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Proiect cofinanțat din Fondul Social European prin Programul Operațional Capital Uman 2014-2020

Titlu proiect: SUNT ANGAJAT DEVIN CALIFICAT, Cod smis 135294

5. The Time

Ascultaţi textul următor:

There are seven days in a week. Monday is the first day of the week, Tuesday is the second day
of the week, Wednesday the third, Thursday the fourth day, Friday the fifth, Saturday is the
sixth and Sunday the seventh. We have no lessons and we do not go to work on Saturday and
Sunday. The first five days are week-days (work-days) and the last two days are holiday
There are 12 months in a year: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August,
September, October, November, December. The four seasons of the year are spring, summer,
autumn, and winter. Spring is the first season of the year. It begins on March 22 nd and ends on
June 21st . Summer is the second, it begins on June 22nd and ends on September 21st . Autumn
is the third season of the year, and winter the fourth. During the year, the weather often changes.
In spring the weather is warm and it rains quite often. In the spring the plants start to grow. The
grass and the trees are green. In summer the weather is hot and people like to spend their holiday
at the seaside or in the mountains. In autumn the days are cool again. It often rains, the wind
blows, and the leaves change their colour from green to yellow and fall from the trees. In winter
it snows and it becomes very cold.
Citiţi cu voce tare textul de mai sus.

1. Răspundeţi în scris la întrebările de mai jos :

1. How many days are there in a week?
2. Which is the first day of the week?
3. Which is the second day of the week?
4. What day is today?
5. What day is tomorrow?
6. Is it Wednesday?
7. Which day is your free day?
8. Which are the four seasons of the year?
8. Which season is cold?
9. Which is the last season of the year?

2. Completaţi propoziţiile de mai jos cu informaţia corectă:

1. The first month of the year is….
2. The second month of the year is…
3. The third month of the year is…
4. The last month of the year is…
5. The month of July comes before the month of…
6. The month of November comes before the month of …
7. The month of March comes after the month of…
8. In Romania, the weather during the months of July and August is generally very….
9. The weather during the months of January and February is generally very…
10. The first day of the week is ….
11. The fifth day of the week is …
12. Friday comes after…

Grammar Point!
Numeralul cardinal

1 one 30 thirty 70 seventy

2 two 31 thirty-one 71 seventy-one
3 three 32 thirty-two 72 seventy-two
4 four 33 thirty-three 73 seventy -there
5 five ……... ……………
6 six 40 forty 80 eighty
7 seven 41 forty-one 81 eighty-one
8 eight 42 forty-two 82 eighty-two
9 nine 43 forty three 83 eighty-three
10 ten ………. …………….
11 eleven 50 fifty 90 ninety
12 twelve 51 fifty-one 91 ninety-one
13 thirteen 52 fifty-two 92 ninety-two
14 fourteen 53 fifty-three 93 ninety-three
15 fifteen ………. ……………
16 sixteen 60 sixty 100 a hundred
17 seventeen 61 sixty-one 1000 one thousand
18 eighteen 62 sixty-two 10000 ten thousand
19 nineteen 63 sixty-three 1.000.000 one million
20 twenty ………..

143 one hundred and forty-three

274 two hundred seventy-four
505 five hundred and five

Numeralul ordinal

1st first (primul)

2nd second (al doilea)
3rd third (al treilea)
4th fourth (al patrulea)
5th fifth
6th sixth
7th seventh
8th eighth
9th ninth
10th tenth
11th eleventh
12th twelfth
13th thirteenth
14 fourteenth
20th twentieth
21st twenty-first
22nd twenty-second
23rd twenty-third
30th thirtieth
40th fortieth
50th fiftieth
60th sixtieth
100th hundredth
1000th thousandth

! Numeralul ordinal în limba engleză se formează prin adăugarea terminaţiei “-th” la

numeralul cardinal corespunzător.
*one - first (1st)
*two - second (2nd)
*three - third (3rd)
*five şi nine, se suprimă “-e” final- fifth (5th) şi ninth (9th)
* zecile la care “-y” final se transformă în “-ie” forty - fortieth (40th)

Telling Time

* În limba engleză întotdeauna se foloseşte un numeral ordinal pentru a exprima data.

21st of July (se citeşt: the twenty-first of July)
October 4th (se citeşte: the fourth of October)
23rd of August 2008 (se citeşte: the twenty-third of August two thousand and eight)
December 25 (se citeşte: the twenty-fifth of December)

* Exprimarea fracţiilor:
1/2 se citeşte - one half
3/4 se citeşte - three quarters
7/8 se citeşte - seven eights

* Exprimarea orei:
- ten to five (cinci fără zece)
- half past one (unu şi jumătate)
- twelve and a quarter (douăsprezece şi un sfert)
- a quarter to ten (zece fără un sfert)

3. Scrieţi în litere următoarele cifre: 18; 35; 124; 592; 10; 29; 3; 1,530; 90; 71; 5; 11; 274.

4. Scrieţi în litere următoarele ore: 12:45; 13:10; 21:50; 15:05; 22:15; 09:20; 23:48

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