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NAME: Daniel Lorenz R.

Asong DATE: June 15, 2020

SCHEDULE: 5:00-8:00 p.m./Wednesday RATING:

SUBJECT: __CAD01__________________________


ESSAY: Discuss briefly.

Note: Submit it on or before June 22, 2020 to your class representative. Then the class
representative will send all the collected data/file to my email. Please inform me if there
is any problem or difficulties regarding to the given final requirement. “Your safety is my

PART I. Before ECQ in Metro Manila

Question: What have you learned in our subject class in school (RTU)?


From our class in CAD01, I learned a lot of techniques. Commands and ways on how to
use the AutoCAD. It was my first time to use the AutoCAD, and honestly it was hard for me to
follow some of the instruction. I failed to do some of the steps given to us but I try my
best to learn. At first, we learn how to set up the settings first. We also able to learn
how to install it and the requirements needed for it to run. The version that we’re using is
not suitable for my laptop that time that why it was hard for me to even install it. I also
learned what are the things that AutoCAD can do like design, and for planning. It was more
useful than I thought because it was used in different field not only for the engineering. I
also find out how hard before doing those plan manually before the AutoCAD was published. It
was more difficult because one mistake will change the whole process and push you to start
again. That’s why I guess, AutoCAD is a revolutionary tools for this generation. So after I
learn its background, we began to learn the basic commands like copy, delete, and so much
more. It was actually hard for me to familiarize the commands because I’m a bit forgetful
but like what I learn in this subject, practice until you mastered everything. I practice
those commands every time we’re having a class to help myself to remember them. Aside from
commands, one thing that I learn here is the technique on how to do each figure. Every time
we’re having a practicum or the application, I was too slow to finish the figure that’s why
I observe and I find out that before to start on doing the figure, analyze first which
commands you can use to shorten the process because there are instances that we can mirror
the object to produce the whole figure. It was necessary to think first on the strategy you
will going to use. One more thing that is very important to remember, always save your work.
Maybe it was obvious stuff that we all learned but there are still people who failed to do
it. Saving the project is the key to save what you’ve work on. Because in some instances,
when your desktop or laptop suddenly shutdown, AutoCAD will not auto save your work. You
will going to start again from the beginning that’s why always save your work. Another thing
that I learned was to read and always follow the instruction. It was really a must not only
to this subject but also for all aspect because even though you’re good at those but you
didn’t follow the instruction everything will be useless. Even if you work that hard and
produce a beautiful output it will be useless if you didn’t follow the instruction and I
guess this was the best lesson I learned in this subject. Most of the people failed because
they didn’t a lot time to comprehend and follow the instruction my first project was
actually a bit failed because I didn’t read the instruction and I know that’s my fault. So I
learn to first observe the figure before starting the task and always read, follow and
comprehend the instruction and last, proper behavior. Maybe this was not specifically
related to technology, but it will always suit in every situation. Proper manner and
behavior is very important to practice. Because even if the people surrounds you wants to
teach you, if you’re rude, you’re out. Our class was not that perfect, it sometimes very
annoying and full of laziness. If we didn’t behave and respect whose talking in front, I
guess no one will ever teach us.

There are a lot of things I learn in this subject not only about the technical terms
about the subject but also some of the tips on how to improve our own self. And it was so
happy to study the subject that you’re sure you will learn a lot.

PART II. During ECQ/MECQ in Metro Manila

Question: When online classes were suspended in our country have you been productive at home
studying our lesson? Did you have enough time studying our subject using the available
resources for study and review? What topic comes into your mind that you learned it well?
How this covid-19 changed your study habit at home?


As the online classes we’re suspended, I took some time to rest for a while. But I
make sure that I put enough time for me to review the lesson and topic we’ve discuss before
the community quarantine began. Because of sufficient internet connection, I try to work on
the activities in the book for me to practice and familiarize the commands and technique. It
was hard for me to follow some of the figures in the book because there are commands that
was new for me. But still I try my best to practice and create those figures from time to
time. After a few months, we’re finally find a good internet connection. From this, I try to
search about the commands and techniques of doing those figure. I check again the figures
that I made and re-create it for a better illustration. It was full of enjoyment every time
I finish one project because I finally do it on my own. As I began in doing those figure, I
learn a lot of new this things, style on how I can finish the figure more efficient.

After I finish some of the activity in the book, I try to explore more about the
AutoCAD so I make my first 3D figure. Before I start doing my project, I search and watch
first videos on how to do it. It was very hard honest to follow the instruction because some
part was already shortcut. And also I find only strong internet connection at night that’s
why it took time for me to start my 3d figure. But I search more and practice more until I
finally made my first 3d figure. It was a wrench, a tool use most likely in our field which
mechanical. Even though it was the easy one, I find challenges special when rotating its
interface and there are also new commands. I was very happy that I finish it, maybe it was
not that bad for a beginner. I continue to create more and explore more. I download videos
from YouTube so that I can watch it even in offline. I follow the instruction and procedures

in every videos for me to familiarize the commands. From a single wrench, I might able to do
now other more tools like grinder, caliper & screw. I know that it was not as fined as in
the video but I really try my best to work on it. Even it was hard at the first place, I
find time to study it and also ask for assistance from my friends that are already capable
of doing those project.

This pandemic really change my way of living even in studying. I was really different
when you study at home and inside the campus. I sometime felt asleep because I feel like I
just want to sleep and relax not like in school we’re I was awake to do those task. But the
good thing in here was, I find my place we’re I can focus doing those project and I have my
own place to work on. And in this couple of months, I might ale to learn new things. Because
of the boredom of being lock, I find my time useful especially as I try and discover new
things. I might not that productive enough but I guess I used my time to at least do
something creative. Maybe this pandemic really delay the study of almost all the student but
to use the possible resources should capitalize to its full extent.


Question: How this pandemic changed your life? How you dealt with this kind of situation in
positive way? And what possible solution you suggest to every individual in-order to avoid
this virus?


Since the pandemic began, it changes the whole flow of life around us. Our everyday
life, the way we live and also our movement inside the community. Because of the community
lockdown, we were not able to go outside frequently especially when curfew hours. For about
a couple of months, our house was the only place we can walk on. The activities that we use
to do outside are all cancelled and it’s very unusual that we can’t do those important
stuff. It also affect my study and my parent’s work because all the transaction outside are
suspended. And because of this suspension, our class was stopped for a few months and the
physical teaching was prohibited. When it comes to resources, even though there are food
packs and help from the local government, it is actually not enough to sustain the life from
the 4 months of community quarantine.

But this thing is already happening, the only thing that we can do is to face it.
While we’re been locked because of the quarantine, we find some or rather a lot of time to
bond as a family. The pandemic open some space for me to have more time to spend with them.
We done some things that we’re not usually done in a normal basis. To kill the boredom
around that we experience, we used to watch movies that entertain us while eating our
favorite snacks. We also play “Bingo” as our passed time game after doing house task. We
also managed to do a lot of our plan like cleaning our house, fixing some the roof and gate,
and finishing pending works that was stacked. I use this time also to take a rest and at the
same time to at least try new things like fixing some electronics, and practicing in
drawing. Even though internet connection is very slow, I managed to study and review at
least a topics that help me not to forget things that we’ve learned. We use this time not to
stress our self by what is happening but to full extent the fact that we can stay positive
and happy even in this pandemic.

This virus is not an ordinary one, because even the field of medical was shocked of
this occurrence. Aside from it is fatal, the virus is also contagious that can spread with a
single blow or cough. That’s why for me, quarantine is a must for everyone because it can
help to prevent the spread of virus. Staying at home is already a big factor to prevent not
just to be infected but also the spread of it. We should also practice respiratory
etiquettes like covering your mouth when coughing. Proper hygiene for each individual is
also important because if everyone acknowledge to be clean at any cost, virus will never
spread. And the most important thing is that, we pray and just follow the directive of the
government because all of those are for us.


Question: As a student in our subject, how would you rate yourself? Consider the actual
activities/ laboratory activities at school, your attitude and behavior and how you dealt
with learning the topics on your own while we are under ECQ/MECQ and online classes were

How you rate yourself? 100 being the highest, what grade you honestly believe you deserve
and why?


As a student, I rate myself as an average learner. I am not that good when it comes to
computer software or platform like the AutoCAD. Compare to my other classmate, I haven’t any
experience of using it because the capacity of my laptop can’t cater the required spec of
the AutoCAD. I only watch videos from YouTube on what are the commands and on how to operate
it. It was really hard to learn because actual application is much better. But even if this
the problem, I will study more the topics and necessary information needed. I will put more
effort to find time learning it even in just watching the videos. I also open myself for
learning and teaching from the people surrounds me. I ask for their help when I was confused
of some parts in the topic until I can manage to do it my own. And I make sure that I always
attend the class for me to learn more. I will do my best to try new things at my full
capacity. By this, it will help me to assess my own capacity. If I will going to grade
myself, I give the grade of 85. I know that the subject matter is not that easy, but I will
do my best to learn it even it takes time. I will give enough time to improve myself
memorizing the command and learning more about the topic. And I guess my interest about the
subject will surely help me to learn more about the subject matter. And this perseverance
and dedication of me maybe worth for the grade of 85.

A message to your Instructor

Thank you sir for teaching class even though we’re over populated. You manage to teach
us in a lively way which is very important because our class lasts for about 3 hours plus it
was already late night. Thanks for giving us the knowledge about the subject and the
consideration as this pandemic happened. I hope this will back to normal and we can able to
go back in our normal life and began our classes. And thank you sir for giving us your time
to greet us and check if we’re okay. Keep safe and god bless sir to you and your family.


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