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Running Head: WHAT IS ISLAM 1

What is Islam?


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What is Islam?


Among all the blessings, which God has bequeathed to human nature is that they

possess innate ability to recognize the fact that he exists. In fact, humankind has awareness

deep in their hearts that believe in the existence of one supreme and controller of everything.

This means that all human beings believe submission to God. However, people believe in

different religions. Some of the most common religion in the world includes Christianity,

Islam, Hindus, and Buddhism. As indicated, Islam is one of the renowned religion. In fact,

Islam is not a new religion. Muslims have a belief that Islam is a faith, which has always

existed and has progressively revealed to humanity by various prophets (Ahmed, 2015).

However, the revelation of the faith was made through Prophet Mohammad many centuries

back at around 7th century (Humphreys, 1991). Many Muslims believe that Muhammad was

born in Saudi Arabia in Mecca. With this knowledge, the following paper seeks to define what

Islam is as well as how to go on while defining Islam.

What is Islam?

As highlighted, Islam has not been a new religion. This is a religion, which is followed

by Muslim community all over the globe. In Muslim, Islam is a religion and comprehensive

pattern of life. The word Islam on itself means submission or voluntary to the will of Allah.

The word was derived from the word Salam that ideally means peace. Islam is a religion that

encapsulates of peace, mercy, and forgiveness and thus, it should not be associated with acts of

violence, as the majority of people tend to view it. To have a clear view of the Islamic religion,

it is vital to know that who follows the Quran are the Muslims and the religion is known as the

Islam. Within the Islamic religion, there are various sects and paths. The two renowned sects

are known as the Sunni and the Shear. The Sunnis believe that Prophet Muhammad was the last

prophet and in every prayer, they have to acknowledge this fact by reciting it. Thus, this group

of Islam is known as the Sunni Islam. On the other hand, the Shias believe that prophet Ali as

the last one. Thus, there is diverging opinion between these two sects. The Shias respect

Prophet Mohammed as Allah introduced the Quran through him; however, Prophet Ali was

their last prophet. The Islamic religion is a naturally a way of life. It heartens and motivates

individuals to offer their due thoughtfulness to their relationship with Allah and his creation.

The main teaching encapsulated in Islamic religion relates to the fact that, through doing good

deeds and seeking the pleasure of the Allah the soul is able to find true happiness as well as

eternal peace. In fact, due to this particular teaching, this is where the derivation of the word

Islam came from- Salam meaning peace. Thus, it is so unfortunate that many people around the

globe tend to consider Islamic religion as a violent religion, which is contrary to their teaching.

Therefore, being able to define Islam in a clear way help in eliminating misinformation where

many people tend to associate Islam with every negative things mostly terrorism.

In the Quran, which is read by the Islam, Allah defines that the main purpose why he

created humanity was to worship him. In their belief, the Islam denotes that humanity has a

choice to make either obey or disobey the Allah. However, it puts an ultimatum that one will be

held accountable to Allah for his or her own acts and choices. In relation to the Islamic position

on prophets, they believe the Allah sent Prophets to teach the humanity how to worship and

obey his teachings. Some of the Prophets include Abraham, Moses and the Muhammad that

means peace be upon them all. All the prophets came with one message acknowledging the fact

that there is no deity worth of worship except the Allah.

As a religion, the Islam places vital recognition in the belief that the soul gives life to a

human body. In the same manner, in its absence, the body of human disintegrates and dies. The

Islam believes that the soul is eternal and there will be a reunion with the body when the Allah

will raise everyone to answer for their choices they made while in the earth. Thus, the Islamic

religion mainly focusses on teaching individuals to keep their souls healthy, through

remembrance and adhering to the teaching of the Allah (Bush, 2001). This teaching entails

establishing a correct balance in strengthening the soul and not over-indulging with body

pleasures. These teachings are predominantly taught to the Muslim community all over the

world. Therefore, from the highlighted discussion, it is inarguable to state that Islam is a

religion, which operates on a set of beliefs, feelings, as well as practices defining the

relationship between the humankind and their God whom they call Allah.

How to go about defining Islam

Defining Islamic religion is one of the most debated aspects. Individuals who believe in

Islamic religion argue that the Islam is a religion of peace. The opponent suggests that Islamic

is a violent religion associating it with various negative incidents such as terrorism. Despite the

opposing viewpoint, it is important to note that Islam religion teaches peace. The Quran, in

particular, calls the whole teaching the paths of peace. The Islamic religion abhors any

disturbance, which threatens peaceful co-existence. Therefore, the best way to define Islam is

by arguing the fact that the Islam is a religion bases on peaceful cohabitation. Since the word

Islam means peace, it is inarguably clear to say that Islam is the spirit of peace (Khan, 1999). In

the Quran, most of the verses breathe the spirit of peace. Islam as a religion ascribes great

importance of peace in the society. Precisely, Islam cannot afford to be in a state that

encapsulates commotion since it aims at spiritual progress and all positivity within the society

and this can be achieved when there is lack of atmosphere of peace and harmony. Peace does

not mean absence of war but it opens opportunities present in every aspect of the society. Due

to this fact, it is the only reason why Prophet Mohammed went on to greater extents to establish

peace at all costs.


In conclusion, it is clear that Islam can be defined as a religion of peace. In particular, it

is a religion of peace in the far-reaching sense of the world. Every philosophy of the Islam is

grounded on principles of peace and avoidance. Thus, individuals who tend to deviate from this

teach deviate from the beliefs of the Islam. Therefore, from the definition, it is well articulated

that Islam is a religion that believes in peace and those who succumb to violence such as

terrorism are motivated by their selfish gains and not by the Islamic religion.


Ahmed, S. (2015). What is Islam? The Importance of Being Islamic. Princeton University


Bush, G. W. (2001). Islam is peace. Says President. Remarks by the President at Islamic

Center of Washington, DC URL: http://georgewbush-whitehouse. archives.

gov/news/releases/2001/09/20010917-11. html (Stand: 09.08. 2012).

Humphreys, R. S. (1991). Islamic history: a framework for inquiry(p. 187). Princeton, NJ:

Princeton University Press.

Horrie, C., & Chippindale, P. (2007). What is Islam?: A Comprehensive Introduction. Virgin

Books Limited.

Khan, M. W. (1999). Islam and peace (pp. 170-9). Goodword Books.

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