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Proiect cofinanțat din Fondul Social European prin Programul Operațional Capital Uman 2014-2020

Titlu proiect: SUNT ANGAJAT DEVIN CALIFICAT, Cod smis 135294

11. At the Doctor’s

Ascultaţi dialogul următor:

“Hello, sir!”
“Could you please tell me what time does the doctor have his consulting hour? I’d like to
make an appointment, please.”
“Of course, you do not need an appointment, the doctor can see you right now.”


“Good afternoon doctor!”

“Good afternoon, sir! Please, sit down. What seems to be the trouble?”
“I think I have got a temperature and I feel real sick.”
“I see. Please open your mouth and say ‘Ahh!”
“Now, take a deep breath. Does it hurt?”
“No, it does not hurt.”
“Ok, sir. You have throat infection.”
“Is it something serious?”
“No, sir. Nothing you should worry about. It is a throat infection that we can treat. I’ll give
you a prescription for some antibiotics. Take two, two times a day and get some rest. Few
days in bed and you should be fine. Come and see me again in five days for a checkup.”
“Thank you very much doctor. Good day!”
“Good day, sir!”

Citiţi cu voce tare textul de mai sus.

1. Construiţi un dialog similar cu cel anterior.

Grammar point!

Adverbul (The Adverb)

• Adverbele de mod arată modul în care se petrece o acţiune. Aceste adverbe se

formează, de obicei, prin adăgarea terminaţiei ”-ly” la finalul unui adjectiv.


Episcopia Caransebe șului

Proiect cofinanțat din Fondul Social European prin Programul Operațional Capital Uman 2014-2020
Titlu proiect: SUNT ANGAJAT DEVIN CALIFICAT, Cod smis 135294

slow - slowly
easy – easily
beautiful- beautifully

• Adverbele de loc arată locul în care se petrece o acţiune.

Exemple: here; everywhere; upstairs; inside.
• Adverbele de timp, durată, frecvenţă, arată când a avut loc o acţiune dar şi durata şi
frecvenţa acesteia.
Exemple: today, now, yerterday, Sanday, soon , frequently, never, all day, for a while.
- Ordinea adverbelor:
1 adverbe de durată- 2 adverbe de frecvenţă-3 adverbe de timp

• Adverbele de siguranţă şi probabilitate, arată siguranţa pe care o are vorbitorul în

raport cu acţiune a despre care vorbeşte.
Exemple: always, regularly, seldom, sometimes, never, certainly, possibly, definitely.
• Adverbele de grad arată intensitatea sau gradul de împlinire a acţiunii.
Exemple: extremely, greatly, partially, perfectly, almost, very, entirely.

2. Puneţi cuvintele în ordinea corectă:

1. at noon/ Mary/ goes/ sometimes/ to the gym
2. in a restaurant/ eat/ Ben and Jane/ seldom
3. never/ early/ Chris/ on Fridays/ goes to bed
4. at 5 pm/ carol/ always/ work/ finishes
5. go dancing/ usually/ we/ on Sundays
6. with his friends/ often/ he/ goes on picnics
7. for work/ they/ late/ never/ are
8 in march/ cold/ it is/ often

Episcopia Caransebe șului

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