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- The mural design between the richness of the formation and the diversity of

materials and techniques With application to (ceramic, glass)

Dr. Sanaa Abdel-Gawad Eissa
Associate Professor, Department of Ceramics - Faculty of Applied Arts - Helwan University
Dr. Mona Sayed Ramadan
Assistant Professor, Department of Glass, Faculty of Applied Arts, Helwan University
- Summary:
The art of wall formation has been associated with human civilization since the Stone Age,
as it is the focus and painter of its cultures, and it is the result of civilized communication,
and the porcelain and glass materials have also been associated with the civilization
development of man over the ages, and the research has dealt with the historical
development of the mural through different ages and the most important characteristic of
mural photography in each era of In terms of formation, subjects, materials and techniques,
it also dealt with environmental, technical and aesthetic considerations of mural design and
its relationship to formation and its design determinants and their differences according to
the previous criteria, then the research moved to an applied study that provided design
solutions for the design of the mural based on the research methodology in classifying
murals into wall photography murals according to the determinants of direct printing
techniques on porcelain and glass The technique of water jetting using glazed porcelain
tiles and mosaic technology, then moved to dynamic murals, which depended on the
techniques of water jetting of glass and glazed slices, ending with interactive murals, as it
depended on the use of modular units, whose arrangement or rotation results in a variety
of formation, levels, surfaces or colors.
- Research problem:
- 1- How to employ murals in the design of architectural cladding in airports and public
places such as train and metro stations ..... in a way that reflects the plastic richness in
design, and is compatible with the possibilities of the porcelain and glass materials in
expression and wall design?
- 2- Are there technical and environmental limitations that make the role of ceramics / glass
as murals limited and ineffective?
- 3- Do architects propose the combination of glass and ceramic walls as one of the
alternatives in coordinating internal spaces for public places such as airports, train and
metro stations, as well as open places such as public gardens .....?
- 4- Reducing the use of glass mural techniques in mosaic techniques despite the great
diversity in glass technologies.
- research aims:
- 1- Emphasis on the visual richness in the design of murals in porcelain and glass materials
for public places such as airports and public parks.
- 2- Determine the most important design considerations that the designer must take into
account in the wall formation of glass and ceramic materials.
- research importance:
- 1- Providing an analytical study specializing in the design of porcelain and glass murals
and their aesthetic and cultural value to support architects and designers interested in the
relationship of mural design to the technology, materials used and the proposed context for

- Key words: Ceramic murals, glass murals, design considerations, interactive mural,
dynamic mural.
Search Plan:

Introduction: introduction to
Mural design is one of the most important areas of .murals.
design, through which the designer communicates with
the community, and it differs fundamentally from the An analytical study of
contemporary murals
design of other products in that it combines art and and the most
important design
design. Technology and the environmental, cultural and .considerations
political context also play a direct role in the concepts An applied study that
adopted by the designer to express them. We cannot find reflects the diversity
and artistic and
a society or civilization that did not give the wall design a technical richness of
space that reflects its identity and privacy, and they are in ceramic and glass
materials .
that, whether advanced or developing societies, civilized
or primitive. The materials, techniques and methods
varied according to the ingredients in each context.
Therefore, the two researchers, despite the large number Research Plan
of studies that dealt with mural art, the importance of
dealing with mural design from a special perspective that focuses on the classification of mural
design in the fields of ceramics and glass, as well as the production methods available for each
classification and the plastic and environmental determinants of each of them in an attempt to
emphasize the plastic and color values of the mural design in the two grades of ceramic and
The first axis: a historical study:

Figure (4) A model of the

Figure No. (2) A scene of the ancient Figure No. (3) A combination of Islamic mosaic from the
Figure No. (1) Wall drawings sculpture and mural painting Ishtar
Egyptians hunting wild birds The Dome of the Rock,
from Lascaux Cave, France
British Museum Gate Museum Berlin Germany .Jerusalem

The second axis: an analytical study of contemporary mural design:

corrosi nce ease of

construct moistur
e color
ion and functinal resistan fastness
instlatio ce
n environm
design ental
ability to
considrati porosit considera disassem
ons y tion ble and
safty abrasion
mental resistanc
techniq erosion
ue factors

Figure No. (6) A diagram showing the design considerations

Figure (5) A diagram showing the design considerations involved in the formation and design of mural art.
involved in the formation and design of mural art.

Contemporary trends in mural design:

Classification of murals (according to the construction)

sculptural mural - semi 3D dynamic mural )INTER ACTIVE MURAL( mural painting

Figure No. (8) a mural with mosaics, Cairo Airport. Figure No. (7) mural of King Abdulaziz Airport in Jeddah, digital printing on glass.

Figure No. (9) A ceramic mural using waterjet

technology in Portugal, implemented by MODA
Figure No. (10) An interactive mural
using luminous and colored glass
Figure No. (11) Dynamic wall design using water jet
technology, designed and implemented by Demo

Figure No. (13) A dynamic wall design of Figure No. (12) Dynamic wall design using water jet technology,
.glass executed by water jet technology .designed and implemented by Demo Portugal

Analytical study of the relationship between mural design and technical and
material determinants:
Analysis of murals at airports and train stations:
Perhaps the most public places employing mural art in ceramic and glass are the airports and train stations
in the world, so that we can say that mural art has become a crowned property in train stations, especially
subway stations. It is very long compared to other materials. The following are examples. The two studies
were keen to reflect the great diversity in dealing with techniques and methods in the plastic treatment of
the mural, as well as the topics that are usually related to the cultural and political context.

Architectural context Technology

of the mural Mosaic.
the glass.
Street art/public. Water jet cutting.
Public places such as Thermal adhesive and
airports. Other bonding or three-dimensional
Service establishments complementary formation.
(such as ministries, materials such as (metal, digital printing.
hospitals, embassies,...) polyester, ...) Plastic pressing.
Tourist places such as
hotels, tourist villages and Combination of porcelain Casting in moulds
restaurants,...) and glass.

Figure No. (16) shows the luxurious glass

mural of the new LaGuardia Airport

Figure (15) shows the color Figure (14) shows the use of
diversity in the geometric spaces ceramic tiles in the murals of the
4 Airport mural
.of the Los Angeles Barcelona metro station, Spain
The third axis: the applied study:
The study focused on the application of some of the architectural trends by integrating ceramic
and glass materials, through the previous classification of murals according to the plastic
construction, which focused on mural photography and interactive murals, assuming the
application to waiting halls at airports and metro stations to entertain the visitor or recipient to
break the waiting periods.
design ideas
The design ideas tended to one of the two directions through the technical and material determinants,
namely photography and interaction, due to the two researchers’ approach to sculptural and dynamic
murals in previous research, as well as the distinction of both; The first direction (imaging) is
characterized by ease of application and integration between the two materials of glass and ceramics, and
the low economic cost of application, especially for large areas, as in the halls of airports and metro
stations. And the formulation of different plastic ideas shorten them the journey and waiting. In the first
direction (photographing); The mural design assumes the use of one of the following techniques; Waterjet
technology, mosaic or digital printing. As for the second trend, it relied on interactivity in design, which I
suppose has an approach that we will address

The first direction: mural painting

mural painting

digetal printing mosaic water - jet

.Figure No. (17) Mural photography according to the technical classification

Figure No. (18) The proposed design idea for murals using digital printing technology

Figure No. (19) Design according to the determinants of mosaic technology

Figure No. (20) stages of design according to the

determinants of water jetting technology

The second trend: the design of interactive murals:

Interactive murals using modules (design with pattern):
The research was interested in developing a design approach to form interactive murals as in
Figure (51), based on the use of modules with a construction and installation method that allows
changing the design and formation based on the angle of rotation. in construction and unit used
interactive mural

change shap
pattern and
merging styes and change surface color design
change shap

polyhedron in the
vertical direction

ceramics and polyhedron in the

glass horizonal direction

Figure No. (21) The proposed design approach for the formation of interactive murals
color - shap - surface
Figure (22) Color as an interactive variable

Figure (23) shows the stages of forming colored glass balls

Figure (24) of the glass balls after forming with the torch using the torch

1- The combination of glass and
ceramic murals is considered as one of
the alternatives in coordinating the
interior spaces of public places such as
airports, train and metro stations, as
well as open spaces such as public Figure (25) Merging ceramics and glass in the mural design
2- Artistic richness in the design of
porcelain and glass murals for public
3- Determining the most important
design considerations that the designer
must take into account in the wall
formation of glass and porcelain and Figure (26) Merging ceramics and glass in the mural design
their impact on the interrelationship
between the mural design, the
technology, the materials used and the proposed context for implementation.
- Supporting cooperation between different disciplines (ceramic and glass) at the level of scientific
research, academic work and student projects, which has an effective impact on the plastic

enrichment of internal and public spaces and reflects the richness of each material through the
diversity of materials and their different plastic values.
The trend towards interactive murals The interactive process that takes place between the user and
the mural work, manually or automatically, generates a kind of joy and interaction for the recipient.
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