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Overcome Your Insecurities and Build Your Self-Confidence.

ُ‫اَل َسال ُم َعلَ ْي ُكم َو َرحْ َمةُ هللَا ِ َوبَ َركاتُه‬

When I was in fifth grade of elementary school, I was being bullied by my friend about my
physical appearance. He bullied me on my bushy eyebrows and it made me down. I felt so
insecure at that time so that I decided to thin out my eyebrows by myself. That was crazy!
But here I am now, laughing at my past story. I know, it was a big deal for me. But today, I
accept that it's me and this is how I am.
Honorable judges and committees,
I am Falihah Nailatusy Syarafah from Al Furqan Junior High School Jember and I’ll be
delivering a speech about Overcome Your Insecurities and Build your self-confidence.
Ladies and gentleman,
Almost all people around the world have felt insecure on something in their lives. However,
what is actually insecurity? According to “”, Insecurity is an unsafe or anxious
feeling that usually arises because it is triggered when we feel we are in a certain unsafe or
inferior position. While, for me, Insecurity is when you are not confident or assured about
your physical appearance, your life achievement or even jealousy on others in your daily life.
Then, why do people feel insecure?
Most of us feel insecure sometimes, but some of us feel insecure most of the time. The kind
of childhood you had, past traumas, recent experiences of failure or rejection, loneliness,
social anxiety, negative beliefs about yourself, perfectionism, or having a critical parent or
partner can all contribute to insecurity.
We always a little insecure about our appearance, whether we are perceived as beautiful or
not. It worsened as we got older. We used to have someone telling us to get our skin lighter
when it got darker, telling us we were too skinny, and telling us we got chubbier when we ate
more to make ourselves less skinny. They used to make fun of the way we dressed. Even,
they used to make fun of all the things that we did. Society is generally obsessed with beauty
and perfection. This is a plain fact. If it wasn’t like that, then why is there such “unwritten”
standard in our society?
No matter how intelligent and capable you are, work, school and home life can all become
challenging if you feel unable to cope with their demands. Sometimes others may view you
as a competent person, but you actually feel confused by everyday situations. You may also
feel that your mates do not accept you, or that you will never “fit in” with society. Failure to
cope with insecurity could have a negative effect on your life and it can also lead us to
depression. However, I do believe that I can overcome my insecurities, so do you.
What we should do to overcome our insecurities might be something that everyone wants to
know. But believe me, all the ingredients you need are inside you. It all starts with thinking
about what makes you special. I, myself, think that I am special because god created me
uniquely. Because, nobody looks like me, nobody thinks like I do, nobody loves like I do,
and nobody feels like I do. No matter what, accepting all of yourself is important. It seems so
simple, yet it is tough to be done. Notice the parts of yourself, both your body and your inner-
self, which you don’t like. Give yourself assurance, give yourself compassion. Embrace all
the parts of you and see the beauty in them. They are what make you who you are, and they
are wonderful.
After accepting all of yourself, you need to forgive the past. If your insecurities have been
shaped by your friends or other figures criticizing you, recognize this. Then start to forgive
them. They weren’t right in what they did, but forgive them for their bad behavior is loftier
than holding on it as a hatred. Let the past go, one step at a time.
Comparing to others is also another way to get yourself insecure. Stop comparing yourself!
Yap, comparison of yourself with how others look, what they’re doing, where they’re
traveling, it’s never a useful comparison, and it actively harms you. Instead of comparing
yourself with them, be happy that they’re having fun, be joyful for their successes. They’re
on a completely different path from you, and they can be happy and have a great time and
you can too, on your own path. Wish everyone well, but see their awesomeness as different
from yours.
All of those things I mentioned before will be useless if you are not confident enough. Being
confident is a must in dealing with insecurity. Confidence is not something that can be
learned like a set of rules. Confidence is a state of mind. Positive thinking, practice, training,
knowledge and talking to other people are all useful ways to help improve or boost your
confidence levels. Confidence is an attribute that most people would like to possess
especially when anxiety has spread intensively through this pandemic situation.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Life is a gift given by God, he is the creator and destroyer as well, if he is testing us by giving
problems there is something good hidden behind. If we pass them with patience and having
hopes that something good is going to happen for us and with happiness without feeling
insecure. That is called a happiness.
Stop your insecurity, overcome it.
I’m Faliha, Thank you for listening.

ُ‫اَل َسال ُم َعلَ ْي ُكم َو َرحْ َمةُ هللَا ِ َوبَ َركاتُه‬

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