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Requirements can be gathered using the following tools / techniques:

• Interviews
• Workshops
• Surveys and questionnaires
• Focus Groups
• Observations / time study
• Brainstorming Sessions
• Document Analysis
• Mind Mapping
• Benchmarks
• You should concentrate on analyzing the task at hand from the
viewpoint of the users
• There are a number of factors that have to be considered in the
design, ranging from the way information is entered into the system
and the manner in which is presented back to the user, through
aesthetic judgements and down to the functionality that the system
should offer
• Some of this is relevant to determining the requirements, whilst other
aspects come more to the fore when you actually get down to doing
the design
• Unfortunately for you, the view of your prospective users is more
important than yours, and so your task as a good designer is to find
out what it is that they require and produce a system that meets their
• Consider the user responses you have collected, and then analyze
them under the following headings:
• You are looking to determine what particular tasks the users wishes
to accomplish, and how they want to go about those tasks
• You are trying to decide what features you should offer and what
you should miss out
• You are (somewhat) constrained by real-life costs and certainly by
time, so will have to make certain trade offs
• Try to decide what the real issues are that people will consider
when using your system
• Try to see what factors will influence their decision about whether
or not to use your system
• It is these that must motivate your design. Make a list of the
features that you feel your system must have
• How are you going to present all this information to the user?
• What manner of output would be most suitable?
• What is the best way to interact with this output e.g. hotspots, or
menus, or text, or something different?
• Will you present all the information at once?
• What input characteristics will your system have: how will information
be entered, functions accessed, and so on?
• Consider issues of overall color, size, shape, texture, of button spacing,
layout, color and feedback, display size and placement, information
display etc.

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