Inti
1. Menghargai dan Menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya.
2. Menghargai dan menghayati perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab, peduli
(toleransi, gotong royong), santun, percaya diri, dalam berinteraksi secara efektif
dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam dalam jangkauan pergaulan dan keberadaannya.
3. Memahami dan menerapkan pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural)
berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya
terkait fenomena dan kejadian yang tampak mata.
4. Mengolah, menyaji, dan menalar dalam ranah konkret (menggunakan, mengurai,
merangkai, memodifikasi dan membuat), dan ranah abstrak (menulis, membaca,
menghitung, menggambar, dan mengarang)sesuai dengan yang dipelajari di sekolah
dan sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut pandang/teori.

B. Kompetensi Dasar
1.1 Mensyukuri kesempatan dapat mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa
pengantar komunikasi internasional yang diwujudkan dalam semangat belajar.
2.1 Menunjukkan perilaku santun dan peduli dalam melaksanakan komunikasi
interpersonal dengan guru dan teman.
2.2 Menunjukkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, percaya diri, dan bertanggung jawab dalam
melaksanakan komunikasi transaksional dengan guru dan teman.
2.3 Menunjukkan perilaku tanggung jawab, peduli, kerjasama, dan cinta damai, dalam
melaksanakan komunikasi fungsional.
3.7 Menerapkan struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan untuk melaksanakan fungsi sosial
teks prosedur dengan menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang resep dan manual,
pendek dan sederhana, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.
4.7 Menangkap makna teks prosedur, lisan dan tulis, berbentuk resep dan manual,
pendek dan sederhana.

C. Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

1.1.1 Menunjukkan sikap semangat dalam mempelajari procedure text berupa resep
2.1.1 Menunjukkan perilaku santun dan peduli dalam mengerjakan tugas teks prosedur
berupa resep sederhana.
2.2.1 Menunjukkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, percaya diri, dan bertanggung jawab
dalam mengerjakan tugas teks prosedur berupa resep sederhana.
2.3.1 Menunjukkan perilaku tanggung jawab dan kerja sama dalam mengerjakan tugas
membuat teks prosedur berupa resep sederhana.
3.7.1 Menyebutkan fungsi sosial teks prosedur.
3.7.2 Menentukan teks prosedur tentang resep pendek dan sederhana sesuai dengan
struktur teks yang tepat.
3.7.3 Menggunakan unsur kebahasaan untuk menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang
resep dengan tepat.
4.7.1 Menceritakan kembali teks prosedur berupa resep pendek sederhana yang
4.7.2 Menentukan pernyataan benar atau salah berdasarkan teks prosedur berupa resep
pendek sederhana yang disimak.

D. Materi Pembelajaran
Teks lisan dan tulis teks prosedur berbentuk resep pendek dan sederhana

Fungsi sosial
Mencapai hasil terbaik secara efisien, menghindari kecelakaan, kerusakan, pemborosan,
Struktur teks
(gagasan utama dan informasi rinci)
Ungkapan baku yang digunakan dalam (a) resep dan (b) manual, dari sumber-sumber
a. Menyebutkan tujuan
b. Menyebutkan bahan dan/atau peralatan (jika diperlukan, opsional)
c. Menyebutkan serangkaian langkah kerja secara urut dan runtut untuk mencapai

Unsur kebahasaan
(1) Tata bahasa: kalimat imperatif, negatif dan positif
(2) Ungkapan dan kosa kata yang lazim digunakan dalam bentuk resep
(3) Penggunaan nominal singular dan plural secara tepat, dengan atau tanpa a, the, this,
those, my, their, dsb secara tepat dalam frasa nominal
(4) Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi
(5) Ejaan dan tanda baca
(6) Tulisan tangan

Makanan, minuman dan barang yang lazim atau terkait dengan hidup siswa di sekolah,
rumah, dan masyarakat dengan memberikan keteladanan tentang perilaku jujur, disiplin,
percaya diri, kerjasama dan bertanggung jawab.

E. Metode Pembelajaran
Metode Total Physical Response.

F. Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Pertemuan Pertama: 2 Jam Pertemuan
Langkah Deskripsi Kegiatan Alokasi
Pembelajaran Waktu
Kegiatan Memuat Kegiatan 15 menit
Pendahuluan 1. Berdo’a
2. Mengecek Kehadiran Siswa
3. Menyampaikan kompetensi yang akan dicapai dan
manfaatnya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.
4. Menyampaikan garis besar cakupan materi dan
kegiatan yang akan dilakukan; dan menyampaikan
lingkup dan teknik penilaian yang akan digunakan.

Kegiatan Inti Memuat Kegiatan 15 menit

- Mengamati
1. Peserta didik mendengarkan resep How to Make
Pisang Goreng yang dibacakan dan langkah-
langkah yang diperagakan oleh guru.
2. Peserta didik menirukan langkah-langkah yang
didengar dengan gerakan yang tepat.

- Menanya 15 menit
1. Peserta didik menanyakan kata-kata yang tidak
2. Peserta didik mengidentifikasi bahan-bahan yang
digunakan di dalam resep How to Make Pisang
Goreng dengan cara menuliskan kata-kata
tersebut sambil mengucapkannya dengan tepat.
3. Peserta didik menanyakan cara menyampaikan
bahan resep secara lisan dengan tepat.
4. Peserta didik mengidentifikasi tindakan-tindakan
yang digunakan di dalam resep dengan cara
menuliskan kata-kata tersebut sambil
mengucapkannya dengan tepat.
5. Peserta didik menanyakan cara menyampaikan
langkah-langkah dalam resep dengan gerakan-
gerakan yang tepat.
- Mengumpulkan Informasi 20 menit
1. Peserta didik secara berkelompok mengurutkan
resep How to Make Pisang Goreng yang disajikan
secara acak.
2. Peserta didik menuliskan resep yang telah
diurutkan dengan menggunakan struktur teks
yang tepat.
3. Peserta didik membacakan dan memperagakan
resep yang telah ditulisnya secara berkelompok di
depan kelas.

Kegiatan Memuat Kegiatan 15 menit

Penutup 1. Peserta didik beserta guru membuat simpulan dari
Langkah Deskripsi Kegiatan Alokasi
Pembelajaran Waktu
kegiatan yang baru saja dilakukan.
2. Peserta didik melakukan refleksi terhadap kegiatan
yang sudah dilaksanakan.
3. Peserta didik mencatat tugas yang harus dilakukan di
rumah (PR); yakni mencari teks prosedur berupa
resep dan mencatat kata-kata yang sukar untuk
ditemukan maknanya sesuai konteks.
4. Guru menyampaiakan rencana pembelajaran untuk
pertemuan mendatang.
5. Guru dan peserta didik menutup kelas dengan
mengucapkan do’a bersama.

Pertemuan Kedua: 2 Jam Pertemuan

Langkah Deskripsi Kegiatan Alokasi
Pembelajaran Waktu
Kegiatan Memuat Kegiatan 15 menit
Pendahuluan 1. Berdo’a
2. Mengecek kehadiran siswa
3. Peserta didik menunjukkan pekerjaan rumah (PR)
berupa teks prosedur berbentuk resep beserta kata-
kata sukar yang telah dicari maknanya.
4. Guru menyampaikan kompetensi yang akan dicapai
dan manfaatnya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.
5. Guru menyampaikan garis besar cakupan materi dan
kegiatan yang akan dilakukan; dan menyampaikan
lingkup dan teknik penilaian yang akan digunakan.

Kegiatan Inti Memuat Kegiatan 30 menit

1. Peserta didik mendengarkan guru membacakan dan
memperagakan contoh teks prosedur berupa resep
dengan judul How to Make Es Campur.
2. Peserta didik menirukan gerakan-gerakan yang
diperagakan oleh guru pada contoh teks prosedur
berupa resep “How to Make Es Campur.”
3. Peserta didik mengurutkan resep How to Make Es
Campur yang diberikan secara acak ke dalam tabel.
4. Peserta didik mempresentasikan teks prosedur
berupa resep How to Make Es Campur secara
berkelompok dengan lafal, intonasi dan gerakan
yang tepat.

Mengkomunikasi 20 menit
1. Peserta didik membuat rangkuman sendiri tentang
apa yang telah dipelajarinya dan memajangnya di
dinding kelas.

Langkah Deskripsi Kegiatan Alokasi
Pembelajaran Waktu
Kegiatan Memuat Kegiatan 15 menit
Penutup 1. Peserta didik beserta guru membuat simpulan dari
kegiatan yang baru saja dilakukan.
2. Peserta didik melakukan refleksi terhadap kegiatan
yang sudah dilaksanakan.
3. Guru menyampaiakan rencana pembelajaran untuk
pertemuan mendatang.

G. Penilaian
1. Teknik penilaian
a. Penilaian Sikap
1) Observasi
2) Penilaian Diri Sendiri

b. Penilaian Pengetahuan
1) Penugasan

c. Penilaian Keterampilan
1) Unjuk kerja/praktek/lisan

2. Instrumen penilaian
a. Pertemuan Pertama
1) Penilaian Kompetensi Sikap
Penilaian Sikap Spiritual

Lembar Observasi Penilaian Sikap Spiritual

Nama Peserta Didik : ………………………

Kelas : IX-B
Materi Pokok : Teks Prosedur (Resep)
Tanggal : ………………………

No Pernyataan Tidak Kadang Sering Selalu

1 Peserta didik melakukan doa sebelum belajar
2 Peserta didik mengakhiri kegiatan dengan doa
3 Peserta didik menunjukkan semangat dalam
mempelajari teks prosedur berupa resep dan
manual pendek sederhana

2) Penilaian Kompetensi Pengetahuan

How to Make Pisang Goreng

Making fried banana or pisang goreng is easy. The materials you need are:
(Well Arranged)

- Bananas
- Flour (if needed)
- Vegetable oil

Then, you need to re-arrange these following instructions. (Work in group)

- If you like, you can sprinkle some sugar on top.
- Second, eat the vegetable oil until hot.
- First, slice bananas into pieces.
- Then, fry the bananas until they turn brown. (Otherwise, roll the bananas in flour before
frying them).
- Finally, fried banana or pisang goreng is already to serve.
- After that, put them on a plate.

Kunci Jawaban:
How to Make Pisang Goreng
No. Steps
1. First, slice bananas into pieces.
2. Second, heat the vegetable oil until hot.
3. Then, Fry the bananas until they turn brown. (Otherwise, roll the bananas in flour
before frying them).
4. After that, put them on a plate.
5. If you like, you can sprinkle some sugar on top.
6. Finally, fried banana or pisang goreng is already to serve.

Tiap jawaban benar skor 5.
Jumlah skor maksimal = 5 x 6 = 30

Skor perolehan =

b. Pertemuan Kedua
1) Penilaian Kompetensi Sikap

Instrumen Penilaian Diri:


Judul : ……………………….
Nama : ……………………….
Kelompok : ……………………….
Kegiatan : ……………………….

Isilah pernyataan berikut dengan jujur. Untuk no 1 s.d 5 isilah dengan angka 4 – 1 di depan
tiap pernyataan:

4= Selalu, 3= Sering, 2= Kadang-kadang, 1= Tidak Pernah

1. _______________ Selama kerja kelompok saya aktif mengusulkan ide.
2. _______________ Selama kerja kelompok memberi kesempatan teman untuk
mengusulkan ide.
3. _______________ Selama kerja kelompok saya mendengarkan pendapat anggota lain.
4. _______________ Pendapat saya diterima oleh anggota kelompok.
5. _______________ Selama kerja kelompok, saya sibuk dengan kegiatan saya sendiri.

2) Penilaian Keterampilan
How to Make Es Campur
Fill the ingredients from the instructions!
 …………………
 …………………
 …………………
 …………………

Re-arrange these following instructions!

1. Second, put ice cubes into the glass
2. Then, add the sliced avocado
3. Last, add the condensed milk on the top of avocado
4. Then, fill ½ of the glass with some coconut water and coconut shavings
5. First, cut the avocado into small pieces

Es Campur is ready to be served.

Kunci Jawaban:
How to Make Es Campur
 ½ of avocado
 3 tbs of condensed milk
 1 can of coconut water and coconut shavings
 Some ice cubes

1. First, cut the avocado into small pieces
2. Second, put ice cubes into the glass
3. Then, fill ½ of the glass with some coconut water and coconut shavings
4. Then, add the sliced avocado
5. Last, add the condensed milk on the top of avocado

Es Campur is ready to be served.

Skor Penilaian:
No. Deskripsi Skor
1. Menyebutkan bahan resep dengan benar 4
2. Mengurutkan langkah-langkah dengan benar 6
Jumlah 10
Nilai maksimal = 10 x 10 = 100
Nilai perolehan = jumlah skor yang diperolah x 10

H. Media/Alat, Bahan dan Sumber Belajar

1. Media/Alat
Screen, Laptop, Proyektor LCD, Whiteboard and Boardmarker, etc.

2. Bahan
Text Script, etc.

3. Sumber Belajar
Buku Paket Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTs kelas IX “When English Rings a Bell”
Sumber dari internet:,

Bogor, 5 November 2018

Guru Mata Pelajaran Peneliti

Muhammad Ikbal, S.Pd. Ahmad Darussalam

Pertemuan ke 3 & 4

Sekolah : Mts Ma’arif Sabilul Huda

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : IX-B/I
Materi : Procedure Text
Alokasi Waktu : 4 x 40 Menit (2 Pertemuan)

A. Kompetensi Inti
1. Menghargai dan Menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya.
2. Menghargai dan menghayati perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab, peduli
(toleransi, gotong royong), santun, percaya diri, dalam berinteraksi secara efektif
dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam dalam jangkauan pergaulan dan keberadaannya.
3. Memahami dan menerapkan pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural)
berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya
terkait fenomena dan kejadian yang tampak mata.
4. Mengolah, menyaji, dan menalar dalam ranah konkret (menggunakan, mengurai,
merangkai, memodifikasi dan membuat), dan ranah abstrak (menulis, membaca,
menghitung, menggambar, dan mengarang)sesuai dengan yang dipelajari di sekolah
dan sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut pandang/teori.

B. Kompetensi Dasar
1.1 Mensyukuri kesempatan dapat mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa
pengantar komunikasi internasional yang diwujudkan dalam semangat belajar.
2.1 Menunjukkan perilaku santun dan peduli dalam melaksanakan komunikasi
interpersonal dengan guru dan teman.
2.2 Menunjukkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, percaya diri, dan bertanggung jawab dalam
melaksanakan komunikasi transaksional dengan guru dan teman.
2.3 Menunjukkan perilaku tanggung jawab, peduli, kerjasama, dan cinta damai, dalam
melaksanakan komunikasi fungsional.
3.7 Menerapkan struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan untuk melaksanakan fungsi sosial
teks prosedur dengan menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang resep dan manual,
pendek dan sederhana, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.
4.7 Menangkap makna teks prosedur, lisan dan tulis, berbentuk resep dan manual,
pendek dan sederhana.

C. Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

1.1.1 Menunjukkan sikap semangat dalam mempelajari procedure text berupa manual
2.1.1 Menunjukkan perilaku santun dan peduli dalam mengerjakan tugas teks prosedur
berupa manual sederhana.
2.2.1 Menunjukkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, percaya diri, dan bertanggung jawab
dalam mengerjakan tugas teks prosedur sederhana berupa manual.
2.3.1 Menunjukkan perilaku tanggung jawab dan kerja sama dalam mengerjakan tugas
membuat teks prosedur sederhana berupa manual.
3.7.1 Menyebutkan fungsi sosial teks prosedur.
3.7.2 Menentukan teks prosedur tentang manual pendek dan sederhana sesuai dengan
struktur teks yang tepat.
3.7.3 Menggunakan unsur kebahasaan untuk menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang
manual dengan tepat.
4.7.1 Menceritakan kembali teks prosedur berupa manual sederhana yang dibaca.
4.7.2 Menentukan pernyataan benar atau salah berdasarkan teks prosedur berupa
manual pendek sederhana yang disimak.

D. Materi Pembelajaran
Teks lisan dan tulis teks prosedur berbentuk manual pendek dan sederhana

Fungsi sosial
Mencapai hasil terbaik secara efisien, menghindari kecelakaan, kerusakan, pemborosan,
Struktur teks
(gagasan utama dan informasi rinci)
Ungkapan baku yang digunakan dalam (a) resep dan (b) manual, dari sumber-sumber
a. Menyebutkan tujuan
b. Menyebutkan bahan dan/atau peralatan (jika diperlukan, opsional)
c. Menyebutkan serangkaian langkah kerja secara urut dan runtut untuk mencapai

Unsur kebahasaan
(1) Tata bahasa: kalimat imperatif, negatif dan positif
(2) Ungkapan dan kosa kata yang lazim digunakan dalam bentuk manual
(3) Penggunaan nominal singular dan plural secara tepat, dengan atau tanpa a, the, this,
those, my, their, dsb secara tepat dalam frasa nominal
(4) Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi
(5) Ejaan dan tanda baca
(6) Tulisan tangan

Makanan, minuman dan barang yang lazim atau terkait dengan hidup siswa di sekolah,
rumah, dan masyarakat dengan memberikan keteladanan tentang perilaku jujur, disiplin,
percaya diri, kerjasama dan bertanggung jawab.

E. Metode Pembelajaran
Metode Total Physical Response.

F. Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Pertemuan Pertama: 2 Jam Pertemuan
Langkah Deskripsi Kegiatan Alokasi
Pembelajaran Waktu
Kegiatan Memuat Kegiatan 15 menit
Pendahuluan 1. Berdo’a
2. Mengecek Kehadiran Siswa
3. Menyampaikan kompetensi yang akan dicapai dan
manfaatnya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.
4. Menyampaikan garis besar cakupan materi dan
kegiatan yang akan dilakukan; dan menyampaikan
lingkup dan teknik penilaian yang akan digunakan.

Kegiatan Inti Memuat Kegiatan 15 menit

- Mengamati
1. Peserta didik mendengarkan teks prosedur berupa
manual How to Activate a Hand Phone yang
dibacakan dan diperagakan oleh guru.
2. Peserta didik menirukan langkah-langkah yang
didengar dengan gerakan yang tepat.

- Menanya
1. Peserta didik menanyakan kata-kata yang tidak
2. Peserta didik mengidentifikasi alat-alat yang
terdapat di dalam manual How to Activate a Hand
Phone dengan cara menuliskan kata-kata tersebut
sambil mengucapkannya dengan tepat.
3. Peserta didik menanyakan cara menyampaikan 15 menit
langkah-langkah yang terdapat dalam manual
secara lisan dengan tepat.
4. Peserta didik mengidentifikasi langkah-langkah
yang digunakan di dalam manual dengan cara
menuliskan kata-kata tersebut sambil
mengucapkannya dengan tepat.
5. Peserta didik menanyakan cara menyampaikan
langkah-langkah dalam manual dengan gerakan-
gerakan yang tepat.
- Mengumpulkan Informasi 20 menit
1. Peserta didik secara berkelompok mengurutkan
manual How to Activate a Hand Phone yang
disajikan secara acak.
2. Peserta didik menuliskan manual yang telah
diurutkan sebelumnya dengan menggunakan
struktur teks yang tepat.
3. Peserta didik secara berkelompok membacakan
dan memperagakan manual yang telah ditulis
sebelumnya di depan kelas.

Kegiatan Memuat Kegiatan

Langkah Deskripsi Kegiatan Alokasi
Pembelajaran Waktu
Penutup 1. Peserta didik beserta guru membuat simpulan
kegiatan yang baru saja dilakukan.
2. Peserta didik melakukan refleksi terhadap kegiatan
yang sudah dilaksanakan.
3. Peserta didik mencatat tugas yang harus dilakukan di
rumah (PR); yakni mencari teks prosedur berupa 15 menit
manual dan mencatat kata kata-kata yang sukar
untuk ditemukan maknanya sesuai konteks.
4. Guru menyampaikan rencana pembelajaran untuk
pertemuan mendatang.
5. Guru dan peserta didik menutup kelas dengan
mengucapkan do’a bersama.

Pertemuan Kedua: 2 Jam Pertemuan

Langkah Deskripsi Kegiatan Alokasi
Pembelajaran Waktu
Kegiatan Memuat Kegiatan 15 menit
Pendahuluan 1. Berdo’a
2. Mengecek kehadiran siswa
3. Peserta didik menunjukkan pekerjaan rumah (PR)
berupa teks prosedur berbentuk manual beserta kata-
kata sukar yang telah dicari maknanya.
4. Guru menyampaikan kompetensi yang akan dicapai
dan manfaatnya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.
5. Guru menyampaikan garis besar cakupan materi dan
kegiatan yang akan dilakukan; dan menyampaikan
lingkup dan teknik penilaian yang akan digunakan.

Kegiatan Inti Memuat Kegiatan

Mengasosiasi 30 menit
1. Peserta didik mendengarkan guru membacakan dan
memperagakan contoh teks prosedur berupa manual
dengan judul How to Wear Life Jacket.
2. Peserta didik menirukan gerakan-gerakan yang
diperagakan oleh guru pada contoh teks prosedur
berupa manual How to Wear Life Jacket.
3. Peserta didik mengurutkan manual How to Wear
Life Jacket yang diberikan secara acak ke dalam
4. Peserta didik secara berkelompok mempresentasikan
dan memperagakan manual How to Wear Life Jacket
dengan lafal, intonasi dan gerakan yang tepat.
Mengkomunikasi 20 menit
1. Peserta didik membuat rangkuman sendiri tentang
apa yang telah dipelajarinya dan memajangnya di
dinding kelas.

Langkah Deskripsi Kegiatan Alokasi
Pembelajaran Waktu
Kegiatan Memuat Kegiatan 15 menit
Penutup 1. Peserta didik beserta Guru membuat simpulan dari
kegiatan yang baru saja dilakukan.
2. Peserta didik melakukan refleksi terhadap kegiatan
yang sudah dilaksanakan.
3. Guru dan peserta didik menutup kelas dengan
mengucapkan do’a bersama.

G. Penilaian
1. Teknik penilaian
a. Penilaian Sikap
1) Observasi
2) Penilaian Diri Sendiri

b. Penilaian Pengetahuan
1) Penugasan

c. Penilaian Keterampilan
1) Unjuk kerja/praktek/lisan

2. Instrumen penilaian
a. Pertemuan Pertama
1) Penilaian Kompetensi Sikap
Penilaian Sikap Spiritual

Lembar Observasi Penilaian Sikap Spiritual

Nama Peserta Didik : ………………………

Kelas : IX-B
Materi Pokok : Teks Prosedur (Manual)
Tanggal : ………………………

No Pernyataan Tidak Kadang Sering Selalu

1 Peserta didik melakukan doa sebelum belajar
2 Peserta didik mengakhiri kegiatan dengan doa
3 Peserta didik menunjukkan semangat dalam
mempelajari teks prosedur berupa resep dan
manual pendek sederhana

2) Penilaian Kompetensi Pengetahuan

How to Activate a Hand Phone

You need to re-arrange these following instructions. (Work in group)

- Fifth, connect the charger to a hole in the bottom of the phone. Charging the battery may

take three up to five hours.
- Then, activate the hand phone by pushing the power button.
- First, open the cover of the hand phone.
- Third, insert the sim card to its slot and put back the battery.
- Fourth, close the battery with the cover of the hand phone.
- Secondly, open the battery part of the phone and you can find sim card slot inside.
- Finally, the hand phone is activated and ready to use.
- Next, when the battery is fully charged, the bar will stop scrolling.

Kunci Jawaban:
How to Activate a Hand Phone
No. Steps
1. First, open the cover of the hand phone.
2. Secondly, open the battery part of the phone and you can find sim card slot inside.
3. Third, insert the sim card to its slot and put back the battery.
4. Fourth, close the battery with the cover of the hand phone.
5. Fifth, connect the charger to a hole in the bottom of the phone. Charging the battery
may take three up to five hours.
6. Next, when the battery is fully charged, the bar will stop scrolling.
7. Then, activate the hand phone by pushing the power button.
8. Finally, the hand phone is activated and ready to use.

Tiap jawaban benar skor 5.
Jumlah skor maksimal = 5 x 8 = 40

Skor perolehan =

b. Pertemuan Kedua
1) Penilaian Kompetensi Sikap

Instrumen Penilaian Diri:


Judul : ……………………….
Nama : ……………………….
Kelompok : ……………………….
Kegiatan : ……………………….

Isilah pernyataan berikut dengan jujur. Untuk no 1 s.d 5 isilah dengan angka 4 – 1 di depan
tiap pernyataan:

4= Selalu, 3= Sering, 2= Kadang-kadang, 1= Tidak Pernah

1. _______________ Selama kerja kelompok saya aktif mengusulkan ide.

2. _______________ Selama kerja kelompok memberi kesempatan teman untuk
mengusulkan ide.
3. _______________ Selama kerja kelompok saya mendengarkan pendapat anggota lain.
4. _______________ Pendapat saya diterima oleh anggota kelompok.
5. _______________ Selama kerja kelompok, saya sibuk dengan kegiatan saya sendiri.

2) Penilaian Keterampilan
How to Wear a Life Jacket
Re-arrange these following instructions!
1. Then, tie or clip the straps together around your waist tightly.
2. Firstly, put the life jacket over your head to your neck.
3. Last, blow the whistle to attract the attention.
4. After that, inflate your life jacket by pulling down the red toggle.
5. If the life jacket does not fully inflate, blow into the mouthpiece to inflate manually.

Kunci Jawaban:
How to Wear a Life Jacket
1. Firstly, put the life jacket over your head to your neck.
2. Then, tie or clip the straps together around your waist tightly.
3. After that, inflate your life jacket by pulling down the red toggle.
4. If the life jacket does not fully inflate, blow into the mouthpiece to inflate manually.
5. Last, blow the whistle to attract the attention.

Skor Penilaian:
No. Deskripsi Skor
1. Membacakan dan memperagakan langkah-langkah dalam teks 5
dengan lafal, intonasi dan gerakan yang tepat
2. Mengurutkan langkah-langkah dengan benar 5
Jumlah 10
Nilai maksimal = 10 x 10 = 100
Nilai perolehan = jumlah skor yang diperolah x 10

H. Media/Alat, Bahan dan Sumber Belajar

1. Media/Alat
Screen, Laptop, Proyektor LCD, Whiteboard and Boardmarker, etc.

2. Bahan
Text Script, etc.

3. Sumber Belajar
Buku Paket Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTs kelas IX “When English Rings a Bell”
Sumber dari internet:,

Bogor, 5 November 2018
Guru Mata Pelajaran Peneliti

Muhammad Ikbal, S.Pd. Ahmad Darussalam

Pertemuan ke 1 & 2

Sekolah : Mts Ma’arif Sabilul Huda

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : IX-C/I
Materi : Procedure Text
Alokasi Waktu : 4 x 40 Menit (2 Pertemuan)

A. Kompetensi Inti
1. Menghargai dan Menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya.
2. Menghargai dan menghayati perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab, peduli
(toleransi, gotong royong), santun, percaya diri, dalam berinteraksi secara efektif
dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam dalam jangkauan pergaulan dan keberadaannya.
3. Memahami dan menerapkan pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural)
berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya
terkait fenomena dan kejadian yang tampak mata.
4. Mengolah, menyaji, dan menalar dalam ranah konkret (menggunakan, mengurai,
merangkai, memodifikasi dan membuat), dan ranah abstrak (menulis, membaca,
menghitung, menggambar, dan mengarang)sesuai dengan yang dipelajari di sekolah
dan sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut pandang/teori.

B. Kompetensi Dasar
1.1 Mensyukuri kesempatan dapat mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa
pengantar komunikasi internasional yang diwujudkan dalam semangat belajar.
2.1 Menunjukkan perilaku santun dan peduli dalam melaksanakan komunikasi
interpersonal dengan guru dan teman.
2.2 Menunjukkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, percaya diri, dan bertanggung jawab dalam
melaksanakan komunikasi transaksional dengan guru dan teman.
2.3 Menunjukkan perilaku tanggung jawab, peduli, kerjasama, dan cinta damai, dalam
melaksanakan komunikasi fungsional.
3.7 Menerapkan struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan untuk melaksanakan fungsi sosial
teks prosedur dengan menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang resep dan manual,
pendek dan sederhana, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.
4.7 Menangkap makna teks prosedur, lisan dan tulis, berbentuk resep dan manual,
pendek dan sederhana.

C. Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

1.1.1 Menunjukkan sikap semangat dalam mempelajari procedure text berupa resep
2.1.1 Menunjukkan perilaku santun dan peduli dalam mengerjakan tugas teks prosedur
berupa resep sederhana.
2.2.1 Menunjukkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, percaya diri, dan bertanggung jawab
dalam mengerjakan tugas teks prosedur berupa resep sederhana.
2.3.1 Menunjukkan perilaku tanggung jawab dan kerja sama dalam mengerjakan tugas
membuat teks prosedur berupa resep sederhana.
3.7.1 Menyebutkan fungsi sosial teks prosedur.
3.7.2 Menentukan teks prosedur tentang resep pendek dan sederhana sesuai dengan
struktur teks yang tepat.
3.7.3 Menggunakan unsur kebahasaan untuk menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang
resep dengan tepat.
4.7.1 Menceritakan kembali teks prosedur berupa resep pendek sederhana yang
4.7.2 Menentukan pernyataan benar atau salah berdasarkan teks prosedur berupa resep
pendek sederhana yang disimak.

D. Materi Pembelajaran
Teks lisan dan tulis teks prosedur berbentuk resep pendek dan sederhana

Fungsi sosial
Mencapai hasil terbaik secara efisien, menghindari kecelakaan, kerusakan, pemborosan,
Struktur teks
(gagasan utama dan informasi rinci)
Ungkapan baku yang digunakan dalam (a) resep dan (b) manual, dari sumber-sumber
a. Menyebutkan tujuan
b. Menyebutkan bahan dan/atau peralatan (jika diperlukan, opsional)
c. Menyebutkan serangkaian langkah kerja secara urut dan runtut untuk mencapai

Unsur kebahasaan
(1) Tata bahasa: kalimat imperatif, negatif dan positif
(2) Ungkapan dan kosa kata yang lazim digunakan dalam bentuk resep
(3) Penggunaan nominal singular dan plural secara tepat, dengan atau tanpa a, the, this,
those, my, their, dsb secara tepat dalam frasa nominal
(4) Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi
(5) Ejaan dan tanda baca
(6) Tulisan tangan

Makanan, minuman dan barang yang lazim atau terkait dengan hidup siswa di sekolah,
rumah, dan masyarakat dengan memberikan keteladanan tentang perilaku jujur, disiplin,
percaya diri, kerjasama dan bertanggung jawab.

E. Metode Pembelajaran
Pendekatan Saintifik dengan model Discovery Learning.

F. Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Pertemuan Pertama: 2 Jam Pertemuan
Langkah Deskripsi Kegiatan Alokasi
Pembelajaran Waktu
Kegiatan Memuat Kegiatan 15 menit
Pendahuluan 1. Berdo’a
2. Mengecek Kehadiran Siswa
3. Menyampaikan kompetensi yang akan dicapai dan
manfaatnya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.
4. Menyampaikan garis besar cakupan materi dan
kegiatan yang akan dilakukan; dan menyampaikan
lingkup dan teknik penilaian yang akan digunakan.

Kegiatan Inti Memuat Kegiatan 15 menit

- Mengamati
1. Peserta didik mendengarkan resep yang dibacakan
2. Peserta didik menirukan kalimat-kalimat yang
didengar dengan lafal dan intonasi yang tepat.
3. Peserta didik menyalin resep dengan ejaan dan
tanda baca yang benar sambil mengucapkannya
dengan lafal dan intonasi yang tepat.
4. Peserta didik mengamati contoh cara
mempresentasikan bahan-bahan resep.
5. Peserta didik mengamati contoh cara
mempresentasikan langkah-langkah didalam
- Menanya 15 menit
1. Peserta didik menanyakan kata-kata yang tidak
2. Peserta didik mengidentifikasi bahan-bahan yang
digunakan di dalam resep dengan cara menuliskan
kata-kata tersebut sambil mengucapkannya
dengan tepat.
3. Peserta didik menanyakan cara menyampaikan
bahan resep secara lisan dengan tepat.
4. Peserta didik mengidentifikasi langkah-langkah
yang digunakan di dalam resep dengan cara
menuliskan kata-kata tersebut sambil
mengucapkannya dengan tepat.
5. Peserta didik menanyakan cara menyampaikan
langkah-langkah dalam resep secara lisan dengan
20 menit
- Mengumpulkan Informasi
1. Peserta didik secara berkelompok mengurutkan
resep How to Make Pisang Goreng yang disajikan
secara acak.
2. Peserta didik menuliskan resep yang telah
diurutkan dengan menggunakan struktur teks
Langkah Deskripsi Kegiatan Alokasi
Pembelajaran Waktu
yang tepat.
3. Peserta didik membacakan resep yang telah
ditulisnya kepada teman dalam satu kelompok.

Kegiatan Memuat Kegiatan 15 menit

Penutup 1. Peserta didik beserta Guru membuat simpulan
kegiatan yang baru saja dilakukan.
2. Peserta didik melakukan refleksi terhadap kegiatan
yang sudah dilaksanakan.
3. Peserta didik mencatat tugas yang harus dilakukan di
rumah (PR); yakni mencari teks prosedur berupa
resep dan mencatat kata kata-kata yang sukar untuk
ditemukan maknanya sesuai konteks.
4. Guru menyampaiakan rencana pembelajaran untuk
pertemuan mendatang.
5. Guru dan peserta didik menutup kelas dengan
mengucapkan do’a bersama.

Pertemuan Kedua: 2 Jam Pertemuan

Langkah Deskripsi Kegiatan Alokasi
Pembelajaran Waktu
Kegiatan Memuat Kegiatan 15 menit
Pendahuluan 1. Berdo’a
2. Mengecek kehadiran siswa
3. Peserta didik menunjukkan pekerjaan rumah (PR)
berupa teks prosedur berbentuk resep beserta kata-
kata sukar yang telah dicari maknanya.
4. Guru menyampaikan kompetensi yang akan dicapai
dan manfaatnya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.
5. Guru menyampaikan garis besar cakupan materi dan
kegiatan yang akan dilakukan; dan menyampaikan
lingkup dan teknik penilaian yang akan digunakan.

Kegiatan Inti Memuat Kegiatan 30 menit

1. Peserta didik mendengarkan guru membacakan
contoh teks prosedur berupa resep dengan judul How
to Make Fried Rice.
2. Peserta didik membaca resep How to Make Fried
3. Peserta didik mengurutkan resep How to Make Es
Campur yang diberikan secara acak ke dalam tabel.
4. Peserta didik mempresentasikan teks prosedur
berupa resep How to Make Fried Rice secara
berkelompok dengan lafal dan intonasi yang tepat..

Mengkomunikasi 20 menit
1. Peserta didik membuat rangkuman sendiri tentang
Langkah Deskripsi Kegiatan Alokasi
Pembelajaran Waktu
apa yang telah dipelajarinya dan memajangnya di
dinding kelas.

Kegiatan Memuat Kegiatan 15 menit

Penutup 1. Peserta didik beserta Guru membuat simpulan
kegiatan yang baru saja dilakukan.
2. Peserta didik melakukan refleksi terhadap kegiatan
yang sudah dilaksanakan.
3. Guru menyampaiakan rencana pembelajaran untuk
pertemuan mendatang.
4. Guru dan peserta didik menutup kelas dengan
mengucapkan do’a bersama.

G. Penilaian
1. Teknik penilaian
a. Penilaian Sikap
1) Observasi
2) Penilaian Diri Sendiri

b. Penilaian Pengetahuan
1) Penugasan

c. Penilaian Keterampilan
1) Unjuk kerja/praktek/lisan

2. Instrumen penilaian
a. Pertemuan Pertama
1) Penilaian Kompetensi Sikap
Penilaian Sikap Spiritual

Lembar Observasi Penilaian Sikap Spiritual

Nama Peserta Didik : ………………………

Kelas : IX-C
Materi Pokok : Teks Prosedur (Resep)
Tanggal : ………………………

No Pernyataan Tidak Kadang Sering Selalu

1 Peserta didik melakukan doa sebelum belajar
2 Peserta didik mengakhiri kegiatan dengan doa
3 Peserta didik menunjukkan semangat dalam
mempelajari teks prosedur berupa resep dan
manual pendek sederhana

2) Penilaian Kompetensi Pengetahuan

How to Make Pisang Goreng

Making fried banana or pisang goreng is easy. The materials you need are:
(Well Arranged)
- Bananas
- Flour (if needed)
- Vegetable oil

Then, you need to re-arrange these following instructions. (Work in group)

- If you like, you can sprinkle some sugar on top.
- Second, heat the vegetable oil until hot.
- First, slice bananas into pieces.
- Then, Fry the bananas until they turn brown. (Otherwise, roll the bananas in flour before
frying them).
- Finally, fried banana or pisang goreng is already to serve.
- After that, put them on a plate.

Kunci Jawaban:
How to Make Pisang Goreng
No. Steps
1. First, slice bananas into pieces.
2. Second, heat the vegetable oil until hot.
3. Then, Fry the bananas until they turn brown. (Otherwise, roll the bananas in flour
before frying them).
4. After that, put them on a plate.
5. If you like, you can sprinkle some sugar on top.
6. Finally, fried banana or pisang goreng is already to serve.

Tiap jawaban benar skor 5.
Jumlah skor maksimal = 5 x 6 = 30

Skor perolehan =

b. Pertemuan Kedua
1) Penilaian Kompetensi Sikap

Instrumen Penilaian Diri:


Judul : ……………………….
Nama : ……………………….
Kelompok : ……………………….
Kegiatan : ……………………….

Isilah pernyataan berikut dengan jujur. Untuk no 1 s.d 5 isilah dengan angka 4 – 1 di depan
tiap pernyataan:

4= Selalu, 3= Sering, 2= Kadang-kadang, 1= Tidak Pernah

1. _______________ Selama kerja kelompok saya aktif mengusulkan ide.

2. _______________ Selama kerja kelompok memberi kesempatan teman untuk
mengusulkan ide.
3. _______________ Selama kerja kelompok saya mendengarkan pendapat anggota lain.
4. _______________ Pendapat saya diterima oleh anggota kelompok.
5. _______________ Selama kerja kelompok, saya sibuk dengan kegiatan saya sendiri.

2) Penilaian Keterampilan
How to Make Es Campur
Fill the ingredients from the instructions!
 …………………
 …………………
 …………………
 …………………

Re-arrange these following instructions!

1. Second, put ice cubes into the glass
2. Then, add the sliced avocado
3. Last, add the condensed milk on the top of avocado
4. Then, fill ½ of the glass with some coconut water and coconut shavings
5. First, cut the avocado into small pieces

Es Campur is ready to be served.

Kunci Jawaban:
How to Make Es Campur
 ½ of avocado
 3 tbs of condensed milk
 1 can of coconut water and coconut shavings
 Some ice cubes

1. First, cut the avocado into small pieces
2. Second, put ice cubes into the glass
3. Then, fill ½ of the glass with some coconut water and coconut shavings
4. Then, add the sliced avocado
5. Last, add the condensed milk on the top of avocado

Es Campur is ready to be served.

Skor Penilaian:
No. Deskripsi Skor
1. Menyebutkan bahan resep dengan benar 4
2. Mengurutkan langkah-langkah dengan benar 6
Jumlah 10
Nilai maksimal = 10 x 10 = 100
Nilai perolehan = jumlah skor yang diperolah x 10

H. Media/Alat, Bahan dan Sumber Belajar

1. Media/Alat
Screen, Laptop, Proyektor LCD, Whiteboard and Boardmarker, etc.

2. Bahan
Text Script, etc.

3. Sumber Belajar
Buku Paket Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTs kelas IX “When English Rings a Bell”
Sumber dari internet:,

Bogor, 5 November 2018

Guru Mata Pelajaran Peneliti

Muhammad Ikbal, S.Pd. Ahmad Darussalam

Pertemuan ke 3 & 4

Sekolah : Mts Ma’arif Sabilul Huda

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : IX-C/I
Materi : Procedure Text
Alokasi Waktu : 4 x 40 Menit (2 Pertemuan)

A. Kompetensi Inti
1. Menghargai dan Menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya.
2. Menghargai dan menghayati perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab, peduli
(toleransi, gotong royong), santun, percaya diri, dalam berinteraksi secara efektif
dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam dalam jangkauan pergaulan dan keberadaannya.
3. Memahami dan menerapkan pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural)
berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya
terkait fenomena dan kejadian yang tampak mata.
4. Mengolah, menyaji, dan menalar dalam ranah konkret (menggunakan, mengurai,
merangkai, memodifikasi dan membuat), dan ranah abstrak (menulis, membaca,
menghitung, menggambar, dan mengarang)sesuai dengan yang dipelajari di sekolah
dan sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut pandang/teori.

B. Kompetensi Dasar
1.1 Mensyukuri kesempatan dapat mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa
pengantar komunikasi internasional yang diwujudkan dalam semangat belajar.
2.1 Menunjukkan perilaku santun dan peduli dalam melaksanakan komunikasi
interpersonal dengan guru dan teman.
2.2 Menunjukkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, percaya diri, dan bertanggung jawab dalam
melaksanakan komunikasi transaksional dengan guru dan teman.
2.3 Menunjukkan perilaku tanggung jawab, peduli, kerjasama, dan cinta damai, dalam
melaksanakan komunikasi fungsional.
3.7 Menerapkan struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan untuk melaksanakan fungsi sosial
teks prosedur dengan menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang resep dan manual,
pendek dan sederhana, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.
4.7 Menangkap makna teks prosedur, lisan dan tulis, berbentuk resep dan manual,
pendek dan sederhana.

C. Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

1.1.1 Menunjukkan sikap semangat dalam mempelajari procedure text berupa manual
2.1.1 Menunjukkan perilaku santun dan peduli dalam mengerjakan tugas teks prosedur
berupa manual sederhana.
2.2.1 Menunjukkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, percaya diri, dan bertanggung jawab
dalam mengerjakan tugas teks prosedur berupa manual sederhana.
2.3.1 Menunjukkan perilaku tanggung jawab dan kerja sama dalam mengerjakan tugas
membuat teks prosedur berupa manual sederhana.
3.7.1 Menyebutkan fungsi sosial teks prosedur.
3.7.2 Menentukan teks prosedur tentang manual pendek dan sederhana sesuai dengan
struktur teks yang tepat.
3.7.3 Menggunakan unsur kebahasaan untuk menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang
manual dengan tepat.
4.7.1 Menceritakan kembali teks prosedur berupa manual pendek sederhana yang
4.7.2 Menentukan pernyataan benar atau salah berdasarkan teks prosedur berupa
manual pendek sederhana yang disimak.

D. Materi Pembelajaran
Teks lisan dan tulis teks prosedur berbentuk manual pendek dan sederhana

Fungsi sosial
Mencapai hasil terbaik secara efisien, menghindari kecelakaan, kerusakan, pemborosan,
Struktur teks
(gagasan utama dan informasi rinci)
Ungkapan baku yang digunakan dalam (a) resep dan (b) manual, dari sumber-sumber
a. Menyebutkan tujuan
b. Menyebutkan bahan dan/atau peralatan (jika diperlukan, opsional)
c. Menyebutkan serangkaian langkah kerja secara urut dan runtut untuk mencapai

Unsur kebahasaan
(1) Tata bahasa: kalimat imperatif, negatif dan positif
(2) Ungkapan dan kosa kata yang lazim digunakan dalam bentuk manual
(3) Penggunaan nominal singular dan plural secara tepat, dengan atau tanpa a, the, this,
those, my, their, dsb secara tepat dalam frasa nominal
(4) Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi
(5) Ejaan dan tanda baca
(6) Tulisan tangan

Makanan, minuman dan barang yang lazim atau terkait dengan hidup siswa di sekolah,
rumah, dan masyarakat dengan memberikan keteladanan tentang perilaku jujur, disiplin,
percaya diri, kerjasama dan bertanggung jawab.

E. Metode Pembelajaran
Pendekatan Saintifik dengan model Discovery Learning.

F. Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Pertemuan Pertama: 2 Jam Pertemuan
Langkah Deskripsi Kegiatan Alokasi
Pembelajaran Waktu
Kegiatan Memuat Kegiatan 15 menit
Pendahuluan 1. Berdo’a
2. Mengecek Kehadiran Siswa
3. Menyampaikan kompetensi yang akan dicapai dan
manfaatnya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.
4. Menyampaikan garis besar cakupan materi dan
kegiatan yang akan dilakukan; dan menyampaikan
lingkup dan teknik penilaian yang akan digunakan.

Kegiatan Inti Memuat Kegiatan 15 menit

- Mengamati
1. Peserta didik mendengarkan teks prosedur berupa
manual How to Activate a Hand Phone yang
dibacakan guru.
2. Peserta didik menirukan kalimat-kalimat yang
didengar dengan lafal dan intonasi yang tepat.
3. Peserta didik menyalin manual dengan ejaan dan
tanda baca yang benar sambil mengucapkannya
dengan lafal dan intonasi yang tepat.
4. Peserta didik mengamati contoh cara
mempresentasikan langkah-langkah didalam
- Menanya
1. Peserta didik menanyakan kata-kata yang tidak 15 menit
2. Peserta didik mengidentifikasi alat-alat yang
terdapat di dalam manual How to Activate a Hand
Phone dengan cara menuliskan kata-kata tersebut
sambil mengucapkannya dengan tepat.
3. Peserta didik menanyakan cara menyampaikan
bahan manual secara lisan dengan tepat.
4. Peserta didik mengidentifikasi langkah-langkah
yang digunakan di dalam manual dengan cara
menuliskan kata-kata tersebut sambil
mengucapkannya dengan tepat.
5. Peserta didik menanyakan cara menyampaikan
langkah-langkah dalam manual secara lisan
dengan tepat.
- Mengumpulkan Informasi
20 menit
1. Peserta didik secara berkelompok mengurutkan
manual How to Activate a Hand Phone yang
disajikan secara acak.
2. Peserta didik menuliskan manual yang telah
diurutkan dengan menggunakan struktur teks
yang tepat.
Langkah Deskripsi Kegiatan Alokasi
Pembelajaran Waktu
3. Peserta didik membacakan manual yang telah
ditulisnya kepada teman dalam satu kelompok.

Kegiatan Memuat Kegiatan 15 menit

Penutup 1. Peserta didik beserta Guru membuat simpulan
kegiatan yang baru saja dilakukan.
2. Peserta didik melakukan refleksi terhadap kegiatan
yang sudah dilaksanakan.
3. Peserta didik mencatat tugas yang harus dilakukan di
rumah (PR); yakni mencari teks prosedur berupa
manual dan mencatat kata kata-kata yang sukar
untuk ditemukan maknanya sesuai konteks.
4. Guru menyampaiakan rencana pembelajaran untuk
pertemuan mendatang.
5. Guru dan peserta didik menutup kelas dengan
mengucapkan do’a bersama.

Pertemuan Kedua: 2 Jam Pertemuan

Langkah Deskripsi Kegiatan Alokasi
Pembelajaran Waktu
Kegiatan Memuat Kegiatan 15 menit
Pendahuluan 1. Berdo’a
2. Mengecek kehadiran siswa
3. Peserta didik menunjukkan pekerjaan rumah (PR)
berupa teks prosedur berbentuk manual beserta kata-
kata sukar yang telah dicari maknanya.
4. Guru menyampaikan kompetensi yang akan dicapai
dan manfaatnya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.
5. Guru menyampaikan garis besar cakupan materi dan
kegiatan yang akan dilakukan; dan menyampaikan
lingkup dan teknik penilaian yang akan digunakan.

Kegiatan Inti Memuat Kegiatan 30 menit

1. Peserta didik mendengarkan guru membacakan
contoh teks prosedur berupa manual dengan judul
How to Wear Life Jacket.
2. Peserta didik membaca manual How to Wear Life
3. Peserta didik mengurutkan manual How to Wear
Life Jacket yang diberikan secara acak ke dalam
4. Peserta didik secara berkelompok mempresentasikan
teks prosedur berupa manual How to Wear Life
Jacket dengan lafal dan intonasi yang tepat..

1. Peserta didik membuat rangkuman sendiri tentang
Langkah Deskripsi Kegiatan Alokasi
Pembelajaran Waktu
apa yang telah dipelajarinya dan memajangnya di 20 menit
dinding kelas.

Kegiatan Memuat Kegiatan 15 menit

Penutup 1. Peserta didik beserta Guru membuat simpulan
kegiatan yang baru saja dilakukan.
2. Peserta didik melakukan refleksi terhadap kegiatan
yang sudah dilaksanakan.
3. Guru dan peserta didik menutup kelas dengan
mengucapkan do’a bersama.

G. Penilaian
1. Teknik penilaian
a. Penilaian Sikap
1) Observasi
2) Penilaian Diri Sendiri

b. Penilaian Pengetahuan
1) Penugasan

c. Penilaian Keterampilan
1) Unjuk kerja/praktek/lisan

2. Instrumen penilaian
a. Pertemuan Pertama
1) Penilaian Kompetensi Sikap
Penilaian Sikap Spiritual

Lembar Observasi Penilaian Sikap Spiritual

Nama Peserta Didik : ………………………

Kelas : IX-C
Materi Pokok : Teks Prosedur (Manual)
Tanggal : ………………………

No Pernyataan Tidak Kadang Sering Selalu

1 Peserta didik melakukan doa sebelum belajar
2 Peserta didik mengakhiri kegiatan dengan doa
3 Peserta didik menunjukkan semangat dalam
mempelajari teks prosedur berupa resep dan
manual pendek sederhana

2) Penilaian Kompetensi Pengetahuan

How to Activate a Hand Phone

You need to re-arrange these following instructions. (Work in group)
- Fifth, connect the charger to a hole in the bottom of the phone. Charging the battery may
take three up to five hours.
- Then, activate the hand phone by pushing the power button.
- First, open the cover of the hand phone.
- Third, insert the sim card to its slot and put back the battery.
- Fourth, close the battery with the cover of the hand phone.
- Secondly, open the battery part of the phone and you can find sim card slot inside.
- Finally, the hand phone is activated and ready to use.
- Next, when the battery is fully charged, the bar will stop scrolling.

Kunci Jawaban:
How to Activate a Hand Phone
No. Steps
1. First, open the cover of the hand phone.
2. Secondly, open the battery part of the phone and you can find sim card slot inside.
3. Third, insert the sim card to its slot and put back the battery.
4. Fourth, close the battery with the cover of the hand phone.
5. Fifth, connect the charger to a hole in the bottom of the phone. Charging the battery
may take three up to five hours.
6. Next, when the battery is fully charged, the bar will stop scrolling.
7. Then, activate the hand phone by pushing the power button.
8. Finally, the hand phone is activated and ready to use.

Tiap jawaban benar skor 5.
Jumlah skor maksimal = 5 x 8 = 40

Skor perolehan =

b. Pertemuan Kedua
1) Penilaian Kompetensi Sikap

Instrumen Penilaian Diri:


Judul : ……………………….
Nama : ……………………….
Kelompok : ……………………….
Kegiatan : ……………………….

Isilah pernyataan berikut dengan jujur. Untuk no 1 s.d 5 isilah dengan angka 4 – 1 di depan
tiap pernyataan:

4= Selalu, 3= Sering, 2= Kadang-kadang, 1= Tidak Pernah

1. _______________ Selama kerja kelompok saya aktif mengusulkan ide.

2. _______________ Selama kerja kelompok memberi kesempatan teman untuk
mengusulkan ide.
3. _______________ Selama kerja kelompok saya mendengarkan pendapat anggota lain.
4. _______________ Pendapat saya diterima oleh anggota kelompok.
5. _______________ Selama kerja kelompok, saya sibuk dengan kegiatan saya sendiri.

2) Penilaian Keterampilan
How to Wear a Life Jacket

Re-arrange these following instructions!

1. Then, tie or clip the straps together around your waist tightly.
2. Firstly, put the life jacket over your head to your neck.
3. Last, blow the whistle to attract the attention.
4. After that, inflate your life jacket by pulling down the red toggle.
5. If the life jacket does not fully inflate, blow into the mouthpiece to inflate manually.

Kunci Jawaban:
How to Wear a Life Jacket
1. Firstly, put the life jacket over your head to your neck.
2. Then, tie or clip the straps together around your waist tightly.
3. After that, inflate your life jacket by pulling down the red toggle.
4. If the life jacket does not fully inflate, blow into the mouthpiece to inflate manually.
5. Last, blow the whistle to attract the attention.

Skor Penilaian:
No. Deskripsi Skor
1. Membacakan langkah-langkah dalam teks dengan lafal dan intonasi 5
yang tepat
2. Mengurutkan langkah-langkah dengan benar 5
Jumlah 10
Nilai maksimal = 10 x 10 = 100
Nilai perolehan = jumlah skor yang diperolah x 10

H. Media/Alat, Bahan dan Sumber Belajar

1. Media/Alat
Screen, Laptop, Proyektor LCD, Whiteboard and Boardmarker, etc.

2. Bahan
Text Script, etc.

3. Sumber Belajar
Buku Paket Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTs kelas IX “When English Rings a Bell”
Sumber dari internet:,

Bogor, 5 November 2018

Guru Mata Pelajaran Peneliti

Muhammad Ikbal, S.Pd. Ahmad Darussalam


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