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Name : Muhammad Firman Nugraha

NPM/Student ID : 21110207

Class : APN U3 2021

Assignment : Creating presentation plan, week 10 of Purposive English


For my material “ADHD as a health disorder in Youngster: Identification, Treatment, and Public Policy
to help its sufferers”

a. Opening ( 2 minutes)
1. Greeting
- Bismillah, Assalamualaikum warrahmatullahi wabarakaatuh. Greetings and good
evening to you all.
2. Welcoming
- Thanks for coming to to this class today. So happy to see you again in this week of
Purposive English Class.
3. Introducing
- But let me introduce myself for a little bit. I am Firman, and today I stand before you all
to present my material.
4. Telling the topic

- The topic of my presentation today is about ADHD as a health disorder in Youngster: Its
Identification, Treatment, and the public policy that will helps with people who suffers
from it.
5. Stating the background
a. To put some information first into your mind, ADHD, an abbreviation of attention
deficit hyperactivity disorder, is a neurodevelopmental disease that attacks one of
our brain functions in self-control and inhibition.
b. One of the most interesting things about this disease is that many of its symptoms
can also be experienced by us, including to me. And that’s why I decide to talk about
this disease.
6. Stating the objective
- So, in this occasion, I hope at the end of my presentation, you will understand more
about what ADHD is as a disorder. You will also have more awareness about its
symptoms and treatment, in the hope if one of you has that and it is not easy to change,
you can seek help to receive medication.
7. Outlining
The presentation will cover 4 main points:
- Definition of ADHD
- Identification of ADHD in patients
- Treatment of ADHD
- Government helps for ADHD treatments cost
8. Summarizing
- That’s the overall structure of my presentation. In short, I will try to gave you a simple
explanation of what ADHD is, how to identify it in other people and yourself with
symptoms like trouble to gave attention, forget about small details, difficulty of doing a
task, and other example.
Also I will talk to you about 3 kinds of treatment in ADHD, which is to change the
patients behaviour, or to give them medication, or both. Lastly I will talk to you about
any government insurance that will helps for ADHD treatments, for example BPJS
Coverage to ADHD treatment.

b. Content Delivery (7 minutes)

1. Describing the definition of ADHD
- Let me start with the first point. Before this we already talk about what ADHD is. Once
again, ADHD can be explained as a disease that attacks our brain so that it becomes
harder to concentrate and we are prone to be impulsive in our conduct. Diagnostic
Manual of Statistical Mental Disorders (D5M), define ADHD as a persistent pattern of
inattention and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity that interferes with functioning or
- I will talk about its definition more if I need to..
2. Describing the identification of ADHD
- So there is many way to identify ADHD. The symptoms is explained by Center of Disease
Control as following: etc etc
- Describing the definition between general distractibility and ADHD
3. Describing kinds of treatment given to ADHD sufferers
-There are three kinds of treatment that can be given. First is behavioral, in which you can
get treatment through therapy to change your habits and behavior. Secondly is
pharmaceutical, which is a treatment you get through chemical medicine and prescription.
Third and lastly, you receive treatment through both therapy and medicine.
4. Describing Public Policy that helps ADHD sufferers
-Sometimes BPJS can cover ADHD treatment cost. But it is only in appointed hospital facility
that is assigned to us (called faskes) that it is easily to be get.
And there is a medicine that is not covered by the government in cost too, so it can be very
expensive. Government needs to expand BPJS so the most vulnerable sufferers of ADHD can
access the medicine and treatment they so desperately need.

c. Closing (3 minutes)
1. Signaling
- That brings me to the end of my presentation.
2. Summarizing
- Before closing, let me summarize
1. ADHD, short for Attention Difficulty and Hyperactivity Disorder, is a disease that
attack our brain function.
2. The symptoms, for example it is so difficult to self control and concentrate that it
ruins our life
3. The treatment, you can receive therapy, or you can receive medication, or you can
receive both
4. The Public Policy that supports ADHD cost of treatment, sometimes BPJS can cover
ADHD medication cost.
3. Closing remark
- Thanks for that, I hope this give beneficial effect to you.
- Open session for ?

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