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Frequency Table
Gaya Hidup
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Baik 45 48,4 48,4 48,4
Tidak Baik 48 51,6 51,6 100,0
Total 93 100,0 100,0

Aktivitas Fisik
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Cukup 37 39,8 39,8 39,8
Tidak Cukup 56 60,2 60,2 100,0
Total 93 100,0 100,0

Pola Makan
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Baik 41 44,1 44,1 44,1
Tidak Baik 52 55,9 55,9 100,0
Total 93 100,0 100,0

Kebiasaan Istirahat
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Cukup 38 40,9 40,9 40,9
Tidak Cukup 55 59,1 59,1 100,0
Total 93 100,0 100,0

Kebiasaan Merokok
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Tidak Merokok 43 46,2 46,2 46,2
Merokok 50 53,8 53,8 100,0
Total 93 100,0 100,0

Kejadian Hipertensi
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Hipertensi 67 72,0 72,0 72,0
Tidak Hipertensi 26 28,0 28,0 100,0
Total 93 100,0 100,0

Gaya Hidup * Kejadian Hipertensi

Kejadian Hipertensi
Hipertensi Tidak Hipertensi Total
Gaya Hidup Baik Count 24 21 45
% of Total 25,8% 22,6% 48,4%
Tidak Baik Count 43 5 48
% of Total 46,2% 5,4% 51,6%
Total Count 67 26 93
% of Total 72,0% 28,0% 100,0%

Chi-Square Tests
Asymp. Sig. Exact Sig. Exact Sig.
Value df (2-sided) (2-sided) (1-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 15,153a 1 ,000
Continuity Correctionb 13,407 1 ,000
Likelihood Ratio 15,953 1 ,000
Fisher's Exact Test ,000 ,000
Linear-by-Linear Association 14,990 1 ,000
N of Valid Cases 93
a. 0 cells (,0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 12,58.
b. Computed only for a 2x2 table

Symmetric Measures
Asymp. Std.
Value Errora Approx. Tb Approx. Sig.
Interval by Interval Pearson's R -,404 ,090 -4,209 ,000c
Ordinal by Ordinal Spearman -,404 ,090 -4,209 ,000c
N of Valid Cases 93
a. Not assuming the null hypothesis.
b. Using the asymptotic standard error assuming the null hypothesis.
c. Based on normal approximation.
Aktivitas Fisik * Kejadian Hipertensi

Kejadian Hipertensi
Hipertensi Tidak Hipertensi Total
Aktivitas Fisik Cukup Count 19 18 37
% of Total 20,4% 19,4% 39,8%
Tidak Cukup Count 48 8 56
% of Total 51,6% 8,6% 60,2%
Total Count 67 26 93
% of Total 72,0% 28,0% 100,0%

Chi-Square Tests
Asymp. Sig. Exact Sig. (2- Exact Sig. (1-
Value df (2-sided) sided) sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 13,062a 1 ,000
Continuity Correctionb 11,411 1 ,001
Likelihood Ratio 13,015 1 ,000
Fisher's Exact Test ,001 ,000
Linear-by-Linear Association 12,921 1 ,000
N of Valid Cases 93
a. 0 cells (,0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 10,34.
b. Computed only for a 2x2 table

Symmetric Measures
Value Asymp. Std. Errora Approx. Tb Approx. Sig.
Interval by Interval Pearson's R -,375 ,099 -3,856 ,000c
Ordinal by Ordinal Spearman -,375 ,099 -3,856 ,000c
N of Valid Cases 93
a. Not assuming the null hypothesis.
b. Using the asymptotic standard error assuming the null hypothesis.
c. Based on normal approximation.
Pola Makan * Kejadian Hipertensi

Kejadian Hipertensi
Hipertensi Tidak Hipertensi Total
Pola Makan Baik Count 21 20 41
% of Total 22,6% 21,5% 44,1%
Tidak Baik Count 46 6 52
% of Total 49,5% 6,5% 55,9%
Total Count 67 26 93
% of Total 72,0% 28,0% 100,0%

Chi-Square Tests
Sig. (2- Exact Sig. (2- Exact Sig. (1-
Value df sided) sided) sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 15,787a 1 ,000
Continuity Correctionb 13,992 1 ,000
Likelihood Ratio 16,207 1 ,000
Fisher's Exact Test ,000 ,000
Linear-by-Linear Association 15,617 1 ,000
N of Valid Cases 93
a. 0 cells (,0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 11,46.
b. Computed only for a 2x2 table

Symmetric Measures
Asymp. Std.
Value Errora Approx. Tb Approx. Sig.
Interval by Interval Pearson's R -,412 ,093 -4,313 ,000c
Ordinal by Ordinal Spearman Correlation -,412 ,093 -4,313 ,000c
N of Valid Cases 93
a. Not assuming the null hypothesis.
b. Using the asymptotic standard error assuming the null hypothesis.
c. Based on normal approximation.
Kebiasaan Istirahat * Kejadian Hipertensi

Kejadian Hipertensi
Hipertensi Tidak Hipertensi Total
Kebiasaan Istirahat Cukup Count 20 18 38
% of Total 21,5% 19,4% 40,9%
Tidak Cukup Count 47 8 55
% of Total 50,5% 8,6% 59,1%
Total Count 67 26 93
% of Total 72,0% 28,0% 100,0%

Chi-Square Tests
Sig. (2- Exact Sig. Exact Sig. (1-
Value df sided) (2-sided) sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 12,021a 1 ,001
Continuity Correctionb 10,446 1 ,001
Likelihood Ratio 12,018 1 ,001
Fisher's Exact Test ,001 ,001
Linear-by-Linear Association 11,892 1 ,001
N of Valid Cases 93
a. 0 cells (,0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 10,62.
b. Computed only for a 2x2 table

Symmetric Measures
Value Std. Errora Approx. Tb Approx. Sig.
Interval by Interval Pearson's R -,360 ,099 -3,675 ,000c
Ordinal by Ordinal Spearman -,360 ,099 -3,675 ,000c
N of Valid Cases 93
a. Not assuming the null hypothesis.
b. Using the asymptotic standard error assuming the null hypothesis.
c. Based on normal approximation.
Kebiasaan Merokok * Kejadian Hipertensi

Kejadian Hipertensi
Hipertensi Tidak Hipertensi Total
Kebiasaan Tidak Merokok Count 26 17 43
Merokok % of Total 28,0% 18,3% 46,2%
Merokok Count 41 9 50
% of Total 44,1% 9,7% 53,8%
Total Count 67 26 93
% of Total 72,0% 28,0% 100,0%

Chi-Square Tests
Asymp. Sig. Exact Sig. Exact Sig. (1-
Value df (2-sided) (2-sided) sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 5,323a 1 ,021
Continuity Correctionb 4,308 1 ,038
Likelihood Ratio 5,361 1 ,021
Fisher's Exact Test ,036 ,019
Linear-by-Linear Association 5,266 1 ,022
N of Valid Cases 93
a. 0 cells (,0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 12,02.
b. Computed only for a 2x2 table

Symmetric Measures

Value Std. Errora Approx. Tb Approx. Sig.

Interval by Interval Pearson's R -,239 ,100 -2,350 ,021c

Ordinal by Ordinal Spearman Correlation -,239 ,100 -2,350 ,021c
N of Valid Cases 93

a. Not assuming the null hypothesis.

b. Using the asymptotic standard error assuming the null hypothesis.
c. Based on normal approximation.

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