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Adobe – AWS Training

Day 1:
1. AWS Overview
a. Regions & Availability Zones
b. Shared Responsibility Model
2. IAM – Recap (Hands-on only if the audience aren’t familiar)
a. Concept of Users, Groups & Policies
b. Concept of Roles
i. Understanding the Trust Relationships & STS
c. Overview of Identity Providers
3. VPC – Recap (Hands-on only if the audience aren’t familiar)
a. VPC, Subnet, Route Table, Internet Gateway, NACL & their relations
b. Public & Private Subnets
c. VPC Peering
d. VPN Gateway, Customer Gateway and setting up site-to-site VPN
e. Configuring VPC endpoints
f. Setting up VPC Flow logs
g. Concept of Transit Gateways and Policy & Route tables in Transit Gateways

Day 2:
1. EC2 – Recap (Hands-on only if the audience aren’t familiar)
a. Instances
i. Meta-data endpoint
ii. Instance Profile (with IAM Role)
iii. User Data
b. Elastic IPs, ENI & Security Groups
c. AMIs
d. Overview of Instance Store
2. EBS
a. Volume types – Throughput & IOPS
b. Creating EBS volume, attaching to EC2 instance, Formatting & Mounting it
c. Creating Snapshots to replicate EBS volumes across AZs
3. EFS
a. Concept of NFS, EFS Filesystems & Mount targets
b. Understanding throughput and performance modes
c. Creating an EFS Filesystem & mounting it on EC2 Instances across AZs

Day 3:
1. S3
a. Understanding the differences between Block, FS and Object storage
b. Concepts of Buckets, Objects, Consistency models and Storage classes
c. Creating a Bucket, uploading objects and enabling versioning
d. Setting up static web hosting on S3 buckets
e. Working with Bucket Policy for access control
f. Overview Life-cycle rules, cross-region replication & event notifications
2. Elastic Load Balancer
a. Differences between Application, Network, Gateway and Classic load
b. Getting to know Target Groups, their types and their attributes
i. Deregistration delay (aka Connection draining)
ii. Session Stickiness
c. Creating an Application Load Balancer (ALB)
i. with few instances across AZs in its target group
ii. with load balancing rules demonstrating forward, redirect & fixed
response actions
d. Creating a network load balancer

Day 4:
1. CloudWatch
a. Understanding Metrics & Dashboards
b. Concept of Alarm, condition & actions in it
c. Creating an Alarm based on CPU Utilization to reboot EC2 instance
d. Publishing custom metrics on CloudWatch
2. Auto Scaling Group
a. Launch configuration vs. Launch template
b. Creating a launch template with user data
c. Concept of Auto scaling Group (ASG)
i. Understanding minimum, desired and maximum capacities
ii. Instance scale-in protection
iii. Scheduled scaling
iv. Scaling policies
1. Target-tracking scaling policy
2. Step scaling policy
v. Warm-up period and cooldown period
d. Predictive scaling and how it works
e. Manual vs. Dynamic vs. Predictive scaling
f. Introduction to Life-cycle hooks and Warm pools
g. Understanding the core concepts of Warm pools
h. Creating an ASG with launch template
i. creating a warm pool under the ASG
ii. setting up life-cycle hooks with a warm-pool
iii. configuring a step-based scaling policy along with CloudWatch alarms
iv. increasing the CPU load on an ASG-managed instance
v. scaling out and scaling in using the ASG scaling policy

Day 5:
1. RDS
a. Concept of DB instances and subnet, parameter & option groups
i. DB Engines like MySQL, Postgres, etc.
ii. Multi-AZ Deployment
iii. Public accessibility
iv. IAM Authentication
v. Read-replicas
b. Creating a MySQL RDS instance (with subnet & parameter groups) and
connecting to it
c. Creating Snapshots and restoring from it
d. Events and Event Subscriptions
e. Overview of Aurora Serverless
2. DynamoDB
a. Concepts of Tables & Items
i. Partition key
ii. Sort key
iii. On-demand vs. Provisioned mode
b. Understanding the Read Capacity Units and Write Capacity Units
c. Understanding the Local and Global Secondary Index
d. Scan vs. Query operation
e. Creating a DynamoDB table, adding & removing items and performing scan &
query operations using SDKs
f. Understanding the different consistency modes

Day 6:
1. Elasticache
a. Concepts, restrictions & use cases of Elasticache cluster
b. Redis vs. Memcached cluster
c. Creating an Redis Elasticache cluster (with subnet & parameters group) and
connecting to it
2. Decoupling applications – An introduction to Messaging & Queueing
3. SNS
a. Understanding the concepts of Topics & Subscriptions
i. Different kind of Subscriptions
ii. Access & retry policies
b. Creating a SNS Topic, adding an email subscription and publishing messages
using SDK
c. Overview of Push Notifications and SMS via SNS

Day 7:
1. SQS
a. Understanding the concepts of Queues
i. FIFO vs. Standard queue
ii. Visibility time-out
iii. Dead-letter queue
iv. Redrive policy
v. Access policy
b. Creating a standard queue and publishing & consuming messages using SDK
2. Cloud Formation
a. Constructs like Template, Stack, Stack-set and Change-set
b. Understanding the anatomy of Templates
i. Intrinsic functions
ii. Pseudo parameters
c. Creating Stacks using Templates

Day 8:
1. Athena
a. Understanding the constructs and use cases of Athena
b. Running SQL queries using Athena
i. Creating a S3 bucket with sample dataset
ii. Configuring a Database and a table with the data on S3 bucket
iii. Writing and executing SQL queries against the dataset
2. Lambda
a. Understanding the concept of Event-driven Architecture
b. Getting to know Lambda runtime, handler, timeout & environment variables
c. Overview of events’ structure from various services
d. Function policy vs. Role
e. Creating and Invoking a Lambda function
i. using Function URL
ii. using S3 bucket

Day 9:
1. Serverless Architecture & overview of other serverless services
2. Docker
a. Understanding the basics of containers & images
b. Writing Dockerfile to build an application image
c. Creating a container from the image
3. Kubernetes
a. Understanding the basic constructs like Pods, Services, etc.
b. Creating a single-node Kubernetes cluster with K3s
c. Running the Pods with image built using Docker
4. Cloud Trail – Introduction & accessing event history

Day 10:
1. Secrets Manager
a. Understanding the types of Secrets
b. Concept of rotating the secrets
c. Creating a secret and retrieving it using SDK
2. Overview to CI/CD pipeline on AWS
a. CodeCommit
b. CodeBuild
c. CodeDeploy
d. CodePipeline

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