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Gemini, in the third house of the zodiac, is

represented by the Greek twins of mythology, Castor and Pollux. It is a mutable air sign with
neutral polarity. Mutable signs speak to flexibility and going with the flow. Air signs are all
about intelligence, mental faculty and communication. Geminis are ruled by Mercury, the
quicksilver planet that links spirit to matter, soul to personality and represents the mind. So,
with all this flowing mental communication, you can imagine that Geminis are intelligent,
talkative, quick learners, and information gatherers. They let their minds drive their activities,
always probing, questioning and assimilating the answers to their many questions.

Geminis are talkers and are a great asset at parties. Although they are not as concerned with
idle chatter as with stimulating insightful conversation, they will get a party going by
attracting like-minded people and engaging them in bright, quick witted debates. Thanks to
Mercury, these Gems are clever and curious, ready to listen and learn as much as they are
willing to talk. They have the ability to rationalize any topic to death but can also tap into a
deep imagination to embroider and embellish any subject as well. Essential oils that support a
quick mind and help to focus thoughts are grapefruit, basil, bergamot, rosemary,
cedarwood, cypress, litsea, ginger, and cinnamon.

Being represented as the twins, there is a dual aspect to Gemini: a yin/yang quality. This can
give the Gemini a sense of being wishy-washy, changing their minds and moods at a whim.
The mutable character of the sign allows this flow from one point of view to the polar
opposite to happen without the Gem caring or even noticing. They can see both sides of an
argument and argue each simultaneously. Having a dual nature, you are never sure which side
of the twin is going to show up. Will it be the witty, versatile communicator or the scattered,
flighty gossip… Essential oils that balance and centre the twins are petitgrain, sandalwood,
juniper, lavender, linden blossom, vetiver, myrrh and neroli.

Geminis are charming and disarming and they love to share themselves with friends. They
enjoy social stimulation, but if they aren’t kept entertained, they soon become bored and
fidgety. They follow a busy bee’s pattern – flitting here and there, collecting information and
friends, then floating off to another place for more intellectual nectar. This can make them
appear somewhat undependable, but the Gemini bee doesn’t care because he is in his own
world of data gathering and out for himself. Because they are governed by their mind rather
than their emotions, they can be self-serving, self-centred and yes, selfish at times.
Fortunately, because they are so amiable, cordial and charismatic, you often don’t notice their
failings. Twins are often expected by the outside world to be identical in everything they do.
Likewise, the Gemini is thought of as one being, but there are two separate natures wrapped
up in one body causing the Gemini to often have internal conflicts (the two sides don’t
always get along together). Essential oils that help connect the internal twins are rose, neroli,
jasmine, sandalwood, ylang ylang, geranium, chamomile and melissa.

These Gems are the proverbial “Jack-of-all-trades”. Their dual natures support the desire to
have two of everything. They can be found enjoying doubles tennis or any team sports. They
love having their fingers in more than one pie and can even hold two jobs down with ease and
grace. Often the Gemini resume reads like an encyclopedia of employment, in that they can’t
seem to settle into one lifelong job commitment. The work they gravitate towards would have
to stimulate them daily and change settings often. They would love a career that deals with
languages, research, public speaking, publishing, media, writing, music, photography,
teaching, counselling, even flying – anything that pushes them to learn more and
communicate their findings. Geminis love modern technology and would be happy in a career
devising new inventions, as well.

So, planning a get-together? Include a Gemini or two to make it stimulating and fun. But
don’t be surprised if they take the spotlight and leave you, as the host/hostess, in left field.
They love being centre stage and the life of the party.

Many thanks to Molly Cliborne for her wisdom and help. See her informative website at

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